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COURSE TITLE: Construction Trades (9th Grade)

DUTY TITLE: Basic Safety


PURPOSE: The student will be able identify safety hazards on the various jobsites in the

construction industry according to O.S.H.A. guidelines.


|101 |Demonstrate proper use of personal protective equipment. |

|102 |Identify causes of job site accidents. |

|103 |Identify job site hazards. |

|104 |Working safely with job hazards. |

|105 |Identify safe methods and equipment of aerial work. |

|106 |Demonstrate basic fire safety. |

|107 |Demonstrate basic electrical safety. |

|108 |Using Perform Lockout/Tagout. |

|109 |Demonstrate scaffold and ladder safety. |



|CC.1.3.11-12.I Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, |

|choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. |

|CC.1.4.11-12.A Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately. |

|CC.1.4.11-12.F & CC.1.4.11-12.L Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, |

|punctuation, and spelling. |


|CC.2.1.HS.F.4 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems. |


|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by |

|paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; |

|analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |


|CC.3.6.11-12.H. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. |



|1.1.11.A Locate various texts, assigned for independent projects before reading. |

|1.1.11.D Identify strategies that were most effective in learning |

|1.1.11.E Establish a reading vocabulary by using new words |

|1.1.11.F Understanding the meaning of, and apply key vocabulary across the various subject areas |

|1.4.11.D Maintain a written record of activities |

|1.6.11.A Listen to others, ask questions, and take notes |


|2.2.11.A Develop and use computation concepts |

|2.2.11.B Use estimation for problems that don’t need exact answers |

|2.2.11.C Constructing and applying mathematical models |

|2.2.11.D Describe and explain errors that may occur in estimates |

|2.2.11.E Recognize that the degree of precision need in calculating |

|2.3.11.A Selecting and using the right units and tools to measure precise measurements |

|2.5.11.A Using appropriate mathematical concepts for multi-step problems |

|2.5.11.B Use symbols, terminology, mathematical rules, Etc. |

|2.5.11.C Presenting mathematical procedures and results |


|3.1.12.A Apply concepts of systems, subsystems feedback and control to solve complex technological problems |

|3.1.12.B Apply concepts of models as a method predict and understand science and technology |

|3.1.12.C Assess and apply patterns in science and technology |

|3.1.12D Analyze scale as a way of relating concepts and ideas to one another by some measure |

|3.1.12.E Evaluate change in nature, physical systems and man made systems |

|3.2.12.A Evaluate the nature of scientific and technological knowledge |

|3.2.12.B Evaluate experimental information for appropriateness |

|3.2.12.C Apply elements of scientific inquiry to solve multi – step problems |

|3.2.12.D Analyze the technological design process to solve problems |

|3.4.12.A Apply concepts about the structure and properties of matter |

|3.4.12.B Apply energy sources and conversions and their relationship to heat and temperature |

|3.4.12.C Apply the principles of motion and force |

|3.8.12.A Synthesize the interactions and constraints of science |

|3.8.12.B Use of ingenuity and technological resources to solve specific societal needs and improve the quality of life |

|3.8.12.C Evaluate the consequences and impacts of scientific and technological solutions |


|4.2.10.A Explain that renewable and non renewable resources supply energy and material. |

|4.2.10.B Evaluate factors affecting availability of natural resources. |

|4.2.10.C Analyze the use of renewable and non renewable resources. |

|4.2.12.B Analyze factors affecting the availability of renewable and non renewable resources. |

|4.3.10.A Describe environmental health issues. |

|4.3.10.B Explain how multiple variables determine the effects of pollution on environmental health, natural processes and human practices. |

|4.3.12.C Analyze the need for a healthy environment. |

|4.8.12.A Explain how technology has influenced the sustainability of natural resources over time. |


|13.1.11.A Relate careers to individual interest, abilities, and aptitudes |

|13.2.11.E Demonstrate in the career acquisition process the essential knowledge needed |

|13.3.11.A Evaluate personal attitudes that support career advancement |


|M11.A.3.1.1 Simplify expressions using the order of operations |

|M11.A.2.1.3 Use proportional relationships in problem solving settings |

|M11.A.1.2 Apply any number theory concepts to show relationships between real numbers in problem solving |


The student will be able identify safety hazards on the various job sites in the construction

Industry according to O.S.H.A. CFR 1926 guidelines.


Given all the materials, the student will be able to identify safety hazards on the various

Job sites in the construction industry to 100% accuracy and according to O.S.H.A. CFR 1926

guide lines.


• Always wear safety glasses

• Never strip wire in the direction of another student.

• Always use the tools as they were intended to be used.


1. Attend lecture and shop demonstration by instructor.

2. Obtain handout.

3. Review chapter in text book.

4. Define vocabulary words and activity listed.

5. Review and Discuss MAVCC Safety Video’s.

6. Complete K-W-L Literacy Assignment by Picking an Article From the

Shop Magazine Located in the Theory Room. You can pick any article you feel is important to understand safety on the jobsite.

7. Complete MAX Teaching Anticipation Guide


1. Safety glasses

2. Pencil

3. Textbook

4. Notebook/Binder

5. O.S.H.A. CFR 1926 Safety Guideline Book


CC.1.3.11-12.I Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.

• PPE:


• Multi-Meter:

• Affected employee:

• Authorized employee:

• Disconnect:

• Energized:

• Energy Sources:

• Energy-isolating device:

• Hazardous energy:

• Lockout device:

• Competent Person:

• Lockout:

• Procedure:

• Servicing or maintenance:

• Tag-out device:

• Tag-out:

• Scaffold:

• Safety Net:

➢ List 5 types of PPE:






➢ List 5 job site hazards:






➢ List 5 ways to reduce job site hazards:






➢ List 5 ways to promote safety in your shop:






Name: Date: Level:


CC.2.1.HS.F.4 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems.

CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text.

Students participating in this 9th grade curriculum will be able to perform the following tasks to a Competent or Advanced scale in order to proceed to the next learning guide.

Each task will be graded to a teacher prepared rubric at the end of this learning guide.

Basic Shop Safety

1. Identify the panic button locations in the shop:

2. Explain the proper procedure for a fire drill:

3. Explain the proper procedure for a non-emergency lock down drill:

4. Explain the proper procedure for an emergency lock down drill:

5. Explain the proper procedure for a tornado drill:

6. Explain the reason for the yellow STC sign in the shop:

7. Be able to recite the nurse’s extension for STC:

8. Locate the Auto External Defibrillator (AED) in the school:

9. List 10 OSHA regulations for basic shop safety:

10. Locate the Emergency Call button in the shop:

Fire Safety

1. List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to fire safety:

2. Explain the various fire extinguishers and their uses:

3. Identify the fire extinguisher(s) location(s) in the shop:

Job Site Hazards

1. Explain what OSHA stands for:

2. Explain what the purpose of OSHA is:

3. Identify 10 causes of job site hazards:

4. List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to job site safety:

5. List 10 items to use for improved job site safety:

6. List 6 job titles that a person might have that deals with job site safety:

Electrical Safety

1. Identify and explain the operation of a GFCI receptacle:

2. Identify the ungrounded slot of a GFCI receptacle:

3. Identify the grounded slot of a GFCI receptacle:

4. Identify the grounding slot of a GFCI receptacle:

5. Explain what GFCI follow through is:

6. Explain and perform the correct procedure for installing a lock out/tag out:

7. List 10 rules pertaining to electrical safety as described by OSHA:

Ladder and Scaffold Safety

1. List the maximum weight limit for all ladders in your shop:

2. Identify the parts of a basic scaffold set up:

3. Construct a basic scaffold set up:

4. List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to ladder safety:

5. List 10 OSHA regulations for ladder safety:

6. Identify the various types of ladders used on a job site:

|101 |Demonstrate proper use of personal protective equipment. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |

Construction PPE Standards

Employers must protect their employees from workplace hazards. If the work environment can be physically changed to help prevent exposure to the potential hazard, then the hazard has been eliminated with an engineering control. If the potential hazard exposure is removed by changing the way employees do their jobs, then the hazard has been eliminated with a work practice control. All feasible engineering and work practice controls must be implemented to help eliminate and reduce hazards before personal protective equipment (PPE) is used.

In accordance with the safety and health regulations for construction and the general safety and health provisions, employers must ensure that appropriate PPE is used in all operations where there is an exposure to hazardous conditions (29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1926.28). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations governing the use, selection and maintenance of personal protective and lifesaving equipment are described in Subpart E of Part 1926.

1926.95 - General Construction PPE Standards

Protective equipment including PPE for the eyes, face, head, extremities, protective clothing, respiratory devices and protective shields and barriers must be provided, used and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition.

Although not specifically addressed by the construction standards, hazard assessments should be conducted for all work areas so the proper protective equipment can be selected if needed. When choosing PPE, you should consider such hazards as heat, impact, penetration, compression, chemical, electrical, light radiation, harmful dust and falls.

1926.96 - Foot Protection

According to 29 CFR 1926.96, footwear must comply with the American National Standard Institute’s (ANSI's) Z41-1967 standard. This standard was withdrawn and replaced by ASTM F2412-05 and F2413-05 standards on March 1, 2005. ASTM F2412-11 Standard Test Methods for Foot Protection and ASTM F2413-11 Standard Specification for Performance Requirements for Protective (Safety) Toe Cap Footwear are the current footwear consensus standards. For an overview of ASTM F2413-11, please see Quick Tips #252 Protective Footwear Requirements. Check out Grainger’s full selection of protective footwear.

1926.97 - Electrical Protective Equipment

Design requirements for rubber insulating blankets, rubber insulating matting, rubber insulating covers, rubber insulating line hose, rubber insulating gloves and rubber insulating sleeves are provided in 1926.97. Manufacturing, testing, workmanship, finish, in-service care, use and marking of the specific types of electrical protective equipment are outlined. For more information on rubber insulating gloves, see Quick Tips #262 Electrical Safety Gloves: Inspection and Classification. Check out Grainger’s selection of electrical gloves.

1926.100 - Head Protection

Head protection must be provided whenever there is a possible danger of head injury due to falling or flying objects, impact, electrical shock or burns. This standard incorporates by reference the performance specifications contained in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z89.1-2009, Z89.1-2003 or Z89.1-1997. ANSI Z89.1 was updated in 2014. Hard Hat Requirements provides a review of all incorporated references. Check out our full selection of hard hats.

1926.101 - Hearing Protection

In determining noise exposure, you must first refer to Table D-2, "Permissible Noise Exposures", in 1926.52. If you are exceeding the noise exposures indicated in that section, hearing protection is required.

When an employee is exposed to a 90 decibels (dB) time-weighted average (TWA) and engineering and administrative controls are not sufficient, hearing protection must be provided. Plain cotton ear plugs are not allowed, and any ear protective device inserted in the ear must be fitted by a competent person.

When selecting hearing protection, look at the noise reduction rating (NRR) assigned to the protective device and monitor the actual noise level at the job site. The NRR is defined as the maximum number of dB that the hearing protector will reduce the sound level by when worn. When using the NRR to assess the adequacy of the hearing protector, OSHA suggests:

1. If using a C-weighted TWA, subtract the NRR from the TWA to determine the attenuated noise level.

2. If using an A-weighted TWA, first subtract 7dB from the NRR, then subtract the remainder from the TWA to determine the attenuated noise level.

OSHA also suggests reducing the NRR by an additional safety factor of 50%; however, this is only a suggestion, and citations cannot be issued for not using the 50% reduction factor. Check out Grainger’s full selection of hearing protection products.

1926.102 - Eye and Face Protection

Employees must be provided with eye and face protection when machines or operation present potential eye or face injury from physical, chemical or radiation agents.

The original OSHA standards addressing eye and face protection were adopted in 1971 from established Federal standards and national consensus standards. Since then, OSHA has amended its eye and face protection standards on numerous occasions. On March 2, 2015, OSHA began the direct final rule process to incorporate by reference the three most recent American National Standards for Occupational and Education Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices, ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2010, Z87.1-2003 and Z87.1-1989 (R-1998), into the general industry, shipyard employment, long shoring, marine terminals and construction industry standards.

ANSI Z87.1 was first published in 1968 and revised in 1979, 1989, 2003 and 2010. The 1989 version emphasized performance requirements to encourage and accommodate advancements in design, materials, technologies and product performance. The 2003 version added an enhanced user selection chart with a system for selecting equipment, such as spectacles, goggles and face shields, that adequately helps protect from a particular hazard. The 2010 version focuses on a hazard, such as droplet and splash, impact, optical radiation, dust, fine dust and mist, and specifies the type of equipment needed to help protect from that hazard.

For more information on protective eyewear, see Quick Tips #125 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements - Eye and Face Protection. Check out our full selection of eyewear products.

1926.103 - Respiratory Protection

The respiratory protection requirements that are applicable to construction work under this section are identical to those set for General Industry in 29 CFR 1910.134. Visit Grainger’s Info Library where you will find 14 different Quick Tips discussing various aspects of respiratory protection, from starting a respiratory protection program to supplied air respirators. Check out Grainger’s full selection of respirator products.

1926.104 - Lifelines, Safety Belts and Lanyards

Lanyards, lifelines and safety belts must only be used for employee safeguarding. Their definitions are found in 29 CFR 1926.107. Lanyard means a rope, suitable for supporting one person. One end is fastened to a safety belt or harness and the other end is secured to a substantial object or a safety line. Lifeline means a rope, suitable for supporting one person, to which a lanyard or safety belt (or harness) is attached. It must be secured above the point of operation to an anchorage or structural member capable of supporting a minimum dead weight of 5400 pounds. A safety belt is a device, usually worn around the waist which, by reason of its attachment to a lanyard and lifeline or a structure, will help prevent a person from falling.

1926 Subpart M covers fall protection in its entirety and explains when and where fall protection systems are required and for what construction work activities. It also identifies system component requirements. For more information on fall protection devices, click here for Quick Tips #130 Fall Protection Equipment. Check out Grainger's full selection of fall protection products.

1926.105 - Safety Nets

When working more than 25 feet above the ground, water surface or other surfaces, and when using ladders, safety lines, scaffolds, catch platforms or temporary floors is impractical, safety nets must be provided. These nets must extend eight feet beyond the edge of the work surface and be installed as close under the work surface as practical, but cannot exceed 25 feet. The nets must also be hung with sufficient clearance to help prevent user's contact with the surfaces or structures below. American National Standard ANSI/ASSE A10.11-2010 Safety Requirements for Personnel and Debris Nets establishes safety requirements for the selection, installation and use of personnel and debris nets during construction, repair and demolition operations.

1926.106 - Working Over or Near Water

Employees working over or near water, where the danger of drowning exists, must be provided with U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets or buoyant work vests. Ring buoys with at least 90 feet must also be provided and readily available for emergency rescue operations.

Commonly Asked Questions


Q. How much extra buoyancy do most adults need to keep their head above water?

A: Most adults need an extra seven to 12 pounds of buoyancy to keep their head above water. Below is a list of minimum buoyancy for each type of life jacket

• Type I - 22 pounds

• Type II - 15.5 pounds

• Type III - 15.5 pounds

• Ring Buoy - 16.5 pounds

• Boat Cushion - 18 pounds

• Hybrid inflatable - 7.5/22 pounds (contains some internal buoyancy and are inflatable to provide additional flotation)

• Special use device - 15.5 to 22 pounds


Q: Do particulate respirators (N, P, R categories and 95%, 99% and 99.97% efficiencies) have a specific service life?

A: Per the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), unless the respirator manufacturer identifies a specified duration of use, for example “single use only,” the service life of all filters is limited by considerations of hygiene, damage and breathing resistance. All filters should be replaced whenever they are damaged, soiled or causing noticeably increased breathing resistance. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for specific information on the model being used.



1926.28 – Personal Protective Equipment

1926 Subpart E – Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment

1926 Subpart M – Fall Protection

American National Standard

ANSI/ASSE A10.11-2010 Safety Requirements for Personnel and Debris Nets

Please Note:

The content in this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only. This publication is not a substitute for review of the applicable government regulations and standards, and should not be construed as legal advice or opinion. Readers with specific compliance questions should refer to the cited regulation or consult with an attorney.

|102 |Identify causes of job site accidents. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |



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|Fig.1 A Crane Accident in New York, 2008 |

|(Source: ) |


In the construction industry, owners, contractors and designers have the obligation to provide a safe site working environment, and their negligence on safety may cause severe accidents and injuries as well as economic loss (Laufer, 1987). A large number of construction accidents are reported and thousands of workers are killed or injured on construction sites each year. As a result, project owners lose large amounts of money and many families suffer from permanent pain. In 2012, there were 4 accidents that occurred on the World Trade Center (WTC) construction project, which serves as a case study to learn about construction accidents.

