Muscles of Upper Extremity - Concordia College


Muscles of Upper Extremity

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|Pectoralis Major |Medial third of clavicle, front of |Lateral lip of intertubercular groove |Adducts, flexes, medially |Medial and lateral |

| |sternum, costal cartilages of ribs 5-7| |rotates arm |pectoral |

|Pectoralis Minor |Ribs 3-5 |Coracoid process of scapula |Protract, depress, medially rotate |Medial pectoral |

| | | |scapula | |

|Subclavius |Upper border of 1st rib |Subclavian groove of clavicle |Protract and depress clavicle |Nerve to subclavius (5th and 6th |

| | | | |cervical nerves) |

|Serratus Anterior |Ribs 1-8 |Ventral surfaces of vertebral (medial)|Protract and rotate the scapula |Long thoracic |

| | |border of scapula | | |

|Trapezius |Occipital bone, spines of |Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, and|Retract and rotate scapula, tilt head |Cranial nerve XI (spinal accessory |

| |C7 and T1-12, and |spine of scapula |back, upper portions elevate scapula,|nerve) |

| |ligamentum nuchae | |lower portion can depress scapula | |

|Rhomboid Major |Spines of T2-5 |Vertebral (medial) border of |Retract and rotate the scapula |Dorsal scapular |

| | |scapula between spine and inf. angle | | |

|Rhomboid Minor |Ligamentum nuchae, spines of C7 and T1|Vertebral border of spine of |Retract and rotate the scapula |Dorsal scapular |

| | |scapula | | |

|Levator Scapulae |Transverse Processes of C1-4 |Vertebral border of |Elevate and rotate of scapula |3rd and 4th cervical spinal nerves and|

| | |scapula above spine | |dorsal scapular |

|Latissimus Dorsi |Thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, |Intertubercular groove of |Extend, medially rotate, and adduct |Thoracodorsal |

| |spines of T7-T12, and lower 3 ribs |humerus |arm at shoulder | |

|Deltoid |Lateral 1/3 clavicle, acromion, and |Deltoid tuberosity of humerus |Abduct arm; anterior fibers flex the |Axillary |

| |spine of scapula | |arm, posterior fibers extend the arm | |

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|Teres Major |Inferior angle of scapula |Lesser tubercle of humerus |Medially rotates and adducts arm at |Lower subscapular |

| | | |shoulder | |

|Teres Minor |Lateral border of scapula |Greater tubercle of humerus |Lateral rotation of arm at shoulder |Axillary |

|Subscapularis |Subscapular fossa of |Lesser tubercle of humerus |Medially rotate and adduct arm at |Upper subscapular |

| |scapula | |shoulder | |

|Supraspinatus |Supraspinatus fossa of |Greater tubercle of humerus |Abduct arm at shoulder |Suprascapular |

| |scapula | | | |

|Infraspinatus |Infraspinatus fossa of |Greater tubercle of humerus |Lateral rotation of arm at shoulder |Suprascapular |

| |scapula | | | |

|Long Head of Biceps |Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula |Tuberosity of radius and to ulna by |Flex forearm at elbow, supinate |Musculocutaneous |

| | |the bicipital aponeurosis |forearm, and | |

| | | |flex arm at shoulder | |

|Short head of biceps |Coracoid process of scapula |Tuberosity of radius and to ulna by |Flex forearm at elbow, supinate |Musculocutaneous |

| | |the bicipital aponeurosis |forearm, and | |

| | | |flex arm at shoulder | |

|Coracobrachialis |Coracoid process of |Humerus |Flex arm at shoulder |Musculocutaneous |

| |scapula | | | |

|Brachialis |Humerus |Coronoid process of ulna and |Flex forearm at elbow |Musculocutaneous |

| | |ulnar tuberosity | | |

|Lateral Head of Triceps |Humerus |Olecranon of ulna |Extend forearm at elbow |Radial |

|Long Head of Triceps |Infraglenoid tubercle of |Olecranon of ulna |Extend forearm at elbow |Radial |

| |scapula | | | |

|Medial Head of Triceps |Humerus |Olecranon of ulna |Extend forearm at elbow |Radial |

|Brachioradialis |Lateral supracondylar line of humerus |Distal radius |Flexes forearm at elbow |Radial |

|Anconeus |Lateral epicondyle of humerus |Olecranon of ulna |Extend forearm at elbow |Radial |

