SCHOOL - Aspects

434975141605RESOURCE TITLE:BOOK/LEAFLETDVD/CDGAMEWORKSHEETS:NUMBER OF COPIESOld BearV1Finding DadV1I can Read! Spider-man3V1MIND MATTERS – SELF HELP BOOKS:Loss & Grief1Learning to Listen, Learning to Care2HELPING CHILDREN SERIES:A resource bank on Stress “Life’s hassles”3A resource bank on Self Esteem “What if...?”1A resource bank on Actions “Should I- shouldn’t I?4A resource bank on Relationships “Work it Out!”3Helping Children who Yearn for Someone they Love3Helping Children Pursue their Hopes and Dreams “A Pea called Mildred”2OCD – A guide for young children1The ‘Secret’ C – Straight talking about Cancer 10A Child’s Grief – (support for a child when someone dies)9As Big As It Gets – (support for a child with a seriously ill parent)15Beyond the Rough Rock (support for bereavement through suicide)15Helping children Locked in Range or Hate1Helping Children With Fear 3Helping Children who are Anxious or Obsessional “Willy and the Wobbly House”1101 Ways To Tech Children Social Skills1TEACHING RESOURCES:A Guide to learning-East Herts Area1A planning and review tool for use with disabled children1Muddles and Crystals at Home – basic speaking and listening for aged 3-4 years1Moving On – set of 3 DVD’s to prepare for life after school – aged 14 years plus1Good Coach/Bad Coach – communication skills for KS21Targeted Youth Support – The Pathfinders Experience9Teach and Manage children with ADHD2Support & Teach Children on the Autism Spectrum1Understand and support children with HearingDifficulties1Support and teach children with Special Educational Needs1Develop Numeracy in Children with Dyslexia1Tommy’s Dad- E. Randle- Carpez1Managing complex health needs in schools and early years setting1Illustrated Medical Dictionary1LOSS:MR POTTERS PIGEON – Reg Cartwright1THE SELFISH GIANT – Oscar Wilde1JEALOUSY:THE VERY WORST MONSTER – Pat Hutchins1TOM AND SAM – Pat Puffins 1JOHN BROWN, ROSE AND MIDNIGHT CAT – Jenny Wagner1LONELINESS:WILLY AND HUGH – By Anthony Browne1MY FRIEND HARRY – By Kim Lewis1GORILLA – By Anthony Browne1EXCITEMENT:ALFIE GIVES A HAND – By Shirley Hughes1THE WHALES SONG – By Diane Sheldon1FEAR:AMAZING GRACE – By Mary Hoffman1CANT YOU SLEEP LITTLE BEAR? – By Martin Waddell1GUILT:BURGLAR BILL – By Janet & Allan Ahlberg 1OLD BEAR – Jane Hissey 1FACING CHALLENGES:PASS IT ON POLLY – By Sarah Garland1RESOLVING CONFLICT:JAMAICA & BRIANNA – Juanita Havill1PEER GROUP PRESSURES:HECTORS NEW TRAINERS – By Amanda Vesey1EARLY SUPPORT INFO FOR PARENTS:Speech & Language/Deafness/Visual Impairment/Down Syndrome/OCD1Feelings/Anger Management/Reward Systems/Social Skills/Attendance/Behaviour/Emotional Literacy/Transition/Organisational Skills/Friendship/Self Esteem1WORKING BOOKLETSSocial Skills/Friendships/Anger Management/Transition V1Lads and Dads Treasure Hunt1Ruby and the Rubbish Bin- Margot Sunderland and Nicky Armstrong1Hertfordshire County Council Working Tax Credits DVD7Alfie Gives a Hand – Shirley Hughes1At the crossroads by Rachel Isadora1Get out of my life-T. Wolf and S. franks1Finding Sunshine After the Storm- A workbook for children Healing from Sexual Abuse4Transforming Schools and Families Posters by Family LinksPosters2Improving behaviour and attendance: guidance on exclusion from schools and Pupil Referral Units (September 2008)1BEHAVIOUR“ A volcano in my Tummy” Helping children to handle AngerV1Peaceful Problem SolvingV1“Kid’s Skills” Playful and practical solution-finding with children. By Ben FurmanV1Active Listening and Open QuestionsOne day training for School Staff1When you grow Up in a Dysfunctional Family by G. A. Boyd1Listening structure1Managing ConflictV1ADHD by Terry GillihanV1RetracingV1Family Learning ResourcesPlay and Learn Club at ReedingsV1Broadening Horizons. Learning for Life in the Eastern RegionV1The study Support Code of PracticeImproving the quality of out oh hours learning (2004)1Integrated Family Support Services Booklet1Busy Bees Clubs. Handbook on running play and learning clubs for adults and childrenV1HAFLS Family Learning Materials1Family Learning PackV1Overview of