North American Energy Standards Board

North American Energy Standards Board

Request for Initiation of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model Business Practice or Electronic Transaction


Enhancement of an Existing NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model Business Practice or Electronic Transaction


1. Please fill out as much of the requested information as possible. It is mandatory to provide a contact name, phone number and fax number to which questions can be directed. If you have an electronic mailing address, please make that available as well.

2. Attach any information you believe is related to the request. The more complete your request is, the less time is required to review it.

3. Once completed, send your request to:

Rae McQuade

NAESB, Executive Director

1301 Fannin, Suite 2350

Houston, TX 77002

Phone: 713-356-0060

Fax: 713-356-0067

by either mail, fax, or to NAESB’s email address, naesb@

Once received, the request will be routed to the appropriate subcommittees for review.

Please note that submitters should provide the requests to the NAESB office in sufficient time so that the NAESB Triage Subcommittee may fully consider the request prior to taking action on it. It is preferable that the request be submitted a minimum of 3 business days prior to the Triage Subcommittee meetings. Those meeting schedules are posted on the NAESB web site at .

North American Energy Standards Board

Request for Initiation of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model Business Practice or Electronic Transaction


Enhancement of an Existing NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model Business Practice or Electronic Transaction

Date of Request: November 18, 2004

1. Submitting Entity & Address:

North American Energy Standards Board

Wholesale Electric Quadrant

Information Technology Subcommittee

1301 Fannin, Suite 2350

Houston, TX 77002

2. Contact Person, Phone #, Fax #, Electronic Mailing Address:

Name : Paul R. Sorenson for the WEQ ITS

Title : Manager, Central Markets Strategy

Open Access Technology International, Inc.

Phone : 612-360-1633

Fax : 763-553-2813

E-mail : paul.sorenson@

3. Description of Proposed Standard or Enhancement:

Revise the basic structure and enhance the capabilities of the NERC Registry, for the registration of critical information needed by the WEQ for OASIS enhancements.

This activity will require the close interaction and involvement of the NERC TISWG and NAESB WEQ ITS in order to effectively support the requirements for NERC and NAESB Version 1 Coordinate Interchange Standards and Business Practices. This work will also lay the framework for supporting Cyber-security standards for OASIS and NERC E-Tagging, and enabling future extensions necessary for OASIS enhancements.

It is expected that the final work product will be a registry specification and related supporting documents.

4. Use of Proposed Standard or Enhancement (include how the standard will be used, documentation on the description of the proposed standard, any existing documentation of the proposed standard, and required communication protocols):

The NERC Registry currently supports the Industry’s registration of key information dictated in the OASIS technical standards as well as information critical to support NERC’s Electronic Tagging specification. This registry is being revised by NERC in anticipation of the registration of business entities performing key functions specified in the NERC Functional Model.

The registry will require additional work beyond this initial enhancement as part of the Version 1 Standards development, particularly related to the Coordinate Interchange standards and the registration of entities qualifying to perform the Interchange Authority function.

Further, the Industry recognizes that the existing registry has significant shortcomings with respect to both its maintainability and being able to quickly and cost effectively integrate new requirements.

In 2002, NERC formed a Registry Task Force to address Industry concerns. That group recommended ]changes to the basic registry structure. Part of this Standards request would be to review that document and incorporate all pertinent functions called out by the Registry Task Force as part of this larger standards effort.

5. Description of Any Tangible or Intangible Benefits to the Use of the Proposed Standard or Enhancement:

The Industry will benefit from a robust and reliable central source for information required to implement and enhance OASIS 1A, Electronic Tagging, Entity registration supporting the Functional Model, and also from a solid foundation to build on to meet OASIS II requirements.

6. Estimate of Incremental Specific Costs to Implement Proposed Standard or Enhancement:

To be determined.

7. Description of Any Specific Legal or Other Considerations:

This standards development process will require the close coordination between the NAESB WEQ and appropriate NERC Committees, Subcommittees, and Task Forces.

8. If This Proposed Standard or Enhancement Is Not Tested Yet, List Trading Partners Willing to Test Standard or Enhancement (Corporations and contacts):

To be Determined.

9. If This Proposed Standard or Enhancement Is In Use, Who are the Trading Partners :

Not Applicable.

10. Attachments (such as : further detailed proposals, transaction data descriptions, information flows, implementation guides, business process descriptions, examples of ASC ANSI X12 mapped transactions):

NERC Registry Task Force - Registry Technical Specification, Version 2.0.3, July 3, 2003, available from the NERC Registry Task Force.


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