Common Types of Construction Accidents

There are many types of construction accidents, and they can be classified by different categories. In terms of severity, a construction accident may or may not cause injuries and life loss, and the economic loss may be small or huge. A construction accident can be rooted in equipment failure, design ignorance, working carelessness, and natural disasters, etc. In addition, based on the locations, there are tunnel accidents, highway construction accidents, and residential building site accidents, to name but a few. Table 1 shows some examples of construction accidents (URL 1).

Table1. Classification of Construction Accidents

|Classification |Labor Type |Project Type |Heavy |Building |Others |

|Category | | |Equipment |Component | |

Key Factors Leading to Construction Accidents

Construction accidents can be caused by a variety of reasons, and different disciplines involved in a construction project may all be responsible. In the planning phase, owners may fail to consider potential site safety issues, and pay little attention to safety management. In the design phase, designers and architects may neglect all possible safety-related design codes or not be able to eliminate all possible factors. In the construction phase, contractors may fail to be cautious about site safety risks or report problems in time, and workers may do their job carelessly.

The following is a video clip from OSHA about "Struck-by Accidents in Construction/Swinging Cranes":

The most common causes of accidents in construction projects are (Haslam,, 2005; URL 6):

-Falling Hazards

Falling accidents typically occur when a worker steps to or backwards an open-sided floor or slab and focuses on the work. Slips, trips and low falls are the most common forms, and usually cause minor injuries (e.g. musculoskeletal disorders, puncture wounds, etc.). By contrast, fatal accidents can be caused by falls from height, and in most cases workers suffer from head or shoulder wounds. Lack of opening protections, inadequate edge protections, scaffolding failures, and inappropriate use of ladders may lead to potential falling hazards.

-Unsafe Working Conditions According to Abdelhamid, T. and Everett, J. (2000), an unsafe condition is “a condition in which the physical layout of the workplace or work locations, the status of tools, equipment, and/or material are in violation of contemporary safety standards”. Unsafe conditions on a construction site include exposed rebar, uncovered holes or trenches, and inadequate personal protective equipment, etc. Accidents can be caused by failing to identify an unsafe condition, ignorance of an unsafe condition reported by workers, or deciding to act unsafe in the work environment.

-Struck By Tools, Equipment and Falling Objects Serious injuries may be caused by falling objects or tools, which are due to lack of tool belts, inadequate site storage planning, and lack of toe boards on scaffolding. In addition, improper use of construction vehicles and equipment (e.g. cranes, hoists, trucks, etc.) may also result in struck crushed or trapped accidents.

-Trenching and Excavation Hazards Trenching hazards may set workers in danger of being trapped by soil and rocks, asphyxiation, inhalation of poisoning fumes and drowning in underground water. Inadequate excavation wall support, protective system failure, soil inspection failure and unsafe passage into and out of the trench may generate such kind of construction accidents.

-Stepladder Misuse The majority of falls in construction accidents are due to stepladder misuse or failures. Ladder injuries include loss of balance, improperly ladder setting up, loss of balance, and exceeding the ladder weight capacity, etc. Information on the causes of ladder injuries, ladder types, ladder misuse and safe ladder practices can be found in the document of “Ladder Safety in Construction” developed by Washington State Department of Labor & Industries.

-Electrocutions and Power Tool Accidents Electrocutions can be caused by body contact with power cables, cable strikes on underground utilities, or defective of ground-fault protection. Power tool accidents, such as nail gun injuries, are usually caused by inappropriate use or inadequate eye protection. Furthermore, improper guards in place on power tool management may lead to more severe injuries.

-Scaffolding Accidents Scaffolding accidents cause large numbers of deaths and injuries every year. Most accidents are caused by scaffold equipment failure, inadequate scaffolding safety training, lack of personal fall protective systems, or improper scaffolding equipment operation. In addition, materials and tools falling off scaffolding may also cause injuries.

-Construction Vehicle Accidents Large construction equipment (e.g. cranes, forklifts, dump trucks, road graders and concrete mixtures, etc.) may become potential dangers on a construction site. Due to their weight and size, workers and drivers can be seriously injured or killed in an accident. In some cases, drivers may not have competent driving skills, or their visibility may be limited due to site constraints (URL 8).

The Role of OSHA

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency of the Department of Labor (URL 7). It was created by the Congress with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 with the aim to “assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance”. OSHA is responsible to inspect construction sites, investigate construction accidents, and enforce standards and regulations to reduce construction accident impacts. In 2011, 40,648 federal inspections and 52,056 state inspections were carried out with the budget of $573,096,000.

Organizational Chart

The organizational structure of OSHA can be found in the following document "OSHA Organizational Chart

OSHA Law & Regulations

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|Fig.2 "Fatal Four" Defined by OSHA |

In 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) became federal law and has been enforced by OSHA in every state in the US. Under the OSH Act and other regulations (standards), employers are required to provide a safe and healthful working environment and prevent workers from hazards and dangers in the working place.

"Fatal Four"

According to OSHA, 4,609 workers were killed on the job in 2011 (almost 90 deaths every week or 13 deaths every day), out of which 721 workers (17.5%) were killed in construction. The leading causes, also called “Fatal Four” of construction accidents in 2011 are falls, electrocutions, struck of object, and caught-in/between (Figure 2). Three out of five construction worker deaths (410 workers’ lives in total) in the US were caused by the “Fatal Four”

Top 10 Most Frequently Cited OSHA Standard Violations

According to OSHA, the top 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards violated in 2011 are:

o Hazard communication standard, general industry (29 CFR 1910.1200)o Respiratory protection, general industry (29 CFR 1910.134)o Scaffolding, general requirements, construction (29 CFR 1926.451)o Fall protection, construction (29 CFR 1926.501)o Control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout), general industry (29 CFR 1910.147)o Electrical, wiring methods, components and equipment, general industry (29 CFR 1910.305)o Powered industrial trucks, general industry (29 CFR 1910.178)o Ladders, construction (29 CFR 1926.1053)o Electrical systems design, general requirements, general industry (29 CFR 1910.303)o Machine guarding (machines, general requirements, general industry) (29 CFR 1910.212)

Case Study - WTC Accidents

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| WTC Construction Site |

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3 World Trade Center and 4 World Trade Center (Figure 3 & 4), part of the World Trade Center reconstruction in New York City, were designed by Kenneth Gardner and Herbert Belton. 3 World Trade Center will provide 2.8 million square feet of working space, and is schedule to be completed by 2014. 4 World Trade Center is designed to offer 1.8 million square feet of office space, and will be completed by 2013. Since the beginning of 2012, four accidents at the World Trade Center construction site have been reported, among which 3 were on the Tower 4 site and 1 was on the Tower 3 site.

Tower 4 Construction Site Several steel beams (20 ton) fell 40 stories and crushed a truck on February 16 with no injuries reported (Figure 5). The accident occurred in the morning when a crane was lifting metal beams to the top of Tower 4. The cables in the crane snapped suddenly and dropped three 62-foot-long beams (appropriately 20 tons) near Church Street and Cortlandt Street. As a result, the load fell 40 stories from the crane onto a flatbed truck. Luckily no one was seriously injured in this accident, and only one worker got checked for minor injuries. Service for the 1 train was also delayed. (URL 9)

On June 26th, a 37year-old worker was impaled by a piece of rebar after a 5-feet fall (URL 5). The man lost his balance when working to the top of Tower 4 and the falling force made the piece of rebar that he was holding straight through his stomach. His liver was bruised and two of his ribs were fractured. This accident belongs to the “slips, trips and low falls” type but has led to serious injuries.

The next day (June 27th), shattered glass caused by a tilted crane fell from the 54th floor onto Liberty Street (URL 3). A steel beam smashed some windows due to a sudden gust of wind and the glass pieces of 2 windows fell down. Thanks to the closure of the street and the protective shed over the pedestrian sidewalk, no injuries were reported.

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|Crane Accident in Tower 4 (Source: ) |

On the Tower 3 Construction Site, a worker was seriously injured after falling 15 feet to the ground while installing a beam in the afternoon on August 29th, 2012 (URL 4). The 36-year-old man was from Falcon Steel Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del and suffered serious arm and head injuries. He was working at the base of Tower 3 in the afternoon when he slipped and fell onto the ground.

Table 2. WTC Accidents Summary in 2012

|Date |Location |Description |Accident Type |Injuries |

|Feb.16, 2012 |Tower 4 Site |Crane Cable Failure |Heavy Equipment Accident |1 worker received minor injuries. |

|Jun.26, 2012 |Tower 4 Site |Worker Impaled by rebar |Falling Hazards |1 worker was seriously injured. |

|Jun.27, 2012 |Tower 4 Site |Glass Falls |Falling Hazards |No injuries were reported. |

|Aug.29, 2012 |Tower 3 Site |Worker Falls |Falling Hazards |1 worker was seriously injured. |

Similar Case-UW Demolition Accident

On July 21th, 2012, a large concrete slab fell and crushed onto the cab of a crane on the University of Washington campus. The slab was 15 feet by 30 feet and fell six stories onto the crane, trapping the operator inside the cab with severe injuries. It took about 2 hours for the emergency crews to free him and then he was rushed to the hospital. The operator was working to demolish a residential building on the campus at the time of being injured. Figure 6 below was taken at the accident site.

|[pic] |

|Crane Accident at the UW campus (Source: |

|) |

Lessons Learned

In Case of a Construction Accident

All parties must react to a construction accident immediately, and take measures to minimize the impacts of injuries and economic loss (URL 2). The most important thing is to give prompt medical care to injured workers and ensure the safety of other on site workers. Project managers need to contact owners in time, and coordinate with designers for best solutions. It is also important to preserve and investigate the site immediately, as well as reporting to OSHA. A post-accident meeting should be coordinated by all related parties and measures need to be taken to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Prevention and Constructability

In 1986, the Construction Industry Institute (CII) defined “Constructability” as “the optimum use of construction knowledge and experience in planning, design, procurement, and field operation to achieve overall project objectives”. Safety should be paid the first attention throughout the whole project process, and it is one of the most important components of constructability.

Construction accident prevention involves all related parties and requires the collaboration of all disciplines in a project (Chi, et al., 2005; Gyi, et al., 1999). The implementation of accident prevention should be embedded throughout the planning, designing, construction and maintenance phases. A safety plan should be well developed based on the specific project conditions in the planning phase, and agreed by all parties involved in the project. In the design phase, designers and engineers should take safety in the first place. According to Behm (2006), designing for safety is “the consideration of construction site safety in the preparation of plans and specifications for construction projects”. All potential hazards in the site should be identified and minimized prior to the installation of protective systems. During the construction and maintenance phases, everyone on the site must follow OSHA law and regulations, and any violations should be documented and reported. All the workers should be trained for safety concerns, and they should use protective equipment or tools when working in dangerous zones. General contractors and engineers should provide and maintain a clean and safe working environment. All safety equipment and systems on the site should also be supervised and maintained regularly.


Construction accidents cause a large number of deaths, injuries and economic loss each year. They can be classified into different categories, and the leading causes are falling hazards, unsafe working conditions, and scaffolding accidents, etc. In the US, OSHA is responsible to inspect construction sites, investigate construction accidents, and enforce standards and regulations to reduce construction accident impacts. They have made OSHA law and regulations and enforced them in every state. Thanks to the work of OSHA, fatalities at workplace have been reduced by over 65 percent and injuries have been reduced by 76 percent since 1970. In terms of construction accident prevention, owners, contractors and designers need to collaborate efficiently throughout the lifecycle of a project and all efforts should be taken to eliminate the possibility of an accident. The concept of constructability should be embedded early in the design phase to minimize the impacts of accidents

Annotated Bibliography

Abdelhamid, T., Everett, J. (2000). Identifying Root Causes of Construction Accidents. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 126, Pages 52–60.

• Three root causes of construction accidents are identified by using the accident root causes tracing model (ARCTM).

Behm, M. (2006). An Analysis of construction Accidents from a Design Perspective. The Center to Protect Workers' Rights. (Oct 1, 2012).

• This report analyzes construction accident issues from the design perspective and provides an investigation model.

Bernard, K. EzineArticles. (Dec 2, 2012) (URL 6)

• Nine common causes of construction accidents are discussed in this article.

Block O'Toole & Murphy: (Nov.15, 2012) (URL 1)

• A thorough introduction of construction accidents can be found on this website.

Breakstone, White & Gluck. (Dec 2, 2012) (URL 2)

• Information regarding with how to deal with a construction accident can be found on this website.

Chi, C., Chang T., Ting H. (2005). Accident patterns and prevention measures for fatal occupational falls in the construction industry, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 391-400.

• Different measures to prevent fatal falls and accidents at construction sites are discussed.

Conley, K. (June 27, 2012). Crane tilt causes glass to fall from 54th floor of 4 World Trade Center. New York Post. (October 2, 2012) (URL 3)

• This article documented the construction accident of falling glass at the Tower 4 site (with photos).

Gyi, D.E., Gibb, A.G.F., Haslam, R.A. (1999). The Quality of Accident and Health Data in the Construction Industry: Interviews With Senior Managers. Construction Management and Economics 17, Pages 197–204.

• This paper describes the quality of accident data using interviews with managers from nine large engineering companies, and explores the methods to integrate the management of health and safety performance.

Haslam, R.A., Hide, S.A., Gibb, A.G.F., Gyi, D.E., Pavitt, T., Atkinson, S., Duff, A.R.. (2005). Contributing factors in construction accidents, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 401-415.

• By analyzing findings from previous researches on over 100 construction accidents, several factors that may lead to construction accidents are identified.

Hawkins, E.B.(2012). "Impaled At WTC: Construction Worker Suffers Injury At 4 World Trade Center." The Inquisitr. (October 2, 2012) (URL 5)

• The construction accident of the impaled worker at the Tower 4 site is described by the author.

Laufer, A. (1987). Construction accident cost and management safety motivation, Journal of Occupational Accidents, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 295-315.

• The author explores the relationship between the safety management motivation and the firm's economical interests, and indicates recommendations of practical implementations for safety management.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (Dec 1, 2012) (URL 7)

• Homepage of OSHA.

Rosen, E.D.. (August 29, 2012). Construction Worker Injured at 3 World Trade Center. Commercial Observer. (October 2, 2012) (URL 4)

• The construction accident of the falling worker at the Tower 3 site on August 29, 2012 is reported in the article.

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. (Dec 1, 2012) (URL 8)

• A lot of construction safety training materials can be found on this website.

Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro & Halperin, LLP. New York Injury Talk Blog. (Dec 2, 2012) (URL 9)

|103 |Identify job site hazards. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |

Job Hazard Analysis

An important tool for identifying and reducing hazards in any industry

What is a job hazard analysis?

A job hazard analysis (JHA), also called a job safety analysis (JSA), is a technique to identify the dangers of specific tasks in order to reduce the risk of injury to workers.

Why is a JHA important?

Once you know what the hazards are, you can reduce or eliminate them before anyone gets hurt. The JHA can also be used to investigate accidents and to train workers how to do their jobs safely.

It will take a little time to do your JHAs, but it's time well spent. Be sure to involve employees in the process --- they do the work and often know the best ways to work more safely.

• Instructions for Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis

• JHA Form

• Sample JHA for Healthcare and Manufacturing

If you need help doing your JHAs or correcting the problems you find, call Safety Works!. We can give you information over the phone or come to your workplace for a free, confidential and friendly consultation. Call 1-877-SAFE-345 (1-877-723-3345). You can also ask a question through Ask the Expert.

Instructions for Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis

How do I start?

1. Involve employees.

o Discuss what you are going to do and why

o Explain that you are studying the task, not employee performance

o Involve the employees in the entire process

2. Review your company's accident/injury/illness/near miss history to determine which jobs pose the highest risk to employees.

3. Identify the OSHA standards that apply to your jobs. Incorporate their requirements into your JHA.

4. Set priorities.

o You may want to give priority to:

▪ Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates;

▪ Jobs where there have been "close calls" - where an incident occurred but no one got hurt;

▪ Jobs where you have identified violations of OSHA standards;

▪ Jobs with the potential to cause serious injuries or illness, even if there is no history of such problems;

▪ Jobs in which one simple human mistake could lead to severe injury;

▪ Jobs that are new to your operation of have been changed; and

▪ Jobs complex enough to require written instructions.

1. Break the job task into steps.

• Watch the worker do the job and list each step in order

• Begin each step with a verb, for example, "Turn on the saw."

• Do not make it too broad or too detailed

• You may want to photograph or videotape

• Review the steps with the worker and other workers who do the same job to make sure you have not left anything out.



|1. Reach into box to the right of the | | |

|machine, grasp casting and carry to wheel | | |

|2. Push casting against wheel to grind off | | |

|burr. | | |

|3. Place finished casting in box to the left| | |

|of the machine. | | |

2. Identify the hazards of each step. For each hazard, ask:

• What can go wrong?

