1) In North America, approximately between _____ of the ...

Treating Gambling Problems

1. In North America, approximately between _____ of the population has, or has had gambling-related problems.

a. 1 and 2%

b. 2 and 6%

c. 6 and 12%

d. 12 and 20%

2. On the DSM-IV-TR, what is the minimum number of criteria required for the diagnosis of pathological gambling?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. 6

3. What is an uncontrollable behavior sparked by an irrational idea?

a. exigency

b. obsession

c. drive

d. compulsion

4. People who follow the pattern of demonstrating substantial clinical remission without formal intervention as said to be

a. maturing out

b. sundowning

c. bankrupt

d. folded

5. Which type of gamblers wager primarily for distraction?

a. passive gamblers

b. relief gamblers

c. type 0 gamblers

d. neutral gamblers

6. Which personality type does not condition to signals of punishment?

a. no discernible type

b. neurotic spectrum disorders

c. biological vulnerabilities

d. antisocial personality traits

7. The author predicts that in the future, the treatment of gambling disorders will move more towards a truly

a. medical model

b. biopsychosocial model

c. interpersonal model

d. self-help model

8. "Chasing" may become common in which phase of the Gambling Continuum?

a. Phase I

b. Phase II

c. Phase III

d. Phase IV

9. The author uses the term "Problem Gambler" to indicate an individual at which level?

a. Level 0

b. Level 1

c. Level 2

d. Level 3

10. What is a tern used by gamblers to refer to the process of losing control over gambling?

a. freaked

b. wrung

c. tilt

d. lint

11. Reports from spouses or others is known as

a. S data

b. O data

c. C data

d. R data

12. Which instrument measures problem gambling and its impact on psychiatric, legal, and financial problems?





13. Episodes of gambling confined to bipolar periods do not receive a diagnosis of pathological gambling.

a. True

b. False

14. Concurrent substance abuse problems are common in as many as _____ of people with gambling problems.

a. 50%

b. 60%

c. 70%

d. 80%

15. It is safe to assume that if a professional has a background of treating people with alcohol or other drug dependencies, that professional is qualified to treat gamblers.

a. True

b. False

16. Which statement is NOT true regarding the differences between GA and AA?

a. there are often many more women than men at GA

b. there are many fewer GA meetings per week and by location

c. GA meeting tend to be longer, by several hours sometimes

d. most GA meetings are closed

17. Which is NOT a referral Do and Don't?

a. do remind clients 24 before

b. do not ignore potential lethality and suicidal intent

c. do keep as many phone numbers of file for each client

d. do not be inappropriately "cheery"

18. Which very popular technique is an evidence-based methodology designed to engage and then continue the process of behavioral change and maintenance?

