OD 1 EX 3 Drug Review Chart


|GENERIC NAME | | | | | |

|Refresh Plus |Low viscosity artificial |TOP (drops) |(Mild dry eye |(Depends on severity |(None known |

| |tear |(Unit dose drop-ettes |(Supportive tx (mild viral conj, |(Mild dry eye = every 2 h |(Sensitivity to preservatives in |

|( artificial tear | |(5ml bottle |episcleritis, GPC, allerg disorders, toxic| |related drugs |

| | |(OTC |corn & conj disorders) | | |

| | | |(Any cond which disrupt the oc surface | | |

|Homatropine |Cycloplegic |TOP (drops) |(Moderately long-acting |(Depends on severity |(Extremely narrow AC angles |

| | |(2% & 5% slns |(Mgmt of intraoc inflam from various |(QD to TID | |

|( homatropine | |(1ml dropperettes |causes | | |

|hydrobromide | |(5, 15ml bottles | |Homatropine 2% ophthalmic sol | |

| | | | |5 ml | |

| | | | |i gt q 12 h OU | |

|Naphcon-A |Decongestant / |TOP (drops) |(Mild allergic conj |(1 drop every 4 h |(Narrow angles |

| |Antihistamine |(15ml |(Not used much b/c better drugs avail | |(Hx of narrow angle glauc |

|( naphazoline | | |(For those w/ financial concerns | |(May cause mild dilation |

|hydrochloride 0.025% + | | | | | |

|pheniramine maleate 0.3% | | | | | |

|Livostin |Antihistamine |TOP (drops) |(Ocular itching disorders |(1 drop 4X a d for a wk ( 2-4X a d thereafter |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

| |(H1 blocker) | |(Lid myokymia |depending upon symptomatology | |

|( levocabastine 0.05% | | | | | |

|susp | | | |Livostin ophthalmic suspension | |

| | | | |10 ml | |

| | | | |i gt OU QID x 7 d, thereafter BID-QID | |

|Patanol |Antihistamine + Mast cell |TOP (drops) |(Oc allergies from various causes |(1 drop every 8 h (BID for waking h) |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

| |stabilizer |(5ml bottle | |(CL wearers = 1 drop before inserting CL & 1 drop | |

|( olopatadine | | | |upon removal | |

|hydrochloride 0.1% | | | | | |

| | | | |Patanol ophthalmic soln | |

| | | | |5 ml | |

| | | | |i gt BID | |

|Alomide |Mast cell stabilizer |TOP (drops) |(FDA approved for vernal conj |(1 drop 4X a day |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

| | |(10ml bottle |(Used often for other forms of oc |(Mech of action = stabilize mast cell (prevent | |

|( idoxamide tromethamine | | |allergies |release of histamine) | |

| | | | |(In acute allerg attacks = immed acting agent must be| |

| | | | |used concurrently for ~wk until alomide works | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Alomide ophthalmic soln | |

| | | | |10 ml | |

| | | | |i gt QID x 6 months | |

|Acular |Topical NSAID |TOP (drops) |(Anti-inflam |(For routine seasonal allergic conj = 1 drop 4X a day|(CL wearers |

| | |(5 ml bottle |(Analgesic | |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

|( ketorolac tromethamine | | |(Anti-itching |Acular 0.5% | |

|0.5% | | | |5 ml | |

| | | | |i gt q 6 h PRN itching | |

|Pred Forte |Top Corticosteroid |TOP (drops) |(Ocular inflam: post surg, inflam/infect |(Depends on severity |(Herpes Simplex Keratits |

| | |(1, 5, 10, 15ml bottles |disorders (uveitis, episcleritis, |(every 30 min to once every other day |(epithelial) |

|( Prednisolone acetate 1%| | |scleritis, phlyctenular conj, |(Mild to mod inflamm = every 3-4 h |(Purulent infections of unknown |

|susp | | |toxic/irritative conj, HSV inflam, | |etiology |

| | | |infectious corneal/lid/conj disorders) |Pred Forte ophthalmic susp |(Fungal infections |

| | | |WHEN USED W/ ANTIMICROBIAL |5 ml |(Unknown corneal disorders |

| | | |(Allerg conj (GPC, vernal, atopic) |i gt h day 1 then 4qh thereafter |(Hypersensitive to any component |