• What are the consequences?

• How could it happen?

• What are other contributing factors?

• How likely is it that the hazard will occur?



|1. Reach into box to the right of the |Strike hand on edge of metal box or casting;| |

|machine, grasp casting and carry to wheel |cut hand on burr. Drop casting on toes. | |

|2. Push casting against wheel to grind off |Strike hand against wheel, sparks in eyes. | |

|burr. |Wheel breakage, dust, sleeves get caught | |

|3. Place finished casting in box to the left|Strike hand against metal box or casting | |

|of the machine. | | |

3. Review the list of hazards with employees who do the job. Discuss what could eliminate or reduce them.

4. Identify ways to eliminate or reduce the hazards.

• Safer way to do the job

• Describe each step

• Be specific - don’t use generalizations like "Be Careful"

• Changes in equipment

• Equipment changes, or engineering controls, are the first choice because they can eliminate the hazard

• E.g. machine guards, improved lighting, better ventilation

• Changes in work processes

• Administrative controls, or changes in how the task is done, can be used if engineering controls aren't possible

• E.g. rotating jobs, changing the steps, training

• Changes in personal protective equipment

• When engineering and administrative controls aren't possible or don't adequately protect the workers, use personal protective equipment

• E.g. gloves, hearing protection



|1. Reach into box to the right of the |Strike hand on edge of metal box or casting;|Provide gloves and safety shoes. |

|machine, grasp casting and carry to wheel |cut hand on burr. Drop casting on toes. | |

|2. Push casting against wheel to grind off |Strike hand against wheel, sparks in eyes. |Provide larger guard over wheel. Install exhaust |

|burr. |Wheel breakage, dust, sleeves get caught |system. Install exhaust system. Provide safety |

| | |goggles. Instruct employee to wear short sleeved |

| | |shirts. |

|3. Place finished casting in box to the left|Strike hand against metal box or casting |Provide tool for removal of completed stock. |

|of the machine. | | |

What do I do next?

1. Correct the unsafe conditions and processes.

o Train all employees who do the job on the changes

o Make sure they understand the changes

2. Review the JHAs.

o Periodically - you may find hazards you missed before

o When he task or process is changed

o When injuries or close calls occur when doing the task

3. Use the JHAs.

o Training

o Accident investigation

|104 |Working safely with job hazards. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |

Inspecting Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry

Organization(s): The International Labor Organization

Summary Statement: International Labor Organization handbook is designed to help provide information and training for inspectors. It contains information on key safety and health concepts and occupational safety and health issues, including managing an inspection program and performing on-site inspections.

Section 7: OSH hazards/risks on construction sites

7.1 General principles of prevention

7.2 The main OSH hazards/risks in the construction industry

The general principle for minimizing OSH hazards/risks is: to identify/know the hazards/risks involved, to analyses them and consequently avoid or prevent them.

This principle should be applied to each of the basic resources (labor, material and equipment) and to each construction operation, construction element and construction project as a whole. In many countries (e.g. the European Union countries), this procedure is known as the application of the “general principles of prevention” during the design phase and during the execution phase. These principles are presented and briefly described with examples in subsection 7.1 of this document.

It is important to know the main occupational safety and health hazards/risks in the construction industry and these are presented in subsection 7.2. This will allow all those who have to take the preventive measures (those involved directly in the construction process) or to inspect the measures taken (labor inspectors, but also the OSH experts on behalf of other interested parties), to pay special attention and give priority to these hazards/risks.

7.1 General principles of prevention

In the European Union, the nine “General Principles of Prevention” (GPP) are: (1) Avoid risks; (2) Evaluate the risks which cannot be avoided; (3) Combat the risks at source; (4) Adapt the work to the individual, especially as regards the design of work places, the choice of work equipment and the choice of working and production methods, with a view, in particular, to alleviating monotonous work and work at a predetermined work-rate and to reducing their effect on health; (5) Adapt to technical progress; (6) Replace the dangerous by the non-dangerous or the less dangerous; (7) Develop a coherent overall prevention policy which covers technology, organization of work, working conditions, social relationships and the influence of factors related to the working environment; (8) Give collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures; (9) Give appropriate instructions to the workers.

These are also shown in table 8 together with some comments on or examples of each. Compliance with these GPP is of utmost importance for safety and health during the design and construction phases. They should be applied by the designers during the design process and by the contractors during the construction process, and be followed up by those who have to monitor the prevention measures (project supervisors, OSH coordinators and experts, etc.).

Table 8: The nine General Principles of Prevention

|1. Avoid risks |

|To avoid risks of falls on a building project, consider the execution of scaffolding as the building grows in height; consider |

|planning the project by avoiding simultaneous and incompatible construction operations (worker distractions are responsible for |

|many occupational accidents); carefully consider the appropriate period of time to be allotted for the performance of the different|

|tasks to minimize the pressure that might otherwise accompany an unrealistic work goal; … |

|2. Evaluate the risks |

|which cannot be avoided Consider the preparation of Inspection and Monitoring Plans for all relevant construction operations in |

|terms of risks involved; consider the technical maintenance, pre-commissioning checks and regular checks on installations and |

|equipment with the objective of correcting any faults which might affect the safety and health of workers; … |

|3. Combat the risks at source |

|Consider ways of confining and neutralizing the risk at the source; avoid the use of noisy equipment by selecting equipment that |

|has been engineered to generate less noise; consider also the sound-proofing of the engine ’s compartment; consider air |

|conditioning in the driver compartment on earthmoving equipment so that the work can be performed with closed windows without |

|exposing the driver to noise and other environmental hazards as dust and fumes; … |

|4. Adapt the work to the individual, especially as regards the design of work places, the choice of work equipment and the choice |

|of working and production methods, with a view, in particular, to alleviating monotonous work and work at a predetermined work-rate|

|and to reducing their effect on health |

|To reduce hazards consider the use of ergonomic equipment and perform risk analysis when choosing equipment and construction |

|processes and methods; avoid undue pressure in project scheduling, by accurately allotting adequate time to perform each |

|construction operation; perform regular health inspections of workers;... |

|5. Adapt to technical progress |

|Use only certificated equipment according to the regulations and standards; prepare a procedure to organize a database on all |

|relevant regulations and standards and keep the database current by including all recent changes; implement the procedures to avoid|

|the non-intentional use of obsolete technical documents; … |

| |

|6. Develop a coherent overall prevention policy which covers technology, organization of work, working conditions, social |

|relationships and the influence of factors related to the working environment |

|Consider a formal safety and health (prevention) policy provided by each Contractor on site; assure the cooperation between |

|employers and self-employed persons; consider the interaction with industrial activities at the place within which or in the |

|vicinity of which the construction site is located; choose the location of workstations bearing in mind how access to these |

|workplaces is obtained, and determine ways or areas for the passage and movement of equipment; keep the construction site in good |

|order and in a satisfactory state of cleanliness; consider the conditions under which various materials are handled; implement |

|periodic safety and health audits and inspections; … |

|7. Give collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures |

|Consider, for example, guardrails for fall protection, where needed, and complementary safety nets and/or life lines with safety |

|harnesses (together with all other personal protective equipment that are mandatory, including hardhats and safety shoes); use the |

|appropriate shoring systems or slope the walls of excavations, whenever the soil is not pure rock; … |

|8. Give appropriate instructions to the workers |

|Instructions should be simple and only as detailed as needed; consider visual communications; consider different languages for |

|these instructions according to the origin of workers on site, and promote safety and health meetings; … |

In some cases, the GPP should be included in the specifications as mandatory, so that all designers and contractors will follow them in the tendering processes. These stakeholders must know, understand and interpret these principles in the light of the design and the construction process and working methods for each project.

In general terms, the application of these general principles of prevention, during both design and execution phases, is based on the following question for each construction project and each major construction element (taking into consideration different possible or alternative architectural, technical or organizational solutions):

How will it be built and maintained?

For each construction project (a building, a bridge, a road, etc.), this question can be expanded in different ways as in the following examples:

• How will each construction element be built without putting workers into a dangerous situation that might compromise their safety and health? Is there any other solution which is less dangerous and does not compromise the architectural or technical requirements?

• How will this construction element be maintained during the life of the construction project, without putting the maintenance workers at risk? How will the façade be cleaned (for example, windows may be cleaned from the inside or should a platform be installed on the outside)?

• How will maintenance workers get access to equipment if it is placed in a particular position (for example, air conditioning equipment placed very high)?

• How will access be provided to the roof of the building (bearing in mind the slope as well)? For future maintenance, should some points of anchorage be left in place to accommodate “life lines” and safety harnesses, or to attach platforms on the ridge of the roof? Could the parapet on the roof be 1,00 - 1,20 meters high to avoid the need for temporary guardrails (ensuring that the workers of both the execution and maintenance phases work safely on the roof)?

These are just some of the questions that should be always kept in mind, especially by designers, contractors and their OSH experts , as well as by the project supervisors and the OSHA experts/coordinators appointed by the owner of the construction project (during both the design and execution phases).

OSHA concerns the whole life of the construction project (from the very early stages of design until the demolition). Accordingly, the Safety and Health Plan deals with the OSH of the workers involved during the execution phase and the Safety and Health File deals with the OSH of the workers involved during the maintenance period (both documents are referred to in subsection 9.1).

OSHA should be guarantee in all construction projects, but the requirements should take into account their size (based on estimated project cost and/or person-days), complexity and whether the works involve particular risks as defined in the law of many countries.

Types of work involving particular risks as defined by the Construction Sites Directive (92/57/EC, 1992) of the European Union are: (1) Work which puts workers at risk of burial under earth falls, engulfment in swampland or falling from a height, where the risk is particularly aggravated by the nature of the work or processes used or by the environment at the place of work or site; (2) Work which puts workers at risk from chemical or biological substances constituting a particular danger to the safety and health of workers or involving a legal requirement for health monitoring; (3) Work with ionizing radiation requiring the designation of controlled or supervised areas; (4) Work near high voltage power lines; (5) Work exposing workers to the risk of drowning; (6) Work on wells, underground earthworks and tunnels; (7) Work carried out by drivers having a system of air supply; (8) Work carried out by workers in caisson with a compressed-air atmosphere; (9) Work involving the use of explosives; (10) Work involving the assembly or dismantling of heavy prefabricated components.

However, related to the first group of works involving particular risks referred to in above, it does not seems reasonable, for example, to consider as “involving particular risks” all risks of falling independently of the working height or all excavations independently of the working depth.

Actually, the mentioned EU Directive gives each country the option of setting figures for individual situations and indeed some countries have taken it up. For risk of burial under earth falls, some countries consider a depth of more than 1,20 meters while others consider 1,50 meters. As for the risk of falling from height, some figures set this at 2 meters, some at 3 meters or at 5 meters.

Some countries again have set figures for other work involving particular risk, as for example the demolition or deconstruction work involving more than 200 cubic meters of the product to be removed from the construction site, and work involving lifting equipment with a capacity over 60 tons-meter (e.g. mobile or tower cranes).

7.2 The main OSHA hazards/risks in the construction industry

The most frequent hazards/risks in the construction industry fall into two main categories

(Fig. 20)

1) hazards/risks that may cause occupational accidents, sometimes fatal, immediately or soon after they occur;

2) hazards/risks that may cause occupational illness, sometimes also fatal, in the medium or long term (from a few hours to many years later).

The leading accident hazards/risks in the construction industry in most countries are:

• Falls from height (from unguarded floors, platforms, scaffoldings, roofs, etc.);

• Caught in/between (malfunction of machinery, etc.);

• Cave in (malfunction of the shoring system, sloping missing in excavations, etc.);

• Electrocution (by contact with power lines, power tools, etc.); and

• Struck by (falling objects, etc.).

The leading occupational illnesses hazards/risks in the construction industry in most countries are:

• Back injuries (from carrying heavy loads, working in inappropriate positions, etc.);

• Respiratory diseases (from inhaling dust, fumes, etc.);

• Musculoskeletal disorders (from sprains and strains of the muscles, injuries affecting the hand and wrist, the shoulders, neck and upper back, the knees, etc.);

• Hearing losses (from long time exposure to noise); and

• Skin diseases (manipulation of dangerous materials, exposure to the ultraviolet rays).


Figure 20 – Most frequent hazards/risks in the construction industry

Many other potential hazards/risks in the construction industry depend on the type of construction works (buildings, bridges, etc.). Table 9 gives a non-exhaustive list of hazards/risks in the construction industry. It can be used to identify and record the main hazards/risks that may occur in a specific construction project by checking “yes”, “no” or “NA” (not applicable). It may also be used to record the risk level (RL) by estimating a probability (P) of occurrence and a severity (S).

Table 9: Identification of hazards and risks of a construction project/site

|Construction project/site: |Ref./Date |

|Hazards/Risks |Exists? |Risk Level (RL) |Notes / Comments |

| | | |(e.g. where the risks may occur, exposure period, |

| | | |temperature, etc.) |

| |Yes |

|Hazards/Risks |Exists? |Risk Level (RL) |Notes / Comments |

| | | |(e.g. where the risks may occur, exposure period, |

| | | |temperature, etc.) |

| |Yes |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |

Fall Protection for Aerial Work Platforms

Quick Tips

The use of fall protection for Aerial Work Platforms (AWP) is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). AWPs are manual or powered equipment used to provide access for people or equipment at elevation above the ground. Examples of AWPs include boom lifts (including vehicle mounted), scissor lifts, power towers, cherry or stock pickers, and bucket trucks. This document addresses unique fall protection requirements for AWPs. General fall protection standards also apply to AWPs and a summary of these standards are found in Quick Tips #130-Fall Protection Equipment, 131-Construction Fall Protection, Subpart M, and 347-ANSI Z359: A New Lift to Fall Protection Standards.

Aerial Work Platform Compliance Standards for Fall Protection

There are two industry standards for AWP compliance, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and OSHA. OSHA is the federal regulatory agency enforcing compliance with these standards. Complying with OSHA standards is mandatory for industries. ANSI is a body of various organizations that develop guidelines, conformity, standards and best practices for industries. Complying with ANSI standards is voluntary unless OSHA has incorporated ANSI standards by reference. However, OSHA often refers to ANSI standards for industry best practices. Therefore, OSHA may cite businesses under the “General Duty Clause” (OSHA Act of 1970, Section 5) for not following the best industry practices such as ANSI standards.

OSHA requires fall protection for AWPs under both the Construction Standards (29 CFR 1926 Subpart M) and General Industry Standards (29 CFR 1910 Subpart F). Only fall protection for boom-supported aerial lifts is directly addressed by these regulations. OSHA standard 29 CFR 1926.453(b)(2)(v) states that for boom-supported aerial lifts, “A body belt shall be worn and a lanyard attached to the boom or basket when working from an aerial lift.” OSHA later clarifies that, “body belts are not acceptable as part of a personal fall arrest system. The use of a body belt in a positioning system or in a restraint system is acceptable and is regulated under 1926.502(e).”

OSHA does not address fall protection for scissor lifts or other mobile lifts in these regulations, as they are not defined as an aerial lift. Scissor lift provisions can be found in the General Requirements for Scaffolds 29 CFR 1926.451.

ANSI and the Scaffold Industry Association (SIA) collaborated to develop standards for AWPs. The standards are:

• ANSI/SIA A92.2-2009, Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial Devices

• ANSI/SIA A92.3-2006, American National Standard for Manually Propelled Elevating Aerial Platforms

• ANSI/SIA A92.5-2006, American National Standard Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms

• ANSI/SIA A92.6-2006, Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms

• ANSI/SIA A92.8-2006, Vehicle-Mounted Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Devices

These standards are based on the different types of AWPs. Fall protection requirements are mentioned in these standards and the table below provides a summary of these fall protection requirements:

|ANSI Standard and AWP Type |Fall Protection Requirements |

|ANSI A92.2 Vehicle-mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial |Personal fall protection equipment is required. |

|Devices | |

|ANSI A92.5 Boom-supported Elevating Work Platforms |Personal fall protection equipment is required. |

|ANSI A92.8 Vehicle-mounted Bridge Inspection and |Personal fall protection equipment may be required based on platform area and |

|Maintenance Devices |additional considerations. |

|ANSI A92.3 Manually Propelled Elevating Aerial Platforms |If equipped, the guardrail provides fall protection. |

|ANSI A92.6 Self-propelled Elevating Work Platforms |If equipped, the guardrail provides fall protection. |

Manufacturers of AWPs may require the use personal fall protection regardless of OSHA and ANSI standards. This information should be found in the operator’s manual for the specific AWP.

