
MED 103: Medical TerminologyChapters 9 & 10 Textbook WorksheetChapter 9Identify the following medical terms by the definitions.Device used to record the electrical activity of the brain. _________________________Generalized seizure due to epileptic activity in all or most of the brain ________________________________________Collection of nerve cell bodies outside the CNS. _________________________________Pertaining to the internal organs. ___________________________________Material of the sheath around the axon of a nerve. _____________________________Regions of the brain and spinal cord occupied by bundles of axon. _____________________________Connective tissue holding nervous tissue together. _____________________________Gray covering of cerebral hemispheres. _______________________________________Area of brain under the parietal bone. ________________________________________Most posterior subdivision of the brainstem, continuation of the spinal cord.____________________________________Match the brain and cranial nerve disorders.____1. Acute clinical event caused by an impaired cerebral circulation____2. Common form of dementia____3. Acute altered state of consciousness with agitation & disorientation____4. Sudden loss of muscle tone with brief paralysis____5. Occurring after a seizure____6. Malignant form of brain cancer.____7. Shuffling, falling-forward gait____8.Paroxysmal severe headache confined to one side of the head.____9. Paralysis of all four limbs____10. Slow, writhing involuntary movements.QuadriplegicGlioblastomaPostictalStrokeFestinantMigraineCataplexyDeliriumAthetosisAlzheimer diseaseMatch the following diagnostic procedures in Neurology.____1. Use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of intracranial lesions____2. Recording of electrical activity in muscle____3. Record of the electrical activity of the brain____4. Radiography of the spinal cord and nerve roots after injection of contrast medium into the subarachnoid space____5. Diagnostic instrument that sends an ultrasonic beam into the bodyElectromyographyDopplerElectroencephalogramEchoencephalographyMyelographyIdentify the medical term for pain management with the following definitions.A drug derived from opium. ___________________________________Removal of tissue to destroy its function _____________________________Medical specialist in anesthesia ___________________________________State in which pain is reduced ____________________________________Complete loss of sensation ______________________________________Chapter 10Identify the medical terms for heart functions and structures with the following definitions.The inside lining of the heart ___________________________________________Pertaining to or affected by ischemia ______________________________________All of the heart muscle __________________________________________________Structure around the heart _______________________________________________Blood flow through the vessels supplying the heart ____________________________The outer layer of the heart wall ___________________________________________Pertaining to the outer layer of the pericardium and other body cavities. ____________________Area of cell death resulting from an infarction _________________________________Sudden blockage of an artery _______________________________________________Repair of dead tissue cells by formation of fibrous tissue __________________________Match the cardiac cycle medical terms.____1. Rapid heart rate (above 100 beats per minute)____2. An abnormal heart rhythm____3. Pathway for electrical signals to be transmitted to the ventricles____4. Network of nerve fibers in the myocardium.____5. The normal heart rhythm arising from the sinoatrial nodePurkinje fibersTachycardiaArrhythmiaSinus RhythmBundle of HisIdentify the word elements and their meaning for the following medical terms.Defibrillation ____________________________________________________________Pacemaker ______________________________________________________________Endocarditis _____________________________________________________________Insufficiency _____________________________________________________________Pericarditis ______________________________________________________________Identify the root/root form and its meaning for each medical term.Anoxia _________________________________________________________________Atherosclerosis __________________________________________________________Syndrome ______________________________________________________________Angiogram _____________________________________________________________Collateral ______________________________________________________________Match the medical term to the circulatory disorders.____1. Inflammation of a vein with clot formation.____2. Surgical removal of plaque from an artery.____3. Circumscribed dilation of an artery or cardiac chamber____4. Taking blood from a vein.____5. Detached piece of thrombus, a mass of bacteria, quantity of air, or foreign body that blocks a blood vessel.EmbolusThrombophlebitisEndarterectomyAneurysmPhlebotomy ................

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