Word List 4 - Quia

Word List 4

Group 1

|Archetype |[ahr-ki-tahyp] classic example of |

|Clemency |[klem-uhn-see] mercy |

|Disinterested |unbiased |

|Flout |[flout] defy; reject |

|Ingénue |[an-zhuh-noo, -nyoo] naïve, unsophisticated person |

|Mendacious |[men-dey-shuhs] given to lying |

|Paucity |[paw-si-tee] shortage |

|Protean |[proh-tee-uhn, proh-tee-] changeable |

|Sophomoric |juvenile; immature |

|Venal |[veen-l] corrupt; can be bribed |

Group 2

|Archives |collections of old records; place of storage of old documents |

|Cliché |/[klee-shey, kli-] overused expression; something unoriginal |

|Disparage |/ [dih-spar-ij] criticize; belittle |

|Flustered |worked-up; not calm |

|Ingrate |/[in-greyt] ungrateful person |

|Mercenary |[mur-suh-ner-ee] concerned only with money |

|Peccadillo |[pek-uh-dil-oh] minor weakness; trivial offence |

|Protégé |[proh-tuh-zhey] person under protection of, or guided by another |

|Soporific |[sop-uh-rif-ik, soh-puh-] inducing sleep |

|Veneer |[vuh-neer] a surface coating |

Group 3

|Articulate |clear; lucid; eloquent |

|Clientele |[klahy-uhn-tel] customers |

|Disparity |[dih-spar-i-tee] an inequality |

|Fly-by-night |unreliable; disreputable; untrustworthy |

|Inimical |[ih-nim-i-kuhl] hostile |

|Mercurial |[mer-kyoor-ee-uhl] volatile; changeable |

|Pedant |[ped-nt]person who insists on strict adherence to rules or narrow |

| |learning |

|Protocol |procedure; code of behavior |

|Sparse |spare; bare; meager |

|Venerate |[ven-uh-reyt] revere; worship |

Group 4

|Artifice |[ahr-tuh-fis] deception; trickery |

|Coalesce |[koh-uh-les] come together; merge |

|Dispassionate |neutral; objective |

|Forensic |concerned with argument or debate (esp. for legal evidence) |

|Innate |[ih-neyt, in-eyt] inherited; inborn |

|Merge |To come together |

|Pedestrian |common; mundane; banal |

|Provincial |[pruh-vin-shuhl] unsophisticated; narrow-minded |

|Specious |[spee-shuhs] false |

|Venial |[vee-nee-uhl] minor; unimportant |

Group 5

|Artisan |craftsman |

|Coddle |[kod-l] pamper; fuss over; indulge |

|Disseminating |[dih-sem-uh-neyt]circulating; broadcasting; spreading information |

|Fortitude |[fawr-ti-tood, -tyood] bravery |

|Innocuous |[ih-nok-yoo-uhs] harmless; inoffensive |

|Metaphorically |symbolically; figuratively |

|Peerless |without equal |

|Prudent |cautious; wise |

|Speckled |spotted; freckled; dotted |

|Veracity |[vuh-ras-i-tee] truthfulness |


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