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TRABAJO REALIZADO POR:POR:YESSENIA DUQUE POSADAPROFESOR:GERMAN LEALSENA -MEDELLIN20101. is IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (institute of electrical and electronics enginneers) 2. which is the EIA: Electronic Industries Association (Electronics Industry Association) 3. which is the TIA: Telecommunications Industry Association (Telecommunications industry association) 4. which is the ISO: A set of quality standards and continuous quality management, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 5. which is the OSI: Offers to applications (or user) can access the services of other layers and defines the protocols used by applications to exchange data, such as email (POP and SMTP), base managers Data and File Transfer Protocols (FTP) 6. is NETWORKING: A term used to refer to telecommunications networks in general. 7. which is the interoperability: property systems can be predicated of quite different nature, such as computer systems (in which case it may be analogous to the idea of technological neutrality Standard) or rail. It is part of the semantic field of standardization. 8. which are voice and data networks: Voice over Internet Protocol, also called Voice over IP, VoIP, VoIP (by its initials in English) is a group of resources that enable voice signal traveling over the Internet using a IP protocol (Internet Protocol). This means that sends the voice signal in digital form in packets rather than sending in digital or analog, via telephone circuits used only as a conventional PSTN telephone company (short for Public Switched Telephone Network, Network Public Switched Telephone). 9.que is IBM: International Business Machines or IBM (NYSE: IBM) (colloquially known as Big Blue) is a multinational company that manufactures and sells tools, programs and computer-related services. IBM is headquartered in Armonk (New York, USA) and is established as such since June 15, 1911, but has been operating since 1888. 10. which is at t: AT & T Corporation (abbreviation of its former name, American Telephone and Telegraph, NYSE: AT & T) is a U.S. telecommunications company. Provides voice, video, data and internet businesses, customers and government agencies. During its long history, AT & T has been, at times, the largest telephone company in the world, cable TV operator of the largest U.S. and was even classified as a monopoly. In 2005 joins its rival SBC Communications. 11. is IBDN: The Internet Movie Database (IMDb, Castilian 'Database Internet Movie ") is an online database of information related to films, directors, producers, actors, television shows, video games, players dubbing and more recently, fictional characters that appear in the media. The IMDb was opened on October 17, 1990, and in 1998 was acquired by . The IMDb contains a comprehensive list of films, shorts, documentaries, video games and television programs worldwide, including summaries, quizzes, and trade data errors. 12. which is the TIA: agf (Technical Research Aeroterráquea) stands for a fictitious organization of the series Mort and Phil. Its mission is to serve and protect the citizen from the offenders. The agf is a parody, created by Francisco Ibá?ez, U.S. CIA organization. In return, the abbreviation for the agencies are named as rival criminal GRANDMOTHER (Grocery warfare agents Aberrant Specialists in trouble) or NIECE (Union Organizing National Athletic Inter Reivindicantes Buns) 13. TIA/EIA-568-B three standards that address commercial wiring telecommunications products and services. The three official standards: ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1-2001,-B.2-B.3-2001-2001. TIA/EIA-568-B standards were first published in 2001. Substituted TIA/EIA-568-A set of standards that are obsolete. Perhaps the best known feature is the allocation of TIA/EIA-568-B.1-2001 pairs pin / 8-wire cables and 100 ohms (twisted pair cable). This allowance is known as T568A and T568B, and is often named (erroneously) as TIA/EIA-568A and TIA/EIA-568B. 14. is IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC or IEC, for its acronym of English International Electrotechnical Commission) is an organization of standardization in electric fields, electronic and related technologies. Many standards are developed in conjunction with the ISO (ISO / IEC). The CEI, founded in 1904 during the International Electrical Congress of St. Louis (USA), whose first president was Lord Kelvin, was based in London until 1948 when he moved to Geneva. Composed of national standards bodies in the areas listed, the member countries in 2003 were from the CIS more than 60 countries. A CIS is owed the development and dissemination of standards for some units of measurement, particularly the gauss, hertz, and Weber, as well as the first proposal for a system of standard units, the Giorgi system, which eventually became international system of units. 15. that is ANSI: ANSI C is a standard published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for the C programming language It is recommended that software developers in C that meet the requirements described in the document to facilitate code portability. 