Muscles of the Wrist and Hand

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and |Lateral supracondylar ridge (longus) |Base of 2nd metacarpal (long); base of|Extend and abduct hand at wrist |Radial |

|Brevis |and lateral epicondyle (brevis) of |2nd and 3rd metacarpals (brevis) | | |

| |humerus | | | |

|Extensor Digitorum |Lateral epicondyle of humerus |Middle and distal phalanges of fingers|Extends digits 2-5 at all joints |Radial |

| | |2-5 via extensor expansion | | |

|Extensor Digiti Minimi |Lateral epicondyle of humerus |Extensor expansion of digit 5 |Extends digit 5 at all joints |Radial |

|Extensor Carpi Ulnaris |Lateral epicondyle and ulna |Base of 5th metatarsal |Extends and adducts hand at wrist |Radial |

|Abductor Pollicis Longus |Radius, ulna and interosseous membrane|Base of 1st metacarpal |Abduct and extend first digit (thumb) |Posterior interosseous |

| | | |at CMC joint | |

|Extensor Pollicis Brevis |Radius and interosseous membrane |Proximal phalanx of thumb |Extend thumb at CMC and MCP joints |Posterior interosseous |

|Extensor Pollicis Longus |Ulna and interosseous membrane |Distal phalanx of thumb |Extends thumb at CMC, MCP and IP |Posterior interosseous |

| | | |joints | |

|Extensor Indicis |Posterior ulna and interosseous |Extensor expansion of 2nd digit |Extends index finger at all joints |Radial |

| |membrane | | | |

|Supinator |Lateral epicondyle of humerus and ulna|Wraps around lateral surface of radius|Supinates forearm |Radial |

| | | | | |

|Pronator Teres |Medial supracondylar |Lateral surface of radius |Pronate forearm |Median |

| |ridge of humerus and coronoid process | | | |

| |of ulna | | | |

| | | | | |

|Flexor Carpi Radialis |Medial epicondyle of humerus |2nd and 3rd metacarpals |Flex and abduct hand at wrist |Median |

|Palmaris Longus |Medial epicondyle of humerus |Palmar aponeurosis |Flex hand at wrist, tenses palmar |Median |

| | | |aponeurosis | |

|Flexor Carpi Ulnaris |Medial epicondyle of humerus, |Pisiform, hamate, 5th metacarpal |Flex and adduct hand at wrist |Ulnar |

| |olecranon and posterior ulna | | | |

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|Flexor Digitorum Superficialis |Medial epicondyle of humerus, ulna and|Middle phalanges of digits 2-5 |Flexes all joints from wrist to middle|Median |

| |radius | |phalanges of digits 2-5 | |

|Flexor Pollicis Longus |Radius and interosseous |Distal phalanx of thumb |Flex all 3 joints of thumb |Median |

| |membrane | | | |

|Flexor Digitorum Profundus |Ulna and interosseous |Distal phalanges of digits 2-5 |Flex hand at wrist, flex all joints |Median to radial side of muscle; ulnar|

| |membrane | |digits 2-5 |to ulnar side of muscle |

|Pronator Quadratus |Distal ulna |Distal radius |Pronates forearm |Median |

|Abductor Pollicis Brevis |Scaphoid, trapezium and flexor |Proximal phalanx of thumb |Abduct thumb |Median |

| |retinaculum | | | |

|Flexor Pollicis Brevis |Trapezium (superficial); |Radial side of proximal phalanx |Flex thumb at CMC and MCP joints |Median; deep head |

| |Trapezoid, capitate (deep) |(superficial and deep) | |by ulnar nerve |

|Opponens Pollicis |Trapezium, flexor retinaculum |1st metacarpal |Rotate thumb into opposition with |Median |

| | | |digit 5 | |

|Adductor Pollicis |Capitate, 2nd and 3rd |Proximal phalanx of thumb (oblique and|Adduct thumb |Ulnar |

