Lesson 1 - Mrs. Frederickson's Middle School English Classes

What is a dangling modifier?

❖ A ______________ should clearly and sensibly describe another __________or word group.

❖ A ____________ modifier is a modifier that doesn’t _____________ and sensibly modify another word or word group

❖ Dangling modifiers often occur at the _______________ of a sentence. When a sentence begins with a participial _____________, use these steps to see if the phrase is dangling.

o Step 1: Look at the word or word group right after the __________

o Step 2: Ask, “Does it make ___________ for the phrase to modify the word after the comma?” (If the modifying phrase doesn’t sensibly modify the word or word group after the comma, you probably have a dangling modifier.)

Directions: Circle the word or word group that appears to be modified by the underlined phrase. Then, determine whether the underlined phrase is a dangling modifier. Write D for a dangling modifier or C if the modifier is not dangling.

1. Riding our bikes in the mountains, the scenery was great.

2. Maya’s phone rang returning home.

3. Checking the shelves, Judy found all the books she needed.

4. Filled with daisies, the two girls strolled through the field.

How to fix dangling modifiers

❖ When you find a participial phrase that is a ______________ modifier, fix the sentence by making the meaning logical and _______________.

❖ Strategy 1: ___________________ the word group that follows the dangling participial phrase.

❖ Strategy 2: Change the dangling participial phrase into a _______________.

o A clause is a word group that contains a verb and its subject.

Revise each sentence to correct the dangling modifier.

1. My father gave me a puppy at the age of ten.

2. Seated near the fifty-yard line, the game was easy to see.

3. Running hard, the shoelace came untied.

4. Walking into the pet shop, the squawking of parrots could be heard.

Review A

Identify the dangling modifier in each sentence.

1. Reaching the top of the mountain, the view of the city was amazing.

2. The stillness, entering the museum, made us uncomfortable.

3. Discovered under a bush in the backyard, we took in the kitten and cared for it.

4. Caring for a puppy, patience is needed.

5. Discouraged, no more races were run by him for a while.

Review B

Revise each sentence to correct the dangling modifier.

1. Using the vacuum cleaner frequently, the carpets stayed clean.

2. His helmet, wanting to be safe, was worn at all times.

3. Awakened by the garbage truck, it was hard to get back to sleep.

4. Stored in the basement, I put the old books to good use.

5. The perfect quilt was found searching on the Internet.


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