The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad

5th Grade Independent Project

Welcome to the Underground Railroad Project! During the next few weeks you will be creating a project using the programs and technology that you have used and developed over the past 4 years. You will use the checklist and rubrics attached to guide and evaluate your work.

In the MLT file you will find the Underground Railroad site. This site will have several links that will help you find your needed information. You may also go to or to find additional information.

You will have the choice of presenting your information using any of the 3 programs; Microsoft Word, Publisher, or PowerPoint.

During class time your MLT teacher will be available for assistance but the manner in which you present your material is your own decision.

Hope you enjoy your ride on the FREEDOM TRAIN!


Please go to and take a journey on the Underground Railroad.

Now that your journey is complete you are free to begin your project. Please read the list of requirements and review the rubric before beginning.


1. The following questions must be answered.

A. What is slavery and why did slaves run away?

B. What was the Underground Railroad?

C. Why was it called the Underground Railroad?

D. Where did the Underground Railroad go?

E. Who were the people who ran the Underground Railroad and what were they like?

If you like you can also include some of the following questions in your project.

A. Why did we have an Underground Railroad in the United States?

B. What kinds of things did Underground Railroad volunteers do?

C. How could slaves travel on trains or ships without being discovered?

D. Did slaves ever wear disguises?

E. What happened if a slave was caught while he or she was trying to escape?

F. Do we know where all the Underground Railroad routes and stations were?

G. If it was such a secret, how do we know about it today?

2. Select 6 of the following vocabulary words to be defined. (The more that you do the better your score will be.) You may write out the definition or be creative with pictures, drawings or crossword puzzles.

abolitionist Anti-slavery auction big dipper

Civil War conductor Drinking gourd emancipation

fugitive slave master North Star overseer

patroller plantation quilt runaway

safe house slave slave catcher spirituals


3. Include a map of the Freedom Trail and write a short paragraph explaining what it is.

4. Include a picture of a quilt and write a paragraph explaining the import part quilts played in the Underground Railroad.

5. Find out about the people that worked on the Underground Railroad. Tell about two of these famous people and include their pictures.

6. Explain the importance of Underground Railroad code words and phrases.


Underground Railroad 5th Grade Rubric

| | Requirement |1 |2 |3 |

|Complete | | | | |

| |Information is presented in an organized fashion using a |Information is incomplete and lacks |Information is complete and is organized |Information is complete, organized and includes |

| |Microsoft program. |little organization. | |extra information. |

| |The 5 questions were asked and answered. |Questions were answered with little |Questions were answered using details. |Questions were answered with details and additional|

| | |details. | |questions and answers were added. |

| |Underground Railroad vocabulary words (6) were presented and |6 Underground Railroad vocabulary words |6 Underground Railroad vocabulary words |6 or more Underground Railroad vocabulary words were|

| |defined. |were defined. |were defined in a creative way with |defined in a creative way with details. |

| | | |details. | |

| |Project will include a map of the Freedom Trail with a paragraph |Project includes a map of the Freedom |Project includes map, a paragraph and |Project includes maps of the Freedom Trail with |

| |explaining what it is. |Trail with a paragraph using very few |added details. |paragraphs explaining what they represent. |

| | |details. | | |

| |Project will include a picture of a quilt and a paragraph |Project includes a picture of a quilt |Project includes a picture of a quilt |Project includes requirements plus student created |

| |explaining the importance of quilts. |with an explanation of their important to|with descriptions and examples of their |quilts or extra pictures to represent extension to |

| | |the slaves. |important to the slaves. |project. |

| |Project will include 2 famous people who were part of the |Project includes 2 famous people with |Project includes 2 famous people who were|Project includes more than 2 famous people who were |

| |Railroad, and few sentences and pictures. |pictures and brief details. |part of the Railroad, pictures and a |part of the Railroad, pictures and a detailed |

| | | |short paragraph. |paragraph about each. |

| |Project will include the importance of code words and phrase to |Project includes the importance of code |Project includes code words and phrases|Project includes requirements and extends the use of|

| |the Underground Railroad. |words and phrase to the Underground |used in the Underground Railroad and why |code words and phrases with examples of their use. |

| | |Railroad. |they were important. | |

| |All work will be presented neatly, accurately and proofread |All work is neat, accurate and proofread.|All work has been presented with pride |Work has been proofread and published with pride, |

| |before handing in. | |and shows details in planning and the |accuracy and attention to details. |

| | | |process of project. | |


Publisher Brochure Planning Sheet – Page 1. NAME_________________

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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