BIOLOGY 11 COURSE OUTLINE: 2013/2014 Mr. Harkness


Biology 11 is both a difficult and a fun course. How could the science of life not be fun!

This is a high level course and you will be held to high expectations and mature responsibilities. This course is designed to give you a broad understanding of biology and alos to prepare you for university level biology.


I view this course as a team effort. While each person needs to complete and hand in their own work, study groups and cooperative learning are absolutely necessary in order to be successful. You never learn something as well as when you have to explain it to someone else.


Students are expected to be ON TIME to class every day. In the class is where you will be developing understanding of the concepts you have seen from the videos.


a. large 3-ring notebook (~3 inch) for handouts, notes & labs for Biology only please.

b. lined loose leaf paper

c. blue or black pen and pencil to be brought to class EVERY day

d. Pencil crayons or felts

d. textbook: Inquiry into Life

e. two packages of lined index cards

f. Headphones***

g. Smartphone, tablet, or laptop (if available)


There will be daily quizzes to assess your understanding of the previous concepts. You must score at least 70% on the quiz before moving onto the next unit. If you need to re-write a quiz, you will need to show me what you have done to get ready for the new quiz. These quizzes are strictly an assessment tool for you to gauge your understanding


You must score AT LEAST 70% on your daily quizzes BEFORE you write your test. You may re-write ONE test through out the semester. There will be a time set aside at the end of the semester for test re-writes. Significant preparation needs to be demonstrated first

**Missed Tests, due to an excused absence, will be made the Monday following the missed class**


• Videos: Each unit will have 3-6 videos to watch before you come to class. You will take notes on the video and will come to class ready to develop your understanding of the concepts. The videos range between 8-12 minutes

• If you do not have a chance to watch the videos you can watch them before school or at lunch

• If you finish the work for the day early you can watch the video for the next class before you leave

• The only other homework you may have, besides the videos, will be studying for the tests

• ALMOST all the labs/ assignments/ and projects should be able to be completed in class


There will be a midterm exam for this course which will be 20% of your Term 2 grade.

The final exam is mandatory and will be worth 30% of your year


|Topic |Topic |


| |Genetics |

| |Protein synthesis |

| |Evolution |

|Microbiology |Microscope Use |

| |The Cell |

| |Viruses |

| |Kingdom Monera |

| |Kingdom Protista |

|Animal Biology |Porifera |

| |Cnidaria |

| |Nematoda |

| |Annelida |

| |Mollusca |

| |Echinodermata |

| |Chordata |

|Mycology |Kingdom Fungi |

|Plant Biology |Algae |

| |Ferns |

| |Mosses |

| |Gymnosperms |

| |Angiosperms |


|Term 1 |Term 2 | |

|50% |70% |Tests |

|0% |0% |Quizzes |

|30% |30% |Laboratories / Projects/ Assignments |

|20% |0% |Midterm Exam |

|Year End | |Term marks: 70% Final Exam: 30% |


All of the assignments, videos, and test days will be posted on my website. Check this site regularly to be sure you are prepared for each class



Follow @penhighbiology to get course info and to participate in “Twitter Tuesday”

Cell Phones/ PEDs

To be discussed.

My contact information

Mr. Scott Harkness Room 215


If you have any questions call me at school 250-770-7750

**This is a tentative outline. The timeline and grading % is subject to change**

QR Code Links

Mr. Harkness’ Website:


Day Plan:


Mr. Harkness’ YouTube Channel (sharkness2011):



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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