Love as a Way of Life

Study Series: The Case for AntiochBy: Jeff IorgLesson Title: “Generous Sacrifice” (pp. 83 - 93)October 15, 2017Session 07The main point of this lesson is: Transformational churches give themselves away.Focus on this goal: To help adults, individually and corporately, determine to be generous givers not limited to finances.Key Bible Passages: Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3; 15:1-3, 22-41Before the SessionPlace four sheets of butcher paper with markers around the room. On each sheet, write, If I had an extra [dollar amount] I would use it in the following ways... Use the following amounts: $20, $200, $20,000, and $2 million. (Step 1)2. Have available pens and paper for each learner and a trash can. (Step 3)During the SessionStep 1. Lead-in As learners arrive, call their attention to the sheets of paper. Ask learners to write responses on each of the sheets of paper. After each learner has had time to respond, ask: How did you decide on what you would spend the money? Were the factors for decision-making different as the amount increased? What are some ways people learn how to manage money? Suggest that adults have learned how to manage money from their parents, how-to books, influence of commercials, financial advisors, and so forth. Ask: Should there be additional resources for learning about money management for Christian adults?Step 2. Day 1 – God’s EconomyState the author introduces the idea of God’s economy. Ask learners to complete the sentence from Day One (p. 83): “God’s economy for individuals and churches is based on ________, not getting.” Encourage learners to review Day One (pp. 83-84) from the study and explain God’s economy. Ask for volunteers to read the Scripture passages included in Day One (Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:6-8,10-11). Ask: Do these verses provide additional insight into what it means to practice God’s economy?Step 3. Day 2 – Antioch Gave Away Its MoneyProvide pieces of paper and a pen for each learner. Ask learners to write on the paper excuses individuals use to not give of their resources. Give time for them to write their answers, then ask: What excuses do churches use to not give of their resources? Place a trash can in the middle of the room. Ask learners to read their answers to the group, then wad up their paper and throw it into the trash can. Explain that the trash can is an appropriate destination for excuses that hinder individuals and churches from obeying God. Observe that the church at Antioch provides an example of how to give generously and sacrificially. Ask for volunteers to read the key Bible passages (Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3; 15:1?3, 22-41). Lead learners to identify how the church at Antioch gave their money away and what potential excuses they had to throw away in order to do so. As time permits, ask the Day Two discussion question (p. 86).Step 4. Day 3 – Antioch Gave Away Its LeadersLead learners to review or think back on the passages read in Step 3, then ask how the church at Antioch gave away its leaders. Ask: Which do you think was harder for the church at Antioch to give away—money or leaders? Why? Ask for volunteers to read aloud the following verses: Job 1:21; Matthew 6:11; John 14:27; Acts 20:35. Ask: What are some additional things we learn about God’s economy from these verses?Step 5. Day 4 – Generous Churches Today, Part 1Ask: How does our church demonstrate that it is a generous church? Encourage learners to find the two characteristics of a generous church found in Day Four (pp. 88-91). For each, review what the characteristic is, ask why it would be important for a generous church, and invite examples of the characteristic adults have seen.Step 6. Day 5 – Generous Churches Today, Part 2Continue the same pattern with the three characteristics of a generous church found in Day Five (pp. 91-93). Again, review the characteristic, ask its importance, and invite the sharing of examples. Then ask: In light of these five characteristics of a generous church, how does our church demonstrate that it is a generous church? State it is important to consider how we respond generously, when things are hard. Remind learners of the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who were prepared to give away their very lives. It appeared they were not being blessed as they were sentenced to die in the furnace! But they were not deterred: “If the God we serve exists, then He can rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He can rescue us from the power of you, the king. But even if He does not rescue us, we want you as king to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up” (Dan. 3:17-18). State: This biblical account and other examples in the Bible speak clearly to the fact that giving does not mean we will automatically prosper from the world’s perspective. But when the giving is focused on the advancement of God’s kingdom, then blessings will follow.Step 7. Make It PracticalReread 2 Corinthians 9:7. Stress that God wants our generosity to be a time of joy for us, the givers, not a begrudging burden. Lead the group in a time of silent prayer. Encourage learners to ask the Lord how we might give generously as individuals and as a church corporately.Additional Questions for ReflectionDoes your church have a stewardship development program? If not, what can you do to encourage your leaders to implement one?Does your church practice proportional giving? Do you think this is a healthy model for your church to adopt or strengthen? How can you help this happen?Does your church give to meet human needs? Do you give personally to help with this effort? If not, why not? Does your church give to support missionaries? Do? If not, why not?Does your church send people on mission projects? Do you help neighboring churches? Does your church encourage people to answer God’s call and then support them when they do? What can you do to raise the awareness about answering God’s call among fellow church members?On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the generosity of your church? Do you consider your church to be a generous church? Why or why not? What can you do to help your church give itself away more aggressively? ................

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