Broadneck High School

Name___________________________________________AP European History Summer Assignment—MapsWelcome to AP European History! To get the ball rolling, let’s put together a map. This course begins in the 15th century (no…we don’t start with Greeks and Romans), so let’s start there. In my 20+ years of teaching, one thing that is painfully obvious is that many a high schooler’s geographic knowledge is lacking. On the map provided (back of this paper), please label the following:Renaissance Europe c. 1500Label the following:Countries/RegionsPortugalSpainNorth AfricaFranceEnglandIrelandScotlandHungaryBohemiaPoland-LithuaniaWallachiaCountries/Regions (continued)DenmarkSwedenNorwayTeutonic KnightsMoscovyMongol KhanatesNavarreHoly Roman EmpireOttoman EmpireCitiesLisbonSevilleParisLondonFrankfurtViennaMilanGenoaSicilyVeniceFlorenceNaplesCorsicaCities (continued)SardiniaCreteCyprusMoscowHamburgRomeColognePapal StatesConstantinopleNovgorodBodies of WaterNorth SeaBaltic SeaBlack SeaMediterranean SeaAtlantic OceanDanube RiverRhine RiverAdriatic SeaRhone RiverThis assignment is due the first day of class. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Hussey: bhussey@. ................

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