
Name:_____________________________ Date:___________

Vocabulary 11

|1 |capacity |A deep fissure (crack or opening) in the earth, rock, or another surface. |

|2 |mass |The amount of matter in an object. |

|3 |weight |The measure of the pull of gravity on an object. |

|4 |volume |The amount of space that matter takes up. |

|5 |solid |Has a definite shape and takes up a definite amount of space. The particles don’t move. |

|6 |liquid |Takes up a definite amount of space but does not have a definite shape. Particles are more |

| | |spread out than those in a solid, but not as much as those in a gas. |

|7 |gas |Does not take up a definite amount of space or have a definite shape. The particles constantly |

| | |move around because they have so much energy. |

|8 |atom |The smallest particle of an element that still has the same chemical properties of the element. |

|9 |nucleus |Is at the center of the atom and contains most of the atom’s mass. |

|10 |proton |Particle with a positive electric charge. |

|11 |neutron |Particle with no electric charge. |

|12 |atomic number |Is determined by the number of protons in an atom of an element. |

|13 |electron |Particle with a very small mass and an electric charge. |

|14 |periodic table |The chart that shows the elements in order of increasing atomic number. |

|15 |tributaries |branches of a river |

|16 |ziggurat |huge mud-brick temple |

|17 |drought |a long time with little or no rain |

|18 |scribe |a person who writes for someone else |

|19 |social classes |groups of people with different levels of importance |

|20 |innovations |New ways of doing things |

Name:_____________________________ Date:___________

Vocabulary 12

|1 |bill |A proposed law. |

|2 |Congress |The legislative branch of our national government. It makes our nation’s laws. |

|3 |nostalgia |A sentimental longing or affection for the past; especially a time or place with happy memories.|

|4 |synonym |A word or phrase that means exactly the same thing as another word or phrase. |

|5 |antonym |A word opposite in meaning to another. |

|6 |civic principles |A statement of an idea or belief about how government should be run. |

|7 |isthmus |Narrow strip of land connecting two larger areas of land. |

|8 |tributaries |branches of a river |

|9 |moral principles |Beliefs about right and wrong ways to behave. |

|10 |branches |The three parts of the government. These include the Legislative, the Executive, and the |

| | |Judicial. |

|11 |adjective |Tells about or describes a noun. |

|12 |verb |A word that expresses action or a state of being. |

|13 |proton |Particle with a positive electric charge. |

|14 |neutron |Particle with no electric charge. |

|15 |electron |Particle with a very small mass and an electric charge. |

|16 |consequences |Things that happen as a result of an action or condition. |

|17 |transition |A passage in a piece of writing that smoothly connects two topics or sections to each other. |

|18 |treaty |An official agreement between two or more countries. |

|19 |oxymoron |A figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear side by side. For example, “A yawn may be|

| | |defined as a silent yell.” |

|20 |hyperbole |An extravagant statement; the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of emphasis or heightened|

| | |effect. “I have a million pages of homework to do!” |

Name:_____________________________ Date:___________

Vocabulary 13

|1 |hypothesis |A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further |

| | |investigation. |

|2 |freezing point |The point at which a liquid freezes. |

|3 |capacity |Ability to do something. |

|4 |frivolous |Not having any serious purpose or value. |

|5 |need |A condition that requires relief. |

|6 |freedom to petition |The right to ask your government to correct things you think are wrong or to do things you |

| | |believe are needed. |

|7 |freedom of assembly |The right to meet with others to discuss your beliefs, ideas, or feelings. |

|8 |savanna |Grassy plain with many trees and animals |

|9 |vaporization |The process by which a liquid changes into a gas. |

|10 |freedom of press |The right to read and write whatever you wish. |

|11 |Congress |The legislative branch of our national government. It makes our nation’s laws. |

|12 |data |Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis. |

|13 |melting point |The temperature at which a solid melts to become a liquid. |

|14 |freedom of speech |The right to talk about your beliefs, ideas, or feelings. |

|15 |nostalgia |A sentimental longing or affection for the past; especially a time or place with happy memories.|

|16 |nation-state |A region with a single government and a united group of people. |

|17 |delta |Low land formed at the mouth of some rivers by the silt the river drops there. |

|18 |boiling point |The point at which a liquid becomes a gas. |

|19 |dynasty |Series of rulers from the same family. |

|20 |Pharaoh |The name Egyptians called their king. |

Name:_____________________________ Date:___________

Vocabulary 14

|1 |freedom of speech |The right to talk about your beliefs, ideas, or feelings. |