a. evidence-based interviewing

b. empirical interviewing

c. motivational interviewing

d. token economy interviewing

19. Joseph Ciarrocchi (2002) notes that _____ is especially common among pathological gamblers.

a. chronic procrastination

b. drug abuse

c. lying

d. unemployment

20. Suicidal ideation has been experienced by over _____ of pathological gamblers.

a. 60%

b. 70%

c. 80%

d. 90%

21. In the SAD PERSONS screening assessment, the E stands for

a. excess debt

b. ethanol abuse

c. elderly

d. early

22. Rapid initial attrition is termination from counseling or therapy after _____ or less.

a. 1 session

b. 6 sessions

c. 1 month

d. 6 months

23. Which client intake model does virtually every agency use?

a. humanistic model

b. rational model

c. intake form model

d. therapist directed model

24. Which is described as an exceptional instrument that can form the starting point of a comprehensive treatment?

a. Diagnostic Interview for Pathological Gambling

b. Addictions Severity Index

c. Maudsley Addiction Profile

d. Subtle Addiction Survey

25. Which is a public domain research instrument?

a. Diagnostic Interview for Pathological Gambling

b. Addictions Severity Index

c. Maudsley Addiction Profile

d. Subtle Addiction Survey

26. There is no DSM-IV-TR equivalent of problem gambling.

a. True

b. False

27. Which family pattern may includes over-involved families?

a. semiengaged

b. collusion

c. psychologically disengaged

d. oscillating

28. What best describes a set of actions a client will do to stay safe?

a. *action plan

b. pinky pledge

c. recovery contract

d. treatment plan

29. Which level of traditional gambling treatment involves a structured program of 9 or more hours per week?

a. partial hospitalization programs

b. therapeutic community settings

c. halfway houses

d. intensive outpatient programs

30. In the _____ model, disordered gambling is assumed to be progressive, chronic, and often fatal.

a. alternative

b. Mothers Against Gambling

c. behavioral

d. disease

31. There are many crises during this stage of Prochaska's States of Change.

a. precontemplation stage

b. action stage

c. acute maintenance stage

d. termination stage

32. According to Prochaska, what occurs when people realize that they have other options?

a. social liberation

b. self-reevaluation

c. self-liberation

d. dramatic relief

33. Which common behavioral intervention involves an experience of gradual reduction in winnings?

a. aversion therapies

b. skills rehearsal

c. flooding

d. systematic desensitization

34. The _____ group is a feature of GA that other self-help groups do not have.

a. medication aversion

b. happy hands club

c. accountability

d. pressure-relief

35. Regarding formal treatments for gambling, less than _____ find help from outpatient services.

a. 10%

b. 20%

c. 30%

d. 40%

36. What stresses the notion that discharge should be based on behavioral criteria obtained from individually negotiated treatment plans?

a. evidence-based discharge

b. criteria-based discharge

c. client-centered discharge

d. therapist-centered discharge

37. Which technique common in cognitive-behavioral service delivery involves either decreasing sessions or providing booster sessions at a later date?

a. step-down

b. fading

c. weaning

d. prn

38. In which phase of gambling recovery is "Intrinsic Spirituality" a common theme?

a. acute

b. chronic

c. transitional

d. maintenance

39. Regarding continuing care plan guidelines, the referral option cannot be

a. opaque

b. chroma keyed

c. transparent

d. monochrome

40. Hodgins et al., (1999) have shown that about _____ of disordered gamblers will experience a degree of recovery on their own?

a. 10%

b. 20%

c. 30%

d. 40%

41. Some behavior therapy approaches use _____ in which exposure is flooded so that it no longer is associated with signals of appetitive behavior.

a. cue extinction

b. negative punishment

c. negative reinforcement

d. temporal conditioning

42. Marlatt & Gordon (1985) call the self-fulfilling attributes that follow lapses the

a. abstinence violation effect

b. looking glass effect

c. boomerang effect

d. rebound effect

43. Triggers in cognitive behavioral therapy typically involve an aura which provide warning.

a. True

b. False

44. Problems in addiction recovery which appear to arise out of nowhere are referred to as

a. apparated problems

b. concurrent problems

c. emerging problems

d. comorbid problems

45. In AOD, there are many models of _____ in which a pathological family enters treatment together.

a. group-recovery

b. co-recovery

c. concurrent-recovery

d. bi-recovery

46. Which is not described as a "super trait"?

a. mindfulness

b. emotional stability

c. conscientiousness

d. openness

47. AOD literature suggests that psychodynamic therapy is a good choice for the first year of abstinence.

a. True

b. False

48. Which type of therapy believes that a primary motive is to self-actualize?

a. narrative

b. psychodynamic

c. cognitive

d. humanistic

49. In which stage of Kohlberg's theory of Moral Development do people act out of fear of being caught?

a. principled

b. postconventional

c. preconventional

d. conventional

50. Nancy Petry found that addictions professionals have a ____ rate of gambling problems than the base rate of the normal population.

a. 5 times lower

b. equal

c. 5 times higher

d. 10 times higher


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