American Government Honors

U.S. History 8th Grade (Honors/Pre-AP)



Mrs. Iglesias

Mater Lakes Academy

Course Description

U.S. History is vital and continually evolving. In order to prepare for future roles as citizens and leaders, it is important to learn about our country’s history, our government, and the responsibilities of a citizen living in a democracy. We will be studying American history from Colonization to Reconstruction.

Instructional Philosophy

A variety of instructional methods will be used in class: lecture, class discussion, tests/quizzes, and projects/student-centered activities. It is expected and essential that students are actively reading and take notes during lectures.

Standards and Expectations

Students are expected to arrive to class on time and prepared to actively engage in daily classroom activities. Disrespect of the teacher and/or classmates will not be tolerated. Assigned readings and written assignments are to be completed prior to class. Completing assignments on time is expected.

Materials and Supplies:

• 5 subject college-ruled notebook with pockets or binder with dividers. This notebook or binder will only be used for U.S. History and is not to be shared with another class.

• Loose-leaf paper

• Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, Colored Pencils or Markers.

Grading Scale Course Grade Breakdown

100-90 A Tests/Quizzes 50%

89-80 B Classwork/Homework 40%

79-70 C Participation/NB 10%

69-60 D

59 and below F

Tests will be administered on a chapter basis. Lecture notes along with homework and classwork should be used to study for tests.

Quizzes may be administered without prior notice to insure that students are keeping up with the material covered in class.

Homework will be posted on the school website at . Parents and students are asked to register for my class.

Notebooks or Binder may be checked for organization and completion without prior notice.

Late Work will not be accepted. Any assignment not received on the assigned date will receive a 39%.

Absences: It is the responsibility of each student to find out what assignments were missed due to an absence. This includes bell work, lecture notes, classwork and homework. The grading of makeup work will be calculated on a case-by-case basis.

Academic Dishonesty:

Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas:

• Cheating: use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids.

• Fabrication: falsification or invention of any information.

• Assisting: helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty.

• Tampering: altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and/or documents.

• Plagiarism: representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own.

Consequences for Academic Dishonesty:

1. Grade of zero, parental contact, and warning from administration.

Classroom Rules:

1. Follow instructions the first time given.

2. Raise your hand before you speak or leave your desk.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. Be respectful at all times.

5. Be prepared for class.

6. Arrive to class on time.

7. No cell phones.

8. Complete assignments on time.

9. No eating or drinking in the classroom.

If you have any questions, the best way to reach me is via email niglesias.mla@ .

Please print the syllabus and include it in the first pocket of your U.S. History notebook. Return the following page signed by the 1st day of class the week of August 25, 2014.

Period: _____

Mrs. Iglesias

8th Grade U.S. History

I have read the 8th U.S. History course syllabus. It will require dedication and commitment on my part to be successful. To the best of my ability I will:

• Keep up with my assignments and readings.

• Maintain my integrity by placing my name only on the work that I have done.

• Pay attention in class and be mindful of my level of participation.

• Be respectful towards myself, others, and the instructor.

Student’s Name: _________________________________________________

Student’s Signature: ______________________________________________

Parent’s Name: _________________________ Phone: ____________________

Parent’s Email Address: ____________________________________________

Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________________

Parent’s preferred method of contact (please check one):

__phone call __via email


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