Registered Charity 289241

Registered Charity 289241 Stalham Town Hall Management CommitteeMinutes of Committee Meeting 10th March 2017Present: Mrs P Eden. Mrs F Henwood. Mr R Mc Williams. Mrs J Piggin. Mrs E Jackson F.H chaired the meeting in the absence of our chairman 1. Apologies: Mr R Helms on sick leave Mrs J Helms Mrs M Baker2. Minutes: The minutes for committee meeting 9th February 2017 were accepted by the committee as an accurate record of the meeting. F.H signed the minutes.3. Matters Arising:3.1 Completion of bank mandate to be carried forward to next meeting paperwork to be obtained from J.H3.2 E.J wished to have noted that she wants three quotes for building work over ?1,000.00 because we are a charity and as a trustee she wants to be safe guarded. 3.3 Since the last meeting P.E has contacted Awards for all to see if they give grants for maintenance work, the good news is they do but the project must not exceed ?25,000.00 it must be a one off project, also the lease must have more than five years left when applying for a grant.4. Treasurers Report:4.1. P.E reported the end of year figures was submitted to the Charity Commission on22nd February 20174.2 The letter to transfer ?2,000.00 from our current account into our reserve account, wassigned by R.Mc and P.E at the meeting, P.E to take the letter to our treasurer J.H for her to signthen it can be submitted to the bank.4.3 The current account amount ?4,883.62 reserve account amount ?12,446.265. Booking’s Secretary’s Report:5.1P.E reported Zumba charity event has been cancelled because the hall is not big enough forthe amount of peopleattending they have found a larger venue to hold the event. New regularevents Kids Zumba and Block Fit, new casual events Sunday Craft Fair 2nd April (this could become a regular event if it is well attended) St. Mary’s Church Quiz Night 27th May –Stalham in Bloom Quiz Night 22nd July – Staithe Surgery Health & Wellbeing 22nd Sept 17.Our next charity Market is Saturday 29th April F.H volunteer to do the Tombola. 5.2 In February 2017 the hire amount was ?825.50, Pre-payment electricity cards purchased?95.00. 6. Maintenance:6.1. On 7th March Mrs S Wellerd (Clerk to the Council) Mr Jon Winnett (Highways) and Mrs P Eden meet at the Town Hall to discuss who was responsible for altering the outside drain it wasexplained to Mr Winnett that over the years the water has been backing up in the drain, causing the mortar between the bricks of the wall to be washed away, allowing the water to enter the cellar, also pointed out was the channel in the pavement from the drain was not helping the problem because it doesn’t run in a straight line into the road, this would be rectified when the drain was altered.Although it is the responsibility of Highways to maintain the drain, Mr Winnett explained thatbecause the water is coming from the Town Hall roof and Highways provide the drain for the water to flow into the road, it means the responsibility is shared between Highways and the Town Hall. Highways can do the work the cost would be split between the management committee and Highways; Mr Winnett will arrange for a quote to be sent for the work.6.2 P.E reported she has shown another builder around on 9th March 17 to quote for the re- pointing of the hall.6.3 One quote has been received for insulating the loft ?828.20 this is for 200mm of insulation being added to the 100mm which we already have and it will be laid crossways. We have invited another insulating company to give us a quote. 6.4 On Thursday 16th March the gutters will be cleaned cost ? In the main hall two fluorescent lights are not working, eight foot tubes are no longer available. A quote to replace the two lights not working for 6ft, high frequency twin fluorescent with diffuser and to disconnect the water heater in kitchen ?240.00 To replace the six existing lights in the main hall for 6ft LED, twin fluorescent lights and to disconnect the water heater in kitchen. ?1,008.00.It was discussed by the committee which was the more cost effective replacing the two lights or to replace all the six for LED which are cheaper to run. It was proposed by E.J and seconded by R.McW and unanimously agreed to replace the six existing lights for LED lights and to disconnect the water boiler if there was money the in our budget to afford it.6.6 It was reported to P.E that some of the windows in the hall were open and couldn’t be close by the pull cords because they were not working properly, P.E arrange for the windows to be pushed shut to stop the cold air coming in.A quote to service the opening gears and replace the pull cords on seven windows ?45.00 per window total cost ?315.00. The quote states that replacement parts for the opening mechanisms is virtually in possible to source as they are no longer made, hopefully the existing mechanisms are ok.The committee decided that P.E would speak to the Carpenter we use to see if there is any other mechanisms we could have to open and close the windows if not how much would it cost for him to service what we have.6.7 Mr K Pinner has checked the loop system in the hall and it is working, to use the loop system you need a microphone, F.H to ask John Hare if he still as one. He also checked the speakers and found some wires were not connected, he repaired them and they are now working properly, he didn’t charge for the work P.E thanked him on behalf of the committee.He also asked if the committee wanted to move the two speakers in the common room area, into the main hall because when they have film nights the sliding doors are closed and you can’t hear the film very good. The committee agreed it would be a good idea P.E to contact Mr K Pinner to find out the cost of moving them. 7. Big Screen: 7.1 Friday 3rd March 17 the film Eddie the Eagle was cancelled it will be now shown on 5th May, Friday 7th April the film will be Florence Foster Jenkins.Friday 2nd June the film A Street Cat Named Bob there will be the normal raffle and refreshments price ?4.00 Adults.8. A.O.B:8.1 The water boiler will be put upstairs when it has been disconnected and the committee will decide what to do with it.There is a notice on the water boiler asking people not to use it, instead to use the urn for make a lot of hot drinks or to use the kettles when only making a few drinks. The committee agreed that P.E could buy another kettle to keep in the cupboard as a spare in case one of the kettles stops working.8.2 The management committee needs a longer lease from the Town Council to be able to apply for grants, this to be discussed at the working party meeting on Friday 17th March 17Next committee meeting: 28th April 2017 at 10 am F.H thanked the committee for their presence and concludes the meeting at 3.10pm Signed by Chairman..................................................... Date..................................... ................

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