Partners expressed

Animas River Community Forum MeetingNovember 17, 2016Attending: Susan Lander, Ann Oliver, Ben Martinez, Randy Valarde, Darlene Marcus, Chara Ragland, Karl Humm (OSM), Julie Westendorf, John Whitney, Ty Churchwell, Kirsten Brown, Shannon Manfredi, Emily Thorn, and Marcie BidwellWelcome, Review Meeting Objective and AgendaThe meeting began with Shannon introducing Susan Lander who co-facilitated the meeting with Shannon. Next there was a quick review of the agenda and objective of the meeting, which was “to decide whether the Animas River Community Forum (ARC Forum) continues; and if sohow often the Forum Partners will convene to share information; and are there other tasks or functions ARC Forum Partners want to pursue?” Accomplishments: A quick recap of 2016 accomplishments (printed and posted on the wall) was reviewed: AccomplishmentsCoordinated Meetings to Facilitate Information Exchange & Dialogue among Watershed Stakeholders (including Nine Forum Meetings and Email Updates & Webpage Developed)Alert Notification Plan Developed & ImplementedSupported dialogue regarding Superfund DesignationSupported Seven Community Events w/Updates @ River Health & Safety and Monitoring Results Supported Silverton Initiatives & Information Dissemination to Downstream CommunitiesCompleted Community Survey Completed Data Inventory & Data Swap among 20 Watershed Stakeholders Hosted 1 Year Anniversary Event—Animas River Celebration Sponsor and Supporter of the 6th Annual San Juan Mining & Reclamation Conference Supported Student Research at FLCEstablished Contacts with New Mexico Stakeholders Additional accomplishments stated by the participants included:Provided an exchange for information and updates to each other, shared information, and collaborated on projectsInitiated an Education and Communication Committee working towards a coordinated network for communication to our stakeholders and constituents. Created a forum for sharing information on the post-Gold King emergency response and Bonita Peak Mining District Superfund process across the Animas watershed. Supported local government efforts to get reimbursed by the EPA for the expenses they incurred during their response to the GKM spill. Partner and Committee UpdatesMonitoring and Data Gaps Team: Ann Oliver reported that the Gaps Team hosted a data swap that brought together 20 watershed stakeholders who collect monitoring data. The group exchanged information on who is doing what, where and why they monitor for that. The information from the swap is being compiled and will be shared with the group. The purpose of the swap is to answer the 6 questions developed by the committee related to survey findings of what the public wants to know. The questions (listed below) are broader than GKM spill response and are aimed at that the health and resiliency of the Animas River indefinitely. The data being collected will be used to help answer those questions now and at some frequency in the future. They anticipate a product by this coming spring. They are looking at what questions can be answered with the data on hand, what monitoring would need to be added to address the questions, and how the information would be synthesized into a meaningful metric. Ann reiterated that the “Gap Team” is a working group of ARC Forum that is open to everyone who is interested. It is also funded by ARC Forum and would need funding to continue; and that the Team appreciates the ARC Forum as its sounding board for the value of the Team’s efforts. Steering Committee: The Steering Committee is supported by Ellen Roberts, Matt Thorpe, Ann Oliver, Laura Marchino, Shannon Manfredi, Brian Devine, and Marcie Bidwell. The most recent meeting focused on the process for this meeting. Bipartisan Group of Senators have introduced a measure to expedite the Gold King Mine Spill Recovery, by John Whitney. The legislation will expedite reimbursement of emergency response costs; authorize EPA pay for a long-term water quality monitoring program and activities; and extend the deadline for eligible expenses. The deadline for the EPA to reimburse was Oct. 31, 2015, which was not nearly enough time to reimburse, especially considering that response efforts were still occurring then. John stressed that the goal is to really bolster local authorities ability to be reimbursed. The effort requires bipartisan support and constant pressure. Additional information is available on the websites of Senator Bennet, Senator Gardner, and Congressman Tipton. Commissioner Julie Westendorf and John Whitney (Bennet’s office) reported that there has been progress in reimbursing the local governments for the expenses during and following the spill. They shared that Silverton and San Juan County are feeling much better about the relationship with the EPA and reimbursement process. La Plata County is getting closer to resolution with the EPA, and the legislation proposed will assist in that process by moving the deadline.San Juan National Forest, Ben Martinez shared that the SJNF is paying specific attention to the two focuses of the BPMD- ecological risk assessment and the human risk assessment. In that light, he said the ARC Forum has been instrumental in developing a forum for these two goals to develop an understanding of the statutory responsibilities of the federal, state, tribal, NGOs and communities and to build support and trust of those sometimes complimentary and sometimes conflicting objectives. This group has been helpful for supplying information to the USFS in that process. Ben, also acknowledged the