| |metacarpals (oblique), 3rd |transverse) | | |

| |metacarpal (transverse) | | | |

|Abductor Digiti Minimi |Pisiform |Proximal phalanx of digit 5 |Abduct digit 5 |Ulnar |

|Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis |Hook of hamate, flexor retinaculum |Proximal phalanx of digit 5 |Flex digit 5 at MCP |Ulnar |

|Opponens Digiti Minimi |Flexor retinaculum |5th metacarpal |Rotate digit 5 into opposition with |Ulnar |

| | | |thumb | |

|Lumbricals of the hand |Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus |extensor expansion of digits 2-5 |Flex digits 2-5 at MCP joints, extend |Lateral two, median; |

| | | |digits 2-5 at IP |medial two, ulnar |

| | | |joints | |

|Dorsal interossei of hand (4) |Adjacents sides of two metacarpals |Extensor expansion of digits 2-4 |Abduct digits 2-4; assist lumbrical |Ulnar |

| | | |actions | |

|Palmar interossei (3) |2nd, 4th and 5th metacarpals |Extensor expansion of digits 2, 4, 5 |Adduct digits 2,4, and 5; assist |Ulnar |

| | | |lumbrical actions | |

Muscles of the Thorax

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|External Intercostals |Lower border of superior rib |Upper border of inferior rib |Elevate ribs during inspiration |Intercostal nerves |

|Internal Intercostals |Inner surface of superior rib |Upper border of inferior rib |Draw ribs downward during forced |Intercostal nerves |

| | | |expiration | |

|Transversus Thoracis |Inner surface of body; |Costal cartilages of ribs 2-6 |Draw ribs downward |Intercostal nerves |

| |xiphoid process | | | |

|Quadratus Lumborum |Iliac crest |12th rib, transverse process of |Lateral flexion of spinal column at |Branches of ventral |

| | |lumbar vertebrae |lumbar vertebrae |rami of L1-4 |

|Psoas Major |Upper 4 lumbar transverse processes; |Lesser trochanter of femur |Flexes thigh at hip |Branches of ventral rami |

| |last thoracic; upper 4 lumbar discs | | |of lumbar nerves L1-L3 |

|Psoas Minor |Bodies of T12 and L1 |Iliopsoas fascia and pectinal line of |Flexes thigh at hip |Ventral ramus of L1, L2 |

| | |pubis | | |

|Iliacus |Iliac fossa |Lesser trochanter of femur |Flexor thigh at hip |Femoral nerve |

|Rectus Abdominis |Pubic crest, pubic symphysis |Costal cartilages 5-7; xiphoid process|Flex vertebral column and |T7-T11 intercostal |

| | | |compress abdomen; stabilizes pelvis |and subcostal (12th |

| | | | |thoracic) |

|External Oblique |Lower 8 ribs (5-12) |Anterior iliac crest, linea alba, |Compress abdomen; both sides flex |T7-T11 intercostal |

| | |pubic tubercle |vertebral column, one side (unilateral|and subcostal |

| | | |contraction) rotates vertebral column | |

| | | |to opposite side | |

|Internal Oblique |Lumbar fascia, iliac crest and lateral|Ribs 10-12, linea |Compress abdomen; both sides flex |T7-T11 intercostal, subcostal |

| |half of inguinal |alba, pectineal line (via conjoint |vertebral column, unilateral |iliohypogastic and |

| |ligament |tendon) |contraction rotates vertebral column |ilioinguinal |

| | | |to same side | |

|Transverse Abdominus |Internal surface of costal cartilage |Linea alba, pubic crest, pectineal |Compress abdomen |T7-T11 intercostal, subcostal |

| |of ribs 7-12; lumbar fascia, iliac |line (via conjoint tendon) | |iliohypogastic and |

| |crest, lateral 1/3 of inguinal | | |ilioinguinal |

| |ligament | | | |

Muscles of the Thigh

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|Rectus Femoris |Anterior inferior iliac spine |Patella and tibial tuberosity |Extend leg at knee and flex thigh at |Femoral |

