Assistive Technology (A.T.) for Brain Injury

Assistive Technology (A.T.) for Brain InjuryFebruary 8, 2018Christine Martin, MS, OTR/L, CBISObjectives Identify common challenges with brain injury that may impact independent livingIdentify at least 1 low tech and 1 high tech solution for common brain injury challengesIdentify available funding sources for AT devicesBrain Injury“An acquired brain injury (ABI) is an injury to the brain that is not hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or induced by birth trauma.”Acquired Brain Injury= Traumatic or Non-Traumatic“A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as an alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force.”“A non-traumatic brain injury is an alteration in brain function or pathology caused by an internal force.”Reference: brain-injury/about-brain-injury/basics/overview ABI vs. TBITBI causesFallsAssaultsMotor Vehicle AccidentsSports/Recreation InjuriesShaken Baby SyndromeGunshot WoundsWorkplace InjuriesChild AbuseDomestic ViolenceMilitary Actions (Blast Injury)ABI causesStroke (Hemorrhage, Blood Clot)Infectious Disease (Meningitis, Encephalitis)SeizureElectric ShockTumorsToxic ExposureMetabolic DisordersNeurotoxic Poisoning (Carbon Monoxide, Lead Exposure)Lack of Oxygen (Drowning, Choking, Hypoxic/Anoxic Injury)Drug OverdoseNeurodegenerative DiseaseNeurodegenerative disease = primarily impacts neurons in the brainAlzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementiasParkinson’s disease (PD) and PD-related disordersHuntington’s disease (HD)Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)Brain Injury RecoveryConsiderations:Severity (mild, moderate, severe)Location (brain stem vs. cortical)AgeLoss of consciousnessSizeTime since initial injuryType (TBI vs. ABI vs. Degenerative)Common ChallengesPhysical challenges Cognitive challengesCommunication challengesBehavioral/ Emotional challengesPhysical ChallengesMobilityHemiparesisSensory challenges (i.e.-touch, pain)TremorsCoordinationBalanceStrengthEnduranceCognitive ChallengesMemoryAttentionExecutive skills (problem solving, decision making)InitiationSelf-awarenessCommunication ChallengesAphasiaDysarthriaDyspraxia of speechEmotional/ Behavioral ChallengesPersonality changeWandering/ elopementAgitation/ aggressionSensory DisturbancesCan present themselves in many different ways … AgitationWithdrawalFidgeting / RestlessLow Tech vs. High TechLow Tech A.T. Devices= No to low costGenerally easily accessibleGenerally easy to implementHigh Test A.T. Devices=More expensiveMore features, usually more complexMore training and follow up requiredPros & Cons of Low Tech A.T. ProsEasily accessible Most cost less than $20.00Simple to set upLimited training requiredConsVery simple, only do 1 thingMay have shorter “shelf life” need frequent replacementDependent on the client to use it properlyPros & Cons of High Tech A.T.ProsSeveral featuresMore intuitive and automaticSmaller/ wearableInvolve the caregiver without direct supportReduce caregiver burdenConsMore expensive More training needsAssistive Technologies for People with Brain InjuryThe next 24 slides show images of AT for people with Brain Injury. Please view the recorded webinar for more information.Apps for Behavioral ChallengesChillaxRelax Meditation: Mindfulness, Sleep Sounds, NoiseAt Ease: Anxiety & Worry ReliefBuddhifyCalmMeditation HelperFunding This is the key issue for the consumer & family!!Professionals need to know about purchasing / funding options for ATFunding decisions are based on need & eligibilityLearn about the eligibility & documentation requirements of fundersDo your homework…Funding - 2mPower Loan/Financing Program Alpha One - IL grants & mPower Loans Robbie Foundation Funding - 3Funding ---- MaineCare supports people living in the community: shifts funding to community based services away from more costly institutional care.Waivers fund A.T. used in the community to increase safety & independenceFunding for home based remote monitoringSupport training on how to use ATHomeward Bound Program -- people leave NFs to go back home Maine Home and Community Based Waivers, AT Comparison ChartBy Kelley Smith, COTA/L, ATP (Revised Sept 2017)Link: wp-content/uploads/2017/09/ATWaiverComparisonChart-9-2017.pdf Access to A.T.Start with an A.T. assessment!Device demonstrations and loansDevice loans- “try before you buy”Explore available funding optionsAT Providers C.A.R.E.S. Inc. - AT demo & loanmPower Loan Program – financial loansMaine Center for Integrated Rehab - AT ServicesGoodwill NNE - AT Services Gallant Therapy Services - OT servicesAT Practitioners (ATPs) - RESNA certified Occupational TherapistsSpeech TherapistsPhysical TherapistsManufacturers/vendorsAT Resources Maine’s AT program - Maine A.T. for Demo/Loan - Get AT Stuff - Online A.T. sales - Spruwink ALLTECH – Demo/Loan and Reuse program - CARES. Inc. – Demo/Loan program - American Foundation for the Blind - Pass It On Center – list of AT Reuse programs - Rest Assured – Vendor that provides remote monitoring - Smart Home Superstore – vendor selling monitoring equipment - Thank you!!Christine Martin - Christine.Martin@ ................

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