16. which is the ITU: International Telecommunication Union) have formed a strategic partnership with World Trade Organization (WTO, World Trade Organization). 17. that is ANSI Y32.9-1972: Graphical symbols for electrical wiring and Layout diagrams used in architecture and building construction 18. which is the ASME: American Society Mechanical Engineers 19. IEEE 802 is: a study of standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which acts on Computer Networks, and according to its own definition of local area networks (LAN, in English LAN) and networks metropolitan area (MAN in English). The name is also used to refer to IEEE 802 standards proposed, and some of which are well known: Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) or Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), Bluetooth is even trying to standardize on the 802.15 (IEEE 802.15 .) It focuses on defining the lower levels (according to the OSI reference model or any other model), namely subdivides the second level, liaison, in two sublevels, the logical link, included in 802.2, and access medium. The rest of the standards set out both the physical level, as the media access sublayer. 20. is Token Ring: Token Ring network is an architecture developed by IBM in the 1970s with a logical topology and technical ring token passing access. Token Ring is included in the IEEE 802.5 standard. Obsolete by the popularity of Ethernet and now is used in network designs. The IEEE 802.5 The IEEE 802.5 is a standard by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and defines a local area network LAN in ring configuration (Ring), with token-passing method (Token) and medium access control. The speed of its standard is 4 or 16 Mbps The design of a Token Ring network was attributed to E. E. Newhall in 1969. International Business Machines (IBM) first published its Token Ring topology in March [1982], when the company filed papers for the IEEE 802 project. IBM Token Ring announced a product in 1984 and in 1985 it became a standard ANSI / IEEE. It is almost identical and fully compatible with the network of IBM token ring. In fact, the IEEE 802.5 specification was modeled after the token ring, and still shading the development. In addition, the IBM token ring specifies a star, with all end stations attached to a device that is called multistation access unit (MSAU). In contrast, IEEE 802.5 does not specify a topology, although virtually all IEEE 802.5 implemented based on a star, and also specifies a type of media, while token ring networks using IBM's information field size routing. The IEEE 802.5 frame supports two basic types: tokens and command frames and data. The Token is a pattern that circulates around the ring in one direction of movement. When a station wants to transmit and Token passes through it, take it. It can only remain in his possession a certain time (10 ms). Have a length of 3 bytes and consists of a start delimiter, an access control byte and an end delimiter. As for the Frames of commands and data may vary in size depending on the size of the field of information. The data frames have information for higher protocols, while command frames contain control information. 20. which is LAN: A local area network, local network or LAN (local area network of English) is the interconnection of several computers and peripherals. Its extension is physically limited to a building or a neighborhood of 200 meters, or relays could reach a field distance of 1 kilometer. Its wider application is the interconnection of PCs and workstations in offices, factories, etc. The term local network includes both hardware and software necessary to interconnect the various devices and information processing. 21: it's WAN networks are spread over a large geographic area. Contains a collection of machines dedicated to running user programs (hosts). These are connected by the network that carries messages from one host to another. These host LAN access to the subnet of the WAN by a Reuter. Therefore tend to be point to point networks The subnet has several elements: - Lines of communication: Move bits from one machine to another. - Switching elements: specialized machines that connect two or more transmission lines. Are often called on walkers or Reuters. Each host is then connected to a LAN which is the treadmill that is responsible for sending the information for the subnet. A WAN contains numerous wires connected on a pair of walkers. If two walkers who do not share cable wish to communicate, they must do so through at intermediate walkers. The complete packet is received in each of the intermediates and stored there until the required output line is free. You can set WAN systems or satellite radio ground where each walker is in an antenna that can send and receive information. By their nature, satellite networks will broadcast. Today the Internet provides high speed WAN, and the need for private networks WAN has been drastically reduced while using VPN encryption and other techniques that network dedicated to continually rise. Normally the WAN is a peer to peer network, ie packet switched network. WAN networks may use satellite communication systems or radio. It was the advent of laptops and PDAs that brought the concept of wireless networks. 