Family, Language and Numeracy Courses 2009-2010 by HAFLS1Family Learning Programme 1“Share You, Me, Us” Junior Sharebook 31“Healthy Together” Activity booklet for parents1“Share- Learning for Life”1“Share-Give and Take”1“share- Up and doing”1“share – Out and about”1“share- Living and Growing”1“share-Learning Together”1Respecting others booklet1The Big Wide World Pack1Talk Works book1Acts of kindness log book1EASL I TRAVELLERSProvision and support for Traveller pupils. Ofsted.V1Aiming High: Raising the Achievement of Gypsy Traveller PupilsV1Complementary & Supplementary Schools1Hertfordshire directory of complementary and supplementary schools. 2009/20101“the man, the bay and the donkey”V2Supporting Access to the Curriculum1“What’s in a Word? Vocabulary development in multilingual classroom.” By N. McWilliamV1Bilingual Flashcards English-SomaliV1German for Beginners Puzzle WorkbookV1“The Wall At The End Of The Site” By Chris TylerV1“Count Us in” Essex County Council LeafletV1Singing English-22 Photocopable Songs and Chants for Learning EnglishV1“Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Pupils Ethnic Monitoring” Leaflet for school staff 20061A Gypsy Timeline1Supporting children learning English as an additional language” Guidance for practitioners in the Early Years Foundation stageV1“Colour in English” V1“Removing Barriers To Learning For Bilingual Learners” 1995/1996V1School Cards for bilinguals V1Advice from Gypsies and Travellers on sorting out racist1The Basic Skills Agency Cards with basic English wordsV1How To Speak Simple German Leaflet1VGerman book Year 7 and 8+91VGoing to School Board Game1VLeaflet on how to support teachers with new arrivals in their class1Traveller Info Pack1Useful Websites –English as an Additional Language leaflet (2006)1FEELINGS + FRIENDSHIP“Don’t say that!” Good Friends Series by Janine AmosV1“Don’t do that!” Good Friends Series by Janine AmosV1“Go Away!” Good Friends Series by Janine AmosV1“Move Over!” Good Friends Series by Janine AmosV1Feelings Diary – Master CopyV1Planning for friendship Week and Useful References1Mentoring V1What Do you think is behind each door? PosterV1A Recipe For Friendship PosterV1“ A smile” Poem PosterV1Feelings Diary FolderV1Sample workbreaks from the Nurturing Programme Classroom Handbook by Family Links1What do you expect in a friend Pack 1, 2, 3, 41ACTIVITIESBaby Animals Colouring Book1Getting Started-wake Up to Learning Book1Pack of crayons1Mikado Game1Colouring book1Worms and Goo GameV1ADDITIONAL NEEDSA planning and review tool for use with disabled children DVD1Targeted Youth Support guide1Hertfordshire Music Service- Making every child’s music matter1How to listen to really understand Pack1Reach Out plus Pack1St Elizabeth’s College Pack2Out and About Leaflets12Action for Children Pack1CVS Broxbourne and East Herts leaflets4Do you know a child missing from education leaflet3Executive Summary-Hertfordshire county council SEN and Inclusion Strategy 20101Include Me with 513 leaflet2Talk to Frank Key Rings4Children Business support Key Rings2BULLYINGBullying by Michele ElliotV1Beating Bullying Leaflet50No Bullying! A practical resource for developing and implementing anti-bullying policies. 1Helping Children who have Hardened their Harts or Become Bullies1Anti Bullying Pack1Bullying- What you can do if you think a child is being bullied or is bullying others- Leaflet8Cyberbullying booklet1You Can Beat Bullying! A Guide for Young People1“in school, stay cool” booklet1“what to say” Bully Free Cards1Bullying-Prejudice and Difference Leaflet4Bullying via Internet and Mobile Phones Leaflet2Anger Cards1Bullying-via Internet and Mobile Phones. Delete it from your life. Booklet1What Can I do If My Child Is Being Bullied? Leaflet1HEALTHY LIFESTYLE5 A DAY-What’s it all about? NHS Booklet9Perfect recipes for an active summer. Booklet53Getting it right-Feeding your toddler and looking after their teeth. Leaflet35CAF INFORMATIONYour family, your CAF leaflet25Your Life, your CAF! Leaflet12Children, School and Families- Eligibility And Threshold Guidance For children in Need1Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership (CAF) Meeting the Needs of Children & Young People in Hertfordshire- A Guide for Practitioners1A New way of helping children and young people in Hertfordshire. Leaflet43Hertfordshire Integrated Practice-Training Programme 2008 Pack1Information sharing: Practitioners’ guide.20061The lead professional Practitioners’ guide. 