|2 |verb |A word that expresses action or a state of being. |

|3 |Congress |The legislative branch of our national government. It makes our nation’s laws. |

|4 |hypothesis |A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further |

| | |investigation. |

|5 |benefit |An advantage or good received that fulfills a need or desire. |

|6 |duty |Something that someone ought to do. |

|7 |responsibility |A duty or obligation |

|8 |longitude |A measure, in degrees, that tells how far east or west of the prime meridian a place is. |

|9 |boiling point |The point at which a liquid becomes a gas. |

|10 |burden |A disadvantage or cost, a requirement or responsibility. |

|11 |adjective |Tells about or describes a noun. |

|12 |nostalgia |A sentimental longing or affection for the past; especially a time or place with happy memories.|

|13 |morality |Principles of right and wrong behavior |

|14 |bill |A proposed law. |

|15 |electron |Particle with a very small mass and an electric charge. |

|16 |procedural justice |The fairness of ways used to gather information and make decisions. |

|17 |transition |A passage in a piece of writing that smoothly connects two topics or sections to each other. |

|18 |authority |The right to use power to influence or control the behavior of others. |

|19 |distributive justice |The fairness of how things are given out to members of groups. These things can be benefits or |

| | |they can be burdens. |

|20 |corrective justice |The fairness of what is done to correct a wrong or injury. |

Name:_____________________________ Date:___________

Vocabulary 15

|1 |atmosphere |The layers of gases that surround Earth. |

|2 |oxymoron |A figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear side by side. For example, “A yawn may be|

| | |defined as a silent yell.” |

|3 |troposphere |The layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth’s surface. |

|4 |sea breeze |Wind that blows from the sea to the land. |

|5 |land breeze |Wind that blows from land to the water. |

|6 |evaporation |The changing of liquid to gas. |

|7 |condensation |The changing of gas to liquid. |

|8 |precarious |Not securely held or in position. Dangerously likely to fall or collapse. |

|9 |stratus clouds |Appear in a blanket-like layer |

|10 |Sequence |A particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other. |

|11 |cumulous clouds |Billowy, puffy clouds that seem to rise from flat bottoms. |

|12 |cirrus clouds |Have wispy, feather-like shapes. |

|13 |Tornado |A violent, whirling wind that moves across the ground in a narrow path. They form when cold, dry|

| | |air misxes with warm, moist air. |

|14 |onomatopoeia |The formation or use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions |

| | |they refer to. For example, “Plop, Swoosh, buzz, …” |

|15 |hurricane |Large, swirling storms with low pressure at the center. They begin as thunderstorms over |

| | |tropical oceans near the equator. |

|16 |plot |The main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work; presented by the writer as an |

| | |interrelated sequence. |

|17 |epic |Long, story poem. Homer is a well known epic writer. |

|18 |democracy |Rule by the people. |

|19 |myth |A story passed down about a god or a hero. |

|20 |polis |A city-state formed by a city, small towns, villages, and nearby farms to form a large |

| | |community. |

Name:_____________________________ Date:___________

Vocabulary 11-15 Review

|1 |authority |The right to use power to influence or control the behavior of others. |

|2 |oxymoron |A figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear side by side. For example, “A yawn may be|

| | |defined as a silent yell.” |

|3 |adaptation |A change in behavior or a difference that allows an organism to survive and reproduce. |

|4 |metaphor |An implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have something important in |

| | |common. “The streets were a furnace, the sun and executioner.” |

|5 |preposition |Shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word in a sentence. (about, at, |

| | |before, of, on, after, ...) |

|6 |facetious |Saying things that are meant to be clever or funny, but are really silly or annoying. Treating |

| | |serious issues with inappropriate humor. |

|7 |façade |Outward appearance that conceals reality. |

|8 |latitude |A measure, in degrees, that tells how far north or south of the equator a place is. |

|9 |verb |A word that expresses action or a state of being. |

|10 |simile |A stated comparison (usually using “like” or “as”) between two dissimilar things that have |

| | |certain qualities in common. |

|11 |adjective |Tells about or describes a noun. |

|12 |antonym |A word opposite in meaning to another. |

|13 |consumer |An organism that cannot make its own food. It must eat other organisms. |

|14 |synonym |A word or phrase that means exactly the same thing as another word or phrase. |

|15 |ecosystem |A system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment. |

|16 |homonym |Each of two or more words having the same pronunciation, but different meanings. Example: new |

| | |and Knew. |

|17 |longitude |A measure, in degrees, that tells how far east or west of the prime meridian a place is. |

|18 |producer |An organism that makes its own food. |


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