
AP BiologyName: ________________________Course Overview/SyllabusDate: ___________Period: _________AP Biology: The purpose of AP Biology is to introduce you to college-level conceptual understanding and the content that supports the development of higher order thinking skills. Though you will be responsible for a large amount of content, it is my goal to help you develop the reasoning skills necessary to participate in science practices. We will be covering concepts and using examples to support our understanding of those concepts. This course has been constructed to mimic the speed and rigor of an introductory college-level biology course.Expectations: This course will rely heavily on your ability to motivate yourself. You will be well aware of the material we are covering and the speed with which you should be acquiring knowledge. However, you will be given relatively few written homework assignments for collection/grading. Most of your homework will be reading your textbook and trying to understand that reading ON YOUR OWN. We will have assignments to check your understanding, but the time constraints we are facing to cover all of the material prior to your AP exam in May make written homework every night impossible. Vocabulary will be a major component of this course. In order to understand concepts thoroughly, you must understand the terms being used to describe them. We will use two resources to help us.Notecards – Every time we learn a new vocab word, you will make an index card for that word and attach it to a ring that you can hang on your backpack, purse, belt loop, pinky, etc. Looking at these words/definitions frequently throughout the year will help you learn them. When will you have time for all of that studying? While waiting in line, sitting in the car, before you go to sleep, as soon as you wake up, etc.Quizlet – is an excellent website for learning vocabulary. We will have a set of words for each chapter so that you can study, test yourself or play games in order to learn. And…there’s an app for that!I expect you to do some reading/review every night. You should review the day’s notes for homework and read the assigned section before it is presented the next day. Your book has a variety of resources that will allow us to move at maximum speed and identify your strengths and weaknesses. ONLINE, you will be able to check your understanding with questions and highlight any areas you want to read again later. You MAY NOT highlight in your actual text.Some of your assignments will be submitted online. Please let me know if you do not have Internet access or access to a computer/device on a regular basis. Course Schedule: 163 daysTopicTimeContentActivitiesReview1 week at homeReviewChapter 1: A View of Life1.131.4 Homeostasis1.21.31.4Chapter 2: Basic Chemistry2. test – DUE 9/7TopicTimeContentActivitiesBig Idea 1The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.25 daysUnit 3: EvolutionChapter 15: Darwin and Evolution 16: How Populations Evolve16.116.216.3Chapter 17: Speciation and Macroevolution17.117.217.3Chapter 18: Origin and History of Life18.118.218.3Chapter 19: Taxonomy, Systematics, and Phylogeny19.119.219.3- Timeline of Evolutionary Thought-Natural Selection Lab – Peppered Moth-Homeotic Genes Web Activity simulation-Cladogram activity-BLAST labTopicTimeContentActivitiesBig Idea 2Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.Big Idea 4Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.30 daysUnit 1: The CellChapter 3: The Chemistry of Organic Molecules3. 4: Cell Structure and Function4. of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells (microscope)Big Idea 2Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.Unit 1: The Cell (Continued)Chapter 5: Membrane Structure and Function5. 6: Metabolism: Energy and Enzymes6. 7: Photosynthesis7. 8: Cellular Respiration8. and Osmosis LabEnzymes: Virtual LabPhotosynthesis: Leaf Disc LabMini-posterCellular Respiration in Peas LabTopicTimeContentActivitiesBig Idea 3Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.30 daysUnit 2: Genetic Basis of LifeChapter 9: The Cell Cycle and Cellular Reproduction9. 10: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction10.110.210.310.410.542.2 Developmental Processes10.6Chapter 11: Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance11.111.211.3Chapter 12: Molecular Biology of the Genome12.112.212.312.412.512.6Chapter 13: Regulation of Gene Expression13.113.213.3Chapter 14: Biotechnology and Genomics14.114.214.314.4Onion and Fish Blastula Microscope LabEnvironmental Factors and Mitosis in Onion RootsKaryotype AnalysisPunnett Square and Pedigree PracticeEpigenetics Web ActivityPCR Virtual LabGene Therapy PosterTopicTimeContentActivitiesBig Idea 4Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.40 daysUnit 8: Behavior and Ecology Chapter 44: Population Ecology44.144.244.344.444.544.6Chapter 45: Community and Ecosystem Ecology45.145.245.3Chapter 46: Major Ecosystems of the Biosphere46.146.246.3Chapter 47: Conservation of Biodiversity47.147.247.347.4Unit 7: Comparative Animal BiologyOrgan Systems Review – Chapters 32-36TopicTimeContentActivitiesBig Idea 3Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.Big Idea 4Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.Unit 7: Comparative Animal Biology (Continued)Chapter 37: Neurons and Nervous Systems37.137.237.337.4Chapter 38: Sense Organs38.138.238.338.438.5Chapter 39: Locomotion and Support Systems39.139.239.3Chapter 40: Hormones and Endocrine Systems40.140.240.3TopicTimeContentActivitiesTest Review25 daysReview, practice tests, etc. ................

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