
ContentGreenAmber RedOther CommentsStructure and functions of musculo-skeletal systemFunctions of the skeletonStructure of bones (names of bones)Types of jointsMovements at jointsLigaments/tendonsMuscle typesStructure of muscles (names of)Antagonistic muscle pairsMuscle FibresStructure and functions of the cardio-respiratory systemFunctions of cardiovascular systemStructure of the CV system (name of)Structure of blood vesselsCardiac OutputFunction of bloodHaemoglobin Lung Volumes Structure of lungs (name of)Gaseous exchangeMechanics of breathing Anaerobic/aerobic exerciseAerobic systemAnaerobic system Short/long term effects of exercise Short term effects on all systemsLong term effects on all systems Recovery Movement Analysis Principles of force Applications of forceLeverContentGreenAmber RedOther CommentsHealth, Fitness and Training Physical, mental and social healthFitness and Health Diet and energy sourcesComponents of fitnessTest protocols Reasons for testingVO2MaxPrinciples of training Methods of trainingHigh altitude training Warming up and cooling downSkill and Skill Acquisition Skill and ability Skill characteristics Skill classification Information-processing model Stages of learningFeedbackGuidance Psychology Motivation Arousal Anxiety Relaxation techniques Personality types Social, cultural and ethical influences Leisure and recreation Growth in leisure activities Sports development pyramid SponsorshipMedia Global events Professional/amateur performers TechnologyFactors affecting participation Performance enhancing drugsSportsmanship/gamesmanshipRiskInjuries ................

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