| | | |(Contact dermatitis | |of drug |

|Tobradex |Top Steroid + AB |TOP (drops/ung) |(Mild inflam control required (Additional |(Susp = 3-4 h |(Herpes simplex keratitis |

| | |(2.5, 5ml susp |AB coverage desired (nonspecific conj, |(Ung = typically @ bedtime |(epithelial) |

|( tobramycin 0.3% + | |(3.5g tubes (ung) |staph blep, post traumatic corn, conj |(Pediatric = 4-6 h |(Fungal infection |

|dexamethasone alchohol | | |injuries) | | |

|0.1% | | | |Tobradex ophthalmic ung | |

| | | | |3.5 g | |

| | | | |½ ribbon on lid margin BID ut dict | |

|Ciloxan |Top AB (Flouroquinolone) |TOP (drops) |(Effective against variety of g+/g- |(Routine bact conj: 1 drop every 2-4h |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

| | |(2.5, 5.0ml bottles |(Bacterial keratitis (suscept org) |(Bact corneal ulcers: 2 drops every 15 min for 6 h ( | |

|( ciprofloxacilin | | |(Bacterial conj (susceptible org) |2 drops every 30 min for 18 h ( 2 drops every h for | |

|hydrochloride 0.3% soln | | |(1st flouroquin approved for tx of central|24 h ( taper ( 1 drop every 4 h until resoln | |

| | | |corn ulcers | | |

| | | | |Ciloxan 0.3% sol | |

| | | | |5 ml | |

| | | | |ii gtt q 15 min x 6 hours then ii gtt q 30 min | |

| | | | |x 18 hours; q 1 h therafter ut dict | |

|Ocuflox |Top AB |TOP (drops) |(SAME AS FOR CILOXAN |(Routine bact conj: 1 drop every 2-4h |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

| |(Fluoroquinolone) |(2.5, 5.0ml bottles |(2nd fluoroquin approved for tx of central|(Bact corneal ulcers: 1 drop every 30 min while | |

|( ofloxacin 0.3% soln | | |corneal ulcers |awake, 2X nightly during sleep ( taper ( 1 drop every| |

| | | | |4 h until resoln | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Ocuflox 0.3% sol | |

| | | | |5 ml | |

| | | | |i gt q 30 min during waking hours; twice | |

| | | | |during sleep | |

|Gentamicin |Top AB (Aminoglycosides) |TOP (drops, ung) |(Bact infect of conj & ocular adnexa, (esp|(Routine bact conj = 1 drop every 3-4 h |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

| | |(5ml bottles (soln) |g- bacilli) |(Top ung = apply liberally every 6-8h |(Adverse: ototoxicity, |

|( gentamicin soln & ung, | |(3.5g tubes (ung) |(Ung useful in tx of 2( skin infect after | |nephrotoxicity (rare) |

|both 0.3% | | |trauma (i.e. burns) |Gentamicin 0.35 ophthalmic | |

| | | | |5 ml | |

| | | | |1 drop OU q 3 h x 7 days | |

|Polytrim |Top AB |TOP (drop) |(Broad spec AB |(1 drop every 3 h for 7-10 d |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

| |(Combination) |(10ml bottles |(Oc surface bact infect | | |

|( trimethoprim + | | |(Ineffect against gonococcus |Polytrim ophthalmic soln | |

|polymyxin B | | |(Low toxicity to cornea |10 ml | |

| | | |(Good for children |i gt x OS x q 3 h x 7 d | |

|Polysporin |Top AB |TOP (ung) |(Cond caused by suscept bact requiring |(1/2 –1/4 in ribbon (amt of ung to eye) |(Hypersensitivity to any component|

| |(Combination, Sterile |(3.5g tube |overnight coverage (or round-the-clock in |(Freq dependent on cond | |

|(bacitracin zinc + |ointment) | |infants) |(Generally, @ night for intraoc use in adults or | |

