The Word Within the Word • List #1

The Word Within the Word • List #1

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|ante |before |anterior - situated before or toward the front |Latin |

|anti |against |antiaircraft - designed for or concerned with |Greek |

| | |defense against air attack | |

|bi |two |bicycle - a vehicle with two wheels |Latin |

|circum |around |circumspect – cautious; the cautious person |Latin |

| | |looks around for signs of danger | |

|com |together |combination - an act of combining two or more |Latin |

| | |things together | |

|con |together |contract - a binding agreement between two or |Latin |

| | |more persons (brings together) | |

The Word Within the Word • List #2

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|de |down |descent - a step downward |Latin |

|dis |away |distract - to turn away or divert |Latin |

|equi |equal |equitable - dealing fairly and equally with all|Latin |

| | |concerned | |

|extra |beyond |extraordinary - going beyond what is usual |Latin |

|inter |between |international - relating to, affecting, or |Latin |

| | |between two or more nations | |

|intra |within |intracellular - being or occurring within a |Latin |

| | |cell | |

The Word Within the Word • List #3

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|intro |into |introduce – to put in |Latin |

|mal |bad |malady - a disease or disorder of the body or |Latin |

| | |mind; bad health | |

|mis |bad |mistake -to understand wrongly; to estimate |Greek |

| | |badly | |

|non |not |nonstop - done, made, or held without a stop; |Latin |

| | |not stopping | |

|post |after |postscript - a note or series of notes added at|Latin |

| | |the end of a letter, article, or book | |

|pre |before |predict - to declare in advance |Latin |

The Word Within the Word • List #4

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|semi |half |semicircle - half of a circle |Latin |

|sub |under |submarine - a naval vessel designed to operate |Latin |

| | |underwater | |

|super |over |superior - situated higher up |Latin |

|syn |together |synthesis - the combining of often very |Latin |

| | |different ideas into an ordered whole | |

|sym |together |sympathy - the act of or capacity for entering |Latin |

| | |into or sharing the feelings or interests of | |

| | |another | |

|tri |three |triangle - a figure that has three sides and |Latin |

| | |three angles | |

The Word Within the Word • List #5

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|un |not |unearned - not gained by labor, service, or |Latin |

| | |skill | |

|archy |government |monarchy - a form of government having a chief |Greek |

| | |of state who inherits the position | |

|ard |always |coward - one who always shows shameful fear or |Germanic |

| | |timidity | |

|cide |kill |herbicide - a chemical substance used to kill |Latin |

| | |or stop plant growth | |

|ician |specialist |musician - a person who specializes in writing,|Latin |

| | |singing, or playing music | |

|itis |inflammation |tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils |Greek |

The Word Within the Word • List #6

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|aqua |water |aquarium - a container in which living water |Latin |

| | |animals or plants are kept | |

|audi |hear |audition - the power or sense of hearing |Latin |

|bell |war |belligerent - either being actually at war or |Latin |

| | |having angry aggressive feelings | |

|cap |take |capture - the act of taking or gaining control |Latin |

| | |by force or trickery | |

|cise |cut |incisor - a front tooth for cutting |Latin |

|bio |life |biography - a history of a person's life |Greek |

The Word Within the Word • List #7

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|auto |self |autobiography - a biography written by the |Greek |

| | |person it is about | |

|port |carry |transport - to transfer or carry from one place|Latin |

| | |to another | |

|scrib |write |scribble - to write or draw hastily or |Latin |

| | |carelessly | |

|logy |science |geology - a science that deals with the history|Greek |

| | |of the earth and its life | |

|dict |say |dictation - to say or state with authority or |Latin |

| | |power | |

|cred |believe |credible - offering reasonable grounds for |Latin |

| | |being believed | |

The Word Within the Word • List #8

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|cent |one hundred |century - a period of 100 years |Latin |

|neo |new |neonatal - of, relating to, or affecting the |Greek |

| | |newborn | |

|ad |to |adhere - to stick by or as if by gluing, |Latin |

| | |suction, grasping | |

|cede |go |precede - to be, go, or come before (as in |Latin |

| | |rank, position, or time) | |

|miss |send |dismiss - to send away |Latin |

|centri |center |concentric - having a common center |Latin |

The Word Within the Word • List #9

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|biblio |book |bibliophile - a lover of books |Greek |

|anthropo |man |anthropology - the science of human beings |Greek |

| | |(man) | |

|homo |same |homophone - one of two or more words pronounced|Greek |

| | |the same but different in meaning, | |

|spec |look |respect – to look at something with high |Latin |

| | |regard | |

|duct |lead |conduct - to lead or direct from a position of |Latin |

| | |command | |

|fer |carry |transfer - to carry to a different place, |Latin |

| | |region, or situation | |

The Word Within the Word • List #10

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|pend |hang |pendant - something that hangs down especially |Latin |

| | |as an ornament | |

|micro |small |microscope - an optical instrument that allows |Greek |

| | |you to see very small objects | |

|hydro |water |hydrophobia - an abnormal fear of water |Greek |

|photo |light |photosynthesis - the process by which plants |Greek |

| | |that contain chlorophyll make carbohydrates | |

| | |from water and from carbon dioxide in the air | |

| | |in the presence of light | |

|pan |all |panorama - a full and clear view in all |Greek |

| | |directions | |

|penta |five |pentagon - a polygon of five angles and five |Greek |

| | |sides | |

The Word Within the Word • List #11

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|tele |far |telephone - an instrument for transmitting and |Greek |