Examples of Personal Fall Protection Systems for Aerial Work Platforms

A fall restraint system can be used to prevent the worker from falling or being thrown from the platform. The following type of fall protection equipment can be used for fall restraint – a short restraint lanyard, an adjustable restraint lanyard, body belt and a full body harness. However, this system prevents freedom of movement for the worker.

A fall arrest system is designed to provide freedom of movement for the worker and also provides impact or shock reduction in the event of a fall. The following type of fall protection equipment can be used for fall arrest – a shock absorbing lanyard and a full body harness. A self-retracting lifeline can be used instead of a shock absorbing lanyard and may provide a shorter free fall distance. Personal fall arrest systems should be rigged so that an employee cannot free fall more than six feet or allow the worker to come in contact with a lower surface. Determining the correct fall protection system should be based on a risk assessment and evaluated by a competent person as defined in 29 CFR 1910.66 Appendix C.

Commonly Asked Questions

Q. Can I use a body belt on an aerial work platform?

A. Yes, as long the body belt is used as part of a restraint system and the worker cannot fall more than two feet [29 CFR 1926.502(e)(1)].  For fall distances greater than two feet, a full body harness must be used as part of a fall arrest system.

Q. Does a scissor lift require fall protection?

A. If the scissor lift has a guardrail intact, then no further fall protection equipment is required (ANSI/SIA A92.3-2006 and ANSI/SIA A92.6-2006).

Q.I am using a six foot shock absorbing lanyard and a body harness for fall protection on my aerial work platform. Will this system meet OSHA’s standards for adequate fall protection?

A. It depends on the free fall distance. OSHA’s 29 CFR 1926.502d(16)(iii) requires anchorage to “be rigged such that an employee can neither free fall more than six feet, nor contact any lower level? If the anchor point prevents a free fall of less than six feet, then this fall protection system will comply with OSHA standards. If the anchor point allows more than 6 feet of free fall, then a different fall protection system must be used to comply with OSHA’s fall protection standards.


1. 29 CFR 1926.453, Aerial Lifts

2. 29 CFR 1926.502, Fall Protection Systems Criteria and Practices

3. 29 CFR 1910.66, Powered Platforms for Building Maintenance

4. OSHA’s Standard Interpretations Dated February 23, 2000

5. OSHA’s Standard Interpretations Dated January 14, 2009

6. ANSI/SIA A92.2-2009, Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial Devices

7. ANSI/SIA A92.3-2006, American National Standard for Manually Propelled Elevating Aerial Platforms

8. ANSI/SIA A92.5-2006, American National Standard Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms

9. ANSI/SIA A92.6-2006, Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms

10. ANSI/SIA A92.8-2006, Vehicle-Mounted Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Devices

11. Statement of Best Practices of Personal Fall Protection Systems for Aerial Work Platform Equipment

Aerial Work Platforms: Safety Tips

Lifts, aerial work platforms, equipment training, training, equipment rental, aerial lifts

Equipment Rental & Tools

Technology advances and ongoing safety considerations related to lift equipment make it even more important than ever those managers make training a key issue in purchasing or renting an aerial work platform.

First, managers need to understand the different levels of training related to aerial work platforms. They include:

• General product training, which is available from the International Powered Access Federation or a rental dealer. This training can last up to a full day and gives participants certification to operate lift equipment.

• Machine-specific training, which can take about 45 minutes and is provided by the manufacturer or rental agency when the customer receives the piece of equipment. This training seeks to ensure operators know the particulars of a specific piece of equipment.

Beyond simply arranging for training, managers must ensure the training addresses the specific safety challenges equipment operators face daily, including the most common mistakes related to aerial work platforms. Most often, mistakes occur when users’ minds drift away from a focus on safety.

Common mistakes by lift-equipment operators include:

• Not being fully aware of job-site hazards, including potholes and overhead obstructions

• Modifying or overriding safety equipment.

• Failing to perform a complete pre-start inspection

• Failing to become familiar with the manufacturer’s operating manual.

Lift Specification: Answer Seven Questions

The questions include:

1) What size aerial work platform does the job require? Managers can answer this question by determining technicians' needs for height and reach, platform space for workers, and materials and tools.

2) What load capacity does the job call for? Capacity is a measure of the power needed to raise loads to the working height.

3) Is the unit easy to use? If the task is a straightforward application, a manager can specify basic operating controls. But if the task involves a complicated combination of terrain and reach requirements, managers might need a computerized dashboard that calculates the load and matches it with the application.

4) What power source is required? Generally, lighter capacities use electricity, and heavier capacities use diesel fuel or liquid propane, but a considerable overlap exists.

5) What options or accessories do technicians need? For example, if workers are changing fluorescent lamps, they need lamp holders that conserve space and minimize the chance of breakage.

6) What obstructions might be present? A walk-though of the work site can reveal several potential obstructions on the ground and overhead. Ground obstructions can include obstacles workers must maneuver around, including trees, guard rails, lamp posts, and other vehicles and equipment that can be in different locations.

7) What operator training is required? In the interest of providing a safe operator environment, agencies have developed standards for renting aerial lifts that include specific training methods.

Specifying the Right Lift for the Job

Most facilities present front-line technicians with a host of hard-to-access job sites for maintenance and engineering tasks. The challenge facing managers is finding the right piece of equipment to bridge the gap. Aerial work platforms, or lifts, come in an array of sizes and styles, including telehandlers, scissor lifts, telescope lifts, and boom lifts. They offer features and functions designed to address the full range of activities technicians undertake daily in and around institutional and commercial facilities.

Managers can apply several guidelines when specifying lift equipment. Telehandlers typically offer the greatest load capacity. Scissor lifts typically offer the most work-platform space. Telescope and boom lifts usually have the greatest ranges of elevation. Articulated boom lifts typically offer the greatest reach flexibility.

In deciding which lift to select, managers need to consider six factors:

• inside vs. outside tasks

• transport clearances to the job, including doorways

• surface conditions, including whether the surface is paved or unpaved, whether the terrain is level or sloped or even or rough, and if obstacles are present

• elevation and reach to the work site

• personnel, tools, utilities -- compressed air and electricity, for example -- and accessories for the job

• and finally, storage space for the lift

Personnel Lifts: Warranty Considerations

When specifying aerial work platforms, managers should make technicians aware that modifying lift equipment can void the warranty. Technicians need to check with the manufacturer before doing so because safety might be at stake.

For example, converting a pallet lift into a personnel lift by adding a cage attached to the forks not only might void the warranty. It also might increase torque in a way the equipment was not designed to handle, making it unstable and more likely to tip over. Adding a counterweight can stress components, possibly resulting in hairline cracks that weaken, distort and ultimately cause the part to fail.

Warranties usually require user registration to establish the start date of the warranty period. Programs vary by manufacturer, equipment and even component. For instance, one manufacturer offers a one-two-five warranty — that is, one year on parts, two years on the drive train, and five years on structural members.

Managers also can buy certain used pieces of equipment with a warranty, which usually is shorter than one for a new unit. But it pays to check this out when considering a used unit’s value.

Managers also must consider whether the warranty includes a loaner while the repair is being made. If so, what is the delivery time? Some programs include a rapid replacement policy, either on the same day or within 24 hours. But even this backup arrangement can be costly if the situation results in idle workers who must wait for the replacement lift equipment to arrive.

|106 |Demonstrate basic fire safety. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |

Construction Fire Safety: Phase by Phase

Special considerations for each step of a construction, renovation or demolition project.

Mat Chibbaro, P.E. | Fire Protection Engineering

Buildings of all types, while under construction, renovation or demolition, are both more susceptible to fire and at greater risk of the effects of fire. A wide variety of ignition sources increase the likelihood of fires starting. Concentrations of combustible materials, incomplete compartmentation and other passive systems, and unfinished fire protection systems allow fire to spread unimpeded. Wind conditions can increase the rapidity of fire spread.

This places at greater risk the workers occupying such buildings and the emergency responders that may be called upon to operate within or near them. Accident statistics and reports tell a tale of many construction workers being killed or maimed over the years by fires and explosions. In May 2008, 14 employees were injured in a natural gas explosion in a hotel under construction in California.1

In 2007, two firefighters were killed at a fire incident during the demolition of the Deutsche Bank Building in New York City.

Typically, building and fire codes, such as those promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Code Council (ICC), contain comprehensive lists of the provisions that are to be followed during construction. However, being model standards or codes, they tend to focus more on the what, and give less attention to the who, how and when of implementation. This article presents protection and prevention features of different phases in construction, and discusses ways that the fire protection engineering profession may contribute to efficient and effective implementation of these features. See Figures 1-4.


An important concept affecting the efficiency of a project is the creation of lines of communication between the various stakeholders.

First, a fire protection engineer can serve as a liaison between disciplines. There is a network of fire safety-related interrelationships between structural fire protection; architectural layout; mechanical, HVACR and plumbing systems; fire suppression systems; electrical features; and fire alarm, detection and control systems. The fire protection engineer is in a unique position to understand how these items work together to achieve overall fire safety goals and thereby work to coordinate them.


The fire protection engineer can also consult with the owner on various concepts. One is the plan for partial occupancy if the owner expects to do this in stages. In some cases, the owner or their insurer will desire protection above and beyond what the fire and building codes require.

Two critical alliances that must be built early, and maintained through a projects life, are those that link the design team with both the code authorities and the emergency response organization in the projects jurisdiction. In some cases, this can be done with one alliance - when the code authority has the ability to speak for the responders within the same fire department or fire brigade. Certainly, the two roles are different - code authorities need to do enforcement, while the responders are in need of information for pre-incident planning.

Early and regular contact with code authorities can establish communication that is vital to efficient incorporation of code requirements, both those that address construction hazards and those that apply to the finished building. Jurisdictions frequently have amendments to the model codes. Both the base codes and local amendments can be interpreted to accommodate a wide array of sites and structures. The earlier the authority’s interpretations and expectations can be learned, the more efficiently the design and construction phases can proceed. This, in turn, translates into cost savings for the owner or developer and valuable time saved for all parties.


Emergency responders face significant challenges during a fire situation in any occupied building. They must deal with an extremely dynamic environment, with limited information on the fire, its byproducts and the building occupants. These challenges are compounded in a building under construction because the protection features and systems are constantly changing, as is the building itself. The more information they have at hand when an incident occurs, the better their decision-making can be, especially during a rapidly unfolding situation.


It is becoming more common to see fire protection engineers as members of design teams from the beginning of projects, especially large or unusual ones. A previously published article describes the benefits of utilizing fire protection engineers in the design process.3 As the complexity of a project increases, these benefits multiply. A number of federal agencies and local code authorities require fire protection engineering participation in projects above a certain threshold of size or complexity, especially those utilizing performance-based designs.


A basic function of the design team is to ensure that all fire protection features and systems required for the finished building are included in the design documents. Giving additional consideration during design to fire safety in all phases of construction will increase the safety of both construction workers and emergency responders.

The plans and specifications should reflect as much information as possible regarding the phasing of the features discussed in the following sections. Planning in advance can avoid conflicts. For example, the locations where hazardous materials will be stored and where unloading of construction materials will occur can be identified - and then this can be coordinated with the emergency access points, location of water supply and temporary connections. Advance consideration of these features can pay dividends later through more efficient and effective emergency operations.


It is also helpful to consider the stages in which a building will be constructed and occupied when designing the fire protection systems. In this manner, necessary items such as water lines, fire pumps and control panels can be located to support the various phases as well as the complete building. The owner may be in a position to provide early input, which would preclude conflicts.

Advance planning during design can also increase the safety of construction workers. Many fire-related construction worker injuries involve hazardous operations and materials. If the design documents indicate proper phasing and location of egress, extinguishers, hazardous operations and combustible storage, then it follows that the risks will decrease during operations such as welding or handling of flammable and combustible liquids.

Factors beyond the site or facility being designed can also be considered. This consideration could include how egress from adjoining occupied structures will remain clear during all phases of construction. For example, a typical, 4-foot (1.2 m) wide temporary pedestrian walkway might not suffice if more than two exit door(s) from an existing, occupied building discharge into it. The fire protection engineer can perform exit capacity calculations to determine the proper width of temporary egress routes.


Figure 5 shows a temporary walkway being constructed next to a construction site to serve an occupied building.

Permits must be obtained before the corresponding work begins. Early on, foundation and building permits will be required. Additional permits may be required for electrical, plumbing, gas, fire alarm, sprinkler and other fire protection systems. The fire protection engineer can assist the design team to prepare complete plans, specifications and shop drawings; submit required documentation; and navigate the permit system in a timely manner, especially if communication begins early with code authorities and emergency responders regarding key aspects of fire protection and prevention.


By the time work begins at a construction site, a fire protection program should be in place, with a designated responsible program manager. The fire and building codes promulgated by the ICC and NFPA contain examples of program elements, including pre-fire plans; maintenance of fire protection devices and training on their use; hot work permits; system impairments; and temporary covers on fire protection devices. Other considerations include physical security features, guard service during nonworking hours and means for reporting fires or requesting emergency assistance.


Figure 6 shows a fuel tank and fire extinguisher outside of a construction trailer.

Pre-incident plans, also known as pre-fire plans, are a compilation of information to assist emergency responders, including access, water supply, construction features, fire protection systems and special hazards. The fire protection engineer can be instrumental, with the building owner’s permission, in providing construction plans or shop drawings to the fire service. In some cases, these plans can be transmitted and stored electronically and then retrieved during response and operations through computer-aided dispatch systems.

Site visits by the public fire department or private fire brigade allow them to coordinate with the fire protection program manager to develop and update pre-incident plans. The more frequently responders visit the site, the better information they are likely to have when an incident occurs, thereby facilitating more accurate and rapid decision-making. In jurisdictions with career response agencies, different shifts would likely need to be accommodated for site visits. Volunteer response agencies would probably prefer evening or weekend site visits.

NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations,4 calls for an on-site command post. This location contains plans, emergency information, communications, keys and other equipment for use by both emergency responders and the fire protection program manager.


Figure 7 shows welding at a building under renovation.

As soon as site work commences, how to prevent fires and how they will be extinguished if they begin should be considered. Waste must be disposed of on a regular basis and must not be burned without the proper approvals and permits. Each storage shed or construction trailer should be located away from wildfire hazards or other occupied structures, and be provided with adequate fire extinguishers.

Advance planning can ensure the timely provision of access and water supply for fire suppression. The water supply should preferably be the permanent water supply; however, temporarily stored water in sufficient quantity may be acceptable to code authorities in certain situations. Planning by the fire protection engineer and design team can minimize the need for temporary water supplies. Temporary or permanent roads made of all-weather material and of the appropriate width are essential for efficient access, as are key boxes for emergency perimeter access. Dead-end roads may need turnaround provisions for fire apparatus.


Adequate means of escape for all employees should be provided - both from any temporary buildings and from the site itself. Multiple exits from the site perimeter would be beneficial during large fire or hazardous materials situations that can obstruct a single exterior exit route.


As each of the following hazards is introduced to the job site, proper precautions must be taken. Individual hazards may appear at different stages, i.e., some during site work, others at later stages.

• Smoking

• Open burning

• Motorized vehicles

• Materials subject to spontaneous ignition

• Welding and other hot work

• Temporary heating equipment

• Temporary electrical equipment

• Combustible formwork, scaffolding and other materials

• Flammable and combustible liquids

• Flammable gas

• Explosives

The fire protection engineer can help mitigate these hazards through planning and coordination. Assistance can continue through construction - in some cases helping to keep the lines of communication open between the fire protection program manager, the code authorities and the emergency responders.


Labeling of hazards and permitting procedures are critical for the fire service. These issues emerged as significant in a 1988 incident in Missouri when a trailer containing explosive material detonated, killing six firefighters who were unaware of the presence of explosive materials.5 There can be a potential conflicting security concern of keeping extremely hazardous material locations unlabeled so as not to attract the attention of criminals and terrorists.

One hazard not currently addressed directly in the codes covering building design and construction is arson. This can be perpetrated by juveniles, disgruntled employees or radical groups. In recent years, extremist environmental groups have added arson to their arsenal. Early recognition of arson potential can be partially addressed by additional security.


As the structure is erected, provisions must be made for alerting all employees of an emergency, allowing them to escape the structure, and allowing responders to gain access and mitigate emergency situations. Proper planning by the fire protection engineer can help increase efficiency and decrease costs.


Material combustibility is another important consideration. Combustible formwork may not be allowed or may be limited to below a certain elevation or floor level. Temporary enclosures for heating or health hazard containment should employ noncombustible bracing or fire-retardant lumber, and any fabric or plastic used should be fire-retardant. Further, such enclosures must not obstruct exits and must be secured so that they do not contact ignition sources. Combustible enclosures were reportedly a factor in the Deutsche Bank Building tragedy in two ways: their flammability and obstruction of exits.