|polymyxin B | | |(Routine bact conj in infants |every 6-8 h otherwise | |

| | | |(Prophylaxis in PP for large corn abrasion| | |

| | | |(Infected skin lesions around eye |Polysporin ointment ung | |

| | | |(Direct tx of lash margin for staph bleph |3.5 g | |

| | | | |½ ribbon applied to lid margins BID ut dict | |

|Doxycycline (Vibramycin) |Oral AB (Tetracycline) |ORAL (tabs/caps) |(Infections caused by suscept org |(Adult: 100mg BID for 1st d ( 50mg BID or 100mg QD |(Pregnancy & under age 8 (teeth |

| | |(500, 100mg tablets & |(Conj caused by Chlamydia trachomatis |(Chlamydial infect: 7-14d |discoloration) |

|( doxycycline monohydrate| |capsules |(Seborrheid-based disseminated disorders |(Syphilis: 14d minimum | |

| | |(Susp |(Syphilis |(Long-term mainten of mild seborr cond = 50mg QD | |

| | | | |(May take w/o regard for meals | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Vibramycin 100 mg tabs | |

| | | | |#15 | |

| | | | |i tab po q 12 h x first day, then i tab QD | |

| | | | |thereafter for two weeks | |

|Dicloxacillin |Oral AB |ORAL (caps) |(Antibiosis for oc infect not treatable w/|(125-250 mg QID for up to 2 wks |(Allergy to penicillins |

| |(Penicillin) |(125, 250mg capsules |top (internal hordeolum, preseptal | | |

|(dicloxacillin | | |cellulitis) |Dicloxacillin capsules | |

| | | | |#40 | |

| | | | |250 mg QID PO x 10 days | |

|Augmentin |Oral AB |ORAL (tabs) |(Antibiosis necessary for tx of infect |(Adults: 250mg q 8 h (500mg for severe infect) |(Allergy to penicillins |

| | |(Susp for mixing |caused by suscept org (Staph, g- enteric |(Children: 20mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 h | |

|( amoxicillin tablets | |(250, 500mg tablet |bact, Hemophilis) |(adult does at 40 kg) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Augmentin 250 mg tab | |

| | | | |#30 | |

| | | | |i tab po q 8 h x 10 days | |

|Natacyn |Top Antifungal |TOP (drops) |(Oc fungal infect |(Keratitis: 1 drop every 1-2 h for 3-4 d, then taper |(Hypersensitivity to components |

| | |(15ml bottles | |as cond responds | |

|( natamycin 5% susp | | | | | |

| | | | |Natacyn 5% susp | |

| | | | |15 ml | |

| | | | |i gt q h x 1 d, then q 2-3 h x 3 days, then | |

| | | | |ut dict | |

|Viroptic 1% |Top Antiviral |TOP (drops) |(Oc HSV infect |(Active corneal epith infect: = 1 drop every 2 h |(Hypersensitivity to components |

| | |(7.5mL bottle | |while awake (up to 9X a day) ( tapering down to QID | |

|( trifluridine | | | |as cond resp ( cont 3-5 d after re-epith | |

| | | | |(QID therapy for prophylaxis | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Viroptic 1% | |

| | | | |7.5 ml | |

| | | | |i gt OD x q 2 h, then ut dict | |

|Zovirax |Oral Antiviral |ORAL (tabs/caps) |(HSV & HZV infect |(HSV infect = 400-600 mg 5X a d for 1 wk |(Hypersensitivity to components |

| | |(Caplets (200mg) | |(HZV ophthalmicus = 800mg 5X a d for 1 wk |(May cause n & v as side effects |

|( acyclovir | |(Tablets (400, 800mg) | | | |

| | |(Susp (200mg/tsp) | |Zovirax 800 mg tabs | |

| | |(5% ung for top use | |#35 | |

| | | | |i tab po 5 x d x 7 d | |

|Ocuvite |Antioxidant / Zinc tablets|ORAL (caps) |(Replacement of nutritional deficiencies |(1-2 tablets 1-2X a day |(None known |

| | |(Caplets |of vit A, vit C, vit E, zinc, copper, & | |(May cause discomfort in high |

|( n/a | |(Avail OTC (60/bottle) |selenium | |doses |

| | | |(Antiox - beneficial for prevent of degen| | |

| | | |process through free radical scavenging | | |

| | | |action (ARMD, cataract) | | |


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