AP Environmental Science

Instructor: Ms. Kiara Hervey Phone: (817) 287-2663 Room Number: 200 E-mail: khervey@

Department: Science Course: Biology

Dear Scholar,

I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to another school year at Summit International Preparatory. After a busy summer, I am excited to be in the classroom and working with you this year. This fall marks my first year at Summit International Preparatory teaching Biology and Anatomy and Physiology. I am looking forward to having a successful year in 2014-2015 and I could not be more thrilled to be on this journey toward scholarly achievement in the world of science!

Along with the other teachers here at Summit, I promise to make “Every Second Count” with you this year. Biology is not an easy subject. In order to do well you will be required to display a high level of dedication, perseverance and hard work. In turn, I promise I will do everything in my power to ensure you realize and achieve your own success. You should expect to have homework every night from my class and to be present every day. Science, in this case Biology, is not about being ‘naturally good’ at science, but instead about the will to work hard and master the material. (OWN IT!)

Attached is the syllabus packet which includes class components, grading scale, course policies, and expectations. Please take the time to thoroughly read through this material now and at home with your parent or guardian. These rules and procedures are a first step in making sure this is a successful year. After you and your parent have read the syllabus, please sign the syllabus agreement form as an indication of your acceptance and understanding.

Our goal for this year:

Our main goal this year will be to increase our knowledge of the sciences. By the time you leave this class, you will display the values of self-responsibility, relentless pursuit of achievement, team, and integrity for self & respect for others.

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce biological thought and important biological issues. Emphasis is placed on inquiry based labs and abilities to make inferences regarding data using various techniques. Course will cover cell biology, inheritance, developmental biology, evolution and diversity of plants and animals.

Class Components:


There will never be a break in this class. Each day will require you to be at your best as we complete our daily objectives, lab work, group practice, and Exit Tickets. This underlines the importance of you being present and engaged each day in class.


Tests will be given at the end of each unit to check for mastery of objectives taught in class. My goal is for you to master all objectives taught. Therefore, in certain circumstances, I will individually re-teach objectives not mastered and allow for a retest to show mastery. Unit examinations will be given every 2-3 chapters of work completed during that period. Examinations will be formatted in the manor of a CFA, with FRQs and MCQs. Students who are passing the spring semester may substitute their semester grade for their final exam.


As for the long-term research project, students are to provide 1) an initial design, 2) periodic peer reviews of at least 2 other projects, 3) monthly progress reports and 4) a final paper. All investigations should follow the prescribed design and collection criteria. Papers need to be written in American Psychological Association (APA) format. This project will be entered into the annual science fair.


Homework is used as one component to measure student performance relative to academic objectives. If you have a question regarding the homework, you are expected to call myself or a classmate. If your homework is not NEAT, COMPLETE, ACCURATE, or ON TIME the day it is due, you will not receive credit until the assignment is turned in. – No late work will be accepted one week after it is due. Deductions are made based upon the number of days late. (I.E. 2 days late is 20pts deduction)

Scholar Success:

Scholars who are successful in Biology have a willingness to complete nightly assignments with comprehension, have good attendance, and actively participate in classroom activities. Scholars will actively use all resources available to them including the textbook, online websites, peers, and instructor to further their knowledge. Scholars will take ownership of their own success in the course and seek out additional support as needed.


Your grade in biology will be determined by the percentage of total points earned in the following weighted assessment categories.

|Exams |30% |

|Unit exams | |

|Projects |20% |

|Possibilities include: | |

|short case studies (paper) | |

|discussion and debate sessions | |

|measuring and analyzing issues | |

|Lab Investigations |30% |

|field lab investigations | |

|lab reports | |

|1 long-term investigation and report | |

|End of Chapter. Questions, Research Questions, Quizzes |20% |

|2 items per week minimum | |

|Total |100% |

Summit uses the following grading scale to account for scholar performance.

|A |90 – 100% |

|B |80 – 89% |

|C |70 – 79% |

|Failing |69 % and below |

Course Policies:

Academic Dishonesty - Scholars caught copying from other students, plagiarizing other’s work or ideas, or submitting work that is not of their own creation will receive a zero on that assignment and will face disciplinary action. This is non-negotiable.

Attendance - Scholars are expected to be in class for all regularly scheduled class periods. It is the responsibility of the scholar to arrange with the instructor all matters related to absences in advance, whenever possible.

Class Website – All classwork including PowerPoints, notes, homework assignments, etc. can be found on the class website below. Scholars are held responsible for obtaining notes and staying caught up with assignments when absent. The calendar shows due-dates and upcoming quizzes and tests.


Late Policy – No late work will be accepted one week after it is due. Highest grade for late work is a 70%.

Tutoring/Extra Help:

Tutoring will be offered after school. Scholars and parents are invited to e-mail for assistance or clarification until 8:00 pm every day.

I am excited to work with each of you!! I look forward to a wonderful year of commitment, hard work, and academic achievement.

For your first homework assignment, you need to review this syllabus with your parent or guardian. Have your parent or guardian read the letter on the next page as well as the entire syllabus. They must sign and acknowledge that they have read and understood everything on the syllabus with you. The only sheet you need to return to Ms. Hervey is the last page of this packet.

August 4, 2015

Dear Parents and Guardians,

My name is Kiara Hervey and I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to another school year at Summit International Preparatory and specifically to 12th grade Anatomy and Physiology. After a busy summer, I am excited to be in the classroom and working with your son or daughter. This fall marks my first year at Summit International Preparatory teaching Biology and Anatomy and Physiology. I am looking forward to having a successful year in 2014-2015 and I could not be more thrilled to be on this journey toward scholarly achievement with your scholar!

I promise to do ‘whatever it takes’ to make sure your child is successful this school year. Anatomy and Physiology is not an easy subject and in order to do well your scholar will be required to work hard and ask questions. In turn, I will do everything in my power to ensure your scholar utilizes their efforts toward academic achievement. Your child should expect to have homework every night from my class, attend tutorials as needed, and be present and attentive in class every day.

Attached is a syllabus packet which includes our class goals, course components, grading scale, and more. Please take the time to thoroughly read through this material with your scholar. Understanding these goals, values, and rules are a first step towards achievement. After you and your child have read the syllabus, please sign and complete this form, as an indication of your acceptance on the team. Together, as a team, we can push your scholar toward a future brighter than they have seen before!

Do not hesitate to call me with any feedback or questions.


Kiara M. Hervey

High School Science Teacher, Summit International Preparatory

Please complete and have your scholar return the following page.


Scholar Name


Scholar Signature


Parent Name

____________________________________ ______________________________________

Parent Signature Phone number where you can be reached



Please circle a preferred method of communication: Phone or Email


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