Vocabulary: Unit 1

Vocabulary: Unit 7

1. caption: n. a short description accompanying an illustration; a series of words on the bottom of a television or motion picture frame; a title of a document or article

2. civil: adj. relating to a citizen or citizens; of ordinary community life, not military; not rude but polite.

(civilian n., civilly adv.)

3. comply: v. to act in accordance or to follow/obey another’s command or wish. (compliance n.)

4. context: n. the part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning; the circumstances in which an event occurs. (contextual adj., contextually, adv.)

5. control: v. to exercise authority or influence over; to hold in restraint; to verify or regulate by systematic comparison.

n. power to manage, direct, or dominate; instrument(s) used to operate a machine; a restraint; a standard of comparison for verifying experiments. (controller n.)

6. convert: v. to change into another form, substance, or state; to adapt to a new or different purpose; to be persuaded to adopt a new religion or belief; to exchange something for something of equal value; to express in alternate units.

(conversion n, converter n.)

7. daring: adj. bold and venturesome, adventurous. n. audacious (bold) bravery.

8. dignity: n. the quality of state of being worthy of esteem or respect; nobility of character, manner, or language; a high office or rank. (dignify v., dignitary n.)

9. exponent: n. one that gives a detailed statement, interprets, or advocates –argues or pleads in favor of; a number or symbol placed to the right and above another number, symbol, or expression denoting the power to which it is to be raised. (exponential adj. exponentially adv.)

10. expression: n. communication, as of an idea or emotion,

especially by words, art, music, or movement; a word or

phrase; a facial aspect or tone of voice in conveying feeling;

a symbol, sign, or indication; in math a symbol or

combination of symbols representing a quantity or

relationship between quantities. (expressionless adj.)

11. extreme: adj. most remote, outermost or farthest; very

great, intense; extending far beyond the norm; drastic or

severe. n. the greatest or utmost degree; either of the two

things at opposite ends of a scale, series, or range; and

extreme condition (extremely adv.; extremeness n.

extremist n.)

12. hesitate: v. to be slow to act, speak or decide; to waver; to

be reluctant; to speak haltingly; falter. (hesitatingly adv.,

hesitation n.)

13. hypothesis: n. a tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts

and can be tested by further investigation. (hypothesize v.)

14. infer: v. to conclude based on evidence or premises; to make an

educated guess based on evidence and what you already know.

(inference n.)

15. negate: v. to make ineffective or invalid; nullify; to rule out or deny.

(negation n.)

16. observe: v. to be or become aware of especially through careful

attention; notice; to watch attentively; to make a scientific or

systematic observation; to say casually or remark; to adhere to or

abide by; to keep or celebrate. (observable adj., observant adj.

observation n., observer n., observably adv.)

17. simplify: v. to make easier; to break down to one element, thing, or

part. (simple adj., simplification n., simply adv., simplifier n.)

18. thematic: adj. of or being a topic of discussion , the subject of an

artistic work, or an implicit or recurrent idea in writing. (theme n,

thematically adv.)

19. thesis: n. a proposition maintained by argument; a dissertation of

advancing and original point of view as a result of research.

20. variable: adj. likely to change or vary; inconstant; fickle; tending to

deviate, as from an established type; n. in math, a quantity capable of

assuming any set of values; a symbol representing such a quantity.

(variability n., variableness n., variably adv.)


For each question, write the vocabulary word that is a synonym (similar in meaning) to each given example.

1. follow; obey ______________

2. deduce; deduct ______________

3. intense ______________

4. frame of reference ______________

5. changeable; versatile ______________

6. heading; short description ______________

7. belief; assumption to be tested _____________

8. deny; nullify _____________

9. examine; perceive ______________

10. an unproven proposal ______________


For each question, write the vocabulary word that is an antonym (opposite in meaning) to each given example.

11. helplessness; give up or let go _______________

12. rude; ill-mannered _______________

13. complicate _______________

14. lowliness _______________

15. carry on; continue _______________

16. to keep; stay with _______________

17. afraid; unadventurous _______________


Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word. Be sure to use context clues to help you pick the correct word.

1. If you read the _____________ underneath the illustration in the book, it will explain what is going on in the picture.

2. Sometimes a word has multiple meanings, so it is important to read the entire sentence to figure out the ______________ in which the word is being used.

3. New York has _______________ seasons; it is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

4. The smell of salt water and the sound of waves crashing helped us to ________ that we were close to the beach.

5. The math teacher helped the students to ____________ the difficult equation by breaking it up into smaller easier steps.

6. The scientist began to gather information through research to help prove his _____________ is indeed accurate.

7. It is important for athletes not to ___________ and make quick decisions otherwise it can cost the team an important game.

8. Skydiving is a very ___________________ activity; not many people have the nerve to jump out of a plane.

9. The Dean spoke to the students and explained why it is important to ____________ with all the school rules and regulations.

10. People should speak up and tell authorities if they ever _____________ someone being bullied or mistreated.

11. After reading the novel and understanding the author’s message, it was easy to write a _________________ essay to explain the main point of the story.

12. In the first paragraph of my essay, I included a well-thought out ___________________ statement which will be proven throughout the body paragraphs.

13. Teenagers do not like when their parents try to _____________ their every move; they want to feel like they have some independence.

14. Before the couple got married, the husband decided to ______________ to the same religion as his wife.

15. Freedom of _______________ is an important right for many artists and musicians, because they want to feel like they can express themselves freely.

16. The new evidence which proves the woman is innocent will ___________ all former charges, and she will be released from prison.

17. Sometimes the military is sent into a country to perform ________________ service and rebuild communities for the people to establish a better way of life.

18. After tripping over her dress on the runway, the model held her head up high and walked off the stage with __________________.

19. Mountain climbing is an example of an ___________ sport. It is very dangerous.

20. In math, an ______________ is a raised number used to tell how many times a base is used as a factor.


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