22. which is the Mac: In computer networks the MAC address (English acronym for Media Access Control or media access control) is a 48-bit identifier (hexadecimal six blocks) that uniquely corresponds to an Ethernet network. Also known as the physical address as to identify network devices. It is individual, each device has its own specific MAC address and configured by the IEEE (the last 24 bits) and the manufacturer (the first 24 bits) using the OUI. Most of the protocols that work at Layer 2 of the OSI model using one of three numbering handled by the IEEE: MAC-48, EUI-48 and EUI-64 which have been designed to be globally unique identifiers. Not all communications protocols use MAC addresses, and not all protocols require globally unique identifiers. 23. which is 802.2: are standard for Logical Link Control (LLC) standard for connectivity 24. which is 802.1: they are plotting and management standards for LAN / WAN and plotting media access control remote (Mac) 25. That is 802.3: are standard for multiple access of tetecciòn carrier and detention of collisions (CSMA / CD) Carrier Sense Multiple Access with collision detection) this is basically the standard Ethernet 26. which is 802.4: standard access method for transmitting bus signals 27. which is the 802.5: are standard for the access method token ring LAN / man 28. which is the 802.6: are standards for information exchange between systems 29. which is the 802.7: are standards for broadband wired LAN 30. which is the 802.8: are standard for optical fiber technology 31. that is the 802.9: are standards for integrated services, like voice and data 32. which is 802.10: are standard for the security implementation LAN / MAN 33. than 802.11: are standard for wireless connectivity wool. This is a technology that supports cisco and network initiatives wireless network from many vendors 34. which is 802.12: are standard for the access method of claim priority. This was the primitive method of connectivity of 100 Mbps Ethernet or was not ring network 35. which is 802.14: are standard for local and metropolitan networks, including methods of access to broadband cable 36. which is 802.15: they are for wireless personal area networks (WPAN wireless personal area network) 37. 802.16 is: are standards for broadband fixed wireless 38. is WPAN: Wireless Personal Area Networks, Wireless Personal Area Network or Personal Area Network or Personal Area Network is a network of computers for communication between different devices (as computers, internet access points, cell phones, PDAs, devices audio, printers) near the access point. These networks are usually a few meters and personal use as well as outside it. 39. is runnig Wi-Fi (pronounced in Spanish / w?f? / and English / wa?fa? /) is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance (formerly WECA: Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance), the trade organization that adopts this test and certify teams to meet standards related to 802.11 wireless local area networks. 40. that is TCP / IP: Transmission Control Protocol (Spanish Transmission Control Protocol) or TCP is one of fundamental Internet protocols. It was created between 1973 and 1974 by Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn. Many programs within a data network comprised of computers can use TCP to establish connections between them through which can send a data flow. The protocol guarantees that data will be delivered to its destination without errors and in the same order they were transmitted. It also provides a mechanism for distinguishing different applications within a single machine, through the concept of port. TCP supports many of the most popular Internet applications, including HTTP, SMTP, SSH and FTP. 41. WHAT IS TIA/EIA-568-B.3: specifies the components and transmission systems for fiber optic cabling 42. that is: TIA/EIA-569-A: the Commercial Building Standard for Tours and Telecommunications spaces. The standard specifies the practices Design and construction within the buildings, including supporting Telecommunications equipment and media. Specific standards Dan for rooms or areas and routes where equipment is installed and Telecommunications facilities. 43. TIA/EIA-570-A is: is the standard for telecommunications cabling Residential and smaller commercial. Specifications Cabling infrastructure within this standard include support For security, audio, television, sensors, alarms and Intercom. The standard must be implemented in buildings Further, extensions and renovations of buildings of one or more Tenants. 