Stranahan High ( Enter Department ... - Mr. White's Chemistry

|West Broward High School |

|Science Department |

|AP Chemistry - Course Syllabus |

|Teacher: |Mr. White |Website: | |

| | | | |

|Phone: |754-323-2600 |Email: | |

| | | |nicholas.white@ |

|Room: 226 | | | |

|Suggested Materials: |

|Notebook with lots of paper (3 ring binder or spiral with pockets is fine) |

|Spiral notebooks for homework problems |

|Dry erase markers |

|Scientific Calculator, typically around $16, that includes Scientific Notation( EE or EXP) and Log functions |

|Jump drive (can be shared with all classes for just 3-4 projects) |

| |


|Broward County |Approximate Grading Breakdown: |

|Grading Scale: | |

|90 – 100% |A |Classwork |Activities completed during class time. |10% |

|87 – 89% |B+ |Homework |Assignments done outside of class for reinforcement. |10% |

|80 – 86% |B | | | |

|77 – 79% |C+ |Quizzes |A formal Assessment made of 1 – 25 questions |10% |

|70 – 76% |C |Labs |A manipulation of data, experiment, investigation, scientific inquiries done in a controlled |20% |

| | | |setting. | |

|67 – 69% |D+ | | | |

|60 – 66% |D |Tests |A formal Assessment |50% |

|0 – 59% |F |

Total = 100%


• Midterm exam will cover all of the content from 1st semester and the final exam will cover all of the content from the whole year. It may consist of multiple choice, essay, and a lab component.

• All school and county policies will be followed as per the Broward County Student Code of Conduct.

• Material in this syllabus is subject to modification by instructor if deemed necessary.

Course description:

This course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first college year. This is an academic, quantitative chemistry course. Chemistry is the study of atoms and molecules and how they interact according to physical laws. Such study is applicable to your everyday life and this will be demonstrated this repeatedly throughout the year. The College Board will administer the Advanced Placement examinations in May. The student is graded on a 5-point scale: 5-Extremely well-qualified, 4-Well qualified, 3-Qualified, 2-Possibly qualified, 1-No recommendation.

Students in this course should attain a depth of understanding of fundamentals and reasonable competence in dealing with chemical problems. The course contributes to the development of the students' abilities to think clearly and to express their ideas, orally and in writing, with clarity and logic. For more information about the course you may visit the College Board website at :


AP Chemistry is built around six big ideas. The big ideas are:
Big Idea 1: Structure of matter
Big Idea 2: Properties of matter-characteristics, states, and forces of attraction Big Idea 3: Chemical reactions
Big Idea 4: Rates of chemical reactions
Big Idea 5: Thermodynamics
Big Idea 6: Equilibrium
Exam Format:
*Section I – 50% of your score - 90 minutes
60 multiple choice questions, no calculator allowed

*Section II – 50% of your score-90 minutes (Calculator is allowed) -7 questions Long free response-3 ten-point Questions

Short free response -4 four-point questions
Note: The table of equations and constants along with periodic table may be used for the entire AP Chemistry exam (Section I and Section II).

Classroom Expectations Everyday:

1. RESPECT the teacher, your classmates, and yourself.

2. LISTEN to and follow all directions the first time they are given. Be attentive and engaged in the topic of the day.

3. Come to class prepared with supplies and completed assignments. Assignments are due at the beginning of class.

4. BE ON TIME, in your seat, with work out on your desk. This means by the time the bell rings! Tardiness is a disruption to the entire class. Excessive tardiness will result in an administrative referral.

5. Keep all personal belongings, including backpacks and purses, in designated area.

6. Refrain from using profanity, vulgar language, or gestures.

7. The attendance policy for the county will be followed. Each day of an excused absence you, will have two days to complete the makeup work.

Please consider:

o It is important that you are in class everyday. Much of your understanding of science will come from things explained in class.

o Any assignment due on the day of your absence is due the day you return to school.

o Previously scheduled tests/quizzes given on the day of your absence will be taken on the day of your return to school. If you are absent for a review, you are still required to take the test on the scheduled date. Some quizzes may be unannounced. The policy for makeup work for excused and unexcused absences,found in the BCPS Code of Student Conduct Handbook, will be followed.

8. When the teacher is absent, the substitute to be treated with RESPECT. (Refer to rule #1) All classwork is to be completed and returned to the substitute at the end of the class period. Misbehavior will be reported.

9. Students and parents are also responsible for accessing or retrieving the 2013-14 BCPS Code of Student Conduct for clarification. Familiarize yourself with the Student Code of Conduct Book and West Broward’s school rules and policies.


1. Warning

2. Call to parent

3. Detention- after school, in my room

4. Referral

CHEATING POLICIES: Cheating is obtaining information from any sources other than those prescribed (approved) by the teacher for the specific assignment.

1. Having a “cheat sheet”, including having a phone out

2. Copying from someone else’s paper during a test or on a homework assignment

3. Talking during a test

ANY STUDENT GIVING INFORMATION IS TO BE CONSIDERED EQUALLY AS GUILTY OF CHEATING AS THE STUDENT RECEIVING THE INFORMATION. Students caught cheating will have their parents notified of their involvement. A member of the administration will meet with the teacher and the parent if necessary. A grade of ZERO will be given for the assignment and the student will not be allowed to make up the work. The sponsors of groups, in which good character is a stipulation for entry or continued membership, will be notified.

Please remember that in chemistry knowledge builds on each other all year long. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you are getting lost. Ask for help immediately and we can make arrangements to work after school to get you back on track. Get involved in your school by joining clubs and volunteering. You will get so much more out of your high school experience if you do so. I look forward to an exciting new year here at WBHS!!

Please return the last page signed, by both you and your parent or guardian. Thank you.

I/we affirm that I/we have read and understand the Chemistry classroom expectations and policies.

_____________________________ ____________________________

Student Name (Print) Student Signature

_____________________________ _____________________________

Parent/Guardian name (print) Parent/Guardian Name (print)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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