|(Part of Quadriceps Femoris) | |through patellar ligament |hip | |

|Vastus Lateralis |Greater trochanter of femur, lateral |Patella and tibial tuberosity |Extend leg at knee |Femoral |

|(Part of Quadriceps Femoris) |lip of linea aspera |through patellar ligament | | |

|Vastus Medialis |Intertrochanteric line; medial lip of |Patella and tibial tuberosity |Extend leg at knee |Femoral |

|(Part of Quadriceps Femoris) |linea aspera |through patellar ligament | | |

|Vastus Intermedius |Shaft of femur |Patella and tibial tuberosity |Extend leg at knee |Femoral |

|(Part of Quadriceps Femoris) | |through patellar ligament | | |

|Sartorius |Anterior superior iliac spine |Medial surface of tibia |Laterally rotate and flex thigh at |Femoral |

| | | |hip, flex leg at knee | |

|Pectineus |Pectineal line of pubis |Pectineal line of femur |Flex, adduct thigh at hip |Femoral |

|Adductor Longus |Body of pubis |Medial lip of linea aspera |Flex, adduct thigh at hip |Obturator |

|Adductor Brevis |Body and inferior ramus |Pecitineal line of femur and proximal |Flex, adduct thigh at hip |Obturator |

| |of pubis |linea aspera | | |

|Adductor Magnus* |Inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of |Gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera and |Upper: Adduct, flex thigh at hip |Upper: Obturator |

| |ischium and |adductor tubercle |Lower: Adduct, extend thigh at hip |Lower: Tibial sciatic |

| |ischial tuberosity | | | |

|Gracilis |Body of pubis |Medial surface of tibia |Adduct thigh at hip, flexes leg at |Obturator |

| | | |knee | |

|Gluteus Maximus |Ilium and sacrum |Iliotibial tract and gluteal |Extend and laterally rotate thigh at |Inferior gluteal |

| | |tuberosity of femur |hip | |

|Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus* |Ilium |Greater trochanter of femur |Abduct thigh at hip; Anterior: Flex |Superior gluteal |

| | | |and medially rotate thigh | |

| | | |Posterior: Extend and laterally rotate| |

| | | |thigh | |

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|Tensor Fasciae Latae |Iliac crest and anterior superior |Iliotibial tract (to lateral condyle |Flex, abduct thigh at hip |Superior gluteal |

| |iliac spine |of tibia) | | |

|Piriformis |Pelvis |Greater trochanter and posterior part |Lateral rotators of thigh at hip |Nerve to “muscle |

|Superior Gemellus | |of femur | |name” |

|Inferior Gemellus | | | | |

|Obturator Internus | | | | |

|Quadratus Femoris | | | | |

|Obturator Externus | | | | |

|Biceps Femoris |Long head: ischial tuberosity |Fibular head |Flex leg at knee, extend thigh at hip |Long head: Tibial sciatic |

| |Short head: linea aspera | | |Short head: Common peroneal sciatic |

|Semimembranosus |Ischial tuberosity |Medial condyle of tibia |Flex leg at knee, extend thigh at hip |Tibial sciatic |

|Semitendinosus |Ischial tuberosity |Medial surface of tibia |Flex leg at knee, extend thigh at hip |Tibial sciatic |

Muscles of the Leg

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|Tibialis Anterior |Lateral condyle and surface of tibia |Medial cuneiform and 1st |Dorsiflex and invert foot |Deep peroneal |

| | |metatarsal | | |

|Extensor Digitorum Longus |Lateral condyle of tibia |Middle and distal phalanges of toes |Dorsiflex and evert foot, extend toes |Deep peroneal |

| |and surface of fibula |2-5 |2-5 | |

|Extensor Hallucis Longus |Anterior surface of fibula and |Distal phalanx of great toe |Dorsiflex and invert foot, extend |Deep peroneal |

| |interosseous membrane | |great toe | |

|Peroneus Tertius |Anterior surface of fibula and tendon |Base of 5th metatarsal |Dorsiflex and evert foot |Deep peroneal |

