World Bank Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2017

End Extreme Poverty ? Boost Shared Prosperity

Accelerate economic growth

Build human capital

Foster resilience


2 Message from the President of the World Bank Group and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors

4 World Bank Group 2017 Summary Results

8 Message from the Board of Executive Directors

12 Message from the Chief Executive Officer of the World Bank

15 Helping Countries to Achieve Their Development Priorities

30 Building a Better Bank: Strengthening Operations and Policies

32 Expanding the World's Development Knowledge: World Bank Data and Research

35 Regional Perspectives

60 World Bank Global Collaboration and Engagement

63 An Environmentally and Socially Responsible Institution

68 Ensuring Accountability and Improving Operations

70 The Roles and Resources of the World Bank

80 Committed to Results

KEY BOX 19 Attracting Private Sector Financing in the Most Challenging


KEY TABLES 76 IBRD Fiscal Year Data: Key Financials and Lending

78 IDA Fiscal Year Data: Key Financials and Lending

This Annual Report, which covers the period from July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017, has been prepared by the Executive Directors of both the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development AsTshoisciAantinounal(RIDepAo)r--t, cwohlliechctciovveelyrsktnheowpenrioads tfrhoemWJuolyrld1, B2a01n5k,--toinJuancec3o0r,d2a0n1c6e, hwasitbheen thpererpeaspreedcbtiyvethbe yElxaewcustiovfe tDhireecttwoors ionfsbtiottuhtitohnesIn. tDerr.naJitmionYaol BnagnkKifmor,RPerceosnisdtreuncttioonf and

Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA)--collectively thkenWowonrlads BthaenWk oGrlrdouBapnak--ndinCahccaoirrmdaannceowf itthhethBeoraersdpeocftivEexebcyulatwivseofDtihreecttwoors, has suibnsmtitiuttteiodnst.hDisr. rJeimpoYrotn, gtoKgimet,hPererswidietnht tohfethaecWcoomrldpBaannykinGgroaudpmanindisCthraaitrimveanboufdtgheets anBdoaaruddoifteEdxefciuntaivnecDiairlescttaotres,mheasnstus,btmoittthede tBhoisarredpoorft,Gtogveetrhneorrws.ith the accompanying

administrative budgets and audited financial statements, to the Board of Governors. Annual Reports for the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral InAvensntumaleRnetpoGrutsarfoarnttheeeInAtgerennactiyon(Mal IFGinAa)n, caenCdotrphoeraIntitoenrn(IaFCti)o, nthael CMeunlttilraetefroalr Investment SeGDtutislaeprmuatneetsene(tICAoSgfIeDInn)cvayere(sMtpmIuGbeAlni)s,thaeDnddissptehupeatIernasttee(rlIynC.aStIiDon)aal rCeenpturebfliosrhSeedttlseempeanrtaotef lIyn.vestment ThTrhoruougghhoouutt tthhee rreeppoortr,tt,htehteertmermWoWrldoBrladnkBaanndk tahnedabthbreevaibatberdeBvaiantkedrefBeranonklyretofeIrBRoDnly toaInBdRIDDAa;nthdeIDteArm; tWheortlderBmanWk GorroldupBaanndk tGhreoaubpbraenvidatethdeBaanbkbGrervoiuapteredfeBratnokthGeroup recfeorlletcotitvheewcoorklleocf tIBivReDw, IDoArk, IoFCf ,IBanRdDM, IDGAA.,AIFllCd,oallanrdamMoIGunAt.sAulsleddoinllatrhiasmAnonuunatlsRuepseodrt inatrheicsuArrnenntuUa.lSR. deoplolarrst uanrelescsuorrtehnertwUis.eS.spdeoclilfaiersd.uAnsleasrsesoutlht eofrwroiusnedsipnge,cnifuiemdb.eFrsuinnds alltoabcaletsemd atyonmotualtdidretgoiotontaallsparnodjepcetrsceanrteagaecscionufnigtuerdesfomraaytntohteadcdoutont1r0y0.level in tables and text. As a result of rounding, numbers in tables may not add to totals, and percentages in figures may not add to 100.

World Bank Group Approach to Sustainable Development




In Haiti, the Bank helped quickly mobilize more than $170 million for the country after Hurricane Matthew. (See page 50.)

Providing financial resources in the immediate aftermath of a crisis can help restore infrastructure and services for people most in need.

$1 billion in concessional financing has been unlocked for Jordan and Lebanon for their support to Syrian refugees. (See page 54.)

Using innovative funding to support vital public health services and critical infrastructure can help meet the needs of both refugees and host countries' citizens.

Foster resilience

In Madagascar, more than 350,000 people are receiving cash transfers and nutrition services in the face of severe drought. (See page 38.)

Supporting access to quality basic services, and to social protection when needed, can help individuals fulfill their potential and help countries achieve economic success.

Build human capital

In Bangladesh, nearly 690,000 children in remote, rural areas were given a second chance at education. (See page 58.) Education is a powerful driver of development: it has large, consistent returns in terms of income and counters widening inequality.



Accelerate economic growth

In Belarus, state-of-the-art technology is helping to better manage highways and improve commercial traffic through an important regional corridor. (See page 46.) Quality roads are not just infrastructure, they're connections between people, markets, jobs, and opportunities.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, improvements to border facilities with its eastern and southern neighbors is helping to facilitate cross-border trade. (See page 20.) Reducing costs and wasted time at border crossings can help integrate markets, boost trade--including for small-scale and women traders--and grow economies.

Read more about our work in these areas and additional project stories at annualreport.

The World Bank Group's mission consists of two ambitious, but achievable, goals:

To end extreme poverty by 2030

by decreasing the percentage of people living on less than $1.90 a day

To boost shared prosperity

by fostering income growth for poorest 40 percent in every country.

Achieving these goals will mean working with our partners in the public and private sectors, collaborating across civil society and country governments, and engaging beneficiaries and stakeholders on the ground to ensure that every person has an opportunity to fulfill her or his potential.

As we pursue these goals, we will focus on three priority areas:

Accelerating sustainable and inclusive economic growth-- the surest path out of poverty. Investing in people to build human capital--so that everyone can fulfill her or his potential to thrive in the 21st century economy. Fostering resilience to global shocks and threats--to brace against the challenges that could roll back progress against poverty.

The World Bank Group tackles the global challenges that have the potential to affect everyone--by leveraging resources, creating markets, and bringing innovative solutions to scale. We believe that the world everyone wants--where no one lives in extreme poverty and everyone has an opportunity for a better life--is within reach.

The following websites and additional weblinks throughout the report are provided for further information: ? Annual Report 2017: annualreport ? World Bank Results: results ? World Bank Open Data: data. ? Corporate Scorecards: scorecard. ? Corporate Responsibility: corporateresponsibility ? Access to Information: en/access-to-information


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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