Honors Chemistry - Wappingers Central School District

Advanced Placement Chemistry

2018 - 2019

Mrs. Kim

Course Description:

Code: S682 Full Year (Grades 11-12) (1 credit) (rank weight 1.10)

Prerequisites: Honors or Regents Chemistry (average of 85% or better).

Successful completion of Algebra 2 & Trigonometry (average of 85% or better).

Approval by District Science Coordinator.

Seniors: Concurrent course in physics recommended.

Course Description:

Textbook: Chemistry, Tenth Edition, Zumdahl / Zumdahl / DeCoste, Cengage Learning, 2018

The Advanced Placement Chemistry Course is designed to be the equivalent of a first year college level general chemistry course. The objectives of this course are to have students attain an in depth understanding of chemical principles and to develop competence in solving various types of chemistry problems. Students will also learn more advanced laboratory techniques while developing inquiry based laboratory skills. After completing the course, students are expected to take the AP Chemistry exam in May which may qualify them for college credit.

Goals of this Course:

1. To learn about chemical principles at a college level; more specifically, to gain an understanding of the six big ideas of the AP Chemistry Framework. For information about the AP Chemistry curriculum see:


2. To develop advanced laboratory techniques, learn the inquiry process through various laboratory investigations and to acquire strategies for developing then testing hypotheses.

3. To apply mathematical and scientific knowledge and skills to solve quantitative, qualitative, spatial, and analytical problems.

4. To improve the ability to think critically for the development and enhancement of problem solving.

5. To make accurate measurements, analyze data, complete calculations, compare results, make inferences and draw conclusions.

6. To research current applications of chemical principles and present these findings to the class in a PowerPoint presentation format.

7. To prepare for the Advanced Placement Exam in Chemistry. (Thursday, May 9, 2019, a.m. session)


All tests, quizzes, homework and labs are assigned a certain number of points. Each student’s grade is calculated by dividing the number of points earned by the number of points possible. The percentage of points for each quarter breaks down to approximately: tests and quizzes - 50%; labs - 25%; homework - 25%. The final average will be an average of all four marking periods.

1. Tests - Major unit exams may be announced in advance. They are usually given at the completion of each major unit.

2. Quizzes - Quizzes may be based on homework, class work and lab work. Quizzes may or may not be announced in advance.

3. Homework - Homework will be assigned regularly and it will be graded. **It will be collected at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Homework that is not turned in on the due date will receive a grade of zero**. The importance of the homework assignments cannot be overemphasized. Students must be able to solve these types of problems in order to do well on the AP exam. Students receive a complete list of all the homework problems that will be required for the year. This list is also posted on my website.

4. Labs - All of the laboratory experiments in this course are hands-on. Students may work individually or in small groups. They will collect, process, manipulate, and graph data from both qualitative and quantitative observations. Inquiry is emphasized in many of the experiments that students complete. As a result, students will learn to design tests, carry out experiments, and analyze data using guided inquiry principles. Each Student is required to have a carbonless duplicate set lab notebook for pre-lab work, recording data, data analysis, calculations, and post lab questions. After completing a lab, students are required to submit a formal lab report for each experiment which will consist of the original lab handout, all duplicate copies from the lab notebook, any necessary graphs or diagrams, plus final analyses and conclusions for grading. Completed lab reports will be maintained in a three ring binder which will comprise the student’s lab portfolio. **Labs not turned in on the due date will receive a grade of zero**.

5. Class work - Class work is not directly graded, but since exams are based on class discussion, lab work, and notes taken in class, the exam grade may reflect the work done in class.


1. Each student should have a separate notebook for chemistry notes and problems solving. A three ring binder or spiral notebook would suffice. It is recommended that each student have a scientific or graphing calculator which should be brought to class each day.

2. Each student will need a carbonless Student Laboratory Notebook for lab work.

3. Students are expected to come to class physically and mentally prepared to work. This includes arriving on time with textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils and a calculator.

4. It is recommended that each student spend some time each day studying chemistry. This may include reviewing notes, solving problems or reading the textbook. Remember, it is easier to keep up than to catch up!

5. Students are responsible for all work missed during absences. This includes labs. Work should be made up within the same number of days returned as was the absence period. Any work not made up may result in a zero for that work.

6. Homework assignments and labs should be turned in on the day they are due.

1. Be sure to ask questions when you don’t understand something - you are probably not alone! I am here to help.

Parent Contact:

Normally parent contact is accomplished through the usual channels, the mid-quarter progress reports and the quarterly report cards. Should you need to contact me, I can be reached at school at 298-5100 ext 31063. Please leave a message, including a number where you may be reached, and I will return your call as soon as possible. You may also contact me by e-mail at catherine.kim@


Student’s Name (please print)

_______________________________ _______________________________ ___________________

Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent/Guardian e-mail address (please print)


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