
“Co-creating a Harmonious School: Anti-Bullying Day/Week”

Peace Ambassadors Election (Sample Guidelines [1])

1. Objectives: To elect Peace Ambassadors to:

(i) promote a harmonious and caring culture in school

(ii) assist School to organize activities with the theme of caring, (e.g. FM Caring-Radio and Lunch-time Song Dedication, Lyrics Writing Competition, Inter-class Sports Competition, etc.)

(iii) receive mediation training then help other students to resolve disputes

(iv) help new students adapt to school environment and school lives as soon as possible

2. Nominee’s Qualifications:

i) Student from Secondary 3 to 5 / Primary 4 to 6

(ii) Student who has no misconduct or demerit records

(iii) Student who is friendly, kind and loves communicating with others

3. Implementation:

(i) Each student can nominate ONE student for the Peace Ambassadors Election. Completed nomination forms need to be submitted to guidance teachers for nominees’ qualification check.

(ii) Once the Nomination List is released, election activities will be carried out according to the rules set by the Guidance Team.

(iii) The top 10 nominees with the most votes will become Peace Ambassadors of the year.

4. Election schedule:

(i) Nomination Period: From Day/ Month/ Year to Day/ Month/Year

(ii) Nomination List Release Date: Day/ Month/ Year

(iii) Nominee Presentation: During Assembly on Day/ Month/ Year

Presentation should include:

(a) Nominee’s self-introduction: xx minutes

(b) Q&A Time: xx minutes to answer students’ enquiries

(iv) Election Date: Day/Month /Year

“Co-creating a Harmonious School: Anti-Bullying Day/ Week”

Peace Ambassador Nomination Form

I nominate ____________________ in ____class as Peace Ambassador.

|Reasons for nomination: |

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Nominator:____________ Signature:___________ Date:__________

“Co-creating a Harmonious School: Anti-Bullying Day/ Week”

Peace Ambassador Nomination Form

I nominate ____________________ in ____class as Peace Ambassador.

|Reasons for nomination: |

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Nominator:____________ Signature:___________ Date:___________

“Co-creating a Harmonious School: Anti-Bullying Day/ Week”

Peace Ambassador Election


Please refer to the Nomination List –vote for a maximum of 10 Peace Ambassadors by checking off “(” their number boxes below. The completed ballot should be put into the ballot collection box on or before Day/Month/Year.

|Peace Ambassador Number |Peace Ambassador Number |Peace Ambassador Number |

|1 ( |11 ( |21 ( |

|2 ( |12 ( |22 ( |

|3 ( |13 ( |23 ( |

|4 ( |14 ( |24 ( |

|5 ( |15 ( |25 ( |

|6 ( |16 ( |26 ( |

|7 ( |17 ( |27 ( |

|8 ( |18 ( |28 ( |

|9 ( |19 ( |29 ( |

|10 ( |20 ( |30 ( |

Thank you for your vote!

“Co-creating a Harmonious School: Anti-Bullying Day/ Week”

Nomination List

|Number |Name of Nominee |Class |Remark |

|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

|4 | | | |

|5 | | | |

|6 | | | |

|7 | | | |

|8 | | | |

|9 | | | |

|10 | | | |

|11 | | | |

|12 | | | |

|13 | | | |

|14 | | | |

|15 | | | |

|16 | | | |

|17 | | | |

|18 | | | |

|19 | | | |

|20 | | | |

|21 | | | |

|22 | | | |

|23 | | | |

|24 | | | |

|25 | | | |

|26 | | | |

|27 | | | |

|28 | | | |

|29 | | | |

|30 | | | |

“Peace Ambassadors Election”


Collection Box


[1]The sample guidelines are for reference only. School may make any changes that are deemed suitable to its needs.



Elect your

Peace Ambassadors of the year

to promote anti-bullying week activities

Peace Ambassadors


Peace Ambassadors excel their potential

Enjoy a “Zero Bullying Environment”

Nomination Deadline : Day/ Month/Year


Peace Ambassadors-in-school


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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