AP Biology- “I Am Legend”- Movie Review

AP Biology/APES- “I Am Legend”- Movie Guided Questions

Name: _________________________________________________

1. What is a mutation? Will RNA change if DNA changes? Explain.

2. Discuss how vaccines are created.

3. What are viruses? Discuss how they reproduce. Why type of virus was altered to cure cancer?

4. Describe Immunity. What systems are directly affected when considering immunity?

5. Consider symbiotic relationships. What type of relationship do you believe the “infected” has with Robert Neville?

6. Out of the total number of clinical trials, how many were “cured”? Can the infected still be considered genetically human? Why or why not?

7. Consider the food chain. What type of consumer would the “infected” be?

8. What type of habitat do the “infected” live in? Can they survive in any other habitat? Why or why not?

9. It is possible for environments to change as drastically as they did in New York City? Explain.

10. How did everyone become “infected”? Was the virus contagious? Explain how.

11. Discuss Samantha and Robert Neville’s “immunity”. Why do you believe that Sam and Robert Neville exercise on a daily basis?

12. Although food was scare, why do you believe that Robert Neville stressed, “eating vegetables” to Sam?

13. Discuss changes to the “infected”. How have they evolved? How have they learned to adapt to the environment?

14. Discuss natural selection. Do you think that the “vaccine” had an affect on natural selection? Why or why not?

15. What are some of the symptoms of the infection?

16. How does Robert neutralize his scent so that the “infected” cannot find him? Explain.

17. Was a cure for the “infected” ever developed? Explain.

18. Name 3 ways that Robert protected his home against the “infected”.

19. What does Robert give Anna at the end? What is it supposed to be used for?

20. Explain succession as it relates to the movie- give examples of how the environment is changing. What is the cause of this succession?

21. Explain extinction as it relates to the movie- give examples. What is happening to the “human race”?

22. What would you have done differently if you were “the last person on Earth?” Give examples.

23. Write an ending to the movie that includes a successful vaccine being created for the “infection”. Write at least 2-3 paragraphs.

Extra Credit: Describe a science error shown in the movie- Explain what is incorrectly depicted.


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