Trivia Questions & Answers for Kids - Thought Catalog

Trivia Questions

Trivia Questions &

Answers for Kids

Science & Math

Trivia Question: How many colors are there in the rainbow?

Answer: Seven

Trivia Question: What are the colors of the rainbow?

Answer: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, & Violet

Trivia Question: How many planets are there in the solar system?

Answer: Eight

Trivia Question: What color is a ruby?

Answer: Red

Trivia Question: What do caterpillars turn into?

Answer: Butterflies

Trivia Question: What do you call a baby lion?

Answer: A cub

Trivia Question: What do bees make?

Answer: Honey

Trivia Question: What is it called when birds fly to warmer climates for the winter?

Answer: Migration

Trivia Question: What are the three states of matter?

Answer: Solid, liquid, and gas

Trivia Question: How many legs does a spider have?

Answer: 8

Trivia Question: What is the fastest land animal?

Answer: The Cheetah

Trivia Question: How many teeth does a human have?

Answer: 32

Trivia Question: How many toes does a human have?

Answer: Ten

Trivia Question: What do you call a baby goat?

Answer: A kid

Trivia Question: Name a mammal that can¡¯t jump

Answer: Elephant, sloth, hippo, & rhino

Trivia Question: What temperature does water freeze at?

Answer: 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Trivia Question: What word refers to animals with a backbone?

Answer: vertebrates

Trivia Question: What is a group of crows called?

Answer: A murder

Trivia Question: What is a group of lions called?

Answer: A pride

Trivia Question: What is a human¡¯s average temperature?

Answer: 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit

Trivia Question: What is the nearest planet to the Sun?

Answer: Mercury

Trivia Question: How many inches are in a foot?

Answer: 12

Trivia Question: How many feet are in a yard?

Answer: Three

Trivia Question: What kind of shape is a stop sign?

Answer: An octagon

Trivia Question: How many sides does a pentagon have?

Answer: Five

Trivia Question: What comes after a million, billion, & trillion?

Answer: Quadrillion

Trivia Question: How many zeros are in a million?

Answer: Six

Trivia Question: What is the top number of a fraction called?

Answer: A numerator

Trivia Question: What is the bottom number of a fraction called?

Answer: A denominator

Trivia Question: What degree is a right angle?

Answer: 90 degrees

Trivia Question: How many pints are in a gallon?

Answer: Eight

Trivia Question: How many pints are in a quart?

Answer: Two

Trivia Question: If a car is traveling at 65 mph, how many miles would it travel in 6 hours?

Answer: 390

Trivia Question: How many arms does an octopus have?

Answer: Eight

Trivia Question: What kind of mollusk holds a pearl in its shell?

Answer: An oyster

Trivia Question: What largely creates the Earth¡¯s ties through gravitational pull?

Answer: The Moon

Trivia Question: How many arms does a starfish have?

Answer: Five

Trivia Question: Which sea animal has tentacles that sting?

Answer: Jellyfish

Trivia Question: What is the longest bone in the human body?

Answer: Femur

Trivia Question: How many bones are in the human body?

Answer: 206

Trivia Question: What is the smallest bone in the human body?

Answer: The stapes, located in the inner ear

Trivia Question: How many ribs are in the human body?

Answer: 12

Trivia Question: How many phases does the Moon have?

Answer: Eight

Trivia Question: What are the phases of the Moon?

Answer: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning

Gibbous, Third Quarter, & Waning Crescent

Trivia Question: How often does the Moon orbit the Earth?

Answer: Approximately every 27 days

Trivia Question: True or false, there is gravity on the Moon?

Answer: False

Trivia Question: What is the name for the holes on the Moon¡¯s surface?

Answer: Craters

Trivia Question: Which bird can learn to mimic human speech?

Answer: Parrots

Trivia Question: What bird lives in Antarctica and cannot fly?

Answer: Penguin

Trivia Question: What allows birds to fly?

Answer: Their wings

Trivia Question: How many edges does a cube have?

Answer: 12

Trivia Question: What kind of tree do acorns grow on?

Answer: Oak

Trivia Question: What is a female elephant called?

Answer: A cow

Trivia Question: What color is given to the second full moon of the month?

Answer: Blue

Trivia Question: A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the Moon and what else?

Answer: The sun

Trivia Question: Are birds warm-blooded?

Answer: Yes

Trivia Question: What is the largest bird in the world?

Answer: The Ostrich

Trivia Question: What is the most common species of bird found in the world?

Answer: Chicken

Trivia Question: True or false, hummingbirds can fly backward?

Answer: True


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