Chemistry / AP Chemistry

Pre-AP Chemistry Ms. Prado Room 504


Dear Parents,

Your child has an exciting year of chemistry coming up in my classroom! Beyond learning about materials and matter in the world around us, we learn and practice skills that help us to be successful in life. Please read the following information with your child so that you are prepared for our classroom expectations. We have the best students at Southwest High School, and I look forward to seeing impressive work from everyone! (

We will have “flipped classroom” assignments in which the student will need to access an online video or simulations. Please make sure that when you are watching these lessons, that you give your full attention to the video. Do NOT multitask when watching the lessons. Do NOT copy other students’ notes/answers for the lesson. It may not seem any different, but your brain will remember the information if you WATCH AND WRITE, rather than just copying it from someone else’s paper. There are six computers in my classroom that can be used before school, after school, and during both lunches on most days. Most videos can also be played on cell phones.

Class Rules

1. Be prepared.

2. Be on time.

3. Be respectful of others.

4. All electronic devices should be hidden unless given specific permission to use them.

5. No food or drink in the class/lab.


• One loose leaf binder – at least 1” binder is recommended,

• 1 spiral notebook (one is provided for you, it is your responsibility to bring it to class every day)

• Paper, pens and pencils

• $5 LAB FEE

• A graphing calculator is also recommended, as we have a small classroom set for use.


• Daily Grades (homework, quizzes, & class participation ) 30%

• Laboratory Investigations 30%

• Tests (includes projects and district assessments) 30%

• Six Weeks Exam 10%


Please Sign the back of this form and return it to Ms. Prado


Late Work – Late work is accepted with -20 points deducted for the first day and -40 points deducted for the second day. We build on each day’s lesson. It is especially important to be caught up since class time is spent practicing information you should have already acquired. Do not put off your assignments to the last minute!

Absences /Makeup Work – Assignments are updated daily at the beginning of class on the Assignment Sheet provided to the students for this purpose. Remember to write in what the class did on the day(s) you were out. Any handouts missed are kept by the front door of the class. Students are to check the posted assignment sheet and obtain their makeup work upon their return from an absence. You can also check the class website at

***It is the student’s responsibility to obtain makeup work and turn it in on time!!***


One to two projects will be assigned every six weeks. Students will have some preparation time in class as we go over what is expected for each project. Projects must be completed outside of class and will NOT BE ACCEPTED past the specified deadline.


Tutoring is available for students after school Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Other tutoring times may become available by appointment only. Lunch tutoring is also available by appointment. We have excellent and helpful science teachers at Southwest High School, any of whom are happy to assist any student. Should I not be available for immediate assistance, don’t be afraid to reach out!

Thank you! I am looking forward to a great year!

Ms. Prado Room 504 jessica.prado@


Please Return this Portion

I have read the introduction letter that concerns grading procedures, materials needed, and class rules. I agree to adhere to these expectations and follow my teacher’s directions for lab activity.

STUDENT NAME___________________________ PARENT NAME____________________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE______________________ PARENT SIGNATURE______________________________

HOME PHONE # ______________________ Parent CELL PHONE # ________________________

Parent EMAIL ___________________________________

PREFERRED METHOD OF CONTACT _____________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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