Memo to File - Department of Enterprise Services

|02911 |Manlifts – Various Sizes |Corinna Cooper |

|Contract Type: New Replacement WSCA Enterprise General Use Restricted to:_____________ |

|Contract Duration: Initial Term: 2 years months Maximum life: 6 Years or 9/29/2017 |

|Estimated Term Worth: $1,200,000.00 Estimated Annual Worth: $600,000.00 |

|Number of: Bidders notified: 461 Bids received: 3 Bids Rejected: None |

|% MWBE Award: WBE% 0 MBE% 0 Self Identified WBE% 0 Self Identified MBE% 0 |

|Executive Summary: |The Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has a need for a replacement Contract for Manlifts of Various Sizes. |

|Bid Development |

|Stakeholder work |WSDOT provided a copy of their specifications electronically. Since WSDOT was the primary user of this contract, no other agency |

| |input was requested. |

|Customer Forum? | |

|Vendor Forum? | |

|Market Research: |No additional Market Research was completed. |

|Bid Development: |The goal of this solicitation was to create a replacement statewide Contract for the as needed purchase of Manlifts of Various Sizes.|

| |The Contract will be awarded with an initial term of two (2) years with the option to extend another four (4) years for a total of |

| |six (6) years. The Contract would be awarded to the bidder who was the lowest, responsive and responsible for each line item. There |

| |are a total of six (6) line items. Bidders did not have to bid on every line item. |

| Peer Review |Joe Stinton (WSDOT), Steve Jenkins, Contracts Specialist 3 and Michael Maverick, Unit Manager, reviewed the document and recommended |

| |its release. The Contract value is above the Contract Consultants (Corinna Cooper) signature level, so an additional signature is |

| |required. |

| Management Fee? |There are no Management Fees associated with this Contract. This contract will be included in OSP’s PAF agreement with WSDOT. |

|Bid Process |

|Pre-Bid Conference: |The optional Pre-bid Conference was held on for 8/11/2011 at 2:00pm. Six (6) vendors attended the pre-bid meeting. Joe Stinton and |

|Date: 8/11/2011 |Corinna Cooper were also in attendance. |

|Amendment(s): |Two (2) Amendments were issued. |

|Date: 8/16/2011 | |

|[pic] | |

| |Amendment 1 was issued on 8/16/2011, and it extended the bid due date and changed the location for bid submittal (New Jefferson |

|8/17/2011 |Building). |

|[pic] | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Amendment 2 was issued on 8/17/2011 and revised Appendix C – Specifications. |

|Bid Evaluation—Responsiveness |

|Bid Opening: |Three (3) bids were received and opened by the Bid Clerk on 8/31/2011. All three bids were received on time. |

|Date: 8/31/2011 at 2:00pm PST | |

| | |

|Bids Sealed & Signed? |All three (3) of the Bid Responses were sealed and signed. |

|Received all required submittals?|All three (3) vendors, Altec, Nelson Truck and Terex submitted the required submittals, which included all Amendments, Appendices, |

|[pic] |Descriptive Literature, and Warranty information. Terex only supplied 1 copy of Appendix C, and after a clarification email, it was |

| |determined that this was an oversight and Terex supplied an additional copy identical copy. |

|Specification compliance? |Specifications were reviewed on 9/12/2011 with Chris Case of WSDOT. Chris had two clarification questions for Terex regarding their |

|[pic] |specifications. Terex supplied a response which was acceptable to WSDOT. Therefore, all three (3) vendors met the specification |

| |requirements. |

|Price Sheet compliance? |All price sheets submitted are in compliance with the requirements of bid solicitation. |

|Other Responsiveness checks? |No other responsive checks were completed. All three (3) of the vendors have supplied items to WSDOT in the past. |

|Bid Evaluation—Responsibility |

|Past Performance? |All three bidders have held previous State Contracts and are in good standing with the State and WSDOT. |

|Qualifications? |The apparent successful vendors provided all of the documentation necessary and can meet the needs of the State as they previously |

| |did. |

|Bid Evaluation |

|Evaluation: |An award will be made to the bidder who is the lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder for each line item. There are three awarded |

