COURSE SYLLABUS - Burns High School AP Biology

AP BIOLOGY – COURSE SYLLABUSBURNS HIGH SCHOOL?Instructor - Ms. Smith?Contacts - voice: 541-573-2044 email: ?Important information about workload in this class:Being that this is a college-level course, students should expect a workload equal to what would be encountered in college. In this class, typically, students spend 1 ? or 2 hours of their own time per hour spent in class. As we spend about 4+ hours in class weekly, you should expect to have 6-8 hours of work to do per week outside of class. If you cannot commit 6-8 hours per week of afterschool time to this class, you may want to eliminate some time commitments you have.Required Materials (have every day):In class:3 ring binder notebook (for notes, and to keep track of all work). It should have lined paper (100 sheets or so) and graph paper (30 sheets or so).The requisite writing implements (pen and pencil and highlighter).A five function calculator (with a square root key)Textbook – Principles of Life 2nd Edition: Hillis, Sadava, Hill, PriceAt home:Your notebook (the one you bring to class, this should go back and forth every day between home and school)Access to a computer or smartphone with internet capabilities (see me if this is an issue for you and we can work it out :).TextbookGrades Based On: 40% - Unit Tests30% - Classwork, including quizzes20% - Labs10% - Daily Warm UpsAssessment Scoring and Multiple OpportunitiesLearning targets will be assessed using tests, written work (such as lab reports or essays), presentations, and/or other creative means. Rubrics for each learning target will be used to rate a student’s performance on each supporting target. Tests will be on one learning target and organized by supporting target.??If you want to improve your score for a learning target, a test retake would need to be completed.? In order to retake, however, you must have all homework, activities, labs, and warm-ups done for that unit (all unit work). You only need to retake the supporting target(s) that you want to improve.? This means that if you study and do well on the test the first time, you will have fewer (or no) supporting targets to retake. Retakes need to be completed by the date assigned by the teacher for that unit.? This will generally be 2 weeks after the test is returned.If required, the third opportunity to demonstrate your learning will be the semester final.In order to prepare for tests, during each unit you will take a quiz or a few mini-quizzes before the test.? The quizzes do not count as part of your grade, but rather serve as a practice for the test and an indicator of where your strengths and weaknesses are so that you can prepare for the test more effectively.To improve scores on non-test assessments (such as lab reports), a correction or redo will be done, depending on the assignment and the extent needed to fix the work.? Students will be told how to fix non-test assessments on a case-by-case basis.Chromebooks:Google classroom with be used extensively for notes, daily warm up questions, homework, projects, and other resources. You are required to bring your fully charged Chromebook to class every day. If you do not then you will lose all daily point (warm up and participation). I will not give permission to leave the room to get chargers or Chromebooks. You are responsible for coming to class prepared and ready to work. Students will lose 5 points per day on their Daily Warm-Up score for each unexcused tardy. Laboratory Safety:Lab safety is my number one priority. If you are rough housing or acting in a way that endangers students, staff, yourself, or classroom equipment you will be removed from the activity and receive a zero for the assignment. If it happens again you will receive a DR and be sent to the office for the remainder of the class period. Third time or severe violations will result in removal from the class and you receive an F for the class.Makeup work: It is strongly recommended that you attend class every day in a timely fashion. Excessive lateness or absences will make it very difficult for you to keep up with the workload of this course. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to makeup all assignments. “I was absent” is not an excuse for missing an assignment, nor is it an excuse for not being prepared for a quiz, test or other class activity. All assignments are posted on Google Classroom. I strongly recommend obtaining the phone/email of at least two other people in the class who you can call in the event of an absence. You may also email me, but please understand that emails received after school may not be replied to until the next morning.. Please discuss missed work with me as soon as you return to class. You should make arrangements to make-up any labs, quizzes or tests as soon as you return to school. Miscellaneous ItemsHonesty:Integrity matters in science. Cheating is unethical and unacceptable. Plagiarism is using information or original wording in a paper without giving credit to the source; it is also unacceptable. Cheating or plagiarizing will result in a zero for that assignment. Allowing someone to cheat off of your work will also result in a zero for that assignment.?Classroom Consequences:If you are not following classroom rules or procedures the consequences are as follows: ?Rules: Listen and follow directions.Raise your hand before speaking.Keep yourself to yourself.Respect your classmates and your teacher.No Cell Phones in classNo food or drink in class (water in a sealed bottle is only exception)Consequences: Warning–lose participation pointLose participation point, after class meeting with teacher Lose participation point(s), letter home returned the next day signed by parentDetention Referral – letter home returned the next day signed by parentThank you,Ms. Smith?Contact Information SheetBurns High School - ScienceMs. SmithPLEASE PRINT AS NEATLY AS POSSIBLE____________________________________Student Name____________________________________Parent/Guardian Name #1____________________________________Home #____________________________________Parent/Guardian Name #2____________________________________Home #____________________________________Home Phone #____________________________________E-mail address____________________________________Cell #____________________________________E-mail address____________________________________Cell #*Please put a star next to the best way(s) to reach a parent/guardian during the school day.Is there a computer available at home? Are you able to log-on to the Internet?YES NOYES NOIs there anything that would be helpful for me to know?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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