“Life in the Era ofExpansion”

ce. 1650-1800

SECTION 1 – Marriage and the Family

1- Did the typical preindustrial family consist of an extended or a nuclear family? What evidence can you cite to support your answer?

2- When did the custom of late marriage begin to change? Why?’

3- Did preindustrial men and women practice birth control? What methods existed?

4- How do you explain that prior to 1750 there were few illegitimate children but that there was a growth of illegitimacy thereafter?

Important terms

Extended family

Nuclear family

Illegitimacy explosion

SECTION 2 – Children and Education

1- What was the attitude toward children, and how and why and who changed this attitude?

Important terms


Killing nurses


Jean-Jacque Rousseau

SECTION 3 – Popular Culture and Consumerism

1- How and why did life expectancy improve in the eighteenth century?

2- What were the differences in the diets of the rich and the poor in the eighteenth century? What nutritional deficiencies existed?

3- How important was the potato in the eighteenth century?

Important terms

Blood sports


Just price

Consumer revolution

SECTION 4 - Religious Authority and Beliefs

1- Describe the forms in which popular religious culture remained in Catholic Europe.

2- Define pietism and describe how it is reflected in the work and life of John Wesley.

3- Describe the various forms popular leisure took in the eighteenth century and describe how and why changes were under way.




Joseph II

John Wesley

SECTION 5 –Medical Practice

1- How important were the eighteenth-century advances in medical science in extending the life span?

2- What was the demonic view of disease?

3- It is said that when it came to medical care, the poor were better off than the rich because they could not afford doctors or hospitals. Why might this have been true?

4- Why was there so much controversy over the smallpox inoculation? Was it safe?

5- How was mental illness regarded and treated in the eighteenth century?

Important terms

Lady Mary Montague

Edward Jenner

INDIVIDUALS IN SOCIETY – Rose Bertin, “Minister of Fashion”

1- Why was the relationship between Queen Marie Antoinette and Rose Bertin so troubling to public opinion? Why would relations between a queen and fashion merchant have political implications?

2- Why would someone who sold fashionable clothing and accessories rise to such a prominent position in business and society? What makes fashion so important in the social world?

LIVING IN THE PAST – Improvements in Childbirth

1- How do you account for du Coudray’s remarkable success? What does her story suggest about women’s lives in this period, both in their families and in the economic realm? What kinds of opportunities were available to women?

2- What is painted on the Italian birthing chair where a women’s head would rest during labor? What might this suggest about childbirth in this era?

3- How might the Dutch painting of childbirth shown here differ if painted by a Western artist today?


View Map 18.1, “Literacy in France, ca. 1791” in your textbook. What factor is used to measure “literacy?” What are the regional differences? Why do you suppose such differences existed? Perhaps there is a clue in Map 17.1.









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