ISF 10+2 Abbreviations and Acronyms


We have compiled an extensive list of abbreviations and terms which are used in the discussion and documentation of the Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements.  

ISF 10+2 Abbreviations and Acronyms

 AAEI—American Association of Exporters and Importers

AAPA—American Association of Port Authorities

ABI—Automated Broker Interface

ACE—Automated Commercial Environment

AES—Automated Export System

AMS—Automated Manifest System

ANSI—American National Standards Institute

ATDI—Advance Trade Data Initiative

ATS—Automated Targeting System

BAF—Bunker Adjustment Factor

BAPLIE—Bayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message

B/L—Bill of Lading

CAF—Currency Adjustment Factor

CAMIR—Customs Automated Manifest Interface Requirements

CATAIR—Customs and Trade Automated Interface Requirements

CBP—Customs and Border Protection

CFR—Code of Federal Regulations

CFS—Container Freight Station

COAC—Departmental Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection and Related Homeland Security Functions

CSI—Container Security Initiative

CSM—Container status message

C–TPAT—Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism

CY—Container Yard

DDP—Delivered duty paid

D/F—Documents Fee

DHS—U.S. Department of Homeland Security

DNL—Do not load

DUNS—Data Universal Numbering System

EIN—Employer identification number

FAQ—Frequently asked questions

FDA—U.S. Food and Drug Administration

FCL—Full Container Load

FI/LI—Free in/Liner In

FIO/LIO—Free In and Out/Liner In and Out

FIRMS—Facilities Information and Resources Management System

FO/LO—Free Out/Liner Out

FROB—Foreign cargo remaining on board

FTZ—Foreign trade zone

FR—Federal Register

GLN—Global Location Number

HBOL—House Bill of Lading

HTSUS—Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States

ICPA—International Compliance Professionals Association

IE—Immediate exportation

IIT—Instrument of international trade

IMO—International Maritime Organization

IRS—Internal Revenue Service

IT—Immediate transportation

ISF—Importer Security Filing

ISPI—The International Ship and Port Facility Code

JIG—Joint Industry Group

LCL—Less than Container Load

MBOL—Master Bill of Lading

MID—Manufacturer identification

M/T—Metric Tons

MTSA—Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002

NAM—National Association of Manufacturers

NCBFAA—National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America

NII—Non-Intrusive Inspection

NPRM—Notice of Proposed Rule Making

NVOCC—Non-vessel operating common carrier

OCS—Outer Continental Shelf

O/F—Ocean Freight

OPA—Outward Processing Arrangement

OMB—Office of Management and Budget

PDF—Portable Document Format

PGA—Participating Government Agency

Pub. L.—Public Law

PSS—Peak Season Surcharge

RILA—Retail Industry Leaders Association

RFA—Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980

RO/RO—Roll On/Roll Off Vessels

SAFE Port Act—Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006

SBREFA—Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996

sFTP—Secure File Transfer Protocol

SSN—Social Security Number

T&E—Transportation and exportation

TEU—Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit

THC—Terminal Handling Charge

TIB—Temporary Importation Bond

TSC—Technology Support Center

TSN—Trade Support Network

UMRA—Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995

UN EDIFACT—United Nations rules for Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport

U.S.C.—United States Code

VIN—Vehicle Identification Number

VOCC—Vessel Operating Common Carrier

WHTI—Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative

WSC—World Shipping Council


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