[ Intro ] In 1979, missionary C.H. Kang and medical pathologist Ethel R. Nelson published The

Discovery of Genesis, a book proposing the theory that the Biblical book of Genesis is encoded in the Chinese language. Lacking rigorous evidence, but interesting. Coincidence?

[ Creation ] God created the first man, Adam. Adam’s form was made from dust, and his spirit from God’s breath.

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[ Eden ] Satan, disguised as a serpent, tempts Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Adam and Eve become aware of their nakedness and hide using fig tree leaves. God punishes them.

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[ Flood ] God cleanses the Earth with a flood, killing all except Noah and his family, who reside in a water-tight ark

during rainfall. Noah + Noah’s wife + Noah’s three sons + Wives of the sons = 8 people

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..:: William Wu吳威廉 / May 8, 2002 / Chinese 1B Section 4 / ::..


[ Babel ] Humans start thinking that God is overrated, and decide to build the Tower of Babel, a tower high enough to reach the heavens. While construction is underway, God regulates by scrambling the common language of humans to a myriad of different languages.

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● Sheep: There are positive correlations between how sheep are respected in Christian cultures, and how they were respected in old China. Oracle bone script characters dating from 1500 to 500 B.C. use sheep radicals in such words for sacrifice, harmony, worship, eternity, respect, and deliverance.

● ShangDi: Many chinese classics texts, such as the ShangShu, Shi Ji, Y Zing, and Shi Zing, describe Shang Di (supreme God of Chinese) with attributes similar to those of Yahweh (supreme God of Hebrews). Both are the creators of the universe, including humans. Both first made the heavens, earth, and animals, and then made man and woman last. Both are spirits which forbid construction of statue idols. Both desire animal sacrifices – specifically, perfect bulls and lambs. Records dating back to 2205 BC describe Chinese regularly offering lamb sacrifices to ShangDi at Mount Tai on the eastern border of China. Later, this sacrificial practice was moved to the Forbidden City in Beijing, at the Temple of Heaven.


Kang, C.H. and Ethel Nelson. The Discovery of Genesis : How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the

Chinese Language. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1979.

Voo, Kui Shin and Larry Hovee. The Lamb of God Hidden In The Ancient Chinese Characters. Online. Internet.

Answers in Genesis.

[ For more sexy stories about Chinese characters, check out ]

..:: William Wu吳威廉 / May 8, 2002 / Chinese 1B Section 4 / ::..


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