At least one stair must be constructed as the building rises - for use by both exiting construction workers and entering emergency responders. Under NFPA 241, this begins when the building is over one story, and under the International Building Code (IBC), this begins at four stories or 50 feet (15 m).7 The stair must be lighted, and under NFPA 241, it must have identification signs. Fire extinguishers should be placed on each level at each stair. Planning ahead to use permanent stairs to meet this requirement should be more efficient and effective than using temporary stairs.

Functional standpipe systems are crucial in buildings under construction. Plans and specifications should indicate when a standpipe is required during construction. Under the IBC, the threshold is 40 feet (12 m) in height, while NFPA 241 leaves this to the code authorities. A single manual dry standpipe within the stair with one hose connection per floor may suffice, and must be raised and capped as construction progresses. The fire department connection must be marked and accessible. The International Fire Coderequires connections to be within 100 feet (30 m) of fire vehicle access.8 Signage can also include the highest floor served by the standpipe, but it must be kept current. The jurisdiction may require or request that the connection be outside the perimeter fence. The fire protection engineer can determine the requirements of the code authorities and the needs of the emergency responders, and specify both in the construction documents and shop drawings.

Figure 8 shows a fire department connection that is well-marked and accessible through an opening in a perimeter fence. However, the feed pipe may not be properly supported, and attached hose lines may contact sharp portions of the fence opening.

The availability of an elevator or hoist for fire service use may be required for very tall buildings when necessary for transporting hose and other equipment. The fire protection engineer should ask the jurisdiction at what point they would require this and how it should be phased in as the building rises.

Securing of construction materials on upper floors is not only a safety consideration for construction workers; this is also important to prevent materials from falling or being blown onto emergency responders during windy conditions. Likewise, protection of floor openings or edges will protect both construction workers and firefighters; the latter may operate with limited visibility.

Some jurisdictions require fire-fighter breathing air systems in tall buildings or long tunnels. In these locations, the requirement may be invoked during construction.

As the building tops off, roof operations become an issue from a fire safety standpoint. Codes contain specific procedures and protection for operations such as torch-applied roofing and tar kettles.


As trade workers begin interior work, fire protection systems are installed. The fire protection engineer may be involved in the design, permit process and acceptance testing for alarm, detection, sprinkler, standpipe and other fire protection systems. Requests for information and clarification often must be fielded by fire protection engineers. Two areas of concern during construction are an impairment notification system and the prompt removal of temporary device covers that prevent damage during construction.

Before certain areas are concealed, inspections must take place, and the timing is important to prevent project delays. These items include fire-rated shafts, electrical work, sprinkler and standpipe hydro tests, fire-stopping and fire-proofing. The relationship built up between the design team, fire protection program manager, code authorities and responders could pay dividends as this work is coordinated.

Trash chutes should preferably be erected outside of the building. Interior chutes should be of noncombustible construction.

When the building exterior walls are in place, the required stairway must be enclosed. This protects construction workers and responders from smoke and heat that cannot vent readily. Phasing of construction must be done so that egress is not adversely impacted. Before exterior wall enclosure begins, whether the jurisdiction will allow the stairway to be enclosed on a floor-by-floor basis along with the exterior walls or whether the stairway must be fully enclosed first should be determined.

Towards the end of this phase, acceptance testing of systems is conducted. It is a good idea to invite emergency response agencies to witness the testing of systems with which they will interact (especially alarm detection and control). Alternatively, separate demonstrations could be conducted to educate emergency responders on the use of these systems - preferably prior to occupancy.


Ideally, occupancy will take place only after a building is fully complete with all protection features in place. However, the reality is that buildings are almost always occupied with punch list items that remain to be done, or portions are occupied while other sections remain unfinished or actively under construction.

Another opportunity for the fire protection engineer to assist is in determining the adequacy of the level of life safety when one or more fire protection features is not yet in place or is impaired. Usually, some additional protection should be in place to compensate for the missing or inoperative feature. One example of this is a fire watch during a fire alarm impairment. In the fire watch example, the qualifications of the persons performing the fire watch, their training, standard procedures and equipment should be considered, as well as any particular requirements of the code authorities.

Partial occupancy is almost always a reality in business or retail buildings subdivided into separate tenant occupancies, as well as in building addition projects. NFPA 241 calls for occupied areas and those undergoing construction or renovation to be separated by a one-hour fire-rated barrier with 3/4-hour fire-rated opening protectives; nonrated fixed barriers (not tarps) are permitted where sprinkler protection is installed. The sprinkler requirement applies to both sides of the barrier. However, some jurisdictions may make some allowances, such as delayed placement of suspended ceiling tiles on the construction side where no combustibles are stockpiled. Here the fire protection engineer can serve as a knowledgeable intermediary to ensure an adequate level of temporary protection.

Figure 9 shows the first floor of a building being finished that contains a few occupied assembly occupancies. Considerations include whether these occupancies have adequate egress capacity through the temporary construction barricades and walkways, whether the discharge areas are all clear, whether the alarm system in service and whether the fire department connections accessible.

Of particular concern is the occupancy of floors or areas above those still undergoing construction, renovation or tenant work. In buildings with required sprinkler protection, NFPA 241 precludes occupancy until all portions of the systems are completely installed and tested. However, this standard also allows occupancy of lower finished floors when work is incomplete on floors above, as long as the upper-level sprinkler systems have separate control valves and the occupied areas sprinkler system remains in service. Another consideration for partial occupancy situations is the completeness of work in all exit enclosures and in all discharge areas.

Alteration and renovation work conducted in buildings will have many of the same fire safety concerns as outlined above. In particular, means of egress, fire protection system maintenance, impairment notification, temporary protection measures and partial occupancy should be considered.


Many of the considerations during demolition work will generally be addressed in the reverse order of those for construction projects. Gas and electric service should be terminated where possible and labeled where remaining in service. Standpipes and stairs should be maintained as the building is brought down. Fire protection systems and fire barriers should remain in place and in service as long as possible (reportedly an inoperative standpipe system may have been a major factor in the fatal Deutsche Bank Building fire - in addition to the flammability of the temporary enclosures mentioned previously).

Unprotected openings in floors for any purpose should be avoided, including those for trash or debris removal. Special precautions are necessary with hazards such as oil-soaked floors or tanks that contained flammable or combustible liquids. Asbestos removal must be closely coordinated with code authorities and emergency responders.

Figure 10 shows a building under demolition.

The author thanks Jamie Barton, Assistant Fire Marshal, Gaithersburg City, MD, for reviewing this article.

Mat Chibbaro, P.E., is with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.



2. building_130_liberty_street_nyc/index.html

3. Bowman, A., Making an Impact: Fire Protection Engineers and the Design Process, Fire Protection Engineering, Winter 2003, pp. 8-13.

4. NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2009.



7. International Building Code, International Code Council, Washington, DC, 2009.

8. International Fire Code, International Code Council, Washington, DC, 2009.

All Photos Mat Chibbaro

|107 |Demonstrate basic electrical safety. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |

Electrical Safety - Basic Information

Why is it so important to work safely with or near electricity?

The voltage of the electricity and the available electrical current in regular businesses and homes has enough power to cause death by electrocution. Even changing a light bulb without unplugging the lamp can be hazardous because coming in contact with the "hot", "energized" or "live" part of the socket could kill a person.

What do I need to know about electricity?

All electrical systems have the potential to cause harm. Electricity can be either "static" or "dynamic." Dynamic electricity is the uniform motion of electrons through a conductor (this is known as electric current). Conductors are materials that allow the movement of electricity through it. Most metals are conductors. The human body is also a conductor. This document is about dynamic electricity.

Note: Static electricity is accumulation of charge on surfaces as a result of contact and friction with another surface. This contact/friction causes an accumulation of electrons on one surface, and a deficiency of electrons on the other surface. The OSH Answers document on How Do I Work Safely with Flammable and Combustible Liquids? (Static Electricity) has more information.

Electric current cannot exist without an unbroken path to and from the conductor. Electricity will form a "path" or "loop". When you plug in a device (e.g., a power tool), the electricity takes the easiest path from the plug-in, to the tool, and back to the power source. This is also known as creating or completing an electrical circuit.

What kinds of injuries result from electrical currents?

People are injured when they become part of the electrical circuit. Humans are more conductive than the earth (the ground we stand on) which means if there is no other easy path, electricity will try to flow through our bodies.

There are four main types of injuries: electrocution (fatal), electric shock, burns, and falls. These injuries can happen in various ways:

• Direct contact with exposed energized conductors or circuit parts. When electrical current travels through our bodies, it can interfere with the normal electrical signals between the brain and our muscles (e.g., heart may stop beating properly, breathing may stop, or muscles may spasm).

• When the electricity arcs (jumps, or "arcs") from an exposed energized conductor or circuit part (e.g., overhead power lines) through a gas (such as air) to a person who is grounded (that would provide an alternative route to the ground for the electrical current).

• Thermal burns including burns from heat generated by an electric arc, and flame burns from materials that catch on fire from heating or ignition by electrical currents or an electric arc flash. Contact burns from being shocked can burn internal tissues while leaving only very small injuries on the outside of the skin.

• Thermal burns from the heat radiated from an electric arc flash. Ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light emitted from the arc flash can also cause damage to the eyes.

• An arc blast can include a potential pressure wave released from an arc flash. This wave can cause physical injuries, collapse your lungs, or create noise that can damage hearing.

• Muscle contractions, or a startle reaction, can cause a person to fall from a ladder, scaffold or aerial bucket. The fall can cause serious injuries.

What should I do if I think I am too close to overhead power lines?

Do not work close to power lines. Recommended distances vary by jurisdiction and/or utility companies. Check with both your jurisdiction and electrical utility company when working, driving, parking, or storing materials closer than 15 m (49 feet) to overhead power lines.

• If you must be close to power lines, you must first call your electrical utility company and they will assist you.

• If your vehicle comes into contact with a power line:

o DO NOT get out of your vehicle.

o Call 911 and your local utility service for help.

o Wait for the electrical utility to come and they will tell you when it is safe to get out of your vehicle.

o Never try to rescue another person if you are not trained to do so.

o If you must leave the vehicle (e.g., your vehicle catches on fire), exit by jumping as far as possible - at least 2 feet. Never touch the vehicle or equipment and the ground at the same time. Keep your feet, legs, and arms close to your body.

o Keep your feet together (touching), and move away by shuffling your feet. Never let your feet separate or you may be shocked or electrocuted.

o Shuffle at least 10 feet away from your vehicle before you take a normal step. Do not enter an electrical power substation, or other marked areas.

• Do not enter an electrical power substation, or other marked areas.

What are some general safety tips for working with or near electricity?

• Inspect portable cord-and-plug connected equipment, extension cords, power bars, and electrical fittings for damage or wear before each use. Repair or replace damaged equipment immediately.

• Always tape extension cords to walls or floors when necessary. Nails and staples can damage extension cords causing fire and shock hazards.

• Use extension cords or equipment that is rated for the level of amperage or wattage that you are using.

• Always use the correct size fuse. Replacing a fuse with one of a larger size can cause excessive currents in the wiring and possibly start a fire.

• Be aware that unusually warm or hot outlets may be a sign that unsafe wiring conditions exists. Unplug any cords or extension cords to these outlets and do not use until a qualified electrician has checked the wiring.

• Always use ladders made with non-conductive side rails (e.g., fibreglass) when working with or near electricity or power lines.

• Place halogen lights away from combustible materials such as cloths or curtains. Halogen lamps can become very hot and may be a fire hazard.

• Risk of electric shock is greater in areas that are wet or damp. Install Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) as they will interrupt the electrical circuit before a current sufficient to cause death or serious injury occurs.

• Use a portable in-line Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) if you are not certain that the receptacle you are plugging your extension cord into is GFCI protected.

• Make sure that exposed receptacle boxes are made of non-conductive materials.

• Know where the panel and circuit breakers are located in case of an emergency.

• Label all circuit breakers and fuse boxes clearly. Each switch should be positively identified as to which outlet or appliance it is for.

• Do not use outlets or cords that have exposed wiring.

• Do not use portable cord-and-plug connected power tools with the guards removed.

• Do not block access to panels and circuit breakers or fuse boxes.

• Do not touch a person or electrical apparatus in the event of an electrical accident. Always disconnect the power source first.

What are some tips for working with power tools?

• Switch all tools OFF before connecting them to a power supply.

• Disconnect and lockout the power supply before completing any maintenance work tasks or making adjustments.

• Ensure tools are properly grounded or double-insulated. The grounded equipment must have an approved 3-wire cord with a 3-prong plug. This plug should be plugged in a properly grounded 3-pole outlet.

• Test all tools for effective grounding with a continuity tester or a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) before use.

• Do not bypass the on/off switch and operate the tools by connecting and disconnecting the power cord.

• Do not use electrical equipment in wet conditions or damp locations unless the equipment is connected to a GFCI.

• Do not clean tools with flammable or toxic solvents.

• Do not operate tools in an area containing explosive vapors or gases, unless they are intrinsically safe and only if you follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

What are some tips for working with power cords?

• Keep power cords clear of tools during use.

• Suspend extension cords temporarily during use over aisles or work areas to eliminate stumbling or tripping hazards.

• Replace open front plugs with dead front plugs. Dead front plugs are sealed and present less danger of shock or short circuit.

• Do not use light duty extension cords in a non-residential situation.

• Do not carry or lift up electrical equipment by the power cord.

• Do not tie cords in tight knots. Knots can cause short circuits and shocks. Loop the cords or use a twist lock plug.

What is a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)?

A Class A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) works by detecting any loss of electrical current in a circuit (e.g., it will trip at a maximum of 6mA). When a loss is detected, the GFCI turns the electricity off before severe injuries or electrocution can occur. A painful non-fatal shock may occur during the time that it takes for the GFCI to cut off the electricity so it is important to use the GFCI as an extra protective measure rather than a replacement for safe work practices.

GFCI wall outlets can be installed in place of standard outlets to protect against electrocution for just that outlet, or a series of outlets in the same branch circuit. A GFCI Circuit Breaker can be installed on some circuit breaker electrical panels to protect an entire branch circuit. Portable in-line plug-in GFCIs can be plugged into wall outlets where appliances will be used.

When and how do I test the Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)?

It is important that you follow the manufacturer's instructions with respect to the use of a GFCI.  Test permanently wired GFCIs monthly, and portable devices before each use. Press the "test" and "reset" buttons. Plug a "night light" or lamp into the GFCI-protected wall outlet (the light should turn on), then press the "TEST" button on the GFCI. If the GFCI is working properly, the light should go out. If not, have the GFCI repaired or replaced. Press the "RESET" button on the GFCI to restore power.

If the "RESET" button pops out but the "night light" or lamp does not go out, the GFCI has been improperly wired and does not offer shock protection at that wall outlet. Contact a qualified electrician to correct any wiring errors.

What is a sample checklist for basic electrical safety?

Inspect Cords and Plugs

• Check extension cords and plugs daily. Do not use, and discard if worn or damaged. Have any extension cord that feels more than comfortably warm checked by an electrician.

Eliminate Octopus Connections

• Do not plug several items into one outlet.

• Pull the plug, not the cord.

• Do not disconnect power supply by pulling or jerking the cord from the outlet. Pulling the cord causes wear and may cause a shock.

Never Break OFF the Third Prong on a Plug

• Replace broken 3-prong plugs and make sure the third prong is properly grounded.

Never Use Extension Cords as Permanent Wiring

• Use extension cords only to temporarily supply power to an area that does not have a power outlet.

• Keep extension cords away from heat, water and oil. They can damage the insulation and cause a shock.

• Do not allow vehicles to pass over unprotected extension cords. Extension cords should be put in protective wireway, conduit, pipe or protected by placing planks alongside them.

|108 |Using Perform Lockout/Tag-out. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |

Lock-out Tag-out

Many serious accidents have happened when someone thought a machine or the power to it was safely off. "Lock-out tag-out" is a way to protect yourself and others by ensuring that machines remain completely, temporarily off. Without a lock-out tag-out system there is the possibility that a machine will unexpectedly start up, either because of stored energy which was not correctly released or through the actions of someone starting the process without realizing that it isn't safe to do so.

The lock-out tag-out standard requires that hazardous energy sources be "isolated and rendered inoperative" before maintenance or servicing work can begin. These energy sources include electrical (either active current or stored as in a capacitor), pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, thermal, chemical, and the force of gravity. It is important to remember all of the energy sources must be "isolated and rendered inoperative." Overlooking an energy source has proved fatal on several occasions.

OSHA requires three basic elements in a lock-out tag-out program. These are training, written procedures, and inspections. Training is required for two types of people; "authorized employees" and "affected employees." Authorized employees are people who do the maintenance or servicing work. They are the people who actually perform the lock-out tag-out. Affected employees are people who may be affected by or work near equipment which is locked or tagged out. Affected employees are not permitted to perform servicing or maintenance work which requires a lock-out or tag-out.

