If I were a superhero, I would be…”

[Pages:5]K I D ' S Kid's Corner Page 2 CORNER!

Blackwell PTA

Marietta, GA

May 17, 2012 Volume 4, Issue 2

If I were a superhero, I would be..."

Kindergarten - 1st Place

If I were a superhero, I would be...GreenLantern. He is cool. I would be able to fly. He has a neat costume and mask with a green ring. I would catch bad guys and save the day.

~Calvin Cassidy, Ms. O'Dell

Kindergarten ? 3rd Place

If I were a superhero, I would be flying in the air to see the world.

~Hailey Dizenhouse, Mrs. Hess

Kindergarten ? 2nd Place

If I were a superhero, I would be wonder woman. I would have laser eyes and super speed. I would save the city by catching bad guys. I would have a cool cape. I would use my long hair to tie up the bad guys.

~Kiira Fujishiro, Mrs. O'Dell

FOURTH Grade - 1st Place

If I were a superhero, I would be called The Master Mind. I would have the

power to read other peoples mind. This power would be very useful when

dealing with an opponent, because if the person might do something

unexpected you will be prepared. I would also be called The Hacker Pro. I

would be able to hack almost anything. I fthe enemy had a weapon that

could only be stopped if you type the right code. Other people might call me

the Confuser. I would be able to make decoy that look just like me. I might

use this power when there is a person with a weapon, and when I use this

power they become confused. People might call me the teleport.

Teleporting is way faster than flying. Teleporting is even faster than trying to

open a steel door.

~Rohit Weerapamen, Mr. Hunter

Kid's Corner Page 2

First Grade ? 1st Place

If I were a superhero, I would be...Smart Man. I would be able to fly every where to help people. I would be so smart I could win the lottery. I I would help children study fortest and help with home work. Not only would I be the most helpful but I would be the sweetest person in the worled. I would help to stop all of the crime in the worled and put out all of the fires. Don't forget I would all so be so handsome I would get all the ladies. I want to be a super hero.

~Aidan Fitzgerald, Ms. Bradford

Second Grade ? 1st Place

If I were a superhero, I would be helping animals who are in danger by being nice to the enemy animals while the animal in danger runs away. My special helper is a lionwho scares enemies away with a scary face and big claws.

I would wear a blue cape and a purple suit. I can fly over the treetops and see who needs my help. I like animals so this is a fine job for me. I hope animals will be happy because of me.

~Motoka Nogami, Mrs. Black

Third Grade ? 1st Place

If I were a superhero, I would be Superman. I could help and save people. I could be really strong and pick up planes and bulding and all kinds of stuff. He can fly an dI can be very, very high. And I could be high enough to pick up jets and planes. I could have really cool eyesight and probably shoot lasers out of MY EYES. Picking up a builing, shooting lasers out of eyes, flying super-high is very unusual. But he's a super-hero and I'll protect an dsave peple just like him. That's why If I were a superhero, I would be...SUPERMAN!

~Nicholas Watson, Mr. Mitchell

Fifth Grade ? 1st Place

If I could be a super hero I would be superwoman. I would rescue all innocent people from horrible dangers. Plus, if I see and smell some gassy, yucky, and smoky stinch, I would know there's a gigantic blazing fire nearby and I would evacuate everyone immediately. In addition, I would fly as high as if I could reach colossal Jupiter and I would try to sight any trouble going on with my keen eyes. If I do, I'd fly as fast as a hawk and try to help and support any person that's involved with the trouble. Lastly, I would save any person's life like saving a tiny puppy from the shelter and I would be extremely friendly. In my opinion, I would like to be heroic Superwoman.

~Vicky Vassileva, Mrs. Parsons

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First Grade ? 2nd Place

If I were a superhero, I would be Spiderman I save people a lot. I will swing from

spider webs to tall buidlings. I will be able to jump on very high buildings. I will

have a cool costume. I fight crimes and thieves. I am a real person. The fun

thing about me is when I save people nobody recongnize me! When people are in

trouble I put on my cool costume and fight the bad crime and the very bad


~Mahek Gajera, Dr. Stevenson

Third Grade ? 2nd Place

If I were a superhero, I would be Superman. I would be fast, strong, musculer, brave, and smart, and awesome. I would use it when ever a bad guy came or when ever I got in fights. I would use muscular powers. When there was somebody hurt I would use my fast powers. When somebody asked me a question I would use my smart powers. I would think it would be cool or awesome to be superman. I think it would be cool to fly because he can fly. Superman is cool because he can do all that I wish I am Superman someday.