44. is TIA/EIA-606: the Standard Administration of Telecommunications Infrastructure and Commercial Buildings includes standards The labeling of the wiring. The standard specifies that each unit Connecting hardware must have a unique identification. The Identifier must be marked on each unit connection Hardware or on its label. When using identifiers in areas Work, the connection of stations should have a label on the plate, On the chassis or the connector itself. All labels Must meet the requirements of legibility, protection against damage And accessions specified in UL969 standard. 45. TIA/EIA-607 is: is the standard requirements and Grounding Connecting Commercial Building Telecommunications supporting A multi-vendor environment and products and practices Grounding for different systems can be installed on Customer premises. The standard specifies the exact points of Interface between the grounding systems of the building and Setting earthing equipment Telecommunications, and determines the ground configurations The building needed to support these teams. 46. is ANSI/TIA/EIA-526: ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-7 and ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14 They have a standardized method for testing fiber optic cables. TIA/EIA-526-7 includes measuring the optical power loss Plants installed single-mode fiber optic cables. TIA/EIA-526-14A Includes measuring optical power loss in plants installed In multimode fiber optic cables. ANSI/TIA/EIA-598 describes the color coding system used 47. which describes ANSI/TIA/EIA-598 color coding system used in fiber optic cables large (up to a couple dozen of fibers). 48: it is multimode: Optical fiber is a medium of transmission commonly used in data networks, a very fine line of transparent material, glass or plastics, which sent pulses of light representing the data to transmit. The light beam is completely confined and is spread through the fiber core at an angle of reflection above the critical angle of total reflection, according to Snell's law. The light source may be laser or LED. The fibers are widely used in telecommunications, as they allow large amounts of data sent at a great distance, with speeds similar to radio or cable. They are the ultimate means of transmission to be immune to electromagnetic interference, are also used for local networks, where they need to take advantage of fiber optics over other means of transmission. 49. which is single mode: Fiber is classified according to their type of construction and method of propagation of light rays, in addition to their transmission capacity (bandwidth) and easy to attach to the rig connections. ? A single-mode fiber is an optical fiber in which only one mode of light propagates. Is achieved by reducing the diameter of fiber core to a size (8.3 to 10 microns) that allows only one mode of propagation, it is transmitted straight. The distance ranges from 2.3 km to 100 km up and use center with high-intensity laser cannon. Unlike multimode fiber, singlemode fiber can reach great distances and transmit high bit rates. Mono-mode fiber uses a simpler system. It only allows one mode of propagation. A single beam of direct light and more intense, and therefore more bandwidth and greater distances. 50. that is ACE: The Association of Components, Assemblies and Materials Electronics (ACE) It represents the electronics industry sector comprising manufacturers and Suppliers of passive and active electronic components, assemblies and Assemblies of components, and equipment and commercial and industrial supplies. ECA provides companies a dynamic link to a network and program Activities that provide commercial and technical information, research Market trends and analysis, access to industry leaders and government, and technical training and education. 51: that is CEA: The Association of Consumer Electronics (CEA) unites more than 650 Companies within the technology industry for the consumer U.S. to provide exclusive information and research Market unprecedented networking opportunities with defenders and Business leaders, current educational programs and technical training, Exhibition in intensive promotion programs, and representing the voice Industry, while promoting and advancing the needs and interests Members. 52. is GEIA: Association Government Electronics Technology and Information (GEIA) forms the government market sector of the Association of Electronic Industries (EIA). Represents high-tech industries Do business with the U.S. government Its members are companies Solutions that provide electronic and information technology (IT) to Government. GEIA studies the market for the wiring, enabling technologies And the products and services for advanced electronic entities Defense and civilian government. Then, develop forecasts and other 53. The Association is JEDEC Solid State Technology Joint Council Electron Device Engineering (JEDEC) is the standardization body Semiconductor engineering EIA. JEDEC was formed, initially in 1960 as a joint activity between EIA and NEMA to treat Standardization of discrete semiconductor devices in 1970 is Expanded to include integrated circuits. ................

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