monitoring support the FS has received from Kirstin at DRMS. The BPMD Agency Planning Group (collaborating agencies of EPA, USFS, BLM, CDHPE, DRMS) will be providing information on the collaborative planning effort to the Federal Mining Dialogue Committee in December. This Abandoned Mine lands Group has been meeting on these topics at the state level for years, and this specific effort. On Nov 30-Dec 1- The Team will meet in Denver to prepare for the DC visit. Mountain Studies Institute, Marcie Bidwell shared that MSI has received a grant from the EPA for Animas River Public Education. The group will be working with our Animas River partners and stakeholders in the watershed to complete four tasks: (1) initiate the Silverton Science Center, (2) develop cross-media tools for education and outreach, (3) conduct a social science survey on perceptions of risk and needs for information, and (4) hands-on activities improving water quality that brings youth and volunteers together across the watershed from Silverton to Farmington. Trout Unlimited, Ty Churchwell and Animas River Task Force organized a private meeting for Animas River outfitters and guides, Animas River Task Force, City of Durango Parks and Recreation, and recreation businesses to meet with the EPA to get an update on the GKM Spill response and transition to the BPMD Superfund Site accomplishments this first field season. The idea behind the meeting was to provide a mechanism for these key river stakeholders to have a private setting to engage with the EPA to ask questions. The content mirrored the public meetings hosted by the EPA this week. The discussion at the meeting made a connection between the EPA and the River Constituency. This topic generated the following discussion:DISCUSSION: Comment- The Community Survey conducted this past summer included responses from businesses and their concerns. Do you feel that this community of river users is different than what has been identified? Ty: Yes- this ARC Forum group is more data driven and not as interesting to them. They want to know about general river health and what they need to report back to their guests. They want to have a direct connection with the EPA and not go through a work group.Darlene asked if the river businesses are still concerned about the health of the river? Are tourists? Ty: No. When the businesses heard that the river is back to pre-spill conditions, they were satisfied with the results and they are back in the river. Tourists do not seem to be concerned anymore. The businesses are not showing up to these meetings anymore. There is still a trust factor and differences of who people trust. Who is that? Everyone has gone to their camps and they are receiving the information they want via their preferred channels. Marcie clarified that the purpose of ARC Forum does not necessarily have as a goal to communicate directly with the public [such as river businesses] but to help coordinate those of us who are working with businesses. Recent attendance is not indicative of the full interest of the group- people respond directly to the agenda of each meeting and each opportunity. Barb agreed and added that the last two meetings have been process oriented, and process people have attended. Detail people will follow the other opportunities that meet their interests and needs. Shannon commented that she did not consider the ARCF to be solely “scientific or data driven,” and that the various interests and expertise represented help focus data efforts. Barb added that the Monitoring and Data Gaps Analysis Team is just data; i.e., it is a means to the end; but it needs context—it needs all the Partners at the ARCF Forum. The Team is not producing the data, but rather putting it in context and distributing it to public. We are creating information that could be used in a communication plan or an annual report card. The idea is that with more awareness and information, there will be more citizen involvement in the watershed issues that we are discussing. Financial Overview: Marcie provided the following financial summary. ARCF began with $54k and there is $11k remaining. The funding has been used for support staff, coordinator position, Committee efforts; Vista volunteer. One-third of the budget for meeting expenses has been used; virtually none of the budget allocated for the speaker’s bureau has been used. We have enough funding remaining to complete our reporting on 2016 grant funding and to write grants to move forward and host another meeting. Potential ARC Forum Scenarios: Shannon presented the following simple scenarios: ARC Forum Dissolves ARC Forum Continues with Same Form and Function as 2016 ARC Forum Hosts (insert number) Meetings per Year to Exchange Information ARC Forum Hosts (insert number)Meetings per Year and Includes…(see inclusions list) ARC Forum Saves the World!There was confusion over the difference between Scenario #2, #3, and #4. The intent was for #3 to mean that the ARCF only hosts Forum meetings and that’s it. Whereas, #4 was intended to mean that the ARCF would host meetings, AND include additional functions or “Inclusions,” such as email updates, clearinghouse webpage, coordinating and supporting Subgroup activities. While this explanation helped distinguish Scenario #4 from #3, it also made #4 seem the same thing as #2. Ultimately, #2 and #4 were interpreted and treated in the Dot Exercise as the same scenario. Shannon then reviewed the “list of inclusions,” which were grouped by theme and represented actions identified primarily by Forum Partners, other Stakeholders, and