Written procedures detailing the lock-out tag-out procedure are required for equipment having two or more energy sources. Written procedures communicate important information to persons performing lock-out tag-out. They identify energy sources, provide step-by-step instruction for locking or tagging out energy sources, releasing stored energy, and verifying the equipment cannot be re-started after lockout is applied. Group lock-out tag-out procedures must also be clearly documented. Procedures must be kept up-to-date, and changes must be communicated to everyone who may possibly be affected by them. They are only useful if all the information they contain is correct.

Basic Steps for Lock-out Tag-out

Think, plan and check.

▪ If you are in charge, think through the entire procedure.

▪ Identify all parts of any systems that need to be shut down.

▪ Determine what switches, equipment and people will be involved.

▪ Carefully plan how restarting will take place.


▪ Notify all those who need to know that a lock-out tag-out procedure is taking place.

▪ Identify all appropriate power sources, whether near or far from the job site.

▪ Include electrical circuits, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, spring energy and gravity systems.

Neutralize all appropriate power at the source.

▪ Disconnect electricity.

▪ Block movable parts.

▪ Release or block spring energy.

▪ Drain or bleed hydraulic and pneumatic lines.

▪ Lower suspended parts to rest positions.

Lock out all power sources.

▪ Use a lock designed only for this purpose.

▪ Each worker should have a personal lock.

Tag out all power sources and machines.

▪ Tag machine controls, pressure lines, starter switches and suspended parts.

▪ Tags should include your name, department, how to reach you, the date and time of tagging and the reason for the lockout.

Do a complete test.

▪ Double check all the steps above.

▪ Do a personal check.

▪ Push start buttons, test circuits and operate valves to test the system.

When It's Time to Restart

After the job is completed, follow the safety procedures you have set up for restart, removing only your own locks and tags. With all workers safe and equipment ready, it's time to turn on the power.

Lock-out Tag-out Resources

• Federal OSHA page on lock-out tag-out

• California General Industry Safety Order on lock-out tag-out

• Example of a machine-specific written lock-out tag-out procedure from Wisconsin Department of Administration (Word version, download and customize)

• CDC/NIOSH example program with sample training sheets and lock-out tag-out procedure format     

Top of Form


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Lockout/Tag-out Frequently Asked Questions

Does the lockout procedure have to be in writing?

In general, yes. OSHA says you have to document your lockout/tag-out procedures. This makes sense because they’re instructions the mechanics have to follow when they do repairs.

OSHA only allows you to not have a written lockout procedure when the machine only has one energy supply that’s easy to identify and lock out. The machine can’t have any potential for stored energy. Locking that one energy isolating device completely de-energizes the machine. The authorized employee has to lock out the energy supply, and he has to be the only person in control of the lock. Aside from this, the work being done can’t create any hazards for other employees in the area, and you can’t have had any accidents involving repairs to that machine.

Our process equipment has so much inter-relationship between systems, and a lot of the service work we do is for unique situations. Are we supposed to have just one lockout procedure that covers everything?

Your lockout procedures would need to be specific to the job rather than to the machine itself if that’s what’s necessary to address the hazards. For example, if it would be absolutely safe for one part of process equipment to still have power while employees are doing repairs to another part of the equipment, you would only need to lock out the part of the equipment where the employees are working. You wouldn’t have to completely lock out the entire process if locking out part of it completely protects everyone. The extent of your lockout has to match the hazards, but you should be very careful about considering the potential for hazards to develop when you decide to only lock out part of the equipment.

Do authorized employees have to be trained to do all of the machine-specific procedures for all the machines in a facility, or can they just be trained on the procedures they do for the job?

OSHA’s lockout/tag-out standard includes no requirement for authorized employees to know how to perform all of the facility’s machine-specific lockout/tag-out procedures.

The training program under this standard will need to cover at least four areas: The employer's energy control program, the elements of the energy control procedures which are relevant to the employee's duties, the restrictions of the program applicable to each employee, and the requirements of the standard. The details will necessarily vary from workplace to workplace, and even from employee to employee within a single workplace, depending upon the complexity of the equipment and the procedure, as well as the employee's duties and their responsibilities under the energy control program.

We do all our repairs on first shift. Do we have to have second and third shift employees lock out the machine on their shifts even if they aren’t working on the machine?

If no one else will be working on the machine during a second or third shift, you can leave it locked out by the first shift employee until the first shift employee finishes the repairs.

If a first shift employee leaves and a second shift employee will continue working on it, then you have to transfer the lockout to the second shift employee. Usually the second shift worker will apply his lock as the first shift worker removes his.

If a second shift worker is leaving, and there isn’t a third shift, but the repairs are going to be finished by someone on the first shift, you don’t want to leave the second shift employee’s lock on the machine. In this case, OSHA says the second shift worker can replace the lock with a tag when he leaves. The machine will be tagged out when the first shift employee starts work. He can then replace the tag with his lock.

Are contractors supposed to use their own lockout procedures?

The rule says that you and the contractor have to inform one another of your respective lockout/tag-out procedures. Both of you have responsibilities for protecting your employees so you want to make sure everyone has enough information about the repair job to keep everyone safe. You probably know the most about how the equipment operates, but the contractor may know more about what’s going to be done during the repairs. Make sure you both have identified all the sources of hazardous energy and the contractor uses lockout procedures that control them all.

Aside from making sure the right procedures are followed, you (the host employer) have to make sure your employees comply with any restrictions from the contractor’s procedures. For example, your employees should be able to recognize the contractor’s lockout equipment and know to stay clear of the area where the work is being done.

Are we supposed to lock out a machine that we aren’t going to use anymore?

The lockout/tag-out standard doesn’t apply when you "decommission" equipment or put machines "out of service." The main concern is probably that someone would try to start a machine that you don’t want to run anymore, for whatever reasons.

The lockout/tag-out standard says that you can’t use lockout/tag-out equipment for any other purpose, so if you aren’t actually doing repairs or servicing work on this equipment, you shouldn’t use lockout/tag-out equipment on it.

To keep out-of-service machinery from being used, you might consider physically disconnecting it from its energy supplies. Dismantle it so that isn’t hooked up to any energy anymore and it’s completely unable to be operated.

You could attach a tag such as "Do not use without authorization" or something similar onto the machine’s controls to show that you don’t want employees to operate that machine. This isn’t the same as following a tag-out procedure – the tag is on the controls and not the energy isolating devices and the tag doesn’t include a tag-out warning statement. This method gives employees an instruction, and to be most effective you should inform your workers that this is how you’re going to identify equipment that isn’t supposed to be used.

You could also use padlocks to keep "off limit" equipment from being used, but make sure the locks you use can’t be mistaken as lockout locks. And again, inform employees about what the locks are for.

What does OSHA want us to do to "verify" lockout?

"Verification" is the final step in a lockout/tag-out procedure. One way to do this is to try to start and run the machine using the operating controls. Part of this step could also be checking to be sure you have the locks and tags attached where they belong and that the energy isolating devices are in the "off" position. You might also have to check gauges or use test equipment to check temperatures, pressures, or to check for the presence of gases, vapors, or liquid. Remember that if there’s more than one person working on the machine, each authorized employee should verify the lockout.

Does equipment connected with a pneumatic quick disconnect require a L.O.T.O. procedure?

The lockout/tag-out standard doesn’t apply to electrical equipment that’s completely shut off from all its energy supplies by unplugging the power cord. This exception for cord and plug equipment doesn’t apply to pneumatic energy supplies – it only applies to electrical energy. A machine supplied by pneumatic energy would need to have a lockout/tag-out procedure.

Is it required to use plug covers to lock out power cord equipment?

The standard doesn’t apply to electrically powered machines that are completely disconnected by unplugging the cord – if the cord is under the exclusive control of the person doing the repairs. If this is the case, then no, you don’t need to lock a plug cover onto the plug.

If the machine has other energy supplies, or if the person doing the repairs won’t have exclusive control of the plug, then the standard would apply. You could use a plug cover to lock out the machine.

Do we have to lock out our forklifts when we do repairs?

Yes. OSHA’s compliance directive clarifies that the rules apply to vehicles such as forklifts, cars, trucks, and other vehicles.

Whether they’re powered by gas, propane, or electricity, vehicles have several types of hazardous energy that you need to disconnect and lock out during repairs. For example, batteries can cause electrical shocks and arcs, fuel systems can cause chemical exposures and fires, and mechanical energy from moving parts can cause crushing injuries.

If you want guidance on how to lock out vehicles, there’s a whole section on vehicle lockout in OSHA’s compliance directive. In some cases, the person doing the repairs is completely protected by removing the ignition key – if he’s the only person who has the key. Depending on the work being done, you might have to take other steps such as disconnecting the battery or inserting blocks to keep parts in place. OSHA says you should follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations for how to do service and maintenance work.

We have large ovens. Do we have to account for the heat in the lockout procedure?

Yes, OSHA lists examples of energy sources in the rule’s definitions. They include: electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, and other types of energy.

Your procedures could treat the heat as stored energy and include a step for allowing the ovens to cool to a safe temperature before employees work on them.

We have process equipment. Do using bolted blinds and blank flanges count as lockout?

Blinds and blank flanges control hazardous energy in piping. The blinds and flanges are bolted in place, and this doesn’t involve an actual lock.

According to OSHA guidance, this method is just as difficult to defeat or bypass as is a lock. So, if you use bolted blank flanges and bolted slip blinds, it’s equivalent to using lockout.

If you do use this method, be sure to identify the persons who applied the controls. You can attach a tag to meet this requirement.

J. J. Keller is the trusted source for DOT / Transportation, OSHA / Workplace Safety, Human Resources, Construction Safety and Hazmat / Hazardous Materials regulation compliance products and services. J. J. Keller helps you increase safety awareness, reduce risk, follow best practices, improve safety training, and stay current with changing regulations.

Copyright © 2015 J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.

All rights reserved.

• Purpose

This establishes [name of your company] policy for protecting employees who must do service or maintenance on machines or equipment and who could be injured by an unexpected start-up or release of hazardous energy. Service or maintenance includes erecting, installing, constructing, repairing, adjusting, inspecting, unjamming, setting up, trouble-shooting, testing, cleaning, and dismantling machines, equipment or processes.

This policy will ensure that machinery or equipment is stopped, isolated from all hazardous energy sources, and properly locked or tagged out.

• Scope

This policy applies to all [name of your company] employees who may be exposed to hazardous energy during service or maintenance work. Uncontrolled energy includes potential, kinetic, flammable, chemical, electrical, and thermal sources.

• Employer and employee responsibilities

[Name of your company] is responsible for implementing and enforcing this policy.

All employees must comply with this policy.

Supervisors must enforce the use of lockout and tag-out devices when employees do service or maintenance work and may be exposed to hazardous energy.

Employees who do service and maintenance work must follow the lockout/tag-out procedures described in this policy.

Employees who work in areas where lockout/tag-out procedures are used must understand the purpose of the procedures and are prohibited from attempting to restart machines or equipment that are locked or tagged out.

• Lockout and tag-out devices

Lockout and tag-out devices must meet the following criteria to ensure that they are effective and not removed inadvertently:

• Lockout devices must work under the environmental conditions in which they are used. Tag-out device warnings must remain legible even when they are used in wet, damp, or corrosive conditions.

• Lockout and tag-out devices must be designated by color, shape, or size. Tag-out devices must have a standardized print and warning format.

• Lockout devices and tag-out devices must be strong enough that they can’t be removed inadvertently. Tag-out devices must be attached with a single-use, self-locking material such as a nylon cable tie.

• Any employee who sees a lockout or tag-out device must be able to recognize who attached it and its purpose.

• Each lock must have a unique key or combination.

Energy-isolating devices are the primary means for protecting [name of your company] employees who service equipment and must be designed to accept a lockout device. Energy isolating devices must clearly identify function.

Electrical energy sources.

Lockout or tag-out of electrical energy sources must occur at the circuit disconnect switch. Electrical control circuitry does not effectively isolate hazardous energy. See also, Alternative methods.

• Exposure survey

[Employee’s name or job title] will conduct a hazardous-energy survey to determine affected machines and equipment, types and magnitude of energy, and necessary service and maintenance tasks. Each task will be evaluated to determine if it must be accomplished with lockout or tag-out procedures.

• Energy control procedures

Authorized employees who lockout or tag-out equipment or do service and maintenance must follow specific written energy-control procedures. The procedures must include the following information:

• The intended use of the procedure

• Steps for shutting down, isolating, blocking, and securing equipment

• Steps for placing, removing, and transferring lockout devices

• Equipment-testing requirements to verify the effectiveness of the energy-control procedures

When re-energizing equipment is necessary — when power is needed to test or position the equipment, for example — temporary removal of lockout or tag-out devices is allowed. This applies only for the time required to perform the task and the procedure must be documented.

Employees must do the following before they begin service or maintenance work:

1. Inform all affected employees of equipment shutdown.

2. Shut down equipment.

3. Isolate or block hazardous energy.

4. Remove any potential (stored) energy.

5. Lockout or tag-out the energy sources.

6. Verify the equipment is isolated from hazardous energy and de-energized.

Employees must do the following they remove lockout or tag-out devices and re-energize equipment:

1. Remove tools and replace machine or equipment components.

2. Inform coworkers about energy-control device removal.

3. Ensure all workers are clear of the work area.

4. Verify machine or equipment power controls are off or in a neutral position.

5. Remove the lockout or tag-out device.

6. Re-energize equipment.

• Specific energy-control procedures

This company has developed specific energy-isolation procedures for all machines and equipment that have energy-isolating devices. Note to employers: See Example of a specific energy control procedure and Form for documenting a specific energy-control procedure on this CD for help on documenting specific energy-control procedures.

• Special lockout/tag-out situations

Energized testing

When an energy-isolating device is locked or tagged and it is necessary to test or position equipment, do the following:

1. Remove unnecessary tools and materials.

2. Ensure that all other employees are out of the area.

3. Remove locks or tags from energy isolating devices.

4. Proceed with test.

5. De-energize equipment and lockout or tag-out energy-isolating devices.

6. Operate equipment controls to verify that the equipment is de-energized.

• Contract service and maintenance

[Name of your company] and contractors must be aware of their respective lockout/tag-out procedures before the contractor does onsite work. [Name of your company] employees must understand and comply with the contractor’s energy-control procedures.

Group lockout

When authorized employees must service equipment that has several energy sources and several energy-isolating devices, the employees must follow group lockout procedures. The following machines and equipment require group lockout: [identify the machines and equipment]

Shift changes and long-term shutdowns

Employees must follow [name of your company] specific written procedures when it is necessary to continue lockout/tag-out when work shifts change and during long-term shutdowns. [Name of person, or job title] is responsible for monitoring lockout and tag-out devices that control the energy to equipment during long-term shutdowns

• Alternative methods

When lockout or tag-out is not used for tasks that are routine, repetitive, and integral to the production process, or prohibits the completion of those tasks, then an alternative method must be used to control hazardous energy.

Selection of an alternative control method must be based on a risk assessment of the machine, equipment, or process. The risk assessment must consider existing safeguards provided with the machine, equipment or process that may need to be removed or modified to perform a given task.

For example, when control circuits are used as part of the safeguarding system, the system must be designed to ensure protection as effective as a mechanical disconnect switch or master shut-off valve. A control-reliable dual channel hardwired circuit of industrially-rated components that satisfies the design features as specified in ANSI B11.19, with a safety relay or safety PLC to ensure integrity and performance of the safeguarding system, must be used.

Under all circumstances, the individual must have exclusive personal control over the means to maintain the state of the control circuit in a protective mode.

• Training

Employees who may be exposed to hazardous energy will receive training before assignment to ensure that they understand [name of your company] energy-control policy and have skills to apply, use, and remove energy controls. The training will include the requirements of 1910.147 and the following:

• Affected employees will be trained in the purpose and use of energy-control procedures. An affected employee uses equipment that is being serviced under lockout or tag-out procedures or works in an area where equipment is being serviced.

• Authorized employees will be trained to recognize hazardous energy sources, the type and magnitude of energy in the workplace, the methods and means necessary for isolating and controlling energy, and the means to verify that the energy is controlled. An authorized employee locks out or tags out equipment to do service work. An affected employee becomes an authorized employee when that employee’s duties include service or maintenance work on equipment.

• Employees whose jobs are in areas where energy-control procedures are used will be trained about the procedures and the prohibition against starting machines that are locked or tagged out.

• Employees will be retrained annually to ensure they understand energy-control policy and procedures.

• Authorized and affected employees will be retrained whenever their job assignments change, energy-control procedures change, equipment or work processes present new hazards, or when they don’t follow energy-control procedures.