20061CAF for children & young people: Practitioners’ guide. 20061Integration Practice Pack1Single Service Request forms1CAF & Lead Professional Leaflet8CHILDREN CENTRESWindhill Children Centre Leaflet100Not Naughty but Normal-protecting your baby and toddler. Leaflet13Windhill Children’s Centre Pack1Managing Risk in Play Provision: Implementation guide. 1Duckling Green Children’s Centre Pack1What is children’s centre? Leaflet8Windhill Children’s Centre Leaflet1CHILD MINDERSMinding Matters-Magazine for Hertfordshire Childminders Issue 31, Summer 20101What are my childcare options? Pack1Hertfordshire registered childminders care Pack1Hertfordshire registered childminders care leaflets1COMISSIONINGADHD theatre. Leaflet1Bedazzle Performing Arts- After –school club. Poster1Guidance on the duty to promote community cohesion Pack.1Making your partnership work Pack1Rhodes Arts Complex Pack1Creating Learning Opportunities1Building learning communities Pack1Youth CREATE Pack1Youth CREATE Staff Information Pack1Clubs for Young People Pack1Buy in Information Pack1ABUSETalking to my mum. A picture Workbook for Workers, Mothers and Children Affected by Domestic Abuse.1HertSpeak-Reconnecting Families Leaflet1Domestic Abuse is never OK! Stickers2Forced Marriage & Female Genital Mutilation Pack1Domestic violence is a crime...break the mould Poster1What to do if you’re worries a child is being abused-Summary Booklet1The Sunflower Centre Leaflet1Information for Parents on Children that have witnessed Domestic abuse Pack1DRUG AWARENESSA-DASH Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Service in Hertfordshire. Leaflet1A-DASH Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Service in Hertfordshire. Service Handbook for Professionals.1Tobacco Information Pack1Drug Categories Information Sheet1RED Drug Information Booklet3Top tips on talking to your children about alcohol. Information leaflet1HEALTH EDCO Catalogue 1FRANK Knockout Drugs Cards1Providing targeted drug information to Parents and Carers Pack1ALCOHOL Information Pack1FRANK the truth about drugs Leaflet3A-DASH Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Service in Hertfordshire1Managing drug incidents and supporting young drug users Booklet1ALCOHOL Know your limits Leaflet1EASTER ACTIVITIESEaster Activities for the Whole Family Pack4FINANCIAL SUPPORTThe Essential Guide To Early Learning and Childcare for You and your Family.1Being a Parent in the Real Word Booklet1Help us support those most in need. Cornerstone Trust Information Pack1Money Advice Unit. Helping Families cope with the Credit Crunch. Information Pack1Extra Money For Carers Pack1Young Parents and Benefits-January 2010 2The Parents Guide To Money. By FSA1Extra Money For Families. Information Pack14GAMES:Parachute 1BEREAVEMENTCoping with Bereavement in Schools- A Tool Kit1The Secret C by J. A. Stokes1A teenage guide to coping with bereavement by S. Darwen. Booklet2Talking to your Children about pregnancy loss. The miscarriage Association. Information Pack1A grief programme for children and their carers. SPACE. 1Coping with crisis. When someone we know dies. Multi Agency and Psychology Service Leaflet. 1Coping with Crises in Schools. Helping a bereaved child Leaflet1Coping with Crises in School. Handling a traumatic Event Leaflet1Winston’s Wish-Help for grieving children and their families Information Pack1PUBLICATIONSSchool Select 2010/20111Talking Teens. The magazine for parents. Issue 21Talking teens. The magazine for parents. Issue 1.1Children’s partnership News. Issue 17. Spring 2010.1Children’s partnership News. Issue 15. Summer 2009.2Children’s partnership News. Integrated practice special. 