UNIT PLAN - Gerald Burke Teaching Portfolio


|Unit Topic: Jillian Jiggs |Grade: 3 |Unit Theme: Imagination |

|Unit Goals: Improving Literacy Skills using the Jillian Jiggs book series written by Phoebe Gilman |

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|Lesson Title |Specific Outcomes |Methods/Activities/Procedures |Resources |Assessment Strategies |

| | | | | |

|Jillian Jiggs and the|GCO: 1 - Students will speak and listen to explore, |Bell Work and APK |Jillian Jiggs and the |SCO: 1 - Students will speak and listen to |

|Great Big Snow by |extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, |Students will be given a bell work assignment at the door prior to |Great Big Snow by |explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their |

|Phoebe Gillman: Part |ideas, feelings, and experiences: |entering the classroom. On the paper provided, students will be |Phoebe Gilman |thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences: |

|I | |instructed to write in sentence form, two activities that they can do in | | |

| |Students will be expected to express and explain |the snow. For example: build a snow fort, sledding, etc. The Bell Work |Dictionaries |Students will be expected to express and explain |

| |opinions and respond to the questions and reactions |sheets will be color coded, having the students sit at the table | |opinions and respond to the questions and |

| |of others |displaying the color that matches their sheet. On the bell work sheets |Atlantic Canada: |reactions of others |

| | |will also be a number that matches the number of another student at each |English Language Arts | |

| | |table. Later in the lesson, the two students having matching numbers |Curriculum for Grades |Assessment for SCO: 1 |

| | |will become partners. |K – 3 |During group discussions, the teacher will |

| | |MI:Verbal-Linguistic; Naturalistic; Intrapersonal | |observe students and using a checklist will make |

| | |Balanced Literacy: Independent Writing | |note of the following: |

| | | | |The student |

| | |Grand Conversation | |. listens to others |

| | |The teacher will randomly choose 4 to 5 students to tell the class what | |. respects other students’ opinions |

| | |they wrote down for answers on the Bell Work assignment. Following the | |. stays on topic |

| | |responses to the Bell Work activity, the teacher will ask the students to| |. asks/answers questions |

| | |raise their hands if they have ever pretended they were on another | |. contributes to group discussion |

| | |planet. The teacher will ask the students “Does anyone know what a | |. uses appropriate volume and |

| | |Martian is?”, then select 2 to 3 students to answer the question. After | |tone for speaking occasion |

| | |receiving a few answers from the students, the teacher will explain that | | |

| | |Martians are fictional characters thought to live on the planet Mars. | |During partner discussions, the teacher will walk|

| | |This is relevant because Martians are a part of the Jillian Jiggs and the| |around the room listening to students as they |

| | |Great Big Snow story. The teacher will continue the discussion by asking| |validate their choice of scene to be drawn for in|

| | |the students “Does anyone know what a Martian looks like?”. The teacher | |the next class. The teacher will listen for the |

| | |will then get the students to compare Martians to humans and ask the | |following from each student: |

| | |students to explain how they are different or similar. | |. elaborates on and justifies the importance of |

| | |MI: Verbal-Linguistic | |selected scene |

| | |Balanced Literacy: Word Work and Oral language | |. respects other student’s opinions |

| | | | |. stays on topic |

| | |Introduction to the Book: Anticipatory Set | |. asks/answers questions |

| | |By displaying the book’s cover and title, the teacher will ask questions | |. contributes to the conversation |

| | |about what the students think the book is going to be about and have the | |. uses appropriate volume and |

| | |students explain the reasons for their answers. | |tone for speaking occasion |

| | |MI: Verbal-Linguistic | | |

| | |Balanced Literacy: Word Work and Oral Language | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Read Aloud | | |

| | |From the front of the classroom, the teacher will read to the class | | |

| | |Jillian Jiggs and the Great Big Snow. | | |

| | |MI: Verbal-Linguistic | | |

| | |Balanced Literacy: Read Aloud | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Group Discussion | | |

| | |The teacher will lead a Grand discussion guided by the following | | |

| | |questions: | | |

| | |-“How do the activities Jillian Jiggs and her friends play in the snow | | |

| | |compare to the activities you play in the snow?” | | |

| | |-“How accurate would you judge the book’s representation of Mars?” “Why?”| | |

| | |-“What could Jillian Jiggs do so that she would not lose so many things?”| | |

| | | | | |

| | |Word Wall | | |

| | |The word “poof” is used various times within Jillian Jiggs and the Great | | |

| | |Big Snow. Ask the class if anyone can explain what poof means. Before | | |

| | |receiving answers from the class, select one student to find the meaning | | |