| | |receiving sounds over far distances by | |

| | |electricity | |

|vid |look |evidence - material presented to a court to |Latin |

| | |help look for the truth in a matter | |

|omni |all |omnipotent – having all the power or authority |Latin |

|ex |out |exit - the act of going out or away |Latin |

|poly |many |polysyllabic – consisting of many syllables |Greek |

|re |again |review - to study or examine again |Latin |

The Word Within the Word • List #12

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|hypo |under |hypodermic - of, relating to, or injected into |Greek |

| | |the parts under the skin | |

|pseudo |false |pseudonym - a false name |Greek |

|neuro |nerve |neuron - cell that carries nerve impulses |Greek |

|tomy |cut |appendectomy - surgical cutting and removal of |Greek |

| | |the human appendix | |

|hema |blood |hematoma - clotted blood that forms as a result|Greek |

| | |of a broken blood vessel | |

|proto |first |prototype - a first full-scale and usually |Greek |

| | |functional form of a new type or design of a | |

| | |construction (as an airplane) | |

The Word Within the Word • List #13

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|phon |sound |telephone - an instrument for transmitting and |Greek |

| | |receiving sounds over long distances by | |

| | |electricity | |

|mono |one |monotone – one unchanging musical tone |Greek |

|viv |life |vivid - having the appearance of vigorous life |Greek |

|morph |shape |amorphous - having no fixed shape |Greek |

|vest |clothes |vestment - an outer piece of clothing |Latin |

| | |especially for wear during ceremonies or by an | |

| | |official | |

|bene |good |benefit - something that does good to a person |Latin |

| | |or thing | |

The Word Within the Word • List #14

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|pond |weight |ponder - careful consideration and weighing of |Latin |

| | |different alternatives | |

|corp |body |corporation - a group of bodies that is |Latin |

| | |authorized by law to carry on an activity (as a| |

| | |business enterprise) | |

|dorm |sleep |dormitory - a residence hall having many |Latin |

| | |sleeping rooms | |

|pater |father |paternity - the state of being a father |Latin |

|nov |new |novel - new and different from what has been |Latin |

| | |known before | |

|punct |point |punctilious - following exactly the points of |Latin |

| | |proper ways of behaving | |

The Word Within the Word • List #15

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|ject |throw |eject - to throw out |Latin |

|tion |act or state |completion - the act or state of being done or |Latin |

| | |finished | |

|loco |place |location – a place fit for or having some |Latin |

| | |particular use | |

|dox |opinion |paradox – an opinion that seems to go against |Greek |

| | |common sense but may still be true | |

|amphi |both |amphibian - any organism that is able to live |Greek |

| | |both on land and in water | |

|magn |great |magnificent having great or impressive beauty |Latin |

The Word Within the Word • List #16

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|eu |good |euphony – pleasing, good or sweet sound |Greek |

|endo |within |endoskeleton - skeleton or supporting framework|Greek |

| | |within an animal | |

|phobia |fear |acrophobia – fear of heights |Greek |

|ortho |straight |orthodontist – a dentist who specializes in |Greek |

| | |straightening teeth | |

|put |think |dispute - to question or think about the truth|Latin |

| | |or rightness | |

|ver |true |verify - to prove or check the truth, |Latin |

| | |accuracy, or reality of | |

The Word Within the Word • List #17

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|matri |mother |matriarch – a mother who is head of her family |Latin |

| | |and descendants | |

|mega |large |megaphone - cone-shaped device used to direct |Greek |

| | |the voice and enlarge the volume | |

|pop |people |popular – of, relating to, or coming from the |Latin |

| | |whole body of people | |

|sangui |blood |sanguine – having the color of blood |Latin |

|vita |life |vitamin - any of various substances that are |Latin |

| | |necessary in life | |

|demo |people |democracy - government by the people |Greek |

The Word Within the Word • List #18

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|dyna |power |dynamite - a powerful blasting explosive |Greek |

|chron |time |chronological - arranged in or according to the|Greek |

| | |order of time | |

|cogn |know |recognize – to know and remember upon seeing |Latin |

|sur |over |surplus – the amount over (more than) what is |Latin |

| | |required or necessary | |

|dec |ten |decade- a period of ten years |Latin |

|astr |star |astronomy - the science of the heavenly bodies|Greek |

| | |(stars) and of their sizes, motions, and | |

| | |composition | |

The Word Within the Word • List #19

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|hyper |over |hyperactive - overly active especially to an |Greek |

| | |abnormal amount | |

|luna |moon |lunar - of, relating to, or resembling the moon|Greek |

|octa |eight |octagon - a polygon with eight angles and eight|Greek |

| | |sides | |

|gyro |turn |gyrate – to rotate or turn around a point or |Greek |

| | |axis | |

|contra |against |contradict - to be opposed or contrary to : go|Latin |

| | |against | |

|geo |earth |geography - a science that deals with the |Greek |

| | |location of living and nonliving things on | |

| | |earth and the way they affect one another | |

The Word Within the Word • List #20

|Stem |Meaning |Example and Definition |Origin |

|helio |sun |heliotropic - turning or growing toward the |Greek |

| | |sun | |

|thermo |heat |thermostat - a device that automatically |Greek |

| | |controls the amount of heat | |

|tetra |four |tetrahedron - a polyhedron that has four faces |Greek |

|meter |measure |thermometer - an instrument for measuring |Greek |

| | |temperature; | |

|scope |look |telescope - a tubular instrument for looking |Greek |

| | |at distant objects | |

|son |sound |sonar - a device for detecting the presence |Latin |

| | |and location of submerged objects (as | |

| | |submarines) by sound waves | |


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