Training and Orientation Checklist

Name: _____________________________ Date: ____________


Training and Orientation Checklist

Forms, Policies and Office Procedures

The Executive Assistant is responsible for providing an employee handbook to each new employee. The Executive Assistant will review and discuss the following items and forms in the handbook and review the following office procedures with all new employees:

____ Employee Handbook

____ Agency Philosophy, Mission, and Guiding Principles

____ Agency By-Laws

____ ODVN Organizational Chart

____ ODVN Team Structure and Committees

____ Staff Roster with Major Responsibilities

____ List of Ohio Shelters

____ ODVN Brochure

____ Current Training Institute Brochure

____ Community Shares of Mid-Ohio Information

____ Monthly Summary Form

____ Email and Phone Information Referral Log Form

____ Shelter Contact List

____ Telephone System

____ General Use

____ Voice mail

____ Retrieving messages from general mailbox

____ Employee Mailboxes/Routing Process

____ Scheduling/Main Calendar

____ Training Calendar on the Company Drive

____ Copier

____ General Use

____ Repair Procedures

____ Supply Closet/Ordering Supplies

____ Postage Meter

____ TTY System

____ Equipment Sign Out

____ Recycling

____ Cardboard

____ Paper

____ Opening and Closing Office and Building (Keys)

____ Petty Cash Policy

The Financial Manager will review the following forms and explain the following policies with new employees. If applicable, employees will receive a copy.

____ W-4 Form

____ State Withholding

____ INS Form

____ Direct Deposit Form

____ Health Insurance

____ Life and Disability Insurance

____ Annuity

____ Credit Card Usage Policy

____ Reimbursement Policy

____ Tax Exemption Certificate

____ The following sections of the Personnel Policy:

____ PTO

____ Pay Days

____ Explanation of ODVN benefits

____ Time Sheet

____ Expense Report

____ ODVN Credit Card Charge

____ ODVN Check Request

The Supervisor will review and, if applicable, provide a copy of the following items to the employee.

____ The Following sections of the Personnel Policies:

____ Holidays

____ Workdays, including lunch time

____ Flexible Scheduling

____ Job Description

____ Monthly Logs and Reporting Forms

____ Job Specific Forms (i.e. Grant Reporting Forms)

____ Copy of Grant covering the position

____ Staff Evaluation Forms – including, self-evaluation forms

____ Dates of Relevant Meetings – including staff meetings

____ PTO Request Form

The Executive Director is responsible for reviewing the following:

____ Board of Directors

____ Steering Committee

____ National Memberships & collaborations

____ State Memberships & collaborations

____ Current public policy initiatives

The Prevention Programs Director is responsible for reviewing the following:

____ Prevention activities

____ DELTA Project

____ Anthem Project

____ State and National collaborations for Prevention

The Resource and Technology Coordinator will review the following office procedures with all new employees:

____ Processing a Request to Borrow Materials from the Clearinghouse

____ Clearinghouse Checkout Form

____ Email

____ Web Page

____ Website Calendar

____ ODVN brochures/information/materials available at no cost

____ Materials Available for a Fee

____ When Fear Has No Voice

____ Safety Planning Cards

____ Medical Cards

____ Book Covers

Other staff to meet with:









New Employee Development Plan – The new employee and supervisor will discuss and jointly decide what type of training, site visits or activities will enhance their staff development.

Plan: ________________________________________________________










Timeline: ______________________________________________________






New employee orientation is complete.

__________________________________ ________________

Employee signature Date

__________________________________ ________________

Supervisor signature Date


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