the community survey. The “inclusions” were intended to be used with Scenario #4 and to facilitate a discussion of which “inclusions or additional tasks” the Forum wants to prioritize or pursue funding for. Lastly, the inclusions were intended to be “in addition to hosting bi-monthly meetings.” The list of inclusions is presented at the end of these meeting notes. After reviewing the list of inclusions, there was a significant amount of discussion, which occurred before conducting the dot exercise. DISCUSSIONTy offered that San Juan Clean Water Coalition is a collection of stakeholders and businesses to advocate for clean water. It is focused on a five-point plan, including legislation, economic prosperity, and citizen involvement. Ty is the full-time coordinator to focus on the Animas River for our region; after the GKM he shifted his focus to be specifically focused on the Animas. He stated that the Coalition is focused on CERCLA and superfund process, and that is their sole interest. They have resources: dedicated staff, webpage, email list, and TU accessibility to national resources. They are advocating for the superfund process and Good Sam, and they recognize that may be a sticking point for the CAG. Ben stated that for the federal agencies, we are able to participate as observers and providers of information, but we are not able to advocate. If the ARCF goes in that direction, our role will need to change. Julie- this group is about identifying issues and communication, and then let the people who can address the issues or actions, they go do it. ARCF to her is not about advocating. This group is broad- not stuck on mining. It was about general river health. Group needs to decide which way they want to go. Barb offered that it is important to recognize that this group is going through the classic organizing trajectory of a collaboration formation. “Resiliency means that each of us get out of our silos and join in a new way to find synergy going forward. It’s about forming new relationships and getting informed. The different committees are providing unique “added value” to each one of us that participates and make it tangible and productive for those who participate. Form should follow function. To me, the Forum’s purpose is to provide information and coordination.”Ann reminded the group that the Survey results pointed out that people prefer to receive information from multiple sources and not from one expert or format. ARC Forum is not producing information, we are working together to put it in context and circulate other efforts. Chara added that information supported by multiple entities working together would be of interest to the public and would bring exposure to the ARCF. She also reiterated that trust and mistrust remains a big issue. Building dialog and trust is an important function of this group. Julie said the community survey was informative but it does not have to define what we do or why we exist. Groups with an investment in the health of the river can come together, share observations and needs, and collaborate, if desired, to address those issues. It can be short, term objective driven, accomplish those goals, and move on to the next priority. Julie shared a model that is successful for the criminal justice system for sharing issues, information, and solution formation. They met because of a common interest in the criminal justice system, and when things emerge, they discuss how to handle them. They meet regularly or as needed to pick up specific current issues as they present themselves. Ty thinks the group needs to differentiate the GKM spill and the Animas river resiliency effort. The group may have sprung from the event, but they are not the one and the same. How do we take the ongoing efforts of cleanup (one goal of members of this group) and move it forward. San Juan Clean Water Coalition is very much interested in clean up and supporting the cleanup process and superfund. The value of the ARC Forum is having people with expertise and knowledge come together to discuss issues and ask for help. The ARC Forum should host meetings with the ability to take on multiple, short term projects as needed.Make it simple. Exchange of information is important and the ARC Forum should continue to facilitate this exchange. The current subgroups formed organically (i.e., out of interest and need). Hence, subgroups should form when needed and make presentations back to the broader group. The ARCF should continue to host mtgs and use the same set up as last year. The four tasks used for 2016 and the grant should be revisit and updated to fit current issues.Many were in agreement that the group should be broad group that looks at River Health holistically, and not focused on just GKM or BPMD. “We didn’t want to be stuck on mining, we just started with the spill. We will lose engagement if we get too narrow.” Ty summarized a letter from Buck Skillen, in which he states that he would not be participating in the forum any longer, but would defer to Ty Churchill, the Exec. Dir. to determine the extent of TU’s participation. ARC Forum AgendaThe Agenda should always include time for UpdatesThe Coordinator should request Agenda Items. The Agenda should include an emerging issue or specific topics that are relative to Forum Partners.Consider not having a routine mtg date for Forum mtgs. While a routine mtg date, e.g., the 3rd Wed. of the month, would be consistent, it also means that for those that have a conflict on that date, they will never be able to participate. that the same people Attendance is