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DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST - IT”S A CLASS SET.Practice Test on Matter, Bonding, Naming ,and Reactions(This is the ’11 test– it’s your study guide, so you can figure out what you know and don’t know BEFORE the test. Get an A on it and you don’t have to take Friday. )CAN I MARK ON THE TEST? No, that’s what the scantron cards are for. (Unless you have that IEP modification, then you do what you always do.)1. Why do atoms bond? A. they try to get as many electrons as possible B. the nuclei attract C. to get a complete or empty outer shell D. The wombat said pretty please.2.The oxidation number tells you what about an ion?A. it's charge B. whether it gives or takes electrons C. the number of electrons transfered D. all of the above3. Wait - we used the word ion. That is an important bonding word. What is an ion?A. an atom with a different number of neutrons than another of the same elementB. an atom with too many or too few electrons so it has a positive or negative chargeC. another word for an atomD. an atom with a variable number of protons4. In CaCl2 , that 2 is a(n) A. coefficient B. subscript C. letter D. energy level5. That 2 in CaCl2 means that… A. that there are two CaClsB. the oxidation number of Cl is 2C. there are two isotopes of CaD. there are two Cl atoms6. When you make a chemical bond you are forming a new: A. atom B. energy level C. substance D. electron 7. The part of an atom that is involved in chemical bonding is theA. inner electrons B. protons C. valence electrons D. neutrons8. The maximum number of electrons in the second energy level is: A. 1B. 2 C. 8 D. 18 9. Bonding that involves the transfer of electrons is called: A. metallic B. covalentC. ionic D. network 10. Bonding that involves the sharing of electrons between a few nonmetel atoms is called: A. metallic B. covalentC. ionicD. network 11. Bonding that involves the sharing of electrons between lots of metal atoms is called: A. metallicB. covalent C. ionic D. network 12. If an element from the left side of the periodic table bonds with one on the right, that would be a ________ bond. A. metallic B. covalentC. ionicD. network 13. Covalently bound atoms that carry a charge are called a(n)A. element B. ion C. molecule D. polyatomic ion 14. Some covalently bound atoms have one nucleus which is much larger than the other. This causes the electrons to spend more time on one end, making that end more negative. This is a A. polar molecule B. diatomic molecule C. polyatomic ion D. metallic ion15. A molecule made of two of the same nonmetal, like O2 and F2, is aA. polar molecule B. diatomic molecule C. polyatomic ion D. metallic ion16. Atoms that readily lose electrons or, in other words, it doesn't take much energy to yank off their electrons, have: A. low ionization energy - put A; it’s the answer!B. high ionization energy C. low electron affinity D. high electron affinity 17. Atoms that easily attract or pull electrons to them have: A. low ionization energy B. high ionization energy C. low electron affinity D) high electron affinity – put D; it’sthe answer!18. An example of a polyatomic ion is: A. SO4 2- B. Ca 2- C. NaCl D. O2 19. A sea of electrons (or, a food fight of electrons) is the basis of bonding between A. nonmetals and nonmetals B. metals and nonmetals C. metals and metals D. geckos 20. Bonding between atoms on the left and right sides of the periodic table tends to be: A. covalent B. ionic C. metallic D. reptilian Choose the correct formula for each ionic compound: 21. Al (3+) and I (1-) A. Al3I B. AlI3 C. IAl3 D. I3Al 22. Sn (2+) and F (1-) A. Sn2F B. FSn2C. SnF2 D. F2Sn 23. Mg (2+) and Cl (1-) A. Mg2Cl B. MgCl2 C. Cl2Mg D. ClMg2 24. Al (3+) and O (2-) : A. Al2O3 B. Al3O2 C. O3Al2 D. O2Al3 25. In naming a substance, if you take the name of the first element, and combine it with the root of the second element, and then add "ide", you’ve named what kind of substance? A. ionic B. covalent C. metallic D. endothermic 26. In naming a substance, if