| |vendors on Contract. |

|[pic] |Below is a breakdown of the Award: |

| |Altec Industries, Inc. |

| |Terex Utilities, Inc. |

| |Nelson Truck Equipment Co. Inc. |

| | |

| |No Bid |

| |Item 1- 54’ without Pedestal |

| |No Bid |

| | |

| |No Bid |

| |Item 2 – 54’ with Pedestal |

| |No Bid |

| | |

| |Item 2 – 54’ with Transverse Mounted Pedestal |

| |No Bid |

| |No Bid |

| | |

| |No Bid |

| |Unsuccessful |

| |Item 4 – 40’ Manlift with Chassis |

| | |

| |Unsuccessful |

| |Item 5 – Van with 30’ Manlift |

| |Unsuccessful |

| | |

| |Item 6 – Step Van with 40’ Manlift |

| |No Bid |

| |No Bid |

| | |

| | |

| |Pricing for each unit: |

| |Item |

| |Altec Industries, Inc. |

| |Terex Utilities, Inc. |

| |Nelson Truck Equipment Co. Inc. |

| | |

| |Item 1 |

| |No Bid |

| |$97,853.00 |

| |No Bid |

| | |

| |Item 2 |

| |No Bid |

| |$126,556.00 |

| |No Bid |

| | |

| |Item 3 |

| |$95,994.00 |

| |No Bid |

| |No Bid |

| | |

| |Item 4 |

| |No Bid |

| |Unsuccessful |

| |$113,147.00 |

| | |

| |Item 5 |

| |Unsuccessful |

| |$53,159.00 |

| |Unsuccessful |

| | |

| |Item 6 |

| |$194,049.00 |

| |No Bid |

| |No Bid |

| | |

| |

|Results & Recommendation |

|Savings: |Item |

| |New Price |

| |Previous Price |

| |Difference |

| | |

| |1 |

| |$97,853.00 |

| |$103,781.84 |

| |$-5,928.84 |

| | |

| |2 |

| |$126,556.00 |

| |$145,859.00 |

| |$-19,303.00 |

| | |

| |3 |

| |$95,994.00 |

| |N/A |

| |N/A |

| | |

| |4 |

| |$113,147.00 |

| |$80,996.00 |

| |$32,151.00 |

| | |

| |5 |

| |$53,159.00 |

| |N/A |

| |N/A |

| | |

| |6 |

| |$194,049.00 |

| |N/A |

| |N/A |

| | |

| |The following is pricing from the previous Contracts compared to the New Contract (02911) |

| | |

| |Three of the items were on a previous Contract. Two of the items in the new Contract have a savings from the previous Contract and |

| |one has an increase. The previous Contracts included chassis into their pricing, however, even with the chassis deduction there is |

| |still a significant savings in the first two items. The 4th item has increased substantially, but that is due to the 2010 emission |

| |standards, and the fact the previous contract pricing was from almost two years ago. |

| | |

| |Items 3, 5 & 6 did not have previous Contract pricing to compare too, however, their pricing is in line with similar purchases made |

| |by WSDOT. |

|Recommendation: |It is in the best interest of the State to Award the State Contract, 02911 – Manlifts – Various Sizes to Altec Industries (Items 2 & |

| |6), Terex Utilities (Items 1, 2, & 5) and Nelson Truck Equipment Co.(Item 4). After a competitive solicitation the vendors listed |

| |above have been determined to be responsive, responsible and had the overall lowest price. |

|Award Activities |

|Implementation Plan |Notifications will be sent to Altec Industries (Items 2 & 6), Terex Utilities (Items 1, 2, & 5) and Nelson Truck Equipment Co. (Item |

| |4) on 9/22/2011. The Award will be effective on 9/30/2011. |

|WEBS | Notify bidders of the award via WEBS |

|Communication | Send rejection letter to those bidders to disqualified bidders |

| |Send apparent successful bidder announcement letter |

| |Send Award Announcement letters to all bidders |

| |Email Kerry Bustetter a brief award announcement for Bi-Weekly Broadcast |

|Contract | Model Contract updated to reflect Bid Amendment language |

|PCMS | Populate PCMS Info Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Expanded Description Tab |

| |Add Web remark in the PCMS Remarks Tab announcing the award of the contract |

| |Add at least 5-FAQ remarks in the PCMS Remarks Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Internet Tab to include relevant search terms |

| |Include relevant search terms in the PCMS Internet Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Commodities Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Vendors Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Customer Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Fees Tab |

|Post Contract to GA Website |Copy the following files into the G:\Shared Info\INTERNET folder: |

| |Copy Contract file (02911c.doc) |

| |Copy the price sheet (02911p.doc or xls) |

| |Copy the specification (02911s.pdf) if applicable |

| |Copy the bid tab (02911t.doc or xls) |

| |Copy the bid document (02911b.doc) |


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