| | |of the word in the dictionary as it relates to the story. After the | | |

| | |teacher has received a few answers from the class have the student read | | |

| | |the actual dictionary meaning aloud. Select another student to add the | | |

| | |word to the word wall. | | |

| | |MIs: Verbal-Linguistic | | |

| | |Balanced Literacy: Word Work and Oral Language; Literacy Response | | |

| | |Activity | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Partner Discussion | | |

| | |The teacher will explain that in the next day’s class each student will | | |

| | |be required to draw a scene from the Jillian Jiggs and the Great Big Snow| | |

| | |story. The students will also be expected to explain, both written and | | |

| | |verbally, why they chose that particular scene and why it was important | | |

| | |to them. As a primer for the next class, each student will be placed | | |

| | |with a partner using the matching numbers at the top of the Bell Work | | |

| | |sheets. Each student will discuss with their partner the scene they plan| | |

| | |to draw and its significance. | | |

| | |MI: Interpersonal; Intrapersonal; Verbal-Linguistic | | |

| | |Balanced Literacy: Word Work and Oral Language; Literacy Response | | |

| | |Activity | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Exit Ticket | | |

| | |Students will be required to pass in their Bell Work | | |

| | | | | |

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|Unit Topic: Jillian Jiggs |Grade: 3 |Unit Theme: Imagination |

|Unit Goals: Improving Literacy Skills using the Jillian Jiggs book series written by Phoebe Gilman |

| | | | | |

|Lesson Title |Specific Outcomes |Methods/Activities/Procedures |Resources |Assessment Strategies |

| | | | | |

|Jillian Jiggs and the|GCO: 1 - Students will speak and listen to explore, |Bell Work: Wacky Matching Game |Jillian Jiggs and the |SCO: 1 - Students will speak and listen to |

|Great Big Snow by |extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, |As the students enter the classroom, they will be instructed to sit at |Great Big Snow by |explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their |

|Phoebe Gillman: Part |ideas, feelings, and experiences: |the table that contains the name tent with their name on it. The |Phoebe Gilman (1 copy/|thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences: |

|II | |students will be seated at one of four tables. The teacher will also |table) | |

| |Students will be expected to express and explain |instruct the students to follow the Bell Work instructions displayed on | |Students will be expected to express and explain |

| |opinions and respond to the questions and reactions |the whiteboard. At their tables will be a container filled with various |Atlantic Canada: |opinions and respond to the questions and |

| |of others |weird and wacky body parts. The students will mix and match the pieces |English Language Arts |reactions of others |

| | |to try and create what they think a Martian would look like. When it is |Curriculum for Grades | |

| | |time for class to begin, the instructions will have the students place |K – 3 |Assessment for SCO: 1 |

| | |the body parts back in the container. | | |

| | |MI: Visual-Spatial; Bodily-Kinesthetic | |Assessment: |

| | | | |The learning logs will be used as a formative |

| | |APK: Learning Logs | |assessment tool to identify student |

| | |The teacher will instruct the students to make an entry in their learning| |comprehension, listening skills |

| | |logs. The entry will consist of the students picking one scene from the | | |

| | |story Jillian Jiggs and the Great Big Snow and explaining why they think | |Assessment: |

| | |it is important. A photocopy of the book will be placed on each table as| |During the presentations within the groups the |

| | |a reference tool for the students. | |teacher will make note of the following: |

| | |MI: Verbal-Linguistic | |The student |

| | |Balanced Literacy: Independent Writing; Literacy Response Activity | |. listens to others |

| | | | |. follows directions |

| | |Pictures and Presentations | |. stays on topic |

| | |After each student has made their Learning Log entry, each student will | |. asks/answers questions |

| | |be instructed to take one sheet of paper from the basket at the end of | |. uses appropriate volume and |

| | |their table. The students will then be instructed to draw the scene that| |tone for speaking occasion |

| | |they wrote about in their Learning Logs and the picture will be displayed| | |

| | |later as a part of a poster collage for the book. | | |

| | |While the drawing activity is taking place, the teacher will take each of| | |

| | |the four groups one at a time to a table at the back of the classroom. | | |

| | |Each student will have a turn telling the teacher and their group about | | |

| | |the scene they have chosen and its significance. When everyone in the | | |

| | |group has had a turn to speak, the group will return to their table to | | |

| | |continue the drawing activity while another group is selected to present | | |

| | |their chosen scene. | | |

| | |MI: Verbal-Linguistic; Interpersonal; Intrapersonal | | |

| | |Balanced Literacy: Word Work and Oral Language; Literacy Response | | |

| | |Activity | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Exit Ticket | | |

| | |The students will be instructed to hand in their Jillian Jiggs pictures | | |

| | |at the door. | | |



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