Current training records will be maintained for each authorized and affected employee including the employee’s name and the training date

• Inspections of written energy-control procedures

[Name of your company] will perform and document annual inspections of energy-control procedures to ensure that employees understand and use them effectively. Documentation will include the following:

• The equipment on which the procedure is used.

• The date of the inspection.

• The employees included in the inspection.

• The inspector.

If an inspector finds that employees are not following an energy-control procedure or that the procedure is not protecting them, employees must be retrained and the procedure’s deficiencies corrected.

The inspector must understand the procedure and must be someone other than those following the procedure at the time of the inspection. Each procedure’s accuracy, completeness, and effectiveness must be verified.

If the inspection covers a procedure for equipment with an energy-isolating device that can be locked out, the inspector must review the procedure with the employees who use it to service the equipment. The inspector can review the procedure with the employees individually or in a group.

If the inspection covers a procedure for equipment with an energy-isolating device that can only be tagged out, the inspector must review the procedure with the authorized employees who service the equipment and with affected employees who may work in the area when the equipment is serviced. The inspector can review the procedure with the employees individually or in a group.


CC.1.3.11-12.I Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.

1.1.11.F = Understanding the meaning of, and apply key vocabulary across the various subject areas.

• Affected employee

A person who uses equipment that is being serviced under lockout or tag-out procedures, or who works in an area where equipment is being serviced.

• Authorized employee

A person who locks out or tags out equipment to do service or maintenance work. An affected employee becomes an authorized employee when that employee’s duties include service or maintenance work on equipment.

• Capable of being locked out

An energy-isolating device that is designed with a hasp or other means of attachment to which, or through which a lock can be affixed, or if it has a locking mechanism built into it. Other energy-isolating devices will also be considered to be capable of being locked out, if lock out can be achieved without the need to dismantle, rebuild, or replace the energy-isolating device or permanently alter its energy-control capability.

• Disconnect

A switch that disconnects an electrical circuit or load (motor, transformer, or panel) from the conductors that supply power to it. An open circuit does not allow electrical current to flow. Under a lockout procedure, a disconnect must be capable of being locked in the open position.

• Energized

Connected to an energy source or containing potential energy.

• Energy Sources

Any source of energy. Examples: electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, and thermal.

• Energy-isolating device

A mechanical device that physically prevents transmission or release of energy.

• Hazardous energy

Any of the types of energy existing at a level or quantity that could be harmful to workers or cause injury through inadvertent release or start-up of equipment.

• Lockout device

A device that locks an energy-isolating device in the safe position.

• Lockout

Placing a lockout device on an energy-isolating device, under an established procedure, to ensure the energy-isolating device and the equipment it controls can’t be operated until the lockout device is removed. (An energy-isolating device is capable of being locked out if it has a hasp that accepts a lock or if it has a locking mechanism built into it.)

• Procedure

A series of steps taken to isolate energy and shut down equipment.

• Servicing or maintenance

Workplace activities such as constructing, installing, setting up, adjusting, inspecting, modifying, and maintaining machines or equipment. Also includes lubricating, cleaning, unjamming, and making adjustments or tool changes if a worker may be exposed to the unexpected startup of the equipment during such activities.

• Tag-out device

A prominent warning sign, such as a tag, that can be securely fastened to an energy-isolating device to indicate that the energy-isolating device and the equipment it controls can’t be operated until the tag-out device is removed.

• Tag-out

Placing a tag-out device on an energy-isolating device, under an established procedure, to indicate that the energy-isolating device and the equipment it controls can’t be operated until the tag-out device is removed.

|109 |Demonstrate scaffold and ladder safety. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.B. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information|

|presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. |

|CC.3.5.11-12.C. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or |

|performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. |

1. Safety Information

2. Ladder and Scaffold Safety Programs

3. Code of Safe Practices

4. Competent Person Training

Ladder and Scaffold Safety Programs

1. Safety Information

It is the policy of The Lynn Ladder and Scaffolding Group, and its affiliate branches, to make every possible effort to educate the potential end-user as to the proper and safe selection, care and use of our products.

As a distributor and manufacturer of various climbing and construction-related products, we make every effort to comply with local, state, and federal laws and codes, as well as the applicable ANSI standards that pertain to the many products we sell and/or rent.

As it is the ultimate responsibility of the end-user of these products to be competently trained, we have compiled the following websites to obtain safety & use information:

2. Ladder and Scaffold Safety Programs

American Ladder Institute:

Scaffold Industry Association:

Occupational Safety & Health Act:

National Safety Council:

National Association of Homebuilders:

Center for Construction Training & Research (CPWR)

3. Code of Safe Practices

For Frame Scaffolds, System Scaffolds, Tube and Clamp Scaffolds and Rolling Scaffolds


For Frame Scaffolds, System Scaffolds, Tube and Clamp Scaffolds and Rolling Scaffolds


It shall be the responsibility of all users to read and comply with the following common sense guidelines which are designed to promote safety in the erecting, dismantling and use of Scaffolds. These guidelines do not purport to be all-inclusive nor to supplant or replace other additional safety and precautionary measures to cover usual or unusual conditions. If these guidelines in any way conflict with any state, local, provincial, federal or other government statute or regulation, said statute or regulation shall supersede these guidelines and it shall be the responsibility of each user to comply therewith.


• Post these scaffolding safety guidelines in a conspicuous place and be sure that all persons who erect, dismantle or use scaffolding are aware of them, and also use them in tool box safety meetings.

• Follow all state, local and federal codes, ordinances and regulations pertaining to scaffolding.

• Survey the job site. A survey shall be made of the job site by a competent person for hazards, such as un-tamped earth fills, ditches, debris, high tension wires, unguarded openings, and other hazardous conditions created by other trades. These conditions should be corrected or avoided as noted in the following sections.

• Inspect all equipment before using. Never use any equipment that is damaged or defective in any way. Mark it or tag it as defective. Remove it from the job site.

• Scaffolds must be erected in accordance with design and/or manufacturers’ recommendations.

• Do not erect, dismantle or alter a scaffold unless under the supervision of a competent person.

• Do not abuse or misuse the scaffold equipment.

• Erected scaffolds should be continually inspected by users to be sure that they are maintained in safe condition. Report any unsafe condition to your supervisor.

• Never take chances! If in doubt regarding the safety or use of the scaffold, consult your scaffold supplier.

• Never use equipment for purposes or in ways for which it was not intended.

• Do not work on scaffolds if your physical condition is such that you feel dizzy or unsteady in any way.

• Do not work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.


• Scaffold base must be set on an adequate sill or pad to prevent slipping or sinking and fixed thereto where required. Any part of a building or structure used to support the scaffold shall be capable of supporting the maximum intended load to be applied.

• Use adjusting screws or other approved methods instead of blocking to adjust to uneven grade conditions. 

Bracing, leveling & plumbing of frame scaffolds

1. Plumb and level all scaffolds as the erection proceeds. Do not force frames or braces to fit. Level the scaffold until proper fit can easily be made.

2. Each frame or panel shall be braced by horizontal bracing, cross bracing, diagonal bracing or any combination thereof for securing vertical members together laterally. All brace connections shall be made secure, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Bracing, leveling & plumbing of tube & clamp and system scaffolds

1. Posts shall be erected plumb in all directions, with the first level of runners and bearers positioned as close to the base as feasible. The distance between bearers and runners shall not exceed manufacturer’s recommended procedures.

2. Plumb, level and tie all scaffolds as erection proceeds.

3. Fasten all couplers and/or connections securely before assembly of next level.

4. Vertical and/or horizontal diagonal bracing must be installed according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

• Tie continuous (running) scaffolds to the wall or structure at each end and at least every 30 feet of length when scaffold height exceeds the maximum allowable free standing dimension. Begin ties or stabilizers when the scaffold height exceeds that dimension, and repeat at vertical intervals not greater than 26 feet. The top anchor shall be placed no lower than four (4) times the base dimension from the top of the completed scaffold. Anchors must prevent scaffold from tipping into or away from wall or structure. Stabilize circular or irregular scaffolds in such a manner that completed scaffold is secure and restrained from tipping. When scaffolds are partially or fully enclosed or subjected to overturning loads, specific precautions shall be taken to insure the frequency and accuracy of ties to the wall and structure. Due to increased loads resulting from wind or overturning loads the scaffolding component to which ties are subjected shall be checked for additional loads.

• When free standing scaffold towers exceed four (4) times their minimum base dimensions vertically, they must be restrained from tipping. (CAL/OSHA and some government agencies require stricter ratio of 3 to 1.)

• Do not erect scaffolds near electrical power lines unless proper precautions are taken. Consult the power service company for advice.

• A means of access to all platforms shall be provided.

• Do no use ladders or makeshift devices on top of scaffolds to increase the height.

• Provide guardrails and mid-rails at each working platform level where open sides and ends exist, and toe boards where required by code.

Brackets and cantilevered platforms

1. Brackets for System Scaffolds shall be installed and used in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

2. Brackets for Frame Scaffolds shall be seated correctly with side bracket parallel to the frames and end brackets at 90 degrees to the frames. Brackets shall not be bent or twisted from normal position. Brackets (except mobile brackets designed to carry materials) are to be used as work platforms only and shall not be used for storage of material or equipment.

3. Cantilevered platforms shall be designed, installed and used in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

• All scaffolding components shall be installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedure.

Components shall not be altered in the field.

Scaffold frames and their components manufactured by different companies shall not be intermixed, unless the component parts readily fit together and the resulting scaffold’s structural integrity is maintained by the user.


1. Working platforms shall cover scaffold bearer as completely as possible. Only scaffold grade wood planking, or fabricated planking and decking meeting scaffold use requirements shall be used.

2. Check each plank prior to use to be sure plank is not warped, damaged, or otherwise unsafe.

3. Planking shall have at least 12” overlap and extend 6” beyond center of support, or be cleated or restrained at both ends to prevent sliding off supports.

4. Solid sawn lumber, LVL (laminated veneer lumber) or fabricated scaffold planks and platforms (unless cleated or restrained) shall extend over their end supports not less than 6” or more than 18”. This overhang should not be used as a work platform.

For “putlogs” and “trusses” the following additional guidelines apply:

1. Do not cantilever or extend putlogs/trusses as side brackets without thorough consideration for loads to be applied.

2. Putlogs/trusses should be extended at least 6” beyond point of support.

3. Place recommended bracing between putlogs/trusses when the span of putlog/truss is more than 12 feet.

For rolling scaffolds the following additional guidelines apply:

1. Riding a rolling scaffold is very hazardous. The Scaffold Industry Association does not recommend nor encourage this practice. However, if you choose to do so, be sure to follow all state, federal or other governmental guidelines.

2. Casters with plain stems shall be attached to the panel or adjustment screw by pins or other suitable means.

3. No more than 12 inches of the screw jack shall extend between the bottom of the adjusting nut and the top of the caster.

4. Wheels or casters shall be provided with a locking means to prevent caster rotation and scaffold movement and kept locked.

5. Joints shall be restrained from separation.

6. Use horizontal diagonal bracing near the bottom and at 20 foot intervals measured from the rolling surface.

7. Do not use brackets or other platform extensions without compensating for the overturning effect.

8. The platform height of a rolling scaffold must not exceed four (4) times the smallest base dimension (CAL/OSHA and some government agencies require a stricter ratio of 3 to 1).

9. Cleat or secure all plank.

10. Secure or remove all materials and equipment from platform before moving.

11. Do not attempt to move a rolling scaffold without sufficient help - watch out for holes in floor and overhead obstructions - stabilize against tipping.

Safe use of scaffold

1. Prior to use, inspect scaffold to insure it has not been altered and is in safe working condition.

2. Erected scaffolds and platforms should be inspected continuously by those using them.

3. Exercise caution when entering or leaving a work platform.

4. Do not overload scaffold. Follow manufacturer’s safe working load recommendations.

5. Do not jump onto planks or platforms.

6. Do not use ladders or makeshift devices on top of working platforms to increase the height or provide access from above.

7. Climb in access areas only and use both hands.


• Check to assure scaffolding has not been structurally altered in a way which would make it unsafe and, if it has, reconstruct where necessary before commencing with dismantling procedures. This includes all scaffold ties.

• Visually inspect plank prior to dismantling to be sure they are safe.

• Consideration must be given as to the effect removal of a component will have on the rest of the scaffold prior to that component’s removal.

• Do not accumulate excess components or equipment on the level being dismantled.

• Do not remove ties until scaffold above has been removed (dismantled).

• Lower dismantled components in an orderly manner. Do not throw off of scaffold.

• Dismantled equipment should be stockpiled in an orderly manner.


These safety guidelines (Codes of Safe Practice) set forth common sense procedures for safely erecting, dismantling and using scaffolding equipment. However, equipment and scaffolding systems differ, and accordingly, reference must always be made to the instructions and procedures of the supplier and/or manufacturer of the equipment.

Since field conditions vary and are beyond the control of the Scaffold Industry Association, safe and proper use of scaffolding is the sole responsibility of the user.

In 1998, OSHA published their new scaffold standard. Entitled 29 CFR Part 1926 Safety Standards for Scaffolds Used in the Construction Industry; Final Rule. As a public service to our customers, we have reprinted this standard in a format and type size that is more easily read.

Copies are available from our Lynn office.

Competent Person Training

A “Competent Person” Scaffold Training Program developed and sanctioned by the SIA, administrated by the SAIT and taught by Lynn Ladder & Scaffolding’s professionals. For employees, supervisors and foremen who erect scaffolds and oversee scaffold erection. It centers around frame scaffolds, while including sections on system scaffolds, tube and coupler scaffolds, as well as a sections on carpenter’s scaffolds. This course covers all the safety aspects regarding scaffolding components, foundation requirements, regulations, fall protection systems, access methods, estimating, and erection and dismantling techniques. Emphasis is placed on having a hands-on learning experience.


• Competent Person Training For Frame Scaffolds.

• Access Methods

• Standards And Regulations

• Foundation Requirements

• Platforms And Platform Materials

• Scaffold Erection & Dismantling Procedures

• Personal Protection Equipment

• Scaffolder’s Tools

A certificate of completion will be issued by the SIA to those who successfully complete the course.

Class Information The CPT is a one day class administered by SIA approved instructors that is held on Fridays and Saturdays, depending on demand. Please call to confirm availability of open class dates.

Location Lynn Ladder & Scaffolding’s educational center is located at 20-24 Boston St., Lynn, MA. It is on Rte. 129, just 10 minutes off I-95 and US Rte. 1 and 30 minutes north of Boston.

Registration & Contact Information The course fee is $300 per person. This includes the textbook, all course handouts, continental breakfast, snacks and lunch. You may register by phone or mail and pay by check. For more information please contact: Alan Kline at: Telephone: 800-225-2510 Fax: 781-593-7666 E-mail: ADK@

Name: Date: Level:

Students participating in this 9th grade curriculum will be able to perform the following tasks to a Competent or Advanced scale in order to proceed to the next learning guide.

Each task will be graded to a teacher prepared rubric at the end of this learning guide.

|Task |Meets Standards |Needs Improvement |

|Basic Shop Safety | | |

|Identify the panic button locations in the shop. | | |

|Explain the proper procedure for a fire drill. | | |

|Explain the proper procedure for a non-emergency lock down drill. | | |

|Explain the proper procedure for an emergency lock down drill. | | |

|Explain the proper procedure for a tornado drill. | | |

|Explain the reason for the yellow STC sign in the shop. | | |

|Be able to recite the nurse’s extension for STC. | | |

|Locate the Auto External Defibrillator (AED) in the school. | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations for basic shop safety. | | |

|Locate the Emergency Call button in the shop. | | |

|Fire Safety | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to fire safety. | | |

|Explain the various fire extinguishers and their uses. | | |

|Identify the fire extinguisher(s) location(s) in the shop. | | |

|Job Site Hazards | | |

|Explain what OSHA stands for. | | |

|Explain what the purpose of OSHA is. | | |

|Identify 10 causes of job site hazards. | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to job site safety. | | |

|List 10 items to use for improved job site safety. | | |

|List 6 job titles that a person might have that deals with job site safety. | | |

|Electrical Safety | | |

|Identify and explain the operation of a GFCI receptacle. | | |

|Identify the ungrounded slot of a GFCI receptacle. | | |

|Identify the grounded slot of a GFCI receptacle. | | |

|Identify the grounding slot of a GFCI receptacle. | | |

|Explain what GFCI follow through is. | | |

|Explain and perform the correct procedure for installing a lock out/tag out. | | |

|List 10 rules pertaining to electrical safety as described by OSHA. | | |

|Ladder and Scaffold Safety | | |

|List the maximum weight limit for all ladders in your shop. | | |

|Identify the parts of a basic scaffold set up. | | |

|Construct a basic scaffold set up. | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to ladder safety. | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations for ladder safety. | | |

|Identify the various types of ladders used on a job site. | | |

Name: Date: Shop:

Final Grade:


O.S.H.A. 500

Construction Safety Exam

Revised: 2015

(Please circle the correct answer)

1) What year was the OSH act passed as law?

