Weekly Homework Sheet

Fifth Grade Weekly Homework Sheet 21 Created by Kathy Spruiell



|Number and Operations | | | | |

|Base Ten: | |1.6 + 0.875 +51.8 = ? |$54,510.52 + $657,810.77 |$226, 340.02 |

|5.NBT |10.3 – 3.789 = ______ | | |- $87,999.85 |

| | | |Round to the nearest dollar then | |

| | | |add. |Subtract, then round to the nearest |

| | | | |ten thousand dollars. |

|Operations and | | |What is 0.67 of 12? |Ten times (9 ÷ 2) squared equals |

|Algebraic Thinking |1000 X 0.9287 |441,987 x 0.001 | |what? |

|5.OA | | | | |

|Operations and | |Simplify. | |How would you split $11.25 into five|

|Algebraic Thinking |_______ |5.76 |______ |parts equally? |

|5.OA |14 ) $514.56 |6 |9) $945.49 | |

|Number and Operations |Simplify the answer. |Simplify the answer. |What is 5/6 of 1/10? |½ ÷ ¼ = ____ |

|Fractions: | | |Draw the model. |Draw the model. |

|5.NF |12 1/6 - 7 3/4 = _________ |1/5+ 1/20+ 1/10 = | | |

|Number and Operations |The Kitten has 132 mittens. She gives |Order the fractions from least to |Represent the amount, ten and |Shade in the model for : |

|Base Ten: |11 of them to her brother kitty and 48|greatest and write them as decimals|twenty hundredths, in four |0.8 X 0.2 |

|5.NBT |to her sister kitty. She keeps the |and percents. |different ways. |[pic] |

| |rest. What FRACTION and NUMBER does |6/10, 6/36, 6/20, 6/60 | | |

| |each character get? | | | |

| |**Draw your thinking block. | | | |

|Operations and |The newest member of the Atlanta |In order to feed his lizard, Lenny |Henry made a long-distance phone |Lorraine had a box of 300 crackers. |

|Algebraic Thinking |Braves pitching team just signed a |bought as many crickets as possible|call that lasted 12 minutes. The |After she and her brothers ate some |

|5.OA |four year contract. He will be paid |with $4.20. Crickets cost 10¢ each |call cost $0.35 per minute. If |crackers, there were 78 crackers |

| |$3.9 million dollars the first year, |or $1.00 per dozen. How many |there was an extra charge of |left in the box. Write a question |

| |$5.28 million dollars the second year,|crickets did Lenny buy? |$1.50. Henry’s phone call cost? |that can be answered with this |

| |$14.7 million dollars the third year, | | |information? |

| |and $18.25 million dollars the fourth | | | |

| |year. How much money will he earn | | | |

| |during his four years with the Braves?| | | |

|Geometry: |[pic] |If possible show any and all lines |I am a quadrilateral with one set|Which triangles appear to be obtuse |

|5.G |What are the coordinates of the points|of symmetry for the figure shown. |of parallel sides. What is my |triangles? |

| |A and B? | |name? |[pic] |

| | | | |A. triangle A only |

| | | | |C. triangles A, B, and C only |

| | | | |B. triangles B and D only |

| | | | |D. triangles B, D, and E only |

|Measurement and Data: |Draw the number line from zero to one |[pic][pic] |1 ton = __________ |How would you find the volume of |

|5.MD |and label points: | |Pounds |this figure? |

| |1/8, 3/8, 3/6, 9/12 |What is the combined volume of the |5.5 tons = __________ |Base = 10 ft. |

| | |two figures shown? |Pounds |Height =3 ft |

| |Write a word problem to that uses this| |Rule - _____________ |Depth = 5 ft |

| |number line as a line plot. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Volume = |

|Operations and |Hope gave her friends clues about a |Make the equation true. |Create an equation that |True or False |

|Algebraic Thinking |number she was thinking of. She told | |demonstrates the identity |92 -2 ÷ 10 = 3 X 3 |

|5.OA |them that when her number is doubled, |58 – 2 + 7 = 8 x _____ |property. |**Remember the left to right order. |

| |divided by 4 then added to 31, the |**Remember the left to right order.| | |

| |result is 106. What is the number Hope| |How do you know it’s an equation?| |

| |was thinking of? | | | |

Weekly Homework Achievement Check

Name _________________ Date ____________________

Place an X in the box if your answer is incorrect.

|CCSS |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |

|Number and Operations Base Ten: | | | | |

|5.NBT | | | | |

|Operations and Algebraic Thinking| | | | |

|5.OA | | | | |

|Operations and Algebraic Thinking| | | | |

|5.OA | | | | |

|Number and Operations Fractions: | | | | |

|5.NF | | | | |

|Number and Operations Base Ten: | | | | |

|5.NBT | | | | |

|Operations and Algebraic Thinking| | | | |

|5.OA | | | | |

|Geometry: | | | | |

|5.G | | | | |

|Measurement and Data: | | | | |

|5.MD | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Operations and Algebraic Thinking| | | | |

|5.OA | | | | |

|Totals |/9 |/9 |/9 |/9 |

|Grade Equivalent | | | | |

Friday Morning Work: Find your weekly mean score. (Find the mean of your grade equivalents.)

My mean score this week was: _________________________

Grade Scale:

9/9 = 100

8/9 = 89

7/9 = 78

6/9 = 67

5/9 = 56

4/9 or below = 50

If you did not attempt the homework your grade is a zero.






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