~Will Abbott, Mrs. Richardson

Second Grade ? 2nd If I wPelraecaesuperhero, I'd zoom down

and save people. I'd save drowning people, stop a bully, baby sit kids for free, and have great choices for people. I'd give people homes, food, and more. I'd also do anything to help you. I just know where you live so I can come. I also know when you need me, you don't need to come get me when you need help. I'd really help you. ~Chrissy Kolova, Mrs. Rosenberg

Fifth Grade ? 2nd Place

If I were a superhero, I would be Violet from The Incredibles. First off, I would love the ability to create a force field if someone was trying to harm me. Then, they'll get so frustrated that they can't even touch you so you can laugh at them to make them even angrier. Also, if someone was chasing you, you could just turn invisible. That way, they can't find you and you'd get a laugh when they run right past you . Last, it would be as cool as getting a life time supply of chocolate if you were part of the Incredibles family! IN conclusion, I would love to be Violet from The Incredibles!

~ Serena Buice, Mrs. Parsons

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Second Grade ? 3rd Place

First Grade ? 3rd Place

If I were a superhero, I would be Super Storm. I would have lots of powers. I can make and control lightning. I would also fly to get to where I am going. As Super Storm, I would fight bad guys and hit them with lightning. Also, I would help the weak and save the world. That's what I would do if I were a superhero.

~Tyler Gamba, Mrs. Dennis

If I were a superhero here's what I would look lind and do. I would have a golden suit with a symbol on my helmet. My wepon would be a sword. I would chach criminals day an dnight and lock them up. The villens would be eivel monsters invading our world. The evil monster would have servents but I would have a team to stop them. Their suit colors would be red, blue, yellow, pink, and green. I would have a robot lobster that is gold. My name would be gold ranger. That's why if I were a superhero that would be great.

~Max Moon, Mrs. Rosenberg

Third Grade ? 3rd Place

If I was a superhero I would be Invisible Women from the Fantastic Four. She can turn invisible whenever she wants to! I would love to have that power for of course saving the world, but for my own personal resons too, like when people are laughing at me, I could just turn myself invisible and no one could laugh at me because they can't see me. Or one day when I'm older and have a job, my boss might not pay me enough for all I do. So instead of going on strike could go invisible and sneak into the cash register and get the pay I deserve. It might sound like stealing but look at Robin Hood. He stole, but in a good way. So in cuclusion, if I could be any superhero it would be Invisible Women from Fantastic Four.

~Cierra Piggott, Ms. Ayoola

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"How Writing Benefits Students"

"Like other art forms, writing is its own reward. As students improve writing skills at K12 grades, the act of writing, like the act of painting, playing the piano or sculpting, brings a joy all its own to the participant, and then doubles its reward by producing something that others can appreciate --

Kid's Corner Page 5

Fifth Grade ? 3rd Place (Tie)

I am...Stunt Dude. I have the ability to lift up any weight limit. Also, I can fly anywhere. I am indistructable, so if you shoot me I will not die. Try and blow me up, nothing will happen. My laboratory is the size of china and is in the atlantic ocean. Another thing is animals are on my side. I can tell them to help me in a fight if I need help. Monkeys will rip peoples faces off and tackle people. Police would want me as the captain of their force or team. I would fly up and explode nuclear missles up with my fist. America would live forever. I am stunt Dude savior of American do, do, do, do, do, do, STUNT DUDE.

~Trey Stanfill, Mrs. Parsons

If I was superhero, I would be

SuperWoman. Superwoman helps

everyone when people are in need.

She is as friendly as a puppy. Her

skills are very, striking, and well,

super! Also, it is very impressive

how she fights with evil villains and

gives them a taste of their own

medicine. Not only is SuperWoman




entertaining, but she is the super

Hero that I would like to be.

~Nassim Joorabchi, Mrs. Parsons

Class Participation Winners


Ms. O'Dell 1st Grade

Ms. Dennis Dr. Stevenson 2nd Grade

Ms. Rosenberg 3rd Grade

Mr. Mitchell Ms. Richardson 4th Grade

Ms. McGee Mr. Hunter 5th Grade

Mrs. Parsons (full class participation!) Mrs. Spence (full class participation!)

Kid's Corner Info

We are looking for teacher and parent volunteers to be part of the 2012-2013 Kids Corner Committee.

Responsibilities include selecting 1 topic per quarter and the winning entries. The committee meets 4 times during the school

year to select the winning entries.

Please contact Maria Huggins at blackwellpta@ for more


*All entries are typed as written.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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