Self Assessment for Change Management

Self Assessment for Change Management


|Do you feel that you have been presented with the |1=No UNDERSTANDING |0 |

|correct information to understand the business |2=Some UNDERSTANDING | |

|reasons, benefits and risks of the current project |3=Neutral/Don’t know | |

|change? |4=Good UNDERSTANDING | |

| |5=Great UNDERSTANDING | |

| | |0 |

| | |0 |

| | |6 |

| | |8 |


100% of the responses were “Good UNDERSTANDING” and “Great UNDERSTANDING”; this is expected as the majority of the attendees were manager/supervisor level of employee.

|Do you have the motivation and desire to participate |1=No MOTIVATION |0 |

|and support the implementation of the current project |2=Some MOTIVATION | |

|change? |3=Neutral/Don’t know | |

| |4=Good MOTIVATION | |

| |5=Great MOTIVATION | |

| | |0 |

| | |0 |

| | |3 |

| | |11 |


100% of the responses were “Good MOTIVATION” and “Great MOTIVATION”; this is expected as the majority of the attendees were managers and supervisors.

|Have you learned the skills and knowledge necessary to|1=No LEARNING |0 |

|be successful with the current project change? |2=Some LEARNING | |

| |3=Neutral/Don’t know | |

| |4=Good LEARNING | |

| |5=Great LEARNING | |

| | |1 |

| | |2 |

| | |8 |

| | |3 |


79% of the responses were “Good Learning” and “Great Learning”; this is expected as the majority of the attendees were managers and supervisors.

21% of the responses were “Neutral/Don’t Know” and “Some Learning”; if we relate this to the greater organization, this percentage indicates the need for a comprehensive communication and training plan to support the ERP project initiatives. “Who will be impacted” and “How will they be impacted” are questions that need answers and these answers need to outline clear expectations for the ERP project initiatives.

|Do you have the ability to take what you have learned |1=No ACTION |0 |

|and turn that learning into action to succeed with the|2=Some ACTION | |

|current project change? |3=Neutral/Don’t know | |

| |4=Good ACTION | |

| |5=Great ACTION | |

| | |0 |

| | |1 |

| | |7 |

| | |6 |


93% of the responses were “Good Action” and “Great Action”; this is expected as the majority of the attendees were managers and supervisors

7% of the responses were “Neutral/Don’t Know”; if we relate this to the greater organization, this percentage indicates the need for a comprehensive support plan that includes practice, workshops/labs and refresher training to support proficiency with the ERP project initiatives.

|Is there reinforcement in place to sustain the current|1=No REINFORCEMENT |0 |

|project change currently being implemented within your|2=Some REINFORCEMENT | |

|organization? |3=Neutral/Don’t know | |


| |5=Great REINFORCEMENT | |

| | |0 |

| | |3 |

| | |6 |

| | |5 |


36% of the responses were “Good Reinforcement” and “Great Reinforcement”; this is expected as the majority of the attendees were managers and supervisors.

21% of the responses were “Neutral/Don’t Know”; if we relate this to the greater organization, this percentage indicates the need for a comprehensive communication strategy from Executive Leaders to define the value of the ERP Project, and the consequences of non-compliance with ERP Project expectations.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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