|(Lower fibers of ext. dig. longus) |of EDL | | | |

|Peroneus Longus |Head and lateral surface of fibula |1st metatarsal and medial |Plantarflex and evert foot |Superficial peroneal |

| | |cuneiform | | |

|Peroneus Brevis |Lateral surface of fibula |Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal |Plantarflex and evert foot |Superficial peroneal |

|Gastrocnemius |Medial and lateral condyles and |Unites with tendon of soleus and forms|Plantar flex foot (powerful) and flex |Tibial |

| |posterior surface of femur |the calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon)|leg at knee | |

| | |to posterior surface of calcaneus | | |

|Soleus |Head and posterior |Posterior surface of calcaneus via |Plantarflex foot |Tibial |

| |surface of fibula and |calcaneal tendon | | |

| |soleal line of tibia | | | |

|Plantaris |Posterior surface of femur |Joins calcaneal tendon to posterior |Planterflex foot and flex leg (small |Tibial |

| | |calcaneus |contribution for both) | |

|Popliteus |Lateral condyle of femur and lateral |Tibia above soleal line |Flex and medially rotate leg at knee |Tibial |

| |meniscus | | | |

|Flexor Digitorum Longus |Posterior surface of tibia |Distal phalanges of toes 2-5 |Flex toes 2-5, |Tibial |

| | | |plantarflex foot | |

|Flexor Hallucis Longus |Posterior surface of fibula and |Distal phalanx of great toe |Flex big toe, plantarflex |Tibial |

| |interosseous membrane | | | |

|Tibialis Posterior |Fibula, tibia and interosseous |Tuberosity of all tarsals except talus|Plantar flex and invert foot |Tibial |

| |membrane | | | |

Muscles of the Neck and Face

|Muscle Name |Origin |Insertion |Action |Innervation |

|Platysma |Fascia over pectoralis major and |Inferior border of mandible, skin, and|Draw corners of mouth inferiorly; |Facial (CN VII - cervical branch) |

| |deltoid |subcutaneous tissues of lower face |tense skin of inferior face and neck | |

| | | |(grimace) | |

|Sternocleidomastoid |Manubrium and clavicle |Mastoid process |Unilateral contraction – tip head |Spinal accessory (CN XI) and C2, C3 |

| | | |toward shoulder while turning head to | |

| | | |opposite side; | |

| | | |Bilateral contraction – flex cervical | |

| | | |vertebrae (chin toward chest) | |

|Sternohyoid |Manubrium and medial end of clavicle |Body of hyoid |Depress hyoid |C1-C3 |

| | | | | |

|Thyrohyoid |Thyroid cartilage |Inferior border of body and greater |Depress hyoid, elevate larynx |C1 |

| | |horn of hyoid | | |

|Sternothyroid |Manubrium |Thyroid cartilage |Depress thyroid cartilage |C1-C3 |

|Digastric |Mastoid notch (digastric groove) |Mandible near symphysis |Raise hyoid and base of tongue; |Posterior belly: Facial (CN VII) |

| | | |depress mandible |Anterior belly: Trigeminal (CN V – |

| | | | |mandibular division) |

|Mylohyoid |Mylohyoid line of mandible |Hyoid bone and median raphe |Elevate hyoid and base of tongue; |Trigeminal (CNV – mandibular division)|

| | | |depress mandible | |

|Geniohyoid |Mandible |Body of hyoid |Elevate hyoid and base of tongue |C1, C2 |

|Omohyoid |Medial lip of suprascapular notch |Lower border of body of hyoid |Depress, retract, and steady hyoid |C1-C3 |

|Stylohyoid |Styloid process of temporal bone |Body of hyoid |Elevate and retract hyoid, elongating |Facial (CN VII ) |

| | | |floor of mouth | |

|Masseter |Lower border of zygomatic arch |Ramus and coronoid process of mandible|Raise and protract mandible |Trigeminal (CNV – mandibular division)|

|Buccinator |Mandible, alveolar processes of |Angle of mouth |Compress cheek against molar teeth |Facial (CN VII) |

| |maxilla and mandible, | | | |

| |ptyergomandibular raphe | | | |


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