Peer Reviewed Original Articles Published July 1, 2001 ...


Abed Y, Pizzorno A, Hamelin ME, Leung A, Joubert P, Couture C, Kobasa D, Boivin G. (2011) The 2009 Pandemic H1N1 D222G Hemagglutinin Mutation Alters Receptor Specificity and Increases Virulence in Mice but Not in Ferrets. J Infect Dis. 204:1008-16.

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Ao Z-j., K. Danappa Jayappa, B-c Wang, Y-f Zheng, X-x Wang, J-y Peng, and X-j Yao*, Contribution of Host Nucleoporin 62 in HIV-1 Integrase Chromatin Association and Viral DNA Integration. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012. 287:10544-55 (Epub Feb 03).

Ao Z-j., X-X Wang, A. Bello, K. Danappa Jayappa, Z. Yu, X-Y He, K. Fowke, Xi Chen, J-h Li, G. Kobinger, and X-j Yao*. Characterization of the anti-HIV activity mediated by various R88-Apobec3G mutant fusion proteins in CD4+ T cells, PBMC and macrophages. Human Gene Therapy. 2011. 22:1225-37, Epub Mar 18.

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Becker ML, Mishra S, Satyanarayana, Gurav K, Doshi M, Buzdugan R, Pise G, Halli S, Moses S, Avery L, Washington RG, Blanchard JF. Rates and Determinants of HIV-attributable Mortality among Rural Female Sex Workers in Northern Karnataka, India. Int J STD & AIDS 2012 Jan;23(1):36-40.

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Belshe RB, Leone PA, Bernstein DI, Wald A, Levin MJ, Stapleton JT, Gorfinkel I, Morrow RL, Ewell MG, Stokes-Riner A, Dubin G, Heineman TC, Schulte JM, Deal CD (Aoki FY, Principal Investigator, University of Manitoba study site). Efficacy results of a trial of herpes simplex vaccine. N Engl J Med 2012; 366:33-44.

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Bradley J, Rajaram SP, Moses S, Boily MC, Ramesh BM, Isac S, Lobo A, Gowda GC, Pushpalatha R, Gurav K, Kumar S, Washington R, Pickles M, Alary M. Why do condoms break? A study of female sex workers in Bangalore, south India. Sex Transm Inf 2012; 88:163-70.

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