AP Biology 12 - Weebly

AP Biology 11 Name:____________________

Unit Overview: DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis Date:_____________________

Learning Goal: How does the genetic code work? Block:____

Concept 1: Analyzing the events of the cell cycle (Ch 12)

You must know:

o The structure of the replicated chromosome.

o The stages of mitosis

o The regulation of the cell cycle with “checkpoints”

❖ Refer to pg 60-64 in Holtzclaw, Ch12 in Campbell and media resources

Concept 2: Analyzing the processes of DNA Replication (Ch 16)

You must know:

o The structure of DNA.

o The major steps to replication.

o The differences between replication, transcription, and translation.

o How DNA is packaged into a chromosomes.

❖ Refer to pg 117-122 in Holtzclaw, Ch 16 in Campbell and media resources

Concept 3: Analyzing the structures of a cell (Ch 6)

You must know:

o The differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

o The structure and function of organelles common to plant and animal cells.

o The structure and functions of organelles found only in plant or only in animal cells.

❖ Refer to pg 43-48 in Holtzclaw, Ch 6 in Campbell and media resources

Concept 4: Analyzing the processes of Protein Synthesis (Ch 17)

You must know:

o The key terms gene expression, transcription, and translation

o How to explain the process of transcription

o How eukaryotic cells modify RNA after transcription

o The steps to translation

o How point mutations can change the amino acid sequence of a protein.

❖ Refer to pg 122-128 in Holtzclaw, Ch 17 in Campbell and media resources

General Timeline of Unit:

Please note that the following dates are subject to change. Please check our class website for updates and links:

Use this schedule to pre-read the notes in Holtzclaw and pre-look at the figures in Campbell.

|Date |What are we Learning? |How are we Learning it? |

|Mon, Jan 24th |Concept 1: Analyzing the events of the cell cycle |Powerpoint/Discussion |

| | |AP Lab 3A |

|Wed, Jan 26th |Concept 2: Analyzing the processes of DNA Replication |Go over AP Lab 3A |

| | |Discussion – DNA as the genetic material |

| | |From chromosomes to chromatin – Packing of DNA |

| | |YouTube: DNA Wrapping - |

| | | |

|Fri, Jan 28th |Concept 2: Analyzing the processes of DNA Replication |Discussion: Structure of DNA |

| | |Go over the molecular structure |

| | |Animation:

|Tues, Feb 1st |Concept 2: Analyzing the processes of DNA Replication |Lab Activity: DNA Extraction |

| | |Handout: Concept 2 cont (due next class) |

| | |Animations: DNA Replication |

|Thurs, Feb 3rd |Field Trip to the Vancouver Aquarium – leave at 8:30am |

|Mon, Feb 7th |Concept 2: Analyzing the processes of DNA Replication |Discuss steps of replication using handout |

| | |Assign project and establish criteria |

|Wed, Feb 9th | |Checkpoint #1: Concept 1, 2 |

| |Concept 3: Analyzing the structures of a cell |Discussion/Handout |

|Fri, Feb 11th |Concept 4: Analyzing the processes of Protein Synthesis |Discussion – What is the point? |

| | |The end product – Introducing proteins |

| | |The code – Coding for proteins: Fun with DNA |

| | |Mutational Effects |

|Tues, Feb 15th |Concept 4: Analyzing the processes of Protein Synthesis |From code to message: |

| | |Transcription and mRNA modification |

|Mon, Feb 21st |Concept 4: Analyzing the processes of Protein Synthesis |From message to product: |

| | |Translation and post-translational modification |

|Wed, Feb 23rd |All Concepts |Checkpoint #2: Concept 3, 4 |

| | |DNA Replication Projects Due |

| | |Peer Assess DNA Replication Projects |

| | |Review |

|Fri, Feb 25th |All concepts |Unit Test |

Questions # 7, 8, 11, 18-23, 25-29, 34 pg 139-145 and #1-7, 28-34 pg 65-69 in Holtzclaw are good practice!

Please look through the activities and media on the CD-Rom.


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