11Business Matters. Issue 26. Summer 20092Social & Emotional Learning UpdateIssue 82, November 20111Social & Emotional Leaning UpdateIssue 79, July/August 20111Social & Emotional Learning UpdateIssue 83, January 20121YCT Annual Review October 20111Children’s partnership News Summer 20081Incentive plus Autumn 2011 Catalogue1News from the Herefordshire safeguarding children Board, Issue 3-May 20111Moment-Cancer Charity Magazine-Issue 271Discover, Summer 2010. Issue 321Parent Cover Voice. Issue 1/ 20101Minding Matters-the Magazine for Hertfordshire Childminders, Issue 32, Autumn 20101Minding Matters-the Magazine for Hertfordshire Childminders, Issue 31, Summer 20101Children’s Partnership News. Issue 18, summer 20101Children’s Partnership News. Issue 17, Spring 20101Achieve More. The Autumn term newsletter from SAM Learning. 20071Children’s Partnership News. Issue 15, Summer 20091Extended Schools Update. Issue 24, April 2010. 1Integrated Working Common Assessment Framework by Kathy Amos and J. Close1Children’s Partnership News. Summer 20081Counselling In Schools Services. Information for Parents and Carers Booklet/1All Children Have Rights. Unicef. Comic Books8Extended Schools Update. Issue 26. June 20101Extended Schools Update. Issue 17. July/august 2009.1Extended Schools Update. Issue 25. May 2010. 1How to provide Sensory Play at little or no cost. Training Workbook and Handouts. The Play Doctor.1Parent support and Information strategy 2008-2010. 1Children’s partnership News Issue ?Autumn 20091Extended Schools Update. Issue 27. July/August 2010.1Children’s Partnership News. Final Issue. Summer 2011. 1Cheshunt Extended Services. Activity Book. Autumn 2011, Spring & Summer 2012. 1Stortford Scene. Edition 4. March 2010.1Working Together in local Partnerships.1CHeCC. Community Counselling in Hertfordshire. Annual Report 2008-20091OTHERFacilitating Positive Behaviour for Children with Challenging Behaviour and their Families. By R. White1The Incredible Years. A Trouble-shooting Guide for Parents of children Aged 2-8 Years. By C. Webster-Stratton. V1Changes to Carers in Herts Young Carers Project April 2012.1What parents can do to help children who have separation anxiety. 1Emotional Literacy. Assessment and Intervention. Ages 7-11. 1Herts Action for Change Manifesto 2012/13. 1Who Can Help Parents? Poster1Pirates Ahoy! By D. Harter and O. Seawothy1GAMES:As It-Tell It. The Nurturing Programme. Family Links.2The Nurturing Game. Family Links.1Shaun the Sheep Game.2Between You & Me. A Game for sharing thoughts, Feelings, and Values. 4Resilience Bingo for Teens4All About ME Cards1DVDs/CDsChatter Matters. For parents and carers of children from 0 to 5. 1Relaxing Music CD1Know it ALL for parents. A guide to getting the most out of the internet and keeping children safe online.4Child Protection Procedures. May 20071The Learning Adventure.1OAP. June 20101Making Essex a better place to live and work. 1Telling Tales. Teaching PSHE and Citizenship through Literacy. 1Excellence and Enjoyment: Social and Emotional aspects of learning. 1TAPESWhat’s Best For ME. 1Inclusion/SENInstant help Books CD.1Early Years and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. What service providers need to know. 1Action for Children. Information for Service Providers Pack. 1Index for inclusion. Developing play, learning and participation in early years and childcare.20061Games and Co-operative Activities to enhance relationships within a class group. 1Speech and Language in the class. 1Core Vocabulary. Signs. Pocket Booklet. 1Action for children stepping In. Service Information For Young People. 1Introducing The Cambridge Primary Review.1Information for parents. Down syndrome.1Information for parents. Deafness.1Information for parents. Visual Impairment.1Information for parents. Speech and Language difficulties.1The Buskers Guide to Inclusion5Face 2 Face. A 1 to 1 parent befriending service for families in East Herts. Leaflet. 1A planning and review tool for use with disables children1Lemon Squeezy. Issue 8. Nov-Dec 20101Reach Out plus. Leaflet1List of books published since the Start of In The Picture.1Supporting young children learning English as an additional language. A guide for Early practitioners. 