dependent on the agenda. That some Partners are not here today does not mean they are not interested or not supportive of the ARCF. To encourage participation, the “topics/theme/emerging issue,” should be identified at the beginning of the year and assigned to one of the bi-monthly meetings so that Partners know well in advance which topic will be the focus of each munication/Education SubgroupIt was suggested that the Communication/Education Subgroup should address the following items that did not get fully discussed at today’s meeting. Discussion points included the following:We should assume that all the stakeholders are doing education and acknowledge that we don’t communicate with the same groups/publics.Should the ARC Forum’s communication effort’s be Internally focused (i.e., amongst ourselves) or Externally focus, i.e., with the public?What the ARC Forum delivers is at the crux of the issue.Define and/or identify the Citizen Engagement opportunities or goalsMore communication is needed regarding superfund, i.e., what is the process; and what it means to be in the Superfund processThe Forum should communicate information that integrates or puts in context both the public Health and environmental health implication and relationship.Use the results from the Dot exercise today to shape the focus of this Sub-Committee.Dot Exercise: After discussing the Scenarios and Inclusions, the participants were given dots to indicate their preferences using colored dots as follows:Green Dots: Yes, this is needed and the Forum should do it.Yellow Dots: Maybe with Resources Red Dots: We should not do thisBlue Dots: I can contribute to this and want to participate Summary of Dot Exercise and Proposed Direction for 2017: Partners expressed preference for the Forum continuing with the same form and function as the past year, (i.e., 6 meetings per year / bi-monthly meetings).Depending on funding, the ARCF should: Continue to utilize and support Sub-committees, i.e., the Steering Committee, Monitoring and Data Gaps Analysis Team, and the Communication and Education Team. Furthermore, subgroups should form when needed and make presentations back to the broader group; and should dissolve when no longer needed; Review and update the Tasks that were identified for 2016 (a task for the Coordinator and Steering Committee); and The ARC Forum should be broadly focused (i.e., a group that looks at River Health holistically, rather than solely focused on GKM spill recovery or BPMD Superfund Site).The “additional tasks or inclusions” that are most preferred and supported for 2017 included:Disseminating information developed by Forum Partners (email updates were specifically supported); Response preparedness planning; Maintaining Relationships w/Silverton and San Juan County, and Supporting the Monitoring and Data Gaps Analysis Team. Tasks that received mixed support and/or mostly yellow dots, included the items listed under “Collaboration and Citizen Engagement”. The task of the ARCF serving as the CAG received the seven red dots, indicating that there is not support for the ARCF to serve this capacity. Overall, very few red dots were posted. The tally of dots by Scenario and Inclusion options is provided at the end of these notes. Next StepsNext Forum Mtg: Wednesday, January 18, 2017; location to be announced.Coordinator to develop budget for 2017 based on today’s mtg outcomes;Coordinator to research funding optionsSchedule Dec. Steering Committee Mtg. to review budget and funding strategies; Schedule Education and Communication Subgroup Mtg. before next ARC Forum mtg.SCENARIOS ARC Forum Dissolves ARC Forum Continues with Same Form and Function as 2016--7 Green and 1 Yellow ARC Forum Hosts Meetings per Year to Exchange Information -- 3 Green ARC Forum Hosts Meetings per Year and Includes…(select from “inclusions”) ARC Forum Saves the WorldINCLUSIONSInformation ExchangeARC Forum Disseminates Information Developed by Forum Partners, utilizing: 10 Green; 5 Blue Regular email updates Web Page 2 Red and 2 Green Speakers Bureau 2 Red Media Outlets / Develop Relationship 1 RedARC Forum Communication Protocols are supported and directed by a Committee of Forum Partners – No DotsResponse Preparedness Planning ARC Forum supports response preparedness planning by Coordinating Key Stakeholders 5 Green, 1 yellow, 1 RedMonitoring & Data Gaps Analysis -- 4 Green, 3 Blue ARC Forum supports the Monitoring and Data Gaps Analysis Team-- No dots The Data Gaps Analysis Team continues its tasks on its own as a compilation of the participating Partners 1 BlueCommunity Advisory Group (CAG) for BPMD Superfund Site ARC Forum Coordinates the CAG for the BPMD Superfund Site –7 Red ARC Forum Participates in the CAG, but does not coordinate it – No dots ARC Forum supports Mining Remediation efforts via updates at Forum Meetings & CAG Requests –2 GreenCollaborationARC Forum enhances Collaboration within the Watershed by: Maintaining relationships Silverton and San Juan County Partners –5 Green Increasing participation from community sectors not active in the Forum – 2 Yellow Fostering relationships w/Animas River Stakeholders in New Mexico – 1 Red, 3 Yellow, 1 GreenBuilding Dialogue and Trust – 1 Yellow and 2 Green [Note: this task was added by participants prior to doing the Dot Exercise.]Citizen Education and Engagement --3 Yellow and 3 Green ARC Forum increases Community Awareness by supporting Forum Partner initiatives and coordinating public outreach & events (i.e., Linking Citizens to Science) ................

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