World Lit Honors

Humanities A Doll’s House Think-Tac-Toe

Choose THREE tasks in a row (vertical, diagonal, or horizontal).

You MUST go through the center square which is worth 50 points. The other squares are worth 25 points each.

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|Artistic Activity: Model the Stage |Literary Activity: Blackmail |Artistic Activity: Advertise the Play |

|Make a drawing or model of the opening setting of A Doll’s House as |We never find out the exact contents of Krogstad’s letter, only what it |Read the critical reviews found on pp. 1029-1032 of the literature |

|described by Ibsen. Be sure to take notice of Ibsen’s prolific use of |is about. Compose your version of the letter from Krogstad to Helmer. |textbook. Using the information given about one of those productions, |

|stage directions. Identify each prop using the language Ibsen gives it |Try to capture Krogstad’s voice and tone as you imagine it. All details |create a play poster to advertise A Doll’s House. Your design should be|

|in the play. |must be true to the plot and characters of the play. |appropriate to the plot of the play. Include information about the |

| | |production such as title, cast, director, and playwright. Add |

| | |persuasive quotes from the critical review. |

| | ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** | |

|Literary Activity: A Friend for Nora |Historical Essay: Realism |Artistic Activity: Illustrate the Play |

|Consider other female protagonists of novels, stories, or movies you |The nineteenth century was a time of dramatic social, political, |Choose pieces from the AP Art collection of 250 images to illustrate A |

|have admired. Write a dialogue between Nora and the female protagonist |economic, scientific and literary change which strongly influenced the |Doll’s House. Select one piece for each of the three acts of the play |

|you have chosen. The two should discuss their goals, flaws, problems, |modern world as we know it. Use quotes from A Doll’s House and Chapter |(for a total of three pieces). Describe why and how the pieces fit |

|and solutions. |23 of the history textbook to answer the following question: How does |specific lines or ideas in the play. Find the 250 images at |

| |Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House reflect the conflict between traditional |

| |values and the newer democratic ideals of the nineteenth century, |thistory/a/required-works-of-art-for-ap-art-history . |

| |especially as they pertain to women? | |

| |** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** | |

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|Literary Activity: Alternate Reality |Artistic Activity: Critical View |Literary Activity: Reading Drama |

|Read pp. 1026-1027 in the literature textbook. Imagine an alternate |Analyze the illustrations in your literature textbook on pp. 946, 968, |On several pages throughout the play, Reading Strategy questions in the |

|ending to A Doll’s House. Write at least six responses of at least |977, 1019, and 1020. First use the DAIJ (description, analysis, |margin ask you to think about how the actors will use gestures to bring |

|three sentences each for both Nora and Torvald. |interpretation, judgment) approach. Then explain how the form, color, |the play alive. Choose two Reading Strategy questions from each act of |

| |line, texture, shape or other artistic element appropriately conveys the|the play (for a total of six), and construct a set of stage directions |

| |theme or ideas of A Doll’s House. |for the characters. |


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