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Body Image unit:


1. Internal Qualities

2. External Qualities

3. Body Image

4. Self-Esteem

5. Media

6. Advertisements

7. Anorexia Nervosa

8. Bulimia Nervosa

9. Binge Eating Disorder

Review Questions:

1. Describe/define 4 internal qualities you posses

2. What is the difference between internal and external qualities?

3. How do internal and external qualities intertwine with each other? Explain and provide an example.

4. How do advertisements represent women and how is that different than reality?

5. How do advertisements represent men and how is that different than reality?

6. What is wrong with the way T.V. and movies represent gender?

7. Provide two examples of how the media incorrectly represents:

• Men: Women:

8. How does the media influence self-esteem and body image?

9. What does the weight of each disorder look like?

• Anorexia Bulimia Binge Eating Disorder

10. What are the eating habits of each of the 3 eating disorders?

11. What are medical consequences of each of the eating disorders?

12. What are some warning signs of each disorder?

13. What body type is endomorph?

14. What body type is ectomorph?

15. What body type is mesomorph?

16. What are 3 ways to healthily gain weight?

17. What are 3 ways to healthily maintain weight?

18. What are 3 ways to healthily lose weight?

19. Name 3 ways you can improve your personal self-esteem or body-image?

20. Why is understanding how the media influences one’s body image and self-esteem important for one’s mental and physical health?

Internal Qualities: _______________ or character traits that _____________ who a person is

External Qualities: characteristics on the ______________ of a person; how a person looks

Internal Qualities Activity: Circle the internal qualities you possess

|Adaptable |Gentle |Loyal |Principles |Sensitive |

|Appreciative |Giving |Observant |Rational |Sincere |

|Brave |Hard working |Inquisitive |Reasonable |Supportive |

|Broad-minded |Helpful |Insightful |Reflective |Thoughtful |

|Caring |Honest/honorable |Organized |Reliable |Trustworthy |

|Compassionate |Idealistic |Patient |Resourceful |Understanding |

|Conscientious |Imaginative |Empathetic |Respectful |Fair |

|Courageous |Independent |Generous |Kind |Dedicated |

|Dependable |Intuitive |Perceptive |Responsible |Logical |

|Determined |Loving |Persevering |Self-sacrificing |Forgiving |

|Name |Round 1 |Round 2 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Media Influences: How does each form of media influence gender stereotypes, body image, and self-esteem?

|Perceived Reality: |Male |Female |

|Advertisements | | |

|Music | | |

|Celebrities | | |

|T.V. Shows | | |

The Actual Reality:

1. The average woman is ____and weighs ____pounds. The average model is ______and weighs _____pounds.

2. Most fashion models are ____________than ________% of the population.

3. _________% of women are dissatisfied with their appearance.

4. ___________% of men are dissatisfied with their body image.

5. ________-_______% of all those battling anorexia will die as a result of the eating disorder.

6. Most eating disorder patients tend to be high achievers from upper _________ class families.

7. ______% of teen girls experiences a fear of being fat.

8. ________% of American men are dieting at any given time.

9. _______% of American women are on a diet on any given day.

10. According to a study, over _______ the females between the ages of 18-24 would prefer to be run over by a _________ than be fat

Eating disorders:

• Eating disorders (EDs) are ____________, complex and devastating conditions that can have serious consequences for ______________, productivity, and ________________.

• They are not a fad, phase or lifestyle choice. EDs are serious, potentially ___________________conditions that affect a person's emotional and physical health.


• You can tell if someone has an eating disorder simply by looking at them...

• ______________can't have eating disorders...

• Those with eating disorders are vain...

The Eating disorder stigma?? The negative notion that EDs are not a real disorder but a ______________________most often associated with rich, vain, women.

What causes eating disorders?

Psychological factors:

1. Low self-esteem

2. Feelings of _______________or lack of control in life

3. Depression, anxiety, anger, stress or ___________________

Interpersonal factors:

1. Troubled personal ___________________

2. Difficulty expressing emotions and ________________

3. History of being teased or ridiculed based on ________or _________

4. History of__________or sexual abuse

Social Factors:

1. Cultural ___________that glorify “thinness” or muscularity and place value on obtaining the “perfect body”

2. Narrow definitions of ______________ that include only women and men of ___________ body weights and shapes

3. Cultural norms that value people on the basis of physical ________________and not inner qualities and strengths

4. Stress related to racial, ethnic, size/weight-related or other forms of _________________or prejudice

Biological Factors:

1. Scientists are still researching possible biochemical or biological __________.

2. In some individuals with eating disorders, certain _________ in the brain that control hunger, appetite, and ______________ have been found to be unbalanced. {The exact meaning and implications of these imbalances remain under investigation}.

3. Eating disorders often run in __________. Current research indicates that there are significant _________contributions to eating disorders.

Body Type

|Endomorph |Ectomorph |Mesomorph |

|A heavy ________body with a tendency to |A lean slender body with slight | A ___________body build |

|__________weight. |_______________development |- ________________ |

|- _______ and round body |- Small, ________ frame and bone structure |- _______-body with well_______ muscles |

|- Gains ______ and ______ very easily |- Flat __________ |- Rectangular ____________body |

|- Is generally ________and _____ |- Small ___________ |- ______________ |

|-__________ physique |-__________ |- Gains _______________easily |

|- Finds it _____ to lose weight |-________ muscle mass |- Gains _________more easily than ectomorphs |

|- Slow _____________ |-Finds it ________ to gain weight | |

| |- Fast ____________ | |

|Weight Management |

|Gain weight |Maintain weight |Lose weight: |

|-Calories in _________than calories out |-Calories in ___________calories out |-Calorie in _________ calories burned |

|-Eats a high ____________diet |- ______ minutes of moderate exercise daily |- Eat _________ proteins |

|- High _________and low ______ |- _________ healthy portions |- Control and measure _________ |

|-Don't add _______ with junk food |- _______eating late at night |- Drink _________ cups of __________ daily |

|-Increase __________ sizes |-Limit intake of: ______, alcohol, cholesterol, |- Avoid high _______, high ______ foods, salt |

| |added______, trans and saturated _______, |and_________ |

| |preservatives |-Running, _________, swimming and other exercises |

Eating disorders comparison chart:

| |Anorexia |Bulimia |Binge Eating Disorder |

|Definition | | | |

|Body size | | | |

|Eating Habits | | | |

|Physical Symptoms | | | |

|Emotional Symptoms | | | |

|Medical Consequences | | | |

|Warning Signs | | | |


10. Bingeing

11. Purging

12. Endomorph

13. Ectomorph

14. Mesomorph

15. Lanugo

16. Psycho physiological


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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