A. 1968

B. 2014

C. 1970

D. 1984

2) What is O.S.H.A.’s highest inspection priority?

A. Fatalities

B. Complaints

C. Focused inspections

D. Imminent danger

3) Which of the following is NOT a type of OSHA violation?

A. Serious

B. Willful

C. Major

D. Other-than-serious

4) Which type of classes is an outreach trainer qualified to teach?

A. 5 and 10 hour classes

B. 10 and 20 hour classes

C. 10 and 30 hour classes

D. 20 and 40 hour classes

5) Which of the following would NOT be citied under OSHA’s multi-employer worksite policy?

A. Controlling

B. Correcting

C. Contributing

D. Creating

6) In steel erection, the controlling contractor must provide which of the following written notifications?

A. Rigging provisions

B. Site preparation provisions

C. Modifications of anchor bolts

D. Crane certifications

7) In multiple lift rigging, what is the maximum number of members, which can be hoisted per lift?

A. 3

B. 9

C. 5

D. Any number, as long as a competent person is supervising the lift

8) Which of the following is NOT considered conventional fall protection under Subpart M?

A. Guardrails


C. Safety Monitor

D. Safety nets

9) Which of the following is prohibited on a personal fall arrest system?

A. Locking snap hook

B. Body Belt

C. Body harness

D. Lanyard

10) How long before the OSHA trainer card must be renewed?

A. One year

B. Never

C. Four Years

D. Six years

11) At what height if fall protection required on scaffolds?

A. Four feet

B. Six feet

C. Ten Feet

D. Determined by the competent person

12) What materials are acceptable for counterweights on suspended scaffolds?

A. Sandbags

B. Bundles of shingles

C. Bags of concrete

D. Only those items specifically designed as counterweights

13) What is NOT an acceptable system for cave-in protection in trenches?

A. Sloping

B. Benching

C. Shoring

D. Plywood sheets firmly placed with 2x4 supports

14) What is the minimum distance a spoil pile must be placed from an excavation?

A. Two feet

B. Four Feet

C. Ten Feet

D. Fifty feet

15) When an employee brings in their own personal tools, equipment, or personal protective equipment on a job, who is responsible for ensuring safety of such tools, equipment or personal protective equipment?

A. The employee

B. The union

C. The employer

D. The foreman

16) Outreach classes must be completed within what period of time?

A. One week

B. One year

C. Six months

D. No limit

17) What is the minimum safe distance from energized overhead power lines while working?

A. 10 feet

B. 15 feet

C. 20 feet

D. 50 feet

18) What must be completed prior to the start of demolition operations?

A. Erection of canopies

B. Installation of temporary lighting

C. Engineering survey made by a competent person

D. Installation of decontaminations facilities

19) What must be determined before loads can be placed on concrete?

A. Air content of concrete

B. Proper water to cement ratio

C. Structure is capable of supporting the loads

D. All shoring has been removed

20) When transporting gas welding cylinders, the cylinders must be?

A. Secured in a horizontal position

B. Secured in a vertical position

C. In the bucket of a backhoe

D. Secured with the regulators in place

21) With the boom lowered and in transit, what is the minimum safe distance from power lines for cranes?

A. 10 feet

B. 4 feet

C. 6 feet

D. 12 feet

22) What is the minimum height for fall protection for all employees during steel erection operations?

A. Six feet

B. Ten feet

C. Eight feet

D. Twenty feet

23) Accessible areas within the swing radius of the crane must be?

A. Evaluated by a competent person

B. Supervised by a safety monitor

C. Approved by a qualified crane operator

D. Barricaded to prevent an employee from being struck by the crane

24) Compressed gas cylinders used in welding must be stored at least how many feet from highly combustible materials?

A. 5 feet

B. 10 feet

C. 40 feet

D. 20 feet

25) What is the minimum height of a toe board?

A. 12 inches

B. 1 foot

C. 3 ½ inches

D. 10 inches

26) When you are working above 6 feet, what should you do?

A. Let the competent person know

B. Where a PFAS

C. Fill out the proper paperwork

D. Don’t look down

27) Once you pass the OSHA outreach class, how long before your card needs to be renewed?

A. 1 year

B. 4 years

C. Personal cards do not expire

D. 6 years

28) During an inspection, what is the first item an OSHA inspector will look for?

A. Safety glasses

B. Hard hats

C. The OSHA poster

D. Barricades

29) Within how many hours do you have to notify OSHA when there is a fatality?

A. 8 hours

B. 24 hours

C. 2 hours

D. There is no time frame

30) What is the program called that you can anonymously report an OSHA violation?

A. Snitches are us

B. Whistle blower

C. Safety monitor

D. Dial an inspector

31) What locations can OSHA inspectors NOT be involved in looking for hazards?

A. Schools

B. Carnivals

C. Farms

D. Both A and C

32) Any opening in a floor must be?

A. Covered with plywood

B. Marked with warning tape

C. Barricaded

D. Shown to a competent person

33) MSDS sheets contain what information?

A. First aid procedures

B. Clean up procedures

C. Storage requirements

D. All of the above

34) In an electrical cord, what wire is used to take stray currents away from the operator?

A. Hot wire

B. Ground wire

C. Neutral wire

D. The red wire

35) What type of fire extinguisher is needed to put out an electrical fire?

A. Type C

B. Type A

C. Type B

D. None of the above

36) Who should be trained in the proper procedures of lock out/tag out?

A. Electricians

B. Plumbers

C. Welders

D. All trades working on a job site

CC.3.6.11-12.H. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Residential & Industrial Electricity





| | |

|K What do I already KNOW | |

|about this topic? | |

| | |

|W What do I WANT to know | |

|about this topic? | |

| | |

|L What did I LEARN | |

|after reading ABOUT | |

|this topic? | |

I checked the following before reading:

➢ Headlines and Subheadings

➢ Italic, Bold, and Underlined words

➢ Pictures, Tables, and Graphs

➢ Questions or other key information

I made predictions AFTER previewing the article.


• Instructor Signature:

• Instructional Aide Signature:

CC.1.3.11-12.I Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.

CC.3.6.11-12.H. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Construction Trades Cluster

Pre/Post Learning Concept Check

Name: Date: Level:

|Pre |Mark an (+) or (-) in the “Pre Lesson” if you know the |Post |

|Lesson |correct meaning of the word before the lesson. |Lesson |

| |Complete the “Post Lesson” after the lesson is completed. | |

|+ / - |Key Vocabulary Terms |+ / - |

| |O.S.H.A. | |

| |Competent Person | |

| |Spoil | |

| |Lock Out | |

| |G.F.C.I. | |

| |Safety Data Sheet | |

| |Trench | |

| |Scaffold | |

Name: Date: Level:

Performance Assessment Rubric

|Task |Points |Points Received |

| |Available | |

|Basic Shop Safety | | |

|Identify the panic button(s) location(s) in the shop. |5 | |

|(-1 Point per missed panic button) | | |

|Explain the proper procedure for a fire drill. |5 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect step) | | |

|Explain the proper procedure for a non-emergency lock down drill. |5 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect step) | | |

|Explain the proper procedure for an emergency lock down drill. |5 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect step) | | |

|Explain the proper procedure for a tornado drill. |5 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect step) | | |

|Explain the reason for the yellow STC sign in the shop. |5 | |

|(0-Cannot Explain / 5-Able to explain) | | |

|Be able to recite the nurse’s extension for STC. |5 | |

|(0-Did not know / 5-Recited Extension) | | |

|Locate the Auto External Defibrillator (AED) in the school. |5 | |

|(0-Did not know / 5-Located AED) | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations for basic shop safety. |10 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect regulation) | | |

|Locate the Emergency Call button in the shop. |5 | |

|(0-Did not know / 5-Located Emergency call button) | | |

|Total Points for Basic Shop Safety |55 | |

|Fire Safety | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to fire safety. |10 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect regulation) | | |

|Explain the various fire extinguishers and their uses. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrectly explained/ 5-Correctly explained) | | |

|Identify the fire extinguisher(s) location(s) in the shop. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrectly Identified / 5-Correctly Identified) | | |

|Total Points for Fire Safety |20 | |

|Job Site Hazards | | |

|Explain what OSHA stands for. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|Explain what the purpose of OSHA is. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|Identify 10 causes of job site hazards. |10 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect regulation) | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to job site safety. |10 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect regulation) | | |

|List 10 items to use for improved job site safety. |10 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect regulation) | | |

|List 10 job titles that a person might have that deals with job site safety. |10 | |

|(-1 Point for each title missed) | | |

|Total Points for Job Site Hazards |50 | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Electrical Safety | | |

|Identify and explain the operation of a GFCI receptacle. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|Identify the ungrounded slot of a GFCI receptacle. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|Identify the grounded slot of a GFCI receptacle. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|Identify the grounding slot of a GFCI receptacle. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|Explain what GFCI follow through is. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|Explain and perform the correct procedure for installing a lock out/tag out. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|List 10 regulation pertaining to electrical safety as described by OSHA. |10 | |

|(-1 Point for each regulation missed) | | |

|Total Points Electrical Safety |40 | |

|Ladder and Scaffold Safety | | |

|List the maximum weight limit for all ladders in your shop. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

|Identify the parts of a basic scaffold set up. |10 | |

|(-1 Point for each part missed) | | |

|Construct a basic scaffold set up. |10 | |

|(-1 Point for each step missed) | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations pertaining to ladder safety. |10 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect regulation) | | |

|List 10 OSHA regulations for ladder safety. |10 | |

|(-1 Point per incorrect regulation) | | |

|Identify the various types of ladders used on a job site. |5 | |

|(0-Incorrect / 5-Correct) | | |

| Total Points for Ladder and Scaffold Safety |50 | |

|Total Points Overall |215 | |

Name: Date: Shop:

Final Grade:


O.S.H.A. 500

Construction Safety Exam

Revised: 2015

(Please circle the correct answer)

37) What year was the OSH act passed as law?

E. 1968

F. 2014

G. 1970

H. 1984

38) What is O.S.H.A.’s highest inspection priority?

E. Fatalities

F. Complaints

G. Focused inspections

H. Imminent danger

39) Which of the following is NOT a type of OSHA violation?

E. Serious

F. Willful

G. Major

H. Other-than-serious

40) Which type of classes is an outreach trainer qualified to teach?

E. 5 and 10 hour classes

F. 10 and 20 hour classes

G. 10 and 30 hour classes

H. 20 and 40 hour classes

41) Which of the following would NOT be citied under OSHA’s multi-employer worksite policy?

E. Controlling

F. Correcting

G. Contributing

H. Creating

42) In steel erection, the controlling contractor must provide which of the following written notifications?

E. Rigging provisions

F. Site preparation provisions

G. Modifications of anchor bolts

H. Crane certifications

43) In multiple lift rigging, what is the maximum number of members, which can be hoisted per lift?

E. 3

F. 9

G. 5

H. Any number, as long as a competent person is supervising the lift

44) Which of the following is NOT considered conventional fall protection under Subpart M?

E. Guardrails


G. Safety Monitor

H. Safety nets

45) Which of the following is prohibited on a personal fall arrest system?

E. Locking snap hook

F. Body Belt

G. Body harness

H. Lanyard

46) How long before the OSHA trainer card must be renewed?

E. One year

F. Never

G. Four Years

H. Six years

47) At what height if fall protection required on scaffolds?

E. Four feet

F. Six feet

G. Ten Feet

H. Determined by the competent person

48) What materials are acceptable for counterweights on suspended scaffolds?

E. Sandbags

F. Bundles of shingles

G. Bags of concrete

H. Only those items specifically designed as counterweights

49) What is NOT an acceptable system for cave-in protection in trenches?

E. Sloping

F. Benching

G. Shoring

H. Plywood sheets firmly placed with 2x4 supports

50) What is the minimum distance a spoil pile must be placed from an excavation?

E. Two feet

F. Four Feet

G. Ten Feet

H. Fifty feet

51) When an employee brings in their own personal tools, equipment, or personal protective equipment on a job, who is responsible for ensuring safety of such tools, equipment or personal protective equipment?

E. The employee

F. The union

G. The employer

H. The foreman

52) Outreach classes must be completed within what period of time?

E. One week

F. One year

G. Six months

H. No limit

53) What is the minimum safe distance from energized overhead power lines while working?

E. 10 feet

F. 15 feet

G. 20 feet

H. 50 feet

54) What must be completed prior to the start of demolition operations?

E. Erection of canopies

F. Installation of temporary lighting

G. Engineering survey made by a competent person

H. Installation of decontaminations facilities

55) What must be determined before loads can be placed on concrete?

E. Air content of concrete

F. Proper water to cement ratio

G. Structure is capable of supporting the loads

H. All shoring has been removed

56) When transporting gas welding cylinders, the cylinders must be?

E. Secured in a horizontal position

F. Secured in a vertical position

G. In the bucket of a backhoe

H. Secured with the regulators in place

57) With the boom lowered and in transit, what is the minimum safe distance from power lines for cranes?

E. 10 feet

F. 4 feet

G. 6 feet

H. 12 feet

58) What is the minimum height for fall protection for all employees during steel erection operations?

E. Six feet

F. Ten feet

G. Eight feet

H. Twenty feet

59) Accessible areas within the swing radius of the crane must be?

E. Evaluated by a competent person

F. Supervised by a safety monitor

G. Approved by a qualified crane operator

H. Barricaded to prevent an employee from being struck by the crane

60) Compressed gas cylinders used in welding must be stored at least how many feet from highly combustible materials?

E. 5 feet

F. 10 feet

G. 40 feet

H. 20 feet

61) What is the minimum height of a toe board?

E. 12 inches

F. 1 foot

G. 3 ½ inches

H. 10 inches

62) When you are working above 6 feet, what should you do?

E. Let the competent person know

F. Where a PFAS

G. Fill out the proper paperwork

H. Don’t look down

63) Once you pass the OSHA outreach class, how long before your card needs to be renewed?

E. 1 year

F. 4 years

G. Personal cards do not expire

H. 6 years

64) During an inspection, what is the first item an OSHA inspector will look for?

E. Safety glasses

F. Hard hats

G. The OSHA poster

H. Barricades

65) Within how many hours do you have to notify OSHA when there is a fatality?

E. 8 hours

F. 24 hours

G. 2 hours

H. There is no time frame

66) What is the program called that you can anonymously report an OSHA violation?

E. Snitches are us

F. Whistle blower

G. Safety monitor

H. Dial an inspector

67) What locations can OSHA inspectors NOT be involved in looking for hazards?

E. Schools

F. Carnivals

G. Farms

H. Both A and C

68) Any opening in a floor must be?

E. Covered with plywood

F. Marked with warning tape

G. Barricaded

H. Shown to a competent person

69) MSDS sheets contain what information?

E. First aid procedures

F. Clean up procedures

G. Storage requirements

H. All of the above

70) In an electrical cord, what wire is used to take stray currents away from the operator?

E. Hot wire

F. Ground wire

G. Neutral wire

H. The red wire

71) What type of fire extinguisher is needed to put out an electrical fire?

E. Type C

F. Type A

G. Type B

H. None of the above

72) Who should be trained in the proper procedures of lock out/tag out?

E. Electricians

F. Plumbers

G. Welders

H. All trades working on a job site


Construction Trades






Schuylkill Technology Center-

North Campus

101 Technology drive

Frackville, Pennsylvania 17931

(570) 874-1034


South Campus

15 Maple Avenue

Marlin, Pennsylvania 17951

(570) 544-4748



How do I do it?

A sample lockout/tag-out policy for your workplace


A sample lockout/tag-out policy for your workplace ---------------------------------------------Pg.68



Employer and employee responsibility--------------------------------------------------------------Pg.68

Lockout and tag-out devices--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.68

Exposure survey----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.69

Energy control procedures----------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.69

Specific energy-control procedures------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.70

Special lockout/tag-out situations--------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.70

Energized testing---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.70

Contract service and maintenance--------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.70

Group lockout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.70

Shift changes and long-term shutdowns-------------------------------------------------------------Pg.70

Alternative methods------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg.71


Inspections of written energy-control procedures--------------------------------------------------Pg.72


Instructor Signature: Date:

Lesson Objective:

Lesson Conclusion:

M.A.X. Teaching

Instructor Signature: Date:

Correct/Out of 215

Grade Percentage

Check One

← Below Basic (0-149 = 0%-69%)

← Basic (150-184= 70%-85%)

← Competent (185-199= 86%-92%)

← Advanced (200-215= 93%-100%)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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