20081In The Picture. 10 guiding principles1Dyslexia and AD/HD diagnosis and support strategies.1PARENTINGFacilitating Parents Groups. 1Herts BME Advocacy Service.“I am going to have a baby too”. The guide for Young Dads.7Parent Support Workers, children & young People support workers & Outreach Workers. Working in Partnership with Parents. 1Mediation- helping reduce family conflict. Family Matters Leaflet. 1Home-start East Herts Bishop’s Stortford Family Group Information Pack.1Involving parents, raising achievement. Materials for Schools.1E-safety Advice for Parents.1Parenting support and Information. 1Signposts to safety. Teaching e-safety at Key stages 3 and 4. 1Every Parent Matters. Helping you help your child.1Every Parent Matters. 1Understanding the teenage years.1Time Out for Parents Handbook5Mediation Services Contac Details1Choices and Consequences 1Prisoners’ families’ helpline and services contact list.1Resources supporting children and young people affected by imprisonment. 1The Parenting Puzzle 1SOCIAL + EMOTIONAL/CIRCLE TIME1Self-Discipline and Emotional Control.1Emotional Literacy.1SEAL Conference Pack.1Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning for secondary Schools (SEAL) 1An Introduction to Circles of Friends. A staff guide. 1HEALTHY EATING/SAFETYDevelopment wheel44 You. Getting up-what is it all about?1Fruit and Veg. Healthy Eating lesson plans and resources2Road Safety. Activity Book 22Prepare Them for the roads. A guide for teaching Your child Road Safety.2Now I can crawl, I can...1Information sharing: further guidance on legal issues1The good life1Get Active1Eat Well. Food Standards Agency.1Healthy Lifestyles1Join us in building a foundation Trust Together. Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust. 1Standards and School effectiveness. Health & Wellbeing Team.1Talking to your child about Sex and Relationships1Height Chart. Helping your child to avoid accidents at home.6Coordinating and delivering integrated services for children and young people. 1Cook School. The food Education Magazine. Vol 7 Issue 1. June 20081Cook School. The food Education Magazine. Vol 7 Issue 2. Dec 20081Get Cooking. Secondary Food awards. 1Get Cooking. Primary Food Awards1What’s Cooking? A guide to setting up and running community and school food clubs. 1HERTS YOUNG HOMELESS GROUPArguments at home? HYHG Poster2HYHG U16s Mediation Service2Arguments at home? HYHG Leaflets1Arguments at home? HYHG Information Pack14MENTAL HEALTH/ASDA BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR PEOPLE WITH AUTISM. The National Autistic Society Pack. 2Worried? Need to talk? NSPCC 1How to look after your mental health2Step 2. Making a difference together Pack. 2Fact Sheet on Mental Health1OCD? A guide for young children. 1OCD? Parents guide1What to do if you are worried a Child is being abused2Factsheet 1: overview of CAMHS1Parents Information: Autism1OUT OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIESChild on Board Car Sticker1PARENTING/FAMILY LIVESInformation Packs: Family Matter leaflet, Gang and your Child leaflet, Got a Teenager? Leaflet,Keeping your teenager safe: Talking about relationships leaflet.20SEALSocial and Emotional Aspects of Learning for Secondary schools (SEAL) 14Key stage 3. National Strategy. Developing emotional health and well being- a whole school approach to improving behaviour and attendance. 1School climate and SEAL1Hertfordshire Secondary strategy SEAL Conference. Feb 2008.1Audit Tools1Stages in implementing SEAL1Secondary SEAL-Content of Themes.1SEAL Subject Booklets1Across the whole curriculum1Art and Design1Citizenship1Design and Technology1English and Drama1Geography1History1ICT1Mathematics1Modern Foreign Language1Music1Personal, social and health education1Physical Education1Religious education1Science1SEAL Subject Teacher Pilot1SPEECH AND LANGUAGE Stages of Speech and Language Development1Bookstart. Finding Inclusive Books1Bookstart. Finding books to suit different needs.1NHS “Beginning To Talk” Speech and Language Advice Leaflet2NHS “Moving on with Talking” Speech and Language Advice Leaflet2NHS “Before Words” Speech and Language Advice Leaflet1NHS “Is your child a dummy sucker or a bottle user?” leaflet1“A Helping Hand” A guide to support little children dealing with big issue. 