Homework Template

Quia Information Sheet Name _________________________________

7th Grade Environmental Science

Mrs. Krempa Date & Period _________________________

A few years ago I did some soul searching, and really gave some thought as why I give homework. I give some homework as an introduction to a new unit, a way to have students familiarize themselves with the terms and concepts before I present those terms and concepts in class, or to give students some prior knowledge to pull from during a new lesson. I also give homework to review before a test. The only other time I give homework is to finish a Lab or worksheet that we started in class. After thinking I realized – the homework points didn’t matter! To me, copying someone’s paper and pencil review for the points defeats the purpose of the homework – to learn and review the material! Simply not doing the homework defeats the purpose too… either way, the students don’t learn the material!

My possible solution? Quia! I believe that you will find this approach a more timely and efficient way to review for a Unit. Quia is a web based “test” program that allows me to set up and customize each Unit of instruction to my individual classes. Students do not have to access Ericom (the schools network) to log onto Quia, they can access the website directly, or I have the link right on my website. In addition to handing in a paper review, Students will be taking an online review “quiz” that asks questions about the Unit they are working on. Students can take the “quiz” as many times as they wish – so they can be assured that their answers are right! Imagine – earning 100% on the homework, knowing your answers are right and actually learning the material as you do it! What an excellent way to study – since the questions in the Quia test are taken directly from my tests!

Quia Guidelines

1. Each Quia can be taken as many times as the student wants

* The test is different each time! Both the questions and the answers are randomized!

2. The highest grade achieved is kept

3. Quia reviews will be open until midnight the night before a test

(Test on Friday? Quia open until midnight Thursday night)

4. Quia reviews will be posted AT LEAST a week before the end of a Unit. Often posted earlier.

5. Achieved percentage will be made into an “out of 10” grade. Example: 67% earned = 6.7 / 10

6. I can “spy” on you! The program tells me how many times you took the Quia and how much

time you spent each time you took it!

Getting there

Go to web, then login. OR visit my website and use the correct link listed.

Click the Visit Quia Web (blue box)

How to login

Student first name, last name – all lower case, no space between, followed by the number 307.

For example: If your registered school name is Ignatious Barnaby Smithers, III, and your nickname

is Barny, you would type in…


You are on your home page. Click on the class webpage link to find the test you need!


Your password is your student ID number! Keep it this way – do not change the settings!

Please have this sheet signed by your parent / guardian. This sheet is due back for a grade tomorrow!


Student Signature ___________________________________________________

Parent/ Guardian Signature ___________________________________________

**Parents – feel free to logon to your student account and check their progress!!**


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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