you use the "formula" for naming an ionic compound, and add Roman numerals to the name, you’ve named what kind of substance? A. ionic B. covalent C. ionic with a polyatomic ion D.ionic with a transition metal 27. If you use prefixes, you’ve named what kind of substance? A. ionic B. covalentC. ionic with a polyatomic ion D. ionic with a transition metal 28. Did you know the only surface a geckos foot pads won’t stick to is Teflon? A. That’s whack.B. No, really!C. Makes you want to put a bunch of frying pans on the walls of their cave and watch them freak out, doesn’t it? D. Mark answer choice D for this question. 29. The formula for calcium chloride is: A. Cl2Ca B. CCl2 C. CaCl2 D. Cl2C 30. N2O4 is named: A. nitrogen oxide B. dinitrogen tetraoxide C. oxygen nitrate D. tetranitrogen dioxide 31. What is the formula for sodium hydroxide? A. NaOH B. OHS C. SOH D. OHNa 32. What is the formula for copper (II) chloride? A. Cu2Cl B. Co2Cl C. CuCl2 D. CoCl2 33. Say you are the element Li, #3. What are the two possible things you could do to satisfy the Octet Rule?A) give one, take oneB) give 7, take 7C) give one, take 7 D) give 7, take one34. Of those two choices, which is Li most likely to do? A) give oneB) take oneC) give 7D) take 7 35. If an atom gives electrons, it with be a ___________ly charged ion. If it takes electrons, the atom will become a _________ly charged ion.A) +, -B) -, +C) +, +D) -, -36. How many valence electrons does fluorine have?A) 1 B) 2 C) 7 D) 837. To satisfy its need to have 8 or 0, fluorine would ___ electron(s)A) give 1B) take 1C) give 7 D) take 738. What is the oxidation number for fluorine?A) 1+B) 1-C) 7+D) 7-39. Which of the following is NOT something that increases the rate of reaction?A) increased surface areaB) increased temperature C) increased ionization D) catalysts40. Activation energy does which of the following?A) neutralize acidsB) cause reactants to reactC) inhibits reactionsD) fries geckos in teflon pansUse the equation below to answer the following questions. CaF2(s) + Li2SO4(l) ---> CaSO4(l) + LiF(s) (The little (s) means the stuff is solid and the (l) means it’s a liquid. Just so you know.)A reactant in the equation above is…A) CaSO4B) ---> C) LiD) LiSO4If I pour acid on a pork chop and it becomes carbon, water, and a few other substances, is that a chemical reaction?no, because no atoms were created nor destroyedno, because the pork chop and the acid only went through a physical changeyes, because the pork chop looks different afterwards yes, because a new substance was formedAssuming the two substances in the equation naturally could react to each other, which of the following would NOT be an example of activation energy? shaking two substances adding heat to two substances removing heat from two substances exposing two substances to radiation Is the equation above equation balanced?A) yesB) noWhy must equations be balanced?because it looks betterthey only must be balanced if they are double replacement reactionsmatter cannot be created or destroyedit is required for the reaction to happenWhat kind of reaction is it?A) synthesisB) decompositionC) single replacementD) double replacementWhich of the following shows the correct way to balance this equation?No change – it’s already balancedCaF2(s) + Li2SO4(l) -> CaSO4(l) + Li2F(s)CaF2(s) + Li2SO4(l) -> CaSO4(l) + LiF2(s)CaF2(s) + Li2SO4(l) -> CaSO4(l) + 2LiF(s)An equation with one reactant and two or more products is showing what kind of reaction? THINK! You can do this!A) synthesisB) decompositionC) single replacementD) double replacementIf you mix baking soda and vinegar together, it produces an endothermic reaction. What would you observe about the mixture during the reaction?A) It would turn color.B) It would be cold. C) It would give off strong fumes. D) It would be hot.What is the only way you can balance an equation?A) by altering the subscriptsB) by using a coefficient C) by splitting the productsD) by splitting the reactants ................

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