1T.D.A1Engaging schools in sustainable Every child Matters and Extended Services. 1Parent support adviser project. Resource kit 21Parent support advisers. Practice and impact-Spring 20091School Improving Planning Framework. 2009-20101Linking Extended Services to the Wider Agenda. Pack 21Extended Services: a toolkit for governors.1Toolkit/ “How to” guide about technical issues for Cluster Managers1Extended services sustainability-school cluster development tool1VOLUNTEER SECTORVAwards Packs6VAwards booklets3YOUNG CARERSYoung carers leaflets1Welcome Pack for young carers1Referral Form Young Carers Project1Young Carers-list1OTHERCircle of Friends1VLooking after Ourselves-How to care for our own emotional needs as parents1“A helping hand” A guide to supporting little children dealing with big issues1Bereavement-helping parents and children cope when someone close to them dies1School’s Quick Reference Guide Following a death1After the event- supporting children after a frightening event1Missing Mummy-A book about bereavement1OCD-a guide for young children1Guide to Learning- East Herts Area1Flower power comes to Cheshunt1Learning to be socially Talented Children1The Parenting Puzzle1Feelings and Fun Games1101 Ways to Teach children Social Skills1Mighty Motivators1Protective Behaviours Key stage 11Protective Behaviours Key stage 21Social Skills KSI1Autism Spectrum Disorder-Promoting Positive Behaviours by Goeff Evans1Health and Wellbeing Cross Curricular Course Pack1The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde1Circle Time1VFamily Links Templates1Family Links-Nurturing Programme1Gays and Lesbians Resources1Aerobic Game1Friendships and Self Esteem1MD2 PSHE1Working with groups of parents C & G 3081QISS Apps1Social Enterprises1Evaluation of Transition Workshop at Reedings1Performance and Management Development1Hertfordshire Framework for School Self-Evaluation1Community Profile and needs analysis 3Communicating effectively with children and young people1APPS Club Pack1Extended Learning Opportunities1CWDC Induction Training Programme for level3/4 children’s workforce practitioners. 1TDA induction training programme for level3/4 children’s workforce practitioners Modules 1-41Guidance for participants for Theme 11Safer Places Volunteer Pack1Support staff CPD 1Parenting Handbook-A guide for Parents and carers in Harlow1Child Management-Policy Pack 1-31Integrated Working Common Assessment Framework1Mark Hall School. Special Education Needs Register and Guidance1Standards and School Effectiveness Continuing Professional Development1Parent support adviser project. Resource kit 1 and 21Let’s make more smiles! Encouraging Positive Behaviour 1Real families. Real issues. Real help1Sensory Play Resource Book1Mind Maps for kids. An Introduction. The shortcut to Success at School.1Homework today for ages 10-11. Homework activities in maths, English, science, history and geography.1Developing Numeracy. Using and Applying Maths. Year 6.1Sticker Activity Fun. Football. 1Away from Home1Teaching Children with ASD using TEACCH approach1VPositive Parenting Pack1Can I tell you about Asperger Syndrome? A guide for friends and family. 1Dealing with Some More Feelings. An Emotional Literacy Curriculum for children aged 7 to 12.1Building Positive Relationships Workshop1Child Development 0-111Parenting Evaluations1Social Skills1Reward Systems1Step 2- making a difference together1Family Lives Pack1Aspects leaflet- OldFactsheets on Boys (5-11) and ScreensServices for Young People Volunteer Mentor-Person SpecificationThe Freedom ProgrammeNeeds and Service analysis Dec 2012Young Concern Information PackLPDO Report January 2013 ................

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