Your course culminating activity is comprised of two parts:

• Part A: a film analysis (15% of final grade)

• Part B: a final examination (15% of final grade)


RATIONALE: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the depth and breadth of your understanding of the three perspectives covered in this course: psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

EVALUATION: This part of the culminating activity is worth 15% of your final mark in the course. You will be evaluated based on a rubric provided in advance.

DUE DATE: The final due date for this assignment is Friday, June 7, 2013. If you cannot submit the assignment within the allotted time, you must speak with me in person or on the phone no later than Thursday, June 6, 2013, and provide me with a doctor’s note stating the date you saw the doctor, and the doctor’s acknowledgement that you could not submit the assignment in the allotted time, and on the due date above. Failing to meet these requirements will mean the student will receive a mark of zero for the assignment.


➢ You may call me at W.L. Mackenzie C.I. at (416)395-3339 x20085. If no one answers, you should leave a message at this number. Alternatively, you may e-mail me at: julie.gourley@tdsb.on.ca

INSTRUCTIONS: The student will:

➢ Watch one film that has been assigned and approved by the teacher.

➢ Analyze the film by using theories and concepts learned throughout the course from a minimum of two perspectives (psychology, sociology, anthropology).

➢ Write a report. It should be typed and double spaced, with a length of 750 – 1000 words.

➢ If using only 2 social science disciplines (ie. psychology and sociology), be sure to apply a total of three theories/concepts for the report (ie. 2 theories for psychology, 1 for sociology)

➢ Use subheadings (ie. The Psychological Perspective) to write the report.

➢ Look at the rubric that is posted on the website to see how you will be evaluated.

TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS: To produce the best quality work, the following are suggested:

➢ Watch the film more than once. We often miss subtleties in films that enhance our overall understanding of the major themes and concepts if we only watch a film once.

➢ Take notes on things you notice that relate to the course as you are watching it. After that, categorize your ideas under psychology, sociology, and anthropology. This will allow you to figure out what perspectives you will use for your report.

➢ Apply the concepts and theories of the course to explain the events and behaviours found in the film. The depth and accuracy of your analysis is crucial to earn a good mark.

➢ Show your notes and ideas with your teacher before handing it in for clarification.

➢ Watch your film with someone else and discuss it with them.

➢ Participate actively in class when we do a practice run of this culminating activity.

➢ Do not leave this assignment for the last minute.


Note: Any films with (R) beside it means that I need a note from a parent or guardian giving you permission to watch and analyze the film. They must state the name of the film in the note. If there is a film you would like to do that is not on the list, you should present me with 2 possible ways you can analyze it. An assignment completed based on a film that I have not approved will not be marked.

|A Separation |Inception |The Matrix |The Green Mile |

|Cider House Rules |The Breakfast Club |Whale Rider |Invictus |

|One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest |The Pursuit of Happyness |Coach Carter |Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless|

| | | |Mind |

|In America |American Beauty ® |Mean Creek |Gran Torino |

|Mean Girls |Life is Beautiful |Babel |Little Miss Sunshine |

|Boyz in the Hood |Memoirs of a Geisha |The Truman Show |Up |

|Girl Interrupted |C.R.A.Z.Y. |Shine |Shawshank Redemption ® |

|Stand by Me |Fight Club ® |Pay it Forward |Gran Torino |

|Good Will Hunting |The Trotsky ® |Mona Lisa Smile |Hotel Rwanda |


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