Anterior Capsule Opacification


|Expression |Abbreviation |Description |

|Accommodation |- |The ability of the eye to automatically change focus. |

|Anterior Capsule Opacification |ACO |The anterior side of the lens becomes opaque. |

|Anterior Chamber |AC |The area behind the cornea, in front of the iris and |

| | |the lens, filled with fluid called aqueous humour. |

|Atomic Force Microscopy |AFM |3D imagery utilising the attractive and repulsive |

| | |forces of two bodies in close contact. |

|Aphakia |- |Condition of the eye when the natural lens has been |

| | |removed. |

|Aqueous Humour |- |Clear fluid in the eye which provides nutrients. |

|Balanced Salt Solution |BSS |Liquid the sample prostheses arrived in. |

|Bioactive |- |A substance that can be acted on by a living tissue. |

|Biocompatible |- |The definition of a substance that can be used as a |

| | |system or part of a system that treats or replaces any|

| | |function, organs or tissues in the body. |

|Blood Aqueous Barrier |BAB |The anatomical mechanism that prevents exchange of |

| | |materials between the chambers of the eye and the |

| | |blood. |

|Capsular bag |- |Sack positioned behind the iris that contains the |

| | |natural lens. |

|Cataract |- |Name given to the natural lens when it becomes cloudy,|

| | |impairing vision. |

|Ciliary muscles |- |Muscles in the eye responsible for accommodation. |

|Cornea |- |Clear part of the eye covering the iris and pupil. |

|Cystoid Macular Odema |CMO |A swelling in the eye caused by disease, injury and |

| | |sometimes eye surgery. |

|Differential Scanning Calorimetry |DSC |Thermal Analysis. |

|Diopter |D |Unit that measures the refractive power of a lens. |

|Dysphotopsias |- |Unwanted images. |

|Epithelioid cells |- |Activated macrophages. |

|Equilibrium Water Content |EWC |The amount of water a material houses as a fraction of|

| | |its dehydrated state. |

|Extracellular Matrix |ECM |Any material produced by cells and secreted into the |

| | |surrounding medium. |

|Fibroblast cells |- |Resident cell of connective tissue, mesodermally |

| | |derived, that secretes fibrillar procollagen, |

| | |fibronectin and collagenase. |

|Fibronectin |- |Glycoprotein of high molecular weight that occurs in |

| | |insoluble fibrillar form in extracellular matrix of |

| | |tissues and is soluble in plasma. |

|Food and Drug Administration |FDA |A United States government body who oversees medical |

| | |devices including IOLs. |

|Fourier Transform Infrared |FTIR |An analytical technique used to identify materials by |

| | |measuring their infrared light wavelengths and |

| | |identifying their molecular components and structures.|

|Giant Foreign Body Cells |- |Masses produced by the fusion of many cells. |

|Glucose |- |The chief source of energy for living organisms. |

|Haptic |- |Means by which the optic portion of the lens is held |

| | |in position. |

|Hydrophilic |- |To have an affinity for water. |

|Hydrophobic |- |Lacking affinity for water. |

|Implanted |- |Surgically placed inside the body. |

|Intraocular Lens |IOL |Artificial lens that an ophthalmic surgeon places in a|

| | |patient’s eye after removing the eye’s natural lens. |

|Iris |- |Coloured part of the eye that is a diaphragm opening |

| | |and closing to allow in more or less light. |

|Lens |- |Nearly spherical shaped body in the eye which focuses |

| | |light rays onto the retina. |

|Lens Epithelial Cell |LEC |Cells that make up the capsular bag. |

|Multifocal |- |Type of lens design which includes more that one focal|

| | |area. |

|Neodium:YAG |Nd:YAG |Laser treatment for treatment of opacification. |

|Ophthalmic Surgeon |- |An eye doctor who also carries out eye surgery. |

|Perspex |- |Trade name for acrylic resin. |

|Polymethylmethacrylate |PMMA |The original hard lens material. |

|Posterior Capsule Opacification |PCO |One of the many varieties of cell's that form |

| | |epithelium, which covers the internal and external |

| | |surfaces of the body. |

|Posterior Chamber |PC |Part of the eye behind the iris. |

|Protein |- |Naturally present in tears, deposits on foreign |

| | |surfaces. |

|Pupil |- |Round dark centre of the eye. |

|Retina |- |Layer at the back of the eye that has millions of |

| | |light sensitive nerve cells connecting to the brain |

| | |via the optic nerve. |

|Scanning Electron Microscopy |SEM |Imagery gained by firing electrons at a conductive |

| | |sample surface. |

|Swell Factor |- |The amount a material expands after immersion in a |

| | |fluid. |

|Ultraviolet |UV |Harmful solar rays occurring at a wavelength 40. |




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