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AP Chemistry

Mrs. Kalmer: 2014 - 2015


AP Chemistry is a rigorous course geared toward highly motivated students with interests in the physical sciences. Learning will take place through lectures, readings, discussions, group activities, videos, laboratory investigations, and special projects. Good study habits are essential in understanding and learning the information presented in class.


The key concepts and related content that define the AP Chemistry course and exam are organized around underlying principles called the Big Ideas. They encompass core scientific principles, theories, and processes that cut across traditional boundaries and provide a broad way of thinking about the particulate nature of matter underlying the observations students make about the physical world. The following are the six Big Ideas:

1. The chemical elements are the building blocks of matter, which can be understood in terms of the arrangements of atoms.

2. Chemical and physical properties of materials can be explained by the structure and the arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules and the forces between them.

3. Changes in matter involve the rearrangement and/or reorganization of atoms and/or the transfer of electrons.

4. Rates of chemical reactions are determined by details of the molecular collisions.

5. The laws of thermodynamics describe the essential role of energy and explain and predict the direction of changes in matter.

6. Bonds or attractions that can be formed can be broken. These two processes are in constant competition, sensitive to initial conditions and external forces or changes.


Students will demonstrate that they are Effective Communicators who employ reading and writing as basic communication skills.

A. Textbook: Chemistry, Chang 11th edition

B. Scientific calculator will be needed every day. Classroom calculators are available to use during class and are required to be used during all assessments (TI-30Xa).

C. Notebook: A detailed laboratory notebook should be kept so as to present to any college or university chemistry department requesting to see evidence of the student’s work in the lab.

Suggested: Three ring binder divided into the following sections:

a. Agenda & Warm-ups

b. Lectures / Notes

c. Homework / Assignments

d. Labs / Activities:

D. Supplemental Study Guides (optional—purchased by individual students): TBD

Organization is the key to success in this class! Keep EVERYTHING. The final exam for the first semester is cumulative; DO NOT THROW ANY PAPERS AWAY FROM THE FIRST SEMESTER.


• Work with a missing or illegible name will be thrown away.

• Problem solving skills are integrated into every aspect of the course and students will be required to show all work, including formulas, significant figures and dimensional (unit) analysis in their solutions.


AP Chemistry prepares students to be Self-Directed Learners. Students will also demonstrate that they are Critical and Creative Thinkers who use higher order thinking skills to analyze and interpret information and solve problems. A 70% is required to continue to second semester. Students are expected to use outside sources of information (internet sourced, study guides, supplemental texts, reference books, etc.) to master topics covered and to answer questions outside of class.

Final: 15% Tests: 60% Quizzes: 3% Homework: 10% Labs/Activities: 12%

The grade scale is as follows:

A 93.00-100% A- 90.00-92.99%

B 83.00-89.99% B- 80.00-82.99%

C 73.00-79.99% C- 70.00-72.99%

D 63.00-69.99% D- 60.00-62.99%

F Below 59.99%


Students will demonstrate that they are Healthy as well as Culturally Aware Individuals who respect the rights of others as well as individual differences and perspectives. Students will need to work independently as well as collaboratively to succeed.

The student and teacher must:

• Follow ALL safety procedures

• Respect all persons and property

• Come to class on time prepared to learn

• Be dressed appropriately – During labs, students MUST wear closed-toed!

• Improper dress during a lab will result in a ZERO on that lab!

Any indication of copying, plagiarizing, cheating, or not following procedures will result in a zero for that assignment, lab, project, quiz, or test as well as disciplinary actions. Any indication of talking or “wandering eyes,” using an unauthorized electronic device (including cell phones or unauthorized calculators), or otherwise displaying improper behavior during a quiz or exam will result in a zero as well as disciplinary actions. Consequences for inappropriate behavior may include removal from classroom (receiving no credit for the assignment), detention, lab/room clean-up, OR, or referral.


Students will demonstrate that they are Responsible Citizens who behave in ways that demonstrate an understanding of the character values that underlie society:

• Homework, with all work shown, must be ready at the start of class.

• NO late work will be accepted. If a student is tardy, the work is also late.

• It is the students’ responsibility to obtain work missed during an absence, as well as make up any test, quiz, or assignment. The student will be given as many days as they were absent to make up the work.

• The student is responsible for understanding any material taught while he/she was absent.


Students will strive to be Self-Directed Learners who exhibit effective time management skills, who follow directions, and who value personal integrity.

• No make-up work will be accepted for truancies or removal from class due to misbehavior.

• The school attendance and tardy policy will be strictly adhered.


Extra credit may be available from time to time at the teacher’s discretion.


• My conference period is 5th. I can be found in room 204.

• My e-mail address is lkalmer@ - this is the best way to contact me

• Extra help needed by any student is available during lunch on selected days.

AP Chemistry Parent Verification & Information

Dear parents,

Your child is enrolled in my AP Chemistry class. Please read the syllabus and the Academic Integrity Policy explaining my expectations and goals for this course. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

During the year, I encourage you to call regarding your child’s progress in my class. Please call or e-mail me often. Parental involvement is crucial to your child’s success.


Leslie Kalmer

“Ability is what you're capable of doing.

Motivation determines what you do.

Attitude determines how well you do it.”

― Lou Holtz

I have read and understood the information pertaining to Chemistry – including the Syllabus and Academic Integrity Policy. I will follow all guidelines to the best of my ability.

Student Name: __________________________________________ Period: ______

Student Signature: __________________________________________

Name of parent / guardian: __________________________________________

Parent / guardian Signature: __________________________________________

Is there any information I should know about your son or daughter to help their learning process?

Student Safety Contract – Chemistry

Valencia High School

Mrs. Kalmer: Spring 2015

Student name: _____________________________________________ Period:___________________

The student has received specific instruction regarding the use, function, and location of the following:

Aprons, gloves

Chemical-spill clean-up

Eye-protective devices (goggles, face shield, safety shield)

Eyewash fountain, drench spray, and drench shower

Fire extinguisher

Fire blanket

First-aid kit

Heat sources (burners, hot plate, microwave) and techniques in their use

Material safety data sheets (MSDSs)

Waste-disposal containers for glass, chemicals, matches, paper, wood

The student will abide by the “Physical Science Laboratory Regulations” to prevent accidents and injury to herself or himself and others and will:

• Follow all additional instructions given by the teacher.

• Conduct herself or himself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.

➢ List below any pertinent information as well as any special allergies or sensitivities (e.g., to plants, animals, pollen, foods, chemicals, bee stings) that may affect the student’s safety in the laboratory or on field trips:

➢ Check this box if the students wears contact lenses: (

Student’s Statement

I have in my possession and have read the “Physical Science Laboratory Regulations” and agree to abide by them at all times while in the laboratory. I have received specific safety instruction as indicated above.

_______________________________________________________ ______________________

Signature of student Date

Parent’s or Guardian’s Statement

I have read the “Physical Science Laboratory Regulations” and give my consent for the student who has signed the preceding statement to engage in laboratory activities using a variety of science equipment and materials, including those described. I pledge my cooperation in urging that she or he observe the safety regulations prescribed.

_______________________